Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 136 The Wave of Staying in Germany

But no matter why, it is natural to encourage the victory, so he replied with verbal praise, and then asked him to continue to work hard to eliminate the remaining Jin Wanfu and Wang Xiao's braided horse team as soon as possible.

Although Zhao Dongyun has no good impression on Zhang Zuoxiang, who defected to him, in fact, Zhao Dongyun has no good impression on these bandits. However, since he rebelled and willingly gave up his military power before the battle, he naturally will not send it away, so he personally approved a note. Zi, let him go to the accelerated class of Suiying School.

Although Suiying School is only a private school in the third town, even the people in the third town are not so easy to get in, let alone transfer halfway. Without Zhao Dongyun's son Zhang Zuoxiang, they can't get in at all.

The predecessor of the Third Town Camp School was the newly built machine gun camp camp school, which was later renamed the Third Association Camp School and the Third Mixed Association Camp School. After the establishment of the third town, it was naturally renamed the Third Town Camp School, which is under the name of the town headquarters education department. The students are mainly active soldiers and officers of the third town. .

Among them, there are training courses and accelerated courses. The training courses are aimed at improving the strategic and tactical literacy of the middle and senior officers in the third town. The lectures are mainly Zhao Dongyun and several foreign senior retired officers hired with high salaries. The courses taught are relatively high-level.

In addition, with the rapid expansion of Beiyang's military expansion, although several military schools under the Beiyang system are recruiting more and more students, it is still difficult to meet the needs of new officers in each town in a short period of time, especially when the third and fourth towns were opened at the same time at the end of last year. Beiyang could not provide so many qualified officers for a time. Therefore, after a large number of officers graduating from Baoding were recruited by Duan Qirui, which led to a great shortage of grassroots officers in the process of military expansion in the third town. On the one hand, Zhao Dongyun vigorously recruited talents in China, and on the other hand, he also tried to train grassroots officers. In addition to the training class for active-duty officers, a crash course has been opened to select and train officers from active-duty short-letter soldiers and copywriting love letters.

However, in order to avoid a bad political impact, whether it is a crash course or a training class, there is no external enrollment. The camp school only recruits from the third town, but there are still many young people who want to apply for the exam.

Although ordinary people have a certain resistance to becoming soldiers and think that good men are not soldiers, being soldiers and being officers are two different things. After the year of Gengzi, with the reform of imperial examinations, more and more scholars have joined the army, especially those scholars. Of course, they don't mean being a leader, but It is common to apply for military schools or engage in positions such as copywriting.

However, don't think that these military schools are easy to apply for. Thousands of schools in various provinces, especially Hubei or Zhili, apply every year. In the end, only more than 100 people are admitted. Therefore, many people also want to apply after Zhao Dongyun got a camp school. I heard that they can't apply directly, so many people I took a roundabout road, that is, to be a copywriter and clear book first, and then use the identity of an active soldier in the third town to apply for the examination.

The teaching quality of Zhao Dongyun's accelerated school is naturally not as good as that of a regular military academy such as Beiyang Army Officer School, but it is still barely possible to be a grassroots officer.

Although this accelerated class is not much, the Third Town Suiying School not only has a crash course, but also a training class.

This training class is much more famous than the accelerated class in the Beiyang system. Since the new machine gun camp was built, Zhao Dongyun often came to listen to many friendly officers when it was opened in Baoding, especially Zhao Dongyun often taught in person. According to the memory of later generations and the military theory learned in his career in Germany. Basically, he tells the most cutting-edge and even advanced theory of war in modern times, and many things have not even been heard of in China.

In China, if you want to know what static or elastic defense theory is, you have to come to this training class. If you want to know in detail what is called overall war, you also have to come to this training class. For example, if you want to know the space change in the 'land defense theory' proposed by Zhao Dongyun at the end of last year What does 'time' mean and what does it have? Then you have to come to this training class.

These things are no longer involved in the tactical level, but the strategic level. You can't learn these things at the Beiyang Army Officer School and the Japanese Lushi. As for several other famous schools that can learn these things, such as the Japanese mainland University and the German Berlin Military Academy, ordinary Chinese people can't go there at all. Lu University Not to mention, Japanese people are not allowed to apply for the exam at all. As for several high-level military academies in Germany, they will not accept foreign students according to reason, but Germany is still relatively welcome to accept Chinese students. Through diplomatic channels, Germany can barely accept a small number of international students. Those higher military academies studied.

But the premise is that you have to pass the official through diplomatic channels and you have to pass the exam yourself.

Therefore, many officers in Beiyang are the only ones who can come into contact with these strategic and cutting-edge war theories, so they can only go to Zhao Dongyun's training class to listen to Zhao Dongyun.

Zhao Dongyun's lecture also played a great role in the reason why he was able to attract a young strong faction in Baoding for several years. Many middle and high-level officers in Beiyang have more or less listened to his lectures, so don't be surprised to hear other Beiyang officers suddenly call Zhao Dongyun as a teacher.

