Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 135 Rebellion

Although Zhang Zuolin knew that it was difficult to stop the expedition of the Beiyang Army, he thought that the Beiyang New Army that came to the new people was only more than 2,000, and his men had more than 1,300, and most of them were bandits who had been licking blood on the knife for many years. In the face of more than 2,000 people in the face of the new army, he thought that as long as he used troops cautiously, I'm afraid that I can't win a large-scale victory, but I should also be able to fight half a catty, so that Kong Guanbei and Zhao Dongyun can see where their fighting power is, and put forward favorable conditions to comfort him.

But what he didn't expect is that the gap between the two is not only in quantity, but also in quality!

He had heard that the Beiyang New Army could fight, but he still didn't expect that the counterattack launched by more than 400 people under his command was over without even touching the skin of the opposite side.

Not only did most of the casualties, but also Wang Li's leading sentryman was not even surrounded and annihilated because of the opportunity to retreat. At this time, he did not know that Wang Li had surrendered and became a prisoner before the battle.

He didn't know that someone had secretly brought Wang Liyou's letter to find Zhang Zuoxiang and several other bandit leaders!

Zhang Zuoxiang put down the letter in his hand and naturally recognized Wang Li's handwriting. When he put down the letter, he looked up at the young man in a horse coat in front of him: "Well, although there has been a precedent of fighting between the two armies since ancient times, you are not afraid that I will really kill you!"

The young man didn't care about Zhang Zuoxiang's intimidation: "Of course I'm afraid of death, but if Zhang sentry is willing to die with your nearly 300 brothers with me, I will not be wronged!"

Listening to this man's arrogant words, Zhang Zuoxiang's face pulled down in an instant: "Even if your army can fight, won't I turn north if I can't fight! If you want to leave me waiting for hundreds of lives, it's almost the same for your whole third town!"

Listening to Zhang Zuoxiang's words, the young messenger continued to laugh: "In Guangzong, my commander-in-chief, thousands of people, defeated more than 2,000 people and captured nearly 10,000 people in a few months. Since the beginning of the year, the bandits have been fighting many times. The number of bandits who have died under our army is no less than 2,000, and the number of prisoners has reached 3,000. Yesterday's battle, the main force of our army defeated more than 400 people before it came out, killed more than 100 people on the spot, and captured more than 100 people!"

After counting the record of his third town, the young messenger continued to look at Zhang Zuoxiang and said, "Does Zhang think you can survive under the crushing of my army?" As for the escape, 2,000 horses under the command of our Chinese gang are wandering around the periphery. Are you confident that you can escape?

These words made Zhang Zuoxiang's heart tremble. Listening to the achievements of Zhao Dongyun's army, you will find that Zhao Dongyun did not seem to have fought any serious battles, but there are absolutely many people who died under Zhao Dongyun.

Maybe Wang Yingkai, Feng Guozhang and Wang Shizhen came up purely by relying on qualifications and talents, but Zhao Dongyun did not have enough qualifications. He relied on talent and achievements.

The two events of pacing the Guangzong's mutiny and the suppression of bandits in Jinzhou may not be a big deal in the long river of history, but no one can deny that Zhao Dongyun has killed thousands of people before and after his army.

Seeing Zhang Zuoxiang's face several times, the young messenger continued, "However, although it is extremely easy for our army to destroy you, it also needs to consume some ammunition. In order to save ammunition, my family does not mind continuing to protect your official body!"

Zhang Zuoxiang looked even more embarrassed when he heard these words. People said that he was not afraid of defeat or casualties, but just to save ammunition...

And this is really one of the main reasons. This war consumes a lot of ammunition, especially during shelling, which is thrown into it. This is naturally a small third town that can save money. If you don't hit a bandit, you can consume thousands of shells. /P>

Seeing that Zhang Zuoxiang did not seem to be willing to answer directly, the young messenger said again, "And I can tell sentry Zhang that this is the last chance. As long as sentry Zhang is willing to lead the army to vote, then my family can guarantee you at least a deputy military academy. If you miss today, even if Zhang sentry surrenders to the front of the front, it is impossible to have such preferential treatment!"

Zhang Zuoxiang finally said at this time, "If I take someone there, can I continue to lead the army like Lv Guan?"

The messenger secretly despised himself: Do you think your troops can continue to fight with more than half of the casualties? I don't care what kind of goods you are. If it hadn't been for saving tens of thousands of taels of silver for ammunition, I would have accepted your offer there. I would have called you already!

