Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 160 Fengtian Lecture

From ancient times to now, infantry has been the cheapest of all arms, which is more obvious after entering modern times. After about three months of training, a well-like farmer gives him a rifle, and then a qualified infantryman is produced.

If time is urgent and even the training time can be further compressed, there are many examples in history of soldiers who have only been trained for a month to go to the battlefield.

In the process of expanding his army, Zhao Dongyun has the largest number of infantry, but the expansion of infantry is the simplest. Other engineers and heavy soldiers are all technical arms. It is very difficult to train, and in addition to technical arms, artillerymen also need countless money. Not to mention a battalion of 18 cannons and the inventory shells prepared for these 18 cannons, it will cost hundreds of thousands of taels of silver.

Although cavalry does not spend as much money as artillery, it is much more expensive than infantry, and cavalry is too demanding on the quality of the region and source of troops. Fortunately, Zhao Dongyun is in the north. If it is in the south, even if he has money, he can't set up cavalry troops.

And infantry is much simpler. As long as you have money, other problems are not big!

"The Second Mixed Association needs to build three new battalions, and then the third town also needs to add a battalion, so that we will train four infantry battalions in a short time. This is a test for your recruitment work, and you can't relax!" Zhao Dongyun said this to Lin Yongquan.

As Lin Yongquan, who is responsible for the whole Fengtian local army and the recruitment and training of new recruits in the third town, he naturally knows that Zhao Dongyun should be satisfied at this time.

"I have sent a telegram to several recruitment sites in Zhili and Shandong, asking them to select a group of qualified soldiers to fill the vacancy in the third town as soon as possible. In addition, we have also set up recruitment points in Fengtian. We have set up relevant recruitment agencies not only in Liaoxi but also in Liaodong, and recruit 3,000 people at that time. It should not be a problem to supplement the vacancy of the Second Mixed Association!"

"In addition, this time I will ask Lao Meng to train another cavalry battalion. At that time, you should also do a good job and prepare qualified cavalry officers!" Zhao Dongyun explained so.

However, Lin Yongquan frowned slightly. The infantry and artillery engineering soldiers were easy to solve, but the cavalry's soldiers were not so easy to solve. After a moment of meditation, he said, "I will order to send people to recruit troops near Mongolia to see if they can recruit local herdsmen!"

Speaking of this, Lin Yongquan thought for a moment and then said, "Your Excellency, there are many green forest people who want to join our army recently, many of whom are good horsemen. Do you think you can choose some people from it?"

"Bandits?" Zhao Dongyun frowned slightly after hearing this. There were many bandits under him. The two cavalry battalions and an infantry battalion in Fengtian's mixed association were adapted from the original bandits. Although Lv Shuanggun's cavalry battalion has been vigorously rectified many times in recent years, it still has a lot of gangsters, which made Zhao Dongyun I have always been a little dissatisfied.

However, many things can't only consider his own preferences. Although he has no good impression on bandits, there are bandits to work. From the perspective of eliminating Fengtian bandits and ensuring the people, if it is really useful, he can reluctantly accept it.

So after thinking about the meeting, he said: "As for accepting local bandits, you should be as cautious as possible. If you are of good quality and really want to eat military food, you can also accept them in. Those ruffians and lazy people don't want them. Remember to accept them in, but you must not be independent. After being taken in, all of them will enter the new barracks first, and then disperse their positions!"

Zhao Dongyun has always been willing to accept large-scale bandits. Although he has also accepted Lv Shuangqiang, Shiyang, Zhang Zuoxiang, Feng Delin and others in recent years, these are all limited by special conditions. As for other large and small bandits, Zhao Dongyun is basically ignored.

If those ordinary bandits are willing to give up their career as soldiers to eat food, if they are in good health and have good equestrian skills, they will reluctantly accept it. If those bandit leaders try to rely on the 100 bandits in their hands and want to get some opportunities, they are wrong.

For so many years, no one has really relied on this opportunity to rise to the top!

Lv Shuanggun was beaten and surrendered. In the end, Zhao Dongyun mentioned it for the sake of his good ability, while Shi Yang defected to him in the early stage. He took the initiative to rely on it, and his ability was also good, so he has been using it all the time. In fact, Feng Delin did not turn to Zhao Dongyun. He was touched by Zengqi before. After Zhao Dongyun took office as General Shengjing, he naturally became Zhao Dongyun's subordinate, whether he wanted to or not!

And Zhang Zuolin's subordinates are more straightforward. They are sincere in front of Zhang Zuolin's head, and even if they play, they have to give them a half-official position.

So for so many years, no one has been able to get Zhao Dongyun's recruitment and reach a high position with the strength of bandits in his hand.

Not touching does not mean that Zhao Dongyun will let the bandits in Fengtian run rampant. He can't control Liaodong for the time being, but he is not polite in Liaoxi.