After arriving in Jinzhou, this school continued to operate, and there were still many spectators. At the end of last year, Duan Qirui, Wang Yingkai and Wu Changchun pulled down and personally asked Zhao Dongyun for more than a dozen places, and transferred more than a dozen subordinates from each town to Jinzhou to listen for half a year. At the beginning of this year, the other three towns were sent The second group of more than ten spectators were sent to study.

In contemporary China, the only place where you can get in touch with the most cutting-edge military theories in modern times is the training class of the Third Town Suiying School opened by Zhao Dongyun. Although Beiyang Officer School is famous, it is still only a school for training junior officers.

In fact, after Zhao Dongyun returned to China and rose, Beiyang has set off a scholarship to study in Germany. In recent years, although most international students are still the first choice to study in Japan, a small number of people, especially those in the Beiyang system, choose to follow Zhao Dongyun's pace of studying abroad and go to Germany to study, but they can enter Berlin. There are still a handful of military schools, which not only requires official dispatched students, but also requires you to be able to enter. Not to mention those self-funded students, it is basically impossible to be admitted to the military academy.

And derived from officials, in recent years, Beiyang alone has sent hundreds of people to study in Germany, but these are ordinary international students studying in ordinary colleges or ordinary military colleges.

However, due to Zhao Dongyun's successful example, Yuan Shikai is looking forward to several famous German schools, especially the Berlin Military Academy, and even specially sends real elite talents to Germany to apply for the school every year.

In 1902, Yuan Shikai selected four young officers from the Beiyang New Army who graduated from the early childhood class of Tianjin Wubei School to study in Germany. You should know that these four people have studied in the kindergarten class of Tianjin Wubei School for many years and are proficient in German and military theory. The top elites that can be cultivated in the contemporary Beiyang system.

However, none of these four people were admitted to the Berlin Military Academy, which made Yuan Shikai quite disappointed, but he did not give up. He felt that Zhao Dongyun, who graduated from the Berlin Military Academy, had achieved so much success. It would be better if there were more.

So he raided seven elite talents from the whole Zhili to Germany last year. For nothing else, he went to apply for the Berlin Military Academy, and in order to arrange them to take the exam, the diplomatic department of the Qing court took a lot of effort, but only got into a historically famous Yang Deming. This year, I guess You have to send someone to take the exam, but it's not sure if you can really pass the exam.

In order to accumulate more to study in Germany, especially the seeds of studying abroad in those famous German schools, the Beiyang Army Officer School has once again opened a kindergarten in Germany, following the example of the previous Tianjin Military Academy.

However, although most of these elites who went to Germany can't be admitted to the Berlin Military Academy, at least they are derived from officials. Through diplomatic channels, they can go to several other second- and third-rate military academies in Germany. Judging from the overall quality of students and their study, they are better than those sent to Japan by the Beiyang system. The students in Japan are much stronger.

This is also a small change brought by Zhao Dongyun to the contemporary Beiyang. After all, with his example, many people hope to fly back to China like him.

It's just that there are only a few things that can really do. For ordinary literacy, it is even very difficult to obtain official-derivation opportunities, let alone apply for famous schools in various countries with the help of diplomatic channels. They generally go to a country at their own expense and are lucky enough to be admitted to a formal college after a period of language study. If If you are unlucky or have not enough ability, you basically just live in the local area for a period of time and return to China without even learning Japanese or German. Naturally, these people who return halfway have no ability.

In the past two years, a large number of international students have been sent to Germany in the Beiyang system. In addition to the influence of Zhao Dongyun, it is actually related to the participation of international students in Japan and participating in the Revolutionary Party!

Perhaps for those southern provinces, it is nothing to send Japanese students to participate in the Revolutionary Party, but this is a taboo thing in the Beiyang system. Whether in the current Beiyang or the Beiyang more than ten years later, this system has always been very exclusive to those revolutionary parties with excessive opinions.

In this case, Beiyang naturally reduced the number of international students sent to Japan, and instead increased the number of military students sent to Germany. In addition to a few elites who specialize in applying for colleges and universities such as the Berlin Military Academy every year, there are also a large number of general Hundreds of international students have been sent in the past two years, some of whom will enter some primary military colleges and ordinary universities in Germany.

The changes brought by Zhao Dongyun to Beiyang are not only the wave of staying in Germany, but also the most important thing is to let many middle and high-level generals of Beiyang know a large number of contemporary frontier military theories, so that the strategic theory of the Beiyang system will not stay in the Franco-Prussian War.

After criticizing Zhang Zuo for entering the Suiying School, Zhao Dongyun began to think about the deployment of the new people's government!

Before, the deployment of the new people's government naturally belonged to Zhang Zuolin, but now Zhang Zuolin has been destroyed, and the Chinese side can't be without the new people's government infantry. After all, Fengtian is on the edge, and we have to prevent the Russians or Japan from crossing the Liaohe River to enter Liaoxi.

It's just a question of how many troops are stationed and what troops to send!