Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 209 Tianjin Talks 2

In the attention of everyone, Zhao Dongyun, who got off the train, wore a Beiyang-style dark blue first-class winter dress with a gold-plated jade-inlaid command knife at his waist, but the military rank mark on his shoulders, cuffs and neckline was not the previous golden dragon spitting pearls, but a yellow bottom recently changed by Fengjun. Venus-style military rank marking.

After Zhao Dongyun got out of the car, Zhou Xuexi came to greet Zhou Xuexi on behalf of Wang Yingkai, Duan Qirui and others. Zhou Xuexi in a Western-style tuxedo dress came over with a smile: "Commander Zhao, you are here. My legs are weak!"

"Ha ha!" In this public and many reporters present, Zhao Dongyun showed a standard politician-like smile, and then took the initiative to meet him and stretch out his hand: "Brother Zhou, you're welcome. Why did you come out in person? How can I do this?"

Looking at the greeting of the two, the gentry and reporters who came to pick up the bus also muttered in their hearts. Looking at this, it seems that the peace talks are about to be completed!

After meeting Zhou Xuexi, Zhao Dongyun met Qin Longbiao, Zhao Chenliang and other people in Tianjin. It is estimated that they have not slept much in the past two days for their Tianjin party.

Due to the urgency of time, the negotiation schedule between Zhao Dongyun and Wang Yingkai is very quickly, but under the tight time, the relevant arrangements cannot be missing. Among other things, where did Zhao Dongyun live? How to arrange the hundreds of civil and military officials and guard soldiers he accompanied are all things that need to worry about. In addition, Zhao Dongyun came with so many private guards. Although they are all dressed as police, everyone knows that these are Fengtian's soldiers. How to not cause diplomatic disputes is also a troublesome thing. .

Fortunately, the British Concession authorities in Tianjin are relatively clear. They did not deliberately embarrass the Beiyang generals, but closed their eyes and let them all come with a large number of security personnel.

Many of the above matters prepared for this negotiation need to be operated by Qin Longbiao and others, and Fuyuan Company has also given a lot of economic support. For example, in order to arrange Zhao Dongyun and his entourage to stay, Fuyuan Company directly chartered Lishunde Hotel.

Now that Zhao Dongyun is here, he naturally needs to say hello to these staff!

After meeting his own staff in a hurry, Zhao Dongyun, under the leadership of Li San, walked to a small high platform on the railway station square!

Looking at the many people below who come to welcome themselves, these people are mainly young people, and most of them are dressed as young students.

Zhao Dongyun raised his head, looked around the people under the stage, and then said loudly, "Before I came to Tianjin, someone asked me, why did you go to Tianjin?

And today, I can tell you that I came to Tianjin for nothing else, just for the Republic of China!

More than ten years ago, Yuan Gong led us to train soldiers at a small station. After Xinchou, we made every effort to implement the new policy, abolish the imperial examination, establish a new school, run a new army, and promote industry and commerce. What is all this for? In order to let 40,000 Chinese people live a life of food and clothes, but the Qing Dynasty murdered Yuan Gong by shameless means for their autocratic rule!"

Zhao Dongyun's voice lowered when he said this: "At that time, someone told me that Yuan Gong had gone, so why are you talking about republicanness?" But tens of millions of Yuan Gong and one Yuan Gong fell down among my Chinese people, and ten and hundreds of thousands of Yuan guilds stood up and then created the republic of our Chinese Republic!

No one, no matter who he is, can stop us from realizing the republican, and anyone who stands in front of us will be ruthlessly seen by history!"

"Now there are a small group of ethnic scum in the south. They forget the yellow blood on their bodies, forget the ancestral positions in the ancestral hall, betray the country for their own glory and wealth, and betray the nation. After we finally broke free from the alien emperor system, they waved their tails and betrayed their souls. Push this country and nation into the abyss again!

Now that tens of thousands of Chinese people in the southern provinces are being oppressed by alien emperors. They are eager for someone to bring them freedom and dignity. Can we ignore the suffering of our compatriots?

I can't!"

When he first came to Tianjin, Zhao Dongyun brought a drink to the domestic public opinion and even the domestic bosses!

In the face of public political speeches, this kind of thing is relatively normal in Western countries, but in China, especially in contemporary China, it is still the first time. Even Sun Wen's revolutionary parties have not evolved to this extent. As for Wang Yingkai, Duan Qirui and others, although they are modern soldiers, they are actually Like Zhang Zhidong, they are traditional bureaucrats. Usually, they are superior. They will contact the people and consider public opinion.

However, Zhao Dongyun is not them. Zhao Dongyun, who has been suffering from lack of prestige, cares more about the publicity of public opinion. After all, he can't rely on time to accumulate prestige like Zhang Zhidong and others. If he wants to raise his prestige in time, not to mention compared with Li Hongzhang and Yuan Shikai in those years, but It must be at least comparable to Wang Yingkai and others. Otherwise, they would have led the army to kill the capital. It is estimated that the people of the capital will still ask: Who is Zhao Dongyun?

