Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 167 Fengtian in 1906

Since May 1905, that is, after Zhao Dongyun took office as General Shengjing and carried out the new policy reform, Fengtian has emerged a new look that has never been seen before. In just half a year, Fengtian has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Because Liaodong is still in the war zone, there are relatively few reforms, and most of them focus on people's livelihood reform and education. Industry and commerce have not developed much, but they have changed greatly in Liaoxi.

As the actual control area of Zhao Dongyun, Zhao Dongyun can be said to be carrying out various reforms by strong means. What are the so-called powerful means?

For example, Zhao Dongyun impeached and dismissed several people every few days in order to get rid of the old stubborn people. In October 1905, Zhao Dongyun impeached and dismissed more than 30 old officials who opposed financial reform at one time. In 1906, officials above the county level in Fengtian Province were almost rotated as a whole.

And as a soldier, he was more decisive in some riots. For example, at the beginning of the patrol police restructuring, due to the abolition of most of the old-style army, which caused large-scale riots. In the face of these noisy crowds, Zhao Dongyun did not hesitate at all and suppressed them almost once, from May to July. In this month, 13 riots were suppressed, and few people were arrested, but more than 300 people were executed on the spot.

For people like Zhao Dongyun, all kinds of so-called political opposition, protests and so on will only get his bullets...

Most of those who died regard him as those foreign military cadres. When he was a pioneer of reform, they forgot that Zhao Dongyun not only played reform and did business, but also was a soldier stained with blood. His duty was to kill people.

Through these powerful means, Zhao Dongyun's financial reform and military reform in Fengtian were quite smooth. By the beginning of 1906, Fengtian had completed the preliminary tax reform and concentrated the financial power on the provincial finance. At the same time, Fengtian could no longer see those old-style troops. The team has been stationed in various prefectures and counties to maintain public security has been replaced by all kinds of patrol police, while the regular army stationed in various important places in western Liaoning is dominated by the two major mixed associations in Fengtian, and the third town continues to be stationed in Jinzhou.

It can be said that Zhao Dongyun's military reform in Fengtian is much more thorough than other provinces, and the reason why it can be done so thoroughly is that in addition to Zhao Dongyun's powerful means, it is also related to the fact that Fengtian's old army is not strong. At the age of Gengzi, Fengtian's old army has already existed in name only, and in the following years, The remaining elites were concentrated in the Fengtian patrol camp. Later, this Fengtian patrol camp was reformed by Zhao Dongyun to become the second mixed association of Fengtian. It can be said that when Zhao Dongyun reformed Fengtian's military, Fengtian's old army had died in name only, so after recruiting a group of patrol police and killing a group of stubborn people, the rest was completely abolished. .

As for other provinces, it is not so easy. Even Yuan Shikai's direct subordinates have not been able to completely eliminate all the old troops.

It can be said that among the many Fengtian New Deal reforms hosted by Zhao Dongyun, financial and military reforms are the most successful and thorough, but most ordinary people can't see them. After all, ordinary people will not care about the government's financial and tax system, nor will they care about Zhao Dongyun's two Fengtian mixed associations that are already moving forward. Expansion of the town.

People are generally concerned about the development of actual people's livelihood, and the development of actual people's livelihood is mostly reflected in agriculture, industry and commerce!

Speaking of the actual development of people's livelihood, the locals of Huludao may be the most touched. In the first half of the year, Huludao was just a small place, and the port area was even more desolate. However, since the establishment of Huludao Industrial Zone, countless people have poured in from all directions, and countless machines have also returned from there. Moved from the unfinished small port, Huludao Railway Station used to be just a small station, but now it is full of people coming and going every day, becoming the largest station in western Liaoning, with more passengers than in Jinzhou.

Most of the people who poured in from other places have entered the newly opened factories in Huludao, especially those large factories in the textile industry. Almost no factory needs hundreds or even thousands of workers.

When there are more and more enterprises and more workers, unconsciously, the locals of Huludao find that Huludao has become a small city with a population of tens of thousands, and the population is still growing rapidly, and it is estimated that it will not take long for more than 100,000 people.

And many people see business opportunities from it. Because this Huludao is a typical immigrant industrial city, most of its residents are employees of various enterprises. Their clothing, food, housing and transportation are a huge consumer market. When a breakfast shop owner selling bread and steamed buns has become a monthly income of hundreds of taels of silver in just three months. Later, more people with a keen sense of smell began to no longer stubbornly want to work in those enterprises, but opened various small stores, most of which were various food and drink. In addition, there were various groceries, cloth, garment stores and so on.