After a blow in early 1904, the bandits in western Liaoning were almost swept away. However, after more than a year, the number of bandits in western Liaoning gradually increased. In the face of this situation, Zhao Dongyun was on the one hand, in the maintenance of public security in western Liaoning, protection of commercial roads and other factors, and on the other hand, he also surrendered by the way of military training. The idea of getting money from bandits, so a large-scale 'suppression of bandits' was launched in June

From Shanhaiguan in the west, Xinmin and Liaozhong in the east, Yingkou in the southeast, Zhangwu and other places in the north, Zhao Dongyun, with Jinzhou as the core, has successively sent bandit suppression troops in multiple directions to clean up any unofficial armed training, and even some local self-defense armed forces are required to disarm.

In a word, what Zhao Dongyun wants is that except for Zhao Dongyun in Liaoxi, others don't want to have another shot. Bandits can't do it, and the landlord's self-defense forces can't do it either.

The bandit suppression operation is mainly based on the cavalry in the third town, Fengtian's first mixed association and Fengtian's second mixed association, supplemented by some infantry troops. Under the suppression of the regular army, there is basically no possibility of resistance from bandits or other chaotic armed forces. Most of them have been established under the attack of the army. The dust.

With the suppression of bandit operations of the army, the Fengtian Patrol General Administration also sent patrol police to various places one after another. According to the local defense plan jointly drawn up by the Patrol General Directorate and Fengtian Supervision and Training Office, patrol police were sent to the prefectures in accordance with the standards of the first team of the county and the government battalion, and the original various chaotic county teams, theft camps, etc. It was integrated into the patrol.

In just two months, and even Fengtian's Second Mixed Association has not been officially formed, Fengtian's local patrol police have begun to take shape and take over the local garrison as the main force to maintain local security and guard against bandits.

And this patrolman is not limited to western Liaoning, but also penetrates into Liaodong and even the Liaodong Peninsula, which is still under the control of Japan and Russia. Of course, these patrolmen are under the banner of the police.

At this time, although Liaodong, Jilin, Heilongjiang and other places were under foreign control, they were only under military control and did not take over local civil affairs. That is to say, Zhao Dongyun can still manage Liaodong, Liaodong Peninsula and other places in civil affairs, and can also set up police and other places. Legal institutions.

Even if Zhao Dongyun is bolder, he can send regular troops to Liaodong, but this is likely to cause defense and hostility between the Japanese and Russian armies, which will lead to diplomatic disputes. Therefore, Zhao Dongyun has never sent regular troops to cross the Liaohe River, and even Yingkou and Fengtian have not entered.

The main third town has always been stationed in Jinzhou, while the vast area from Jinzhou to Liaohe has been stationed in the Fengtian First Mixed Association and the Second Mixed Association respectively.

Although the regular troops have not crossed the Liaohe River, the patrol police in the name of the police are also an auxiliary military force. A large number of patrolmen in Liaodong can also serve Zhao Dongyun's military presence in Liaodong to a certain extent. Naturally, it is not qualified to fight against Japan and Russia and other powers, but they can barely maintain the local area. The administrative agency can't have the same sense of existence as last year and the first half of this year.

In this way, if anyone dares to say that Zhao Dongyun is afraid that Japan and Russia will not send troops to Liaodong, Zhao Dongyun can also use the patrol as a shield to block one or two.

Training the new army, suppressing bandits and establishing a patrol police headquarters are one of the contents of Zhao Dongyun's series of military reforms, and there is another reform that is extremely important in the military reform.

That is, Zhao Dongyun officially established the 'Fengtian Lecture Martial Arts Hall' in June, which is based on the Third Town Suiying School and offers two classes of general and further training. In addition to continuing to recruit outstanding soldiers in active service, its ordinary class also openly recruits students from all walks of life for the first time, but the requirements are quite high. In addition to the necessary physical requirements, students are also required to have a middle school or scholar or above.

Compared with the Beiyang Officer School, the scale and quality of education are much inferior, but the training class of Fengtian Lecture Martial Arts Hall is as excellent as ever.

Even in Beiyang, when people talk about the Third Town Suiying School or Fengtian Lecture Hall, it is generally defaulted to the training class, but the ordinary class is directly ignored.

As in the past, this training class does not recruit outside the public, but recruits the army. In addition to the third town under the jurisdiction of Zhao Dongyun and the Fengtian Mixed Association, the enrollment scope also includes the remaining five towns of Beiyang and the Beijing Flag Standing Army. Those who can be admitted are all excellent young officers.

The primary reason for this phenomenon is that there is a lack of military schools to train senior officers in China today. Although the training class created by Zhao Dongyun is small, the course is modeled after the Berlin Military Academy in Germany and the Japanese University. The content of the teaching is a veritable advanced course. The core goal is not to train middle and lower-level officers, but to focus on training senior officers.

Many international students who have graduated from Japan and Lushi hope to enter this training class, which shows how attractive this training course is to those young officers.

If this ordinary class in the martial arts hall and Beiyang Officer School are very attractive to ordinary students, then this training class is very attractive to young officers in active service.

When Zhao Dongyun started this training class, he did not expect that it would develop to this level, but even if it developed, Zhao Dongyun could use this platform to tell more young officers his ideas and consolidate his position as a young leader in the hearts of young people.

In addition to the military academy of Fengtian Lecture Martial Arts Hall, Zhao Dongyun also set up Jinzhou Middle School and Fengtian University Hall. The preparation of these three schools is the focus of Zhao Dongyun's education reform!