Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 134 Superiority

When Wang Li was worried and even wanted to see if there was a window to escape, a soldier quickly came into the outside. Wang Li was relieved that the soldier also brought him a plate of water and a towel, which meant that the officer wanted to tidy up his instruments, and he would definitely go later. See who.

Seeing that there was no fear of life in a short period of time, Wang Liyou was also slightly relieved. He washed his hands carefully and wiped his face at the same time. He flattened the already wrinkled military uniform on his body. After a moment, he looked not as embarrassed as before, at least his face was not dirty.

Then, Wang Li You was indeed taken to a relatively wide barracks. There was a man in it. Wang Li knew him: he led the 'Liaoxi Bandit suppression detachment' to attack Kong Guanbei of Zhang Zuolin's headquarters. Wang Li You also met several major officers in the third town when he followed Zhang Zuolin to Jinzhou at the beginning of the year. Although I am not familiar with this Kong Guanbei, I have seen it twice.

Immediately took the initiative to say, "I've seen Kong Tongdai!"

Although Wang Liyou was temporarily deaf, he could still speak, but his voice was a little loud. Kong Guanbei seemed to know that Wang Liyou had become deaf, so he did not say anything, but directly wrote a pen and handed it to him.

So such a strange conversation began. After Kong Jingbei wrote another sentence for Wang Liyou, Wang Liyou's face changed slightly. Then he looked up at Kong Jingbei and gritted his teeth and said, "I'm afraid it's unlikely to persuade Zhang Zuoxiang and Tang Yulin to surrender!"

Kong Guanbei frowned when he heard it. Although he was confident that Zhang Zuolin would be killed, there would always be casualties in the battle between the two armies. Although today's combat effectiveness can be called a complete victory, his men were still killed several times and more than 20 people were injured. Therefore, if Zhang Zuolin or his subordinates can surrender without a fight, Kong Guanbei is naturally happy, but he did not expect Wang Li to immediately say that he was in trouble.

Seeing that Kong Guanbei's face was not good, Wang Li said, "I have a good relationship with Zhang Zuo. You can try to write a letter, but Tang Yulin and I have never been friends, and when discussing yesterday, Tang Yulin also supported fighting resolutely!"

After saying this, Wang Liyou secretly said again: Hum, Tang Yulin, you encouraged me to send troops to be captured. I will let you not even have a chance to surrender. Let's die with Zhang Zuolin!

As for Zhang Zuoxiang, his name is similar to Zhang Zuolin, and he is still a homage brother, but now it is about everyone's lives. Kong Jingbei has said that Zhang Zuolin can only surrender unconditionally, but in order to attract Zhang Zuolin's men, Kong Weibei also said that as long as Zhang Zuolin's officers lead If Italy leads the army to surrender, it will be arranged as appropriate. It is impossible to command the original army, but it will continue to give you an official.

If you don't surrender, then when the army officially attacks, you will have this kind of treatment. At that time, you can only die or surrender unconditionally!

Zhao Dongyun has never had a good impression of bandits. He has come to Jinzhou for many years to suppress bandits. Many of these extermination bandits have also had the idea of surrender, but most of them don't want them. It's only been a year since he received a Lv Shuanggun and a Shiyang.

As for the current Zhang Zuolin, Zhao Dongyun has no intention of soliciting him. If he can kill him, he can kill him. Anyway, Zhao Dongyun is unwilling to prevent him from doing anything in the northeast in the future, but it doesn't matter to other people in Zhang Zuolin's department. He is willing to lead the military leader. If you have the ability to use it, you can use it after a few years. If you don't have the ability, you can casually give an idle position and send it away. As for it is impossible to continue to lead the original troops.

This is not only Zhao Dongyun's way of dealing with things. In fact, most of the officers and soldiers in the late Qing Dynasty treated the rebels and bandits in this way. They did not like to appease them as they did at the end of the Ming Dynasty. Even those who were constantly surrendered and rebelled.

However, for the Beiyang New Army, accepting appeasement means accepting you into the Beiyang system, so it is not easy to appease. In the face of rebels and bandits, it is to suppress and suppress again!

They are also doomsday dynasties, but the late Ming Dynasty and the late Qing Dynasty are two concepts. The former is Zhumen's wine and meat stinky, and the road has frozen to death. It has nothing to do with the so-called nation or even politics. People can't even eat. It's no wonder that the world is not chaotic.

However, at the end of the Qing Dynasty, there were basically no large-scale natural disasters nationwide. Since the annihilation of long hair and bandits, there have been no disasters affecting the north and south of the Yangtze River.

During the Guangxu period, there was no large-scale war, no large-scale natural disasters, and many reforms after the year of Gengzi, especially the economic reforms, which did not increase the national fiscal revenue, and enabled ordinary people to maintain a acceptable standard of living, at least there would be no large-scale famine and the sale of children. .

