Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 168 14 million

In order to solve Fengtian's financial expenditure in 1906, Zhao Dongping has racked his brains in the past six months. While carrying out tax reform, he also vigorously developed Fengtian's official silver account and made silver dollars and copper dollars to make profits.

For example, he saw the surging development of Huludao Industrial Zone, but could not collect business tax from major local enterprises. Zhao Dongyun was very jealous. Later, he quietly wiped the edge ball to collect the so-called ' patrol fees' from enterprises in Huludao Industrial Zone. However, before it was promulgated, it was Huludao. The collective opposition of high-ranking officials such as industrial zones claimed that this move would violate the tax exemption policy formulated last year, scare major businesses and hinder the further development of industrial zones.

Later, he went to Zhao Dongyun's side. After Zhao Dongyun set the tone of "adhering to the tax exemption policy for ten years", Zhao Dongping was forced to give up his intention to levy commercial taxes on major enterprises, and then set his sights on other tertiary industries that depend on industrial zones, that is, finance, trade and life service industries. Wait, Zhao Dongping, who is not soft at all about these tertiary industries, imposed heavy taxes, and in just over half a year, he actually paid more than 2 million in various taxes from the Huludao Industrial Zone and the old areas surrounding areas.

In addition, Zhao Dongping has adopted a universal tax increase policy in other industries and places, and the merchants in Yingkou are even worse. Those merchants who used to pay only a little tax to do business cry: this year's tax is several times higher than in previous years!

So in today's Fengtian industrial and commercial industry, if Zhao E and Xiong Xiling are the objects of compliment, admiration and support by businessmen, then Zhao Dongping is undoubtedly the object they can't wait to swallow.

Zhao Dongping doesn't care what ordinary businessmen think of him. As an official in charge of taxation, he is not a good tax official who is loved by the people under his rule. Being hated by businessmen is a sign of career success!

If it hadn't been hated by so many people, how could Zhao Dongping solve Fengtian's financial dilemma?

"Last year, our farmland tax was 1.5 million taels, including Huludao Industrial Zone. The business tax of shops and enterprises in various places was 6.7 million taels, of which the commercial tax in Huludao Industrial Zone accounted for half, reaching a huge amount of 210,000." When Zhao Dongping said this, he smiled at the corners of his mouth. In order to collect the 41.6 million taels of silver, he was pointed to the backbone and scolded by countless businessmen!

However, Zhao Dongyun, who was above, was slightly dissatisfied with this figure after hearing this. The farmland tax was okay. Although 1.5 million yuan was slightly lower, considering that the Liaodong area was still conservative and destroyed by the war, it was acceptable to be lower than in previous years, but the business tax was too low.

During the tax reform last year, Zhao Dongyun instructed the State Administration of Finance to merge all kinds of messy commercial taxes into business taxes. In short, it is to collect taxes and fees based on the turnover of enterprises, and abolish all kinds of messy rules. Originally, Zhao Dongyun was expected to get more than 5 million taels of silver from this business tax, but he didn't expect it to be slightly lower, only more than 4 million.

However, he did not intervene, but continued to listen to Zhao Dongping: "I collect 680,000 taels of Lijin from various places!"

Lijin has always been one of the main financial sources of local governors. However, in Zhao Dongyun's tax reform, a large number of Lijin checkpoints in the province were abolished. At the same time, new Lijin checkpoints were set up on transportation arteries entering and leaving the province, and Lijin was collected for goods entering and leaving the province. Therefore, this Gold can be regarded as a local tariff, and it also has the meaning of local protection trade, and there are tariffs similar to gold.

However, the tariff at the end of the Qing Dynasty is a little special. Because China's customs is a self-proclaimed system and hires foreigners to manage, and the customs duty silver is responsible for compensating Gengzi's compensation, the implementation is relatively strict. At the same time, the Qing court itself does not have much ability to intervene. For example, Zhao Dongyun at Yingkou Customs can't intervene, and the local customs collects it. After taxing, after paying a certain proportion of the tax to pay Gengzi's compensation, the surplus part is directly handed over by the customs to the court's household department, so even the local governor, even a strong man like Yuan Shikai, has to use various excuses to intervene in the customs, but he can't directly take away the customs and silver.

When Zhao Dongyun first asked for the opening of the Huludao Industrial Zone, he said that the Huludao Industrial Zone is an unusual commercial port and is specially designed for industrial use. It costs a lot to prepare for the construction in the early stage. In order to pay for the construction costs, Huludao customs duty can be intercepted as appropriate for construction funds.

Considering that the construction cost of Huludao Industrial Zone is as huge as two million, and Zhao Dongyun did not ask the court for a penny, it allowed Huludao Industrial Zone to retain the remaining customs tax for five years and return it to the court after five years.

That is to say, within these five years, the customs surplus tax of Huludao can be intercepted locally and used for the construction cost of Huludao. In order to better collect taxes, Zhao Dongping even took the power to prepare for customs back to Huludao Industrial Zone for reasons such as 'integrated operation of port and customs.

