Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 166 Enterprise Bout

"At present, 38 enterprises have settled in our industrial zone, and it is expected to break through to 50 within the year, including 15 with an investment scale of more than 50,000 taels of silver. Due to the tax-free policy, our industrial zone is temporarily unable to obtain the rated commercial tax from the above enterprises, but by selling factory land in the industrial zone Quite a lot, minus the preliminary land acquisition cost, is expected to get 300,000 taels of silver in the year.

In addition, some shops in the industrial zone have already opened, and the rental income and part of the tax income are expected to reach 100,000 taels this year. Although the port is not complete, it has begun to trade. It is expected that the port operation fee will be about 30,000 taels this year, and then the customs duty is expected to be 100,000 taels.

Huludao Industrial Zone is now in the development period, and the revenue is extremely limited. More importantly, the Huludao Industrial Zone is still in a period of large-scale investment, not to mention feeding back the provincial finance, and it also needs to continue to invest part of the provincial finance.

"Today, large-scale construction is being carried out in the industrial zone, and the construction of branch railways and factory areas is very expensive. In addition, the first phase of construction debts have to pay interest at the end of the year, so the expected income in our industrial zone is probably far less than the expenditure, and we need more support from the province at that time!"

Zhao E's voice sank slightly. There was nothing he could do. Other departments were making money. Even a patrol police headquarters could receive tens of thousands of 'curtain donations' from various places, but he, Huludao Industrial Zone, poured money into it...

Sure enough, as soon as Zhao E's voice fell, Zhao Dongping next to him said, "In fact, when I first opened this industrial zone, I said that tax exemption is not feasible. If it is not tax-free, how can I collect 30,000 to 500,000 yuan of commercial tax this year!"

However, after Zhao Dongping's voice fell, Zhao E snorted coldly: "If it is not tax-free, my Huludao Industrial Zone can collect at least more than 500,000 commercial taxes this year, but if it is no longer tax-free as a means, how can merchants from all over the world come enthusiastically?"

Everyone knows that tax exemption will have heavy tax losses in recent years, but we can't do this. If those businessmen are not fools who collect taxes at the beginning and work well in Yingkou or Tianjin and Fengtian, how can they go to your Huludao Industrial Zone to run a factory? Isn't it tax-free... Three Free every year, 30% in five years, and half in ten years, such preferential tax policies are ** naked profits for those enterprises.

Zhao E added: "However, now the industrial zone will be beginning to take shape by next year. At that time, it can drive the development around the industrial zone, and the taxation and income of third parties will reach a higher level!"

Zhao Dongyun nodded and said, "The progress of the work in the industrial zone is obvious to all. It can attract dozens of enterprises to settle in a few months. It can be seen that you have all worked hard, especially Mr. Xiong has gone to various places to attract investment. He has worked hard in the past few months."

After listening to Zhao E and Xiong Xiling, their faces calmed down, especially when Xiong Xiling listened to Zhao Dongyun's words, their feelings were even more complicated.

Xiong Xiling was famous for running foreign affairs in his early years, but he was implicated during the 100-day period of the New Year, so he was not proud of it in the following years. Later, he received an invitation letter from Zhao Dongyun, saying that he would go to Fengtian to run an industrial zone to develop domestic industry and commerce and industrial power. After thinking about it for a long time, he agreed to come. Later, after he came to Jinzhou and listened to the regulations of the industrial zone mentioned by Zhao Dongyun in detail, although he could not keep up with Zhao Dongyun's advanced ideas, he began to take office in the Huludao Industrial Zone.

However, when he saw that the industrial zone had only been opened for a few days, more than a dozen enterprises announced their entry, and the total investment amount reached more than 2 million taels of silver. He saw the future of this industrial zone and the hope of a powerful industrial country.

So in the following months, according to the regulations given by Zhao Dongyun, he went to Fengtian, Yingkou, Jingshi, Tianjin and even Shanghai to hold investment conferences.

For these investment meetings, merchants from all over the world will attend more or less for the face of General Zhao Dongyun, General Shengjing, but whether they can be persuaded to invest in Huludao, or even if they just go to investigate, they need Xiling to do work.

Xiong Xiling has been to many big cities and goes to see those big businessmen almost every day. In the past few months, he has personally brought more than a dozen enterprises.

Among them is the Liaojin Winery, which is led by him and jointly invested and built by several large merchants in Shanghai. The brewing industry has always been one of Fengtian's main agricultural processing industries, and there are countless wineries in various places. However, most of these wineries are traditional workshop-style wineries, which are not only very scattered but also small in scale.

This Liaojin winery is not a traditional workshop, but a modern brewing enterprise with an expected investment of more than 100,000 taels of silver. It is expected that the main market will be mainly in Northeast China and exported to Russia.

This enterprise is also the first to start the modern brewing industry in Fengtian.

He has been running around for several months and I don't know how many white eyes and ridiculs he has suffered. Now listening to Zhao Dongyun's sentence 'Luckily', he is well-informed and determined, but he still can't hide his excitement.

He is not grateful for Zhao Dongyun, but excited about what he has done!