Nowadays, the rise of telegrams and newspapers can completely spread some important information quickly at home and abroad. Therefore, since the incident, Zhao Dongyun has sent a few telegrams when he has nothing to do. For nothing else, it is to let more people know their names and let them know the inside of Beiyang, except for Yuan Shikai, who has died. And he is Zhao Dongyun.

Today's speech is also the product of a similar plan, just like those who want to be famous in later generations to catch someone who casually catch a well-known person and scold him. Now Zhao Dongyun directly aimed the spearhead at Zhang Zhidong and brushed his reputation by swearing *.

Moreover, Zhao Dongyun's scolding is not how bad or wrong Zhang Zhidong is, but directly labels national scum and traitors, and then involves the ** words of republican and alien imperial system, which is inevitable to arouse public opinion.

Zhao Dongyun just delivered a speech in the morning, and several newspapers in Shanghai made an extra speech with Zhao Dongyun's speech in the evening!

Wang Yingkai in Tianjin looked at the full text of Zhao Dongyun's speech in the newspaper and showed an obvious smile on his face. Zhao Dongyun scolded people without any mercy, and his words were white and straightforward. It is estimated that illiterate people can know that Zhang Zhidong is a national scum.

Zhao Dongyun's speech naturally caters to the interest class in the north, no matter Wang Yingkai or Duan Qirui. They all welcome Zhao Dongyun to raise the flag against Zhang Zhidong, and the industrial class in the north and even the landlord class in the north also rebelled against the provinces in the south. What a good impression, why, because they are all members of Beiyang.

The Beiyang system does not only refer to more than 100,000 troops in the seven towns of Beiyang. This interest system can actually be said to be the interest system of the north, including the landlord class and the industrial and commercial class in the northern provinces. Strictly speaking, they are all supporters of Beiyang.

And in history, the Southern Revolutionary Party, or the current Southern Federation, stands behind them not full emperors, but the landlords and business class of the southern provinces.

The struggle between the northern and southern provinces is essentially a struggle between the northern interest class and the southern interest class, whether it is the revolutionary party represented by Beiyang and Sun Wen represented by Yuan Shikai in history, or the southern federation represented by Beiyang and Zhang Zhidong represented by Wang Yingkai and Zhao Dongyun.

On the surface, they seem to be two different things, but they are essentially similar, nothing more than different coats!

In fact, this interest competition can be found from many industries under Fuyuan Company. For example, in the textile industry, who is the biggest competitor of Fuyuan Textile Factory of Fuyuan Company? It is not Japan or the British, but southern textile enterprises in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, especially textile enterprises in Nantong.

Since Benyangbu withdrew from the Northeast market in 1904, Nantong Tubu and Fuyuan Mechanism Cloth have been each other's biggest competitors in the Northeast market.

With the cigarette market that has emerged in recent years, Fuyuan Cigarette Company wants to enter the southern market. Who is its biggest competitor? It is not a foreign brand, but a domestic Nanyang cigarette company.

Even the relatively weak steel market in China. The biggest competitor of the affiliated steel factory of Fuyuan Machinery Factory is not foreign imported steel, but the Hanyang Iron and Steel Plant in Hubei. The two companies are very happy to compete for rail orders for multiple domestic railway lines.

The competition between industry and commerce, coupled with the division between north and south in the late Qing Dynasty, makes the northern and southern provinces have a sense of mutual disapproval.

Then these factors will quickly evolve into a civil war between the north and the south as soon as they are driven by political turmoil!

If the previous Beiyang civil war was only simple*, then the current North-South civil war has evolved into a war combining economy and politics.

War is no longer simple!

Zhao Dongyun's speech received a good response in the northern provinces and even in the eyes of foreign revolutionaries. Sun Wen even published an article in response, saying that there are still a few people in China who understand what the country and the nation need. Of course, he immediately reverted after saying this sentence, but it is still far from enough, and this A few people were also blinded by power and desire and needed me as a revolutionary leader to guide them, and said that he was willing to be an introducer in person and invite Zhao Dongyun to join the alliance.

Sun Wen's various behaviors and remarks are relatively complex and controversial, but all kinds of speeches and articles in his life can be summed into one sentence: Except for me, Sun Wen, no matter who governs China is unacceptable!

However, Zhao Dongyun's speech was resisted in the south, and many people looked at it with anger!

"This young man is too bullying!" Zhang Zhidong's beard is about to float. Although Zhang Zhidong has been scolded for decades, he has been scolded as a national scum and traitor, and it is the first time he has abandoned his ancestors.

"He thought that Zhao Suqian was a good thing and entered the customs for his own self-interest. If he hadn't entered the customs at the beginning, how could the northern provinces have suffered a lot? People's merchants would have suffered unspeakably! And if it weren't for the Northern Expedition, I guess he would still be fighting with Wang Yingkai for his own self-interest!"

Zhang Zhidong's words are not wrong. From these perspectives, Zhao Dongyun is indeed not good for the country and the people. Even if he dies, he thinks the land is dirty!

However, both sides scolded, but the business did not fall behind. This delivered a speech at the railway station. After brushing his reputation, Zhao Dongyun sat together with Wang Yingkai, Duan Qirui, Wang Shizhen, Xu Shichang and Zhou Xuexi to carry out peace talks that could affect the fate of China in the next hundred years!