What does Zhao Dongping's hand represent? It means that in addition to paying Gengzi's compensation, the rest of the customs duty on Huludao can be left by himself. Moreover, in order to prevent the tariff corruption, he also collects taxes by himself. Of course, the tax rate still has to be formulated in accordance with the treaties signed by China and the major powers. The proportion is 100 tax five.

"Last year, our Huludao Customs intercepted a total of 1.5 million taels of surplus, and 500,000 taels of tax and silver in the east!" Zhao Dongping continued: "Although it is not as good as the tariffs of several major provinces in the south, this number is already very considerable for me, Fengtian, who has just started the new policy!"

During the New Deal at the end of the Qing Dynasty, the customs tariffs at the end of the Qing Dynasty increased at an alarming rate. Several large provinces in the south, such as Jiangsu, have reached tens of millions. In contrast, Fengtian's more than 1 million is relatively inferior. However, this is the result of Fengtian's new policy reform in less than a year, which also witnessed Fengtian's progress. Export trade has developed rapidly.

Then Zhao Dongping said: "The tobacco and alcohol tax is 600,000; the tea tax is 150,000 yuan; the patrol police donates 200,000 taels; the ship tax in Yingkou, Liaohe and other places is about 300,000 taels; the forestry and animal husbandry tax is about 100,000 taels; and various miscellaneous donations are 200,000 yuan."

"Since last year, our State Administration of Finance has collected a total of 10 million taels of silver!" Zhao Dongping looked proud after saying this number. Looking at the people who can directly double their taxes in a short period of time, I guess there is no one but himself!

After saying these things, Zhao Dongyun, as the head of the State Administration of Finance, the income of other departments finally needed to be handed over to him, so he continued: "Last year, the General Administration of Agriculture and Forestry paid 9,000 taels of land; Huludao Industrial Zone was handed over for sale. Land payment, factory rent, port operation profit, railway operation profit total 1 million taels; Tianjin official bank number handover profit 500,000 taels; mint bureau hand over profit 800 million taels; Fengtian Supervision and Training Office hand over 300,000 taels to suppress bandits!"

The above is the value-added income created by Zhao Dongyun's subordinate departments belonging to the General Shengjing Mansion, with a total of about 6 million taels. However, in addition to the net profit of the General Administration of Agriculture and Forestry, the income of other departments is only an account, and then returned to various departments, such as Tianjin officials. The profits of the silver number cannot be taken away, because Tianjin official silver number needs these profits to continue to expand the scale, add subcolons in various places and expand the loan business. The Mint can take part of it, but half of it is also retained to purchase equipment to expand mint production.

The proceeds from the suppression of bandits of Fengtian Supervision and Training Office are actually the trophies of Zhao Dongyun's army's army during the suppression of bandits last year, and these so-called surrendered incomes have not even seen silver scum. As soon as they are captured, they are used by the military personnel to purchase weapons and equipment and serve as military expenses.

The income of Huludao Industrial Zone cannot be taken away, because it not only needs to repay the staggering amount of construction debts, but also has to use this money to continue the construction of infrastructure. The investment needed in Huludao Industrial Zone is almost a bottomless hole, and the construction of ports and railway branches alone is needed. It takes at least three million taels of silver, and the infrastructure of such a large urban area as an industrial zone is also an astronomical figure.

You should know that the Huludao industrial zone created by Zhao Dongyun is different from the industrial zone known by later generations. The industrial zone authorities not only have to undertake the infrastructure construction such as land, railways and ports, but also need to build a large number of factories and even ordinary commercial streets, residential buildings.

Because many small and medium-sized enterprises are unable to purchase expensive land and pay for expensive construction costs, they can only rent factories from industrial zone authorities, and it is even more unlikely for ordinary merchants to invest in the construction of commercial streets and residential areas.

So this Huludao Industrial Zone is not only a local administrative agency, but also a super real estate developer of Huludao Industrial Zone, with the ownership of the entire industrial zone and all the surrounding land...

You should know that the authorities have paid millions of taels of silver in order to expropriate these land industrial zones. If they don't rely on real estate, Zhao E will jump off the building!

Whether it is infrastructure or real estate development, in this era without 'pre-sale', the industrial zone authorities need to invest countless funds in the early stage.

Therefore, Mr. Lin said that although the value-added income of his departments seems to be quite large, in fact, Zhao Dongyun can only get it and incorporate it into the provincial fiscal revenue and expenditure system of about 3 million taels.

Well, in addition, there is also a salt government independent outside the financial system. Last year, the General Administration of Salt Administration collected a total of 1.3 million taels of salt tax. This part of the salt tax also needs to be handed over to the treasury of the Ministry of Household in a formal way. However, Zhao Dongyun followed Zengqi's example and said that Fengtian lacked money, so he retained it.

Positive taxes, miscellaneous donations, land funds, operating profits and salt taxes are all added up, and the total fiscal revenue of Fengtian Province from 1905 to 1906 was about 14 million taels.

Anyone who looks at this data will be surprised, but if you look at the financial expenditure of Fengtian Province, you will be even more surprised!