Lv Shuanggun was still reused after his surrender, which is a very special example. Although this man's tactics of leading troops to war are not very powerful, his personality charm is simply the level of a god of war. The ability to boost the morale of the troops is at the level of evil among hundreds of large and small officers in the third town, otherwise he Do people from bandits still want to be the management belt of the cavalry battalion? And it's still in the Jinzhou patrol camp under Zhao Dongyun, which is simply impossible.

So the messenger said simply, "No!"

Rejected and naturally have to give people some hope: "We can arrange for you to serve as a civilian in the town headquarters or the cooperative headquarters. If you want to continue to lead troops, then you can choose to go to our third town camp school. After graduation, you will naturally be sent to the army for practical positions with excellent grades!"

When Zhang Zuoxiang heard this and thought about it carefully for more than a minute, he finally said, "In this case, I will sell this life to Lord Zhao!"

The young messenger immediately laughed: "Welcome Brother Zhang to join my third town!"

Zhang Zuoxiang also laughed and said, "Brother Gong, please help me more in the future!"

"It's a good deal. Brother Zhang will go to the crash course at Suiying School for half a year, and then we will be colleagues!"

Zhang Zuoxiang also smiled. He already thought that if he could get rid of the identity of a bandit and go to the camp school in the third town for further study, he probably wouldn't have to worry about it in the future.

To be honest, this treatment is already what many people want. Although the civilian officers in the third town do not lead the troops, they are also very powerful. For example, the general offices of the town headquarters in the third town are not all civilian officers, but who are Lin Yongquan and Zhao Dongping? Dare to underestimate it.

As for the camp school in the third town, although it is not a formal military academy, it is not famous in the Beiyang system or even in northern China, because the training class in it is the only place in the Beiyang system that can provide senior officers for further training.

Ordinary people can't get in. If ordinary students want to apply for the school, they must first sign up for the army in the third town, and then apply for the school as active soldiers in the third town. And they can only go to the crash class. As for the training class, only active-duty officers can apply for the examination. Generally, it is part-time study, and it does not recruit soldiers and ordinary students!

Zhang Zuocheng was sincere, and he took nearly 300 of his men to rebel directly in front of the battle. The next day, when Kong Jingbei led the troops to launch an offensive, Zhang Zuoxiang led his troops into Zhang Zuolin's headquarters, and then killed Zhang Zuolin and Tang Yulin on the spot, and then led his troops to fight against Zhang from behind. The rest of Zuolin launched an attack, and in less than a day, Zhang Zuolin's other troops were completely dispersed.

With this certificate of appearance, Zhang Zuoxiang entered the temporary headquarters of Kong View North with trembling!

"Brother Zhang, you have made great contributions to this battle!" Kong Jingbei did not put on any stinky airs. This time, Kong Jingbei was able to give Zhang Zuolin and his group to a pot at such a small price without even firing a few shells. Not only did he kill Zhang Zuolin and Tang Yulin on the spot, but also failed to escape any of these thousands of bandits. Except for more than 100 people were killed during the war, others Either surrender or be captured.

In particular, the successful counterattack of Zhang Zuoxiang made Kong Bei feel very good. Although there are not many enemies killed and injured in this battle, which is far worse than the last two bandit suppression battles led by Meng Enyuan, but his casualties are relatively small and the ammunition consumption is less. This is more cost-effective for him to calculate carefully.

Kong Guanbei has even imagined what kind of smiling face his own master will show after his war report to Jinzhou. It is impossible to get promoted and make a fortune in this battle, but he can also write heavily on his military resume. When he has a chance to be promoted in the future, he will have more than others. The advantage.

Zhao Dongyun did as he imagined. After receiving his good news, Zhao Dongyun saw that Kong Guanbei said that only four people were killed and more than 30 people were injured, and one of the four people killed in the battle was still killed while riding a horse, and he actually defeated thousands of Zhang Zuolin's troops. More importantly, Lian The ammunition was not consumed much. The contact bandit detachment led by Kong Guanbei went to the new people's mansion for more than a month. Although there were many small-scale battles, there were only three battles before and after the large-scale battles. One was the interception battle launched by the cavalry at the beginning to intercept Jin Wanfu's bandit jacket. More than 50 riders against 200 riders Immediately close combat, but it can be said that not a single bomb was consumed in this battle. The last two games are a defensive battle, and the other is the last offensive battle. Although the scale has reached hundreds of people, the duration is relatively short, and the exchange of fire is not very fierce, so the ammunition consumption is still relatively small.

And the ordnance was also successfully found. The ordnance was hidden in a barren mountain. If no one leads the way, it can't be found, but Zhang Zuolin's so many people always know that Zhang Zuoxiang personally brought these ordnances back.

In comparison, it can almost be seen that Kong Guanbei took Zhang Zuolin's department with almost no effort. I don't know whether it is his luck or his strength...