Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 161 203 Heights

Chapter 161 203 Heights

In the reform of the new policy in the late Qing Dynasty, in addition to the military, industry and commerce that people pay more attention to, education reform was also a focus of the new policy in the late Qing Dynasty. Since 1901, provinces have successively established schools at various levels in accordance with the New Deal, especially after the official abolition of imperial examinations, especially provinces, especially provinces with relatively sufficient finances, such as Jiangsu Various schools came out almost overnight like bamboo shoots.

Because Fengtian had been under the control of Russia in the past few years, the Russo-Japanese War broke out in 1904. At that time, General Shengjing, there was nothing he could do even if he wanted to run a new policy. In the past two years, he had always wanted to engage in Fengtian's standing army but failed. After the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War, the situation was even more difficult. At that time The increase can only be sustained by relief and relief for the victims.

So when all provinces are engaged in various new policy reforms, Fengtian has been standing still, especially in education.

Before 1905, the situation of Fengtian education was relatively bad. The primary schools in various prefectures and counties were fine, and there were some of them, but there was no new school above the middle school. Originally, there was also a Fengtian University Hall, which was later changed to a provincial school, which could barely be regarded as a middle school and high school, but Japan After the outbreak of the Russian War, the school building was occupied by the Russian army, and the school was naturally forced to suspend classes.

So when Zhao Dongyun took over Fengtian, Fengtian did not even have a middle school or university hall except a few primary schools.

After Zhao Dongyun took office as General Shengjing, although the Russo-Japanese War is still continuing, Zhao Dongyun's control over Fengtian cannot be compared. Needless to say, this is the territory that Zhao Dongyun has operated for many years. The Japanese and Russian armies are unwilling to cross the Liaohe River to cause diplomatic disputes.

As for the Liaodong region, although Zhao Dongyun could not carry out military control, relying on the patrol system and political reform, he regained the civil affairs power in Liaodong, resulting in Andong, Yingkou, Dalian and other places being under the control of the Japanese army, and Fengtian, Tieling and other places were under the control of the Russian army, but Zhao Dongyun can still control the local administrative department to handle civil affairs and collect taxes.

Strong control is also the basis for Zhao Dongyun's implementation of the new policy reform in Fengtian to avoid some of the new policy measures being contradicted by the local people. For example, when Zhao Dongyun set up the General Administration of Finance, he also announced the increase of a number of taxes, such as tobacco and alcohol taxes, and increased the proportion of some commercial taxes, all of which to a certain extent. The opposition of local merchants, but those merchants only came against it in private, but they did not have the courage to oppose it publicly.

Compared with the resistance of other new policies, the local gentry in Fengtian are very supportive of education, and even many well-value people will take the initiative to donate money to run schools.

Under such a scene, Zhao Dongyun first organized Jinzhou Middle School to recruit excellent graduates from a primary school. At the same time, he accepted the teachers and students of the original Fengtian Provincial School to reopen Fengtian Provincial School, but did not continue to use the name of the provincial school, but changed back to the original name 'Fengtian University Hall'.

Naturally, it is not enough to have university halls, and there must be sufficient primary schools to provide students. Therefore, Zhao Dongyun, on the one hand, opened primary schools in Huludao, Jinzhou, Liaozhong, Panshan, Zhangwu and other controlled areas, and also sent personnel to Fengtian, Yingkou, Anton, Dalian and other places under the control of Japan and Russia. Primary school.

Because there are too many primary schools that need to be opened, but there is a lack of enough teachers, Zhao Dongyun, at the suggestion of Xu Hongbao of the General Administration of Education in Fengtian, organized the Jinzhou Normal School, which is a crash school, which enrolls students from middle school students or talents and then trains them. Three months is to be sent to each primary school as a teacher.

And it is also preparing to organize Fengtian Higher Normal School. This normal school is relatively formal. The semester has reached three years, which can be regarded as an institution of higher learning.

The above schools are organized under official names and require a lot of funds. However, Zhao Dongyun, not to mention that he has no money, it is impossible to invest hundreds of thousands of yuan in this education reform. Therefore, many of the above schools are officially run, but in fact, Zhao Dongyun did not spend much money.

So what do these schools do?

The largest number of these schools are primary schools. The initial opening funds of these primary schools mainly come from donations from local gentry, and a small part of them come from local prefectures and counties, while the subsequent maintenance funds mainly come from students' tuition fees.

If you see this tuition fee, you can know that Zhao Dongyun is not engaged in a compulsory education system, but a paid education system. Students need to support a lot of money.

Zhao Dongyun originally wanted to run more middle school, but this middle school is not much easier to build than college, and now Fengtian does not have too many qualified primary school students, so the middle school is not urgent and has run one for the time being.

The cost of this school alone is not small. In order to maintain the normal operation of this kind of middle school, the annual cost can be very high. If all the tuition fees paid by students are allowed to bear the maintenance funds, it will cause a great burden on the student family. And these students who can be admitted to middle school are the seeds of Zhao Dongyun's future talents, so Zhao Dongyun intends to run a semi-free Jinzhou Middle School, and students do not need to pay too high tuition fees to enter. As for the maintenance funds required by the school, in addition to the tuition fees paid by students, the remaining vacancy was partially drawn by the local government of Jinzhou Prefecture, and part of the Shengjing General Mansion was solved.