Other than that, in order to maintain the two Fengtian standing military towns, part of the defense expenses of the third town and the patrol police costs alone, it takes more than 5 million taels a year, and when expanding the two towns, it also needs to purchase a large amount of equipment. Although this is a one-time investment, this one-time investment requires more than 3 million taels!

That is to say, Zhao Dongyun has to take out 8 million taels of silver for military spending alone!

Then the second place is administrative expenses. In order to maintain the normal operation of many administrative institutions in Fengtian, 3.5 million taels of silver are needed for administrative funds alone.

The third place is education funds, opening many official schools, subsidizing official international students, etc. Zhao Dongyun needs to pay about one million taels for this.

In addition, more needs are needed to relieve war refugees and restore local people's livelihood. Last year, Fengtian invested more than 2 million taels of silver in this project, and this is still a drop in the bucket. Once the end of the Russo-Japanese War, the scope of relief and restoration of people's livelihood will be expanded to the whole Liaodong and Liaodong Peninsula, if it is all free of charge. It is estimated that tens of millions of relief is not enough. Even if ordinary people do face projects, millions of taels of silver will be thrown down.

Unless Zhao Dongyun is willing to see the people of Fengtian displaced and have no food!

So although the income has doubled, it has spent more in the past six months, especially in the next year!

After listening to Zhao Dongping's series of reports, Zhao Dongyun estimated how much money could be used to expand the army this year, and then looked at the people present and said, "Last year's work was relatively successful!"

These people present are all core officials of the financial system, Zhao Dongping, Xiang Rui, Zhou Ziqi, Zhao E, Deng Jiazhen and others, so Zhao Dongyun was not too polite and immediately said, "Although the income is less than I expected, I see your efforts, but although they have been effective, It's our financial pressure. Let's not talk about last year's events, but there are many places to spend money this year. I will mention the expansion of the two towns again and again. The governor's office has already prepared the regulations. Now it can't be delayed any longer, and I will officially expand the association into a town at the beginning of the year.

There are also a lot of fees for education offices. Mr. Xu Hongbao has come to me many times, saying that there is a shortage of teachers in primary schools in various prefectures and counties, and asked me to run several more normal schools for him. Moreover, he also said that now primary schools in various places have begun to take shape, but the corresponding middle school is still only one government-run and one private. This year, the General Administration of Education is There are three more middle schools, and Fengtian University has also begun to recruit students on a large scale, which requires a lot of funds!

In addition, all government officials also have a family to support, so this official's salary is also indispensable. Many of the above expenses are expensive, and how to solve them requires the joint efforts of the princes!"

After saying that, Zhao Dongyun looked around again and said, "I hope to hear good news from you in January next year!"

After this long financial report, Zhao Dongping was surprised and happy. Zhao Dongyun announced that he would give year-end bonuses to senior military and political dignitaries at all levels, ranging from thousands to tens of thousands. For example, Xiling, who worked hard, received 12,000 taels. Combined with his monthly salary and various business trip subsidies, his income this year has reached more than 25,000 taels. If only the legal regular income is calculated, his income has exceeded that of Zhao Dongyun himself...

Zhao Dongyun holds more than a dozen positions, but only the salary is controlled by the third town, which is about 10,000 yuan a year, and then General Shengjing also has about 10,000, which adds up to about 22,000. Moreover, Zhao Dongyun can't give himself a year-end bonus, so his income is not as much as Xiong Xiling!

The biggest effect of this year-end bonus is naturally to attract talents to serve him. After all, Zhao Dongyun is not playing a revolution now, and his prestige is far less than that of Yuan Shikai and others. So how to retain talents and attract external talents? In addition to giving them a future, they have to have ideals, and of course, more importantly, make them earn a lot of money.

Comparing with these military and political dignitaries who follow Zhao Dongyun, they are also high-ranking officials, and most of them also have a large family to eat and live. To be honest, it is not enough to rely on the little salary rated by the court alone.

After Zhao Dongyun reformed the political system, after the tax system and taxes were directly collected by the General Administration of Finance to the provincial finance, all kinds of bad rules in the past were almost swept away. In this case, local officials and officials of various institutions naturally could not get clean silver. You should know that these days, the income of any county magistrates to raise cheap banks is low. Thousands or tens of thousands, most of officials rely on clean silver to support their families.

At this time, Zhao Dongyun, on the one hand, promotes the subsidy system, that is, giving various subsidies to officials, and the total amount issued is slightly less than the previous clean bank. In addition, the year-end bonus system is implemented. According to the official's achievements in that year, the number of year-end bonuses are issued. If the political achievements are acceptable, the total amount of various subsidies and year-end bonuses will exceed the previous low-term bank. If it is poor, it is naturally not as good as the previous low-cost bank income.

To be honest, the legal income of local officials these days is actually very high. There is a saying that they are thousands of miles away to be officials only for money. They have come to Fengtian to do things for you. You can't let everyone drink the northwest wind. Ideally, you can't eat!

What pleased Zhao Dongping, Zhou Ziqi and others is that this year's income is high, and what worries them is that Zhao Dongyun explained that at the financial meeting on Sunday, he hopes that all aspects of work can reach another level, hoping that the tax can break through the 20 million mark!