Relying on the consumer market of these enterprise workers, Huludao Industrial Zone has quickly formed a scattered but large-scale tertiary industry. Although the Huludao Industrial Zone Taxation Bureau cannot receive those huge business taxes from enterprises, it can also collect some taxes from the tertiary industry, and finally got rid of it. Industrial zones have always relied on the embarrassing state of selling land and renting factories to obtain income.

Tax exemption, trade ports, and especially the new administrative one-stop service system make all the capitalists who come to Huludao extremely happy.

Now is not the time of the war. There will be a war to open a commercial port, and now there are more commercial ports in China, so Huludao, as a newly opened commercial port, is actually not special. What really attracts merchants is the tax-free policy, and what leaves them behind is the excellent business in Huludao Industrial Zone. Government service system.

You should know that these merchants who come to invest have spent a lot of effort to attract from various places, so Zhao Dongyun repeatedly stressed that the authorities in the industrial zone must have a service spirit, and the administrative authorities are for enterprises, not to make things difficult for enterprises. After his death, Zhao Dongyun personally launched the so-called one-stop investment service. Business.

This one-stop investment service is because there are all kinds of messy rules and even legal provisions in modern China. In order to avoid any trouble encountered by enterprises applying for enterprises, all procedures have industrial zone authorities*. In addition to legal procedures, you can also help contact and purchase machinery and equipment, and help recruit workers, etc.

In short, as long as investors come with bank checks, the authorities in the industrial zone will take care of the rest. From going through the formalities to contacting the foreign bank to purchase equipment, hiring foreign technicians to recruiting ordinary workers, even if your product is Dong North Korea's superior export products, such as soybean oil and oil cakes, can also help you expand the Japanese and European markets.

A few months after the opening of Huludao Industrial Zone, Zhao E has become a good deal with several well-known foreign banks in China. Several famous foreign banks, such as Yihe Yangxing, have hurried to open branches in Huludao Industrial Zone to attract business nearby.

And this so-called one-stop service also has disadvantages, that is, the chief officials of Huludao Industrial Zone are as tired as dogs every day. It is said that Zhao E sleeps in the office building in the industrial zone almost every day, and has not returned home for more than two months!

Relying on Huludao Industrial Zone, it has also driven the economic development of Liaodong, especially Liaoxi. At present, Huludao Industrial Zone is mainly dominated by textile and agricultural product processing industry, especially the oil pressing industry and brewing for local agricultural products.

Northeast China has always been a grain-producing area. Although food is rich, the huge industrial demand has further stimulated the supply and demand of local agricultural products, and the rising prices of soybeans and wheat have stimulated people to expand their farming scale to harvest more agricultural products.

In addition, there are many workers in Huludao Industrial Zone, and it is a pure consumer industrial city. Its huge living market consumption has also driven the surrounding product market.

Once this commercial activity is driven and goods and capital flow, the government can collect a large amount of taxes from it.

"As of January this year, our financial revenue last year is as follows!" Zhao Dongping's tone at the financial meeting was much lighter.

In the second half of this year, Zhao Dongyun began to gradually expand the two mixed associations into two towns. Although it was not expanded at one time, but gradually, it still put huge pressure on Fengtian's finances, not to mention at least 3 million taels of silver needed to buy ordnance for these two towns. The maintenance cost of four or five million taels of silver a year alone weighs on Zhao Dongping like a heavy burden, making him almost breathless.

Others regard him as Zhao Dongyun's financial steward, and at the end of last year, he was recommended by Zhao Dongyun as a supplementary governor with three grades. Although his grade is still slightly lower, he is also a middle and senior official in China. In addition, he is a veritable financial leader, and his high future at a young age can be described as red. Many people think that it will not take 20 years, and the Zhao family in Xuzhou may have two feudal ministers.

But outsiders only see his scenery, but they can't see the hard work and risks behind him!

Others only know that he is in charge of Fengtian's finances, but few others pay attention to him that he not only controls the income, but also has to solve the expenditure!

Like all ambitious heroes, Zhao Dongyun's ambition is almost endless, and it is not only to implement a new policy, but also to expand the army!

Expanding the two mixed associations into two towns at the same time, the cost of which is almost tens of millions of levels! This is almost a difficult task for Fengtian, whose fiscal revenue was only two million taels from 1904 to 1905. However, Zhao Dongyun doesn't care how Zhao Dongping solves financial problems. He only needs money!

Zhao Dongping knows his cousin's temper very well. The task for you is to trust you. If you can't do it, Zhao Dongyun will not hesitate to change another person who can be done. The reason why Zhao Dongping has always been reused by Zhao Dongyun is also because he has always been right before. I have dealt well with the financial problems of the third town.

However, if there is no achievements in today's Fengtian financial difficulties, Zhao Dongping knows that he is not far from being abandoned!