Therefore, Fengtian University Hall, which requires more funds and teachers, can only be said to be antuible now. Although Fengtian University Hall has hung its signboard, there are only more than 30 students, not even a few qualified teachers.

However, due to its strong professionalism and a shortage of accelerated normal students, most of the start-up funds are official.

Although the above schools have undertaken large funds by local gentry and local governments and counties, the remaining part still feels great financial pressure on Zhao Dongyun.

After Zhao Dongyun, who didn't have much money on hand, started these official schools, he began to focus on private education.

He asked the General Administration of Education to continuously * several measures to encourage private schools. For example, if private schools are run, the government can provide an open space to build school buildings free of charge, and the funders will also receive awards from the General's Mansion.

I have to say that the upper class of society, who has experienced thousands of years of traditional Confucian education, are still very enthusiastic about running education. Whether it is the traditional gentry who cultivates and study the heirs, or those large businesses with industrial and commercial backgrounds, are very active in running schools.

Under the general environment of Fengtian's New Deal and the persuasion of the General Administration of Education, many gentry and big merchants united. Those famous gentry contributed, and merchants who were not short of money paid to build various private schools, among which the gentry planned to build primary schools in their hometown. The most.

Several big merchants and many famous gentry in Fengtian have jointly set up a Fengtian Xincheng Middle School. Although the size of this school is purely privately sponsored and expensive, it can't stand the famous gentry and merchants who host the school. There are more teachers hired with high salaries than the official Jinzhou Middle School. ......

Due to the relatively large size of the school buildings and teachers, the number of enrollment is even larger than that of the officially run Jinzhou Middle School, Jinzhou Middle School is expected to enroll only 150 people this year, while this Fengtian Xincheng Middle School intends to enroll more than 200 people from the three northeast provinces.

In addition, under the lead of several large enterprises in Huludao Industrial Zone, they have jointly invested in the construction of Huludao Industrial School, which is divided into business and engineering. Among them, business is mainly for major enterprises to train modern financial accountants, and engineering is mainly to train technicians. This is a typical technical school with students. If it is a commissioned student of each enterprise, there are also some students admitted independently, which is similar to the affiliated school of Fuyuan Machinery Factory in nature.

Even to some extent, under the encouragement of Zhao Dongyun, Fengtian's private education has developed much faster than that of official education. Interestingly, since Zhao Dongyun encouraged private education, government-run schools have received much fewer donations. The reason is also brief. This part of the donation has flowed. I went to the private school.

Although the whole process is bumpy, the education reform has finally come to an end. When a large number of new talents emerge over the years, we can see the results of the education reform.

When Zhao Dongyun carried out financial reform, military reform and education reform in Fengtian, the narrator's Japan and Russia were not idle.

Since the Pacific Second Fleet and Third Fleet of the Russian Navy broke through the blockade of the Japanese Combined Fleet in May and then merged with the remnants of the First Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy, the Russian Navy has integrated these three squadrons into the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy.

Rozhtestvinsky, the former commander of the Second Pacific Fleet, served as the commander-in-chief and reorganized into three battleship detachments, two cruiser detachments and two destroyer detachments.

Due to the large number of the fleet and the lack of sufficient maintenance facilities in Lushun Port, and more importantly, when the Russian Navy broke through the Japanese blockade and hid into Lushun Port, the Japanese navy exerted unprecedented pressure on the Japanese Army, forcing the Japanese Third Army to take care of casualties and again to Lushun. The strong attack led to the change of the strategic location of Lushun Fortress in Highland 203 many times, and people who know a little about the Russo-Japanese War know what Hill 203 means to Lushun.

Once Highland 203 is completely lost, the Japanese army will be able to completely blockade Lushun Port by command long-range heavy artillery here, instead of shelling the port sporadically as before. Although it has caused some trouble to Russia, it is far more than causing heavy losses to the Russian navy.

However, the repeated change of hands at Highland 203, considering that after more than a year of hard fighting, Lushun's troops have actually suffered more than half of the casualties, and the inventory of ammunition is even scarce. Even from the end to the end, it is the current Russian * commander of the main war faction, that is, the highest garrison in the Lushun Fortress. Commander General Constantin Smirno also had to admit that the Russian army in the Lushun Fortress has reached the last moment. If Fengtian does not open the south passage, the Lushun Fortress will be lost due to the shortage of food.

Lushun Fortress is worse than Rozhestvinsky imagined, so he did not dare to let his huge fleet continue to stay in Lushun. After nearly a month of supply rest, Rozhestvinsky led the reorganized Russian naval Pacific Fleet to break through from Lushun.

Although it was still possible to completely conquer the Lushun Fortress, it succeeded in forcing the Russian navy to leave the port through repeated competition for Hill 203. Nomu Hidian asked himself what he had done his best.

You should know that after the Battle of the Yellow Sea, Heihachiro of the joint fleet in the joint meeting of the two armies of Japan and Hongan, but he was incompetent and could not conquer Lushun after a year, which led to the Japanese navy. Nogi's face turned red but did not dare to object a word. Even Dashanyan, who was beside him, closed his mouth and let Dongxiang Pingbalang curse.

Nogi naturally knew that his failure to conquer Lushun as soon as possible caused great trouble to the Japanese navy. The battle off the coast of Lushun in May caused considerable losses to the Japanese navy, resulting in changes in the strength of the Japanese and Russian navies.

This time, the main force of the Russian navy is exhausted, and the second war between the Japanese and Russian navies is not far away.