Like most foreign servants in China who aspire to be a powerful industrial country, nothing is more exciting than seeing countless factories built in their own hands. If this achievement can still be recognized by superiors, it will be better.

Huludao Industrial Zone is a place where it cannot be expected to generate much tax in a short period of time, but since its inception, Zhao Dongyun has never thought about how much tax revenue it will be collected by relying on this industrial zone in a short period of time. What he needs is a leader to drive the local economic development!

is illusory. As long as the Huludao Industrial Zone is developed, it can drive the development of Liaoxi and even the whole Fengtian through convenient railway transportation, and after revitalizing the local economy, the government can collect taxes from other aspects.

For example, the land in the current Huludao industrial zone and the surrounding land have now been forcibly expropriated by the government. Once the industrial zone develops, it will drive the development of the surrounding urban areas. As long as 100,000 workers can form a large-scale industrial city, let alone collect taxes, just It is a huge income to sell the official land controlled by Huludao Industrial Zone one after another.

Of course, driving the development of the local economy through the development of industrial zones can only be a better future. Now the industrial zone is still a loseter!

Since we talk about the Huludao Industrial Zone, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, which is very related to industry, naturally has to say something!

However, Lin Yongquan, the general office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, has always been a matterless person. Everyone also knows that he only goes to the town of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. It is Deng Jiazhen and others who do practical things, so Lin Yongquan did not pretend to repay, but let Deng Jiazhen say, "At present, the affairs of our State Administration for Industry and Commerce are mainly focused on the end. In terms of the relevant provisions and laws of industry and commerce, strive to * some policies to support the development of industry and commerce!

Including the Huludao Industrial Zone, various industries in Fengtian Province are now in a period of blowout development. At present, industrial development is mainly concentrated in the agricultural product processing industry and textile industry, in addition to a small number of machinery industries and mineral enterprises.

In the past six months, the textile industry and oil extraction in our province have developed rapidly. This year, one of the new super-large textile factories is Huludao Textile Company. In addition, there are 18 small and medium-sized textile factories with an investment of more than 10,000 yuan, mainly concentrated in Huludao Industrial Zone, a small number concentrated in Andong, Fengtian and Yingkou, Andong Yisheng Silk is the main, and Hulu Island is mainly spinning and weaving.

Three large oil extraction plants have invested more than 100,000 taels in the oil press industry, including two in Huludao Industrial Zone and one in Yingkou. In addition, there are nine new oil mills with an investment of more than 10,000 yuan, mainly distributed in Huludao and Yingkou.

Deng Jiazhen paused for a moment and said: "At present, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce has formulated a follow-up development direction and plans to continue to support the oil and textile industries as the core. At the same time, it has also sent personnel to Europe and the United States to promote soybean oil produced in our province. It has received its first order in London last month. In the future, the oil press industry will have I hope to open up the European market.

"At the same time, although the textile industry, especially cotton textile industry, is an emerging industry in our province, its profit momentum is very strong and deserves further support!"

Deng Jiazhen talked about more about industry and commerce. In addition to these industries, he also introduced Fengtian's financial industry and put forward a plan to take the lead in rectifying Fengtian's financial market, so that those small-scale banks can gather to set up large-scale silver accounts, so as to promote the development of the banking industry. A large number of loans urgently needed by various industries during the development of the industry!

After the State Administration for Industry and Commerce said, the State Administration of Mining and Technology also briefly introduced it. However, although Fengtian is rich in mineral resources, there are not many development at present, at least a small number of mineral enterprises, and most of the recently newly added mineral enterprises are mainly coal mines, because after Fengtian's New Deal's large number of factories are set up, they also need a large number of industrial uses. Coal.

As for the steel industry, it is also relatively slow. At present, there are only a few steel enterprises. However, the investment required in the steel industry is too large for ordinary businessmen to play at all. They not only need money, but also a large number of technical talents and firm policy support. To be honest, in contemporary China, except for some official enterprises, ordinary National capital can't play with large steel mills at all, and the steel industry, like other heavy industries, is characterized by large investment, long construction cycle and slow capital return. Most ordinary national capitalists like to invest in industries with fast-money such as textile and agricultural product processing, and generally lack interest in heavy industry.

So Zhao Dongyun does not expect to rely on simple national capital to do this. On the one hand, he is preparing to officially produce some official shares, and then find Fuyuan Machinery Factory. If possible, he will pull Xuexi to play last week.

The official shareholding is to ensure that future steel mills will not fall into the hands of foreign countries, especially Japanese, causing Fuyuan Machinery Factory to obtain its technology and funds. Today, Fuyuan Machinery Factory itself has set up an affiliated steel mill. Although it is still in the preparation period and can only produce a small amount of trial production, its scale is already quite large. In order to be considerable, it can not only meet the needs of ordinary steel of Fuyuan Machinery Factory itself, but also provide a large amount of ordinary steel to the people. The larger is the railway tracks, and it has begun to build the Huludao branch railway, the railway rail section from the new government to Shengjing inside and outside the customs, and the Beijing-Zhangjiakou railway sponsored by Yuan Shikai.