Well, although this fact is already unsightly in later generations, in today's Russo-Japanese War, in fact, China's middle and low-level people can even find a sense of superiority in the day that has entered the quasi-regents.

Whether it was decades ago or even during World War II, Japan desperately squeezed farmers to build an industry, especially the life of the Japanese middle and lower-class people during the Russo-Japanese War. If the daughters of ordinary families are a little old, they will be bought. In the brothel...

In countless novels and film and television dramas describing the old imperial era, you can see that when young people who go to school or join the army happily return to their hometown to marry their first love, they will find a fact that makes them sad and indignant: that is, the goddess has become *...

Well, most of them will also describe that the protagonist found the brothel where his first love is located or prostitute her or watch others prostitute her...

The Japanese society in the three eras of Meiji, Taisho and Hirohito is a very abnormal society.

However, since we talk about how perverted the old days were, we naturally have to talk about their advantages. Many people may say that the army, samurai spirit or industrial development is better, but that is secondary. The most commendable thing in modern Japan is not that the army is not a factory, but education.

In the modern education system, as long as you are smart, hard enough, and not stupid, no matter what your origin is, most of them can get ahead, and it is very interesting that most of the powerful people in modern times are from poor people. The students of the two imperial colleges are from a bitter background. !

In short, the Japanese society in the old empire era was a typical society where the country was strong and the people were poor. The country was strong enough to resist the Western powers and have the world's third most powerful navy, but the people can't work all year round. Even if they are not sick or disaster, they have to buy their daughters. Go to the brothel.

It doesn't matter if you are such a powerful country!

In this era, although many people are still sitting in the dream of being the first in China, it has been 108,000 miles away from the word "strong country". In addition to winning France, other foreign wars have lost one game after another, not to mention how tragic it is.

However, it is worth noting that while the country was weak at the end of the Qing Dynasty, the people's livelihood was not bitter!

Although the life of ordinary people in the late Qing Dynasty is not a well-off family, they can barely afford it. If you put aside the so-called concepts of the nation and the country, it is just to look at the end of the Qing Dynasty from the perspective of the contemporary ordinary people. It is natural to think how good it is, but it is not bad, at least there is no large-scale war. Without large-scale natural and man-made disasters, we can barely survive, so that there will be no such thing as ten rooms and nine empty rooms and 3,000 miles of hunger.

If you look at the end of the Qing Dynasty from the perspective of ordinary people, you will find that the end of the Qing Dynasty is actually not bad. Anyway, the farts in 2014 will never have more happiness than the bitter people at the end of the Qing Dynasty. Everyone can't get more except that they can live.

Oh, by the way, if you look at it from the perspective of a keyboard politician, in fact, there is another advantage in the late Qing Dynasty, that is, you can hold a newspaper while holding Xiaofengxian and criticizing Guangxu Cixi or something. At least you can get over the addiction of a man who is responsible. If you feel that this is not cool enough and you don't feel that you will not become If you are a revolutionary martyr, you can also run to play revolution with Sun Wen!

But if you look at the late Qing Dynasty from the perspective of social elites, it can't be worse. Look at those treaties that lost power and humiliated the country, look at the silver that have been compensated, and look at the land that have been ceded, which is enough to make any Yanhuang descendants who have been influenced by the country and nation howl. The style of the Han and Tang Dynasties in the past The descendants of Huang have fallen to this point, and countless ancestors are probably eager to jump out of the grave and curse!

The end of the Qing Dynasty after the reform of Gengzi is a very complex era, which is unclear. Generally speaking, it can be considered that this era has been in danger of subjugation in the hearts of scholars; for conspirators who are unwilling to destroy among all sentient beings, this is an era full of opportunities;

But in the hearts of ordinary people, this is an era that can barely live. In addition, after the reform of the New Deal, the small life can also live better than before. Therefore, in the short decade from 1901 to 1911, it can be regarded as peaceful and prosperous, but it can also be regarded as stable. In the face of the five words "dog in troubled times, it is not as dogs. Stability is happiness!

As for the country and nation, what is that? Can I eat it? Can I wear it? Can I live?

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, it was such an era full of ignorance and backwardness, but also full of hope!

So this era still maintains a certain hope in the late Qing Dynasty compared with the end of the Ming Dynasty, which makes people almost desperate and want to overthrow everything.

But the country is the country, the nation is the nation, the government is the government, the political party is the political party, SO, the country and the nation have hope, which does not mean that the Qing court government still has hope!

If there is still a glimmer of hope for China and the Chinese nation after the year of Gengzi, then the Qing court must be hopeless...