Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 210 Republican War

In the wide conference room, the people were not so separated from ordinary negotiation meetings, and then began to compete for interests and so on. After meeting, they did not mention the domestic situation, war or anything, but greeted each other.

"Brother Shaochen, I haven't seen you for two months. You look fat again!" After Zhao Dongyun saw Wang Yingkai, he walked up to say hello.

Wang Yingkai also smiled and said, "Let me laugh, but you know, brother, I can't get rid of this!"

When Wang Yingkai laughed, the flesh on his face trembled!

Many bosses in Beiyang are from military backgrounds, and most of them are still strong in their forties, so most of them are still relatively strong, but Wang Yingkai is an exception. He is the only fat man among the Beiyang generals. For this reason, many people have made fun of him over the years, and even joked him as the king. Fat man.

"Ziyang, you are not authentic. You directly wrapped Li Shunde as a whole, so that I almost couldn't find a place to live!" Wang Yingkai had already come up at this time, and then directly took Zhao Dongyun's shoulder and walked to the sofa.

Now these two people look like old friends they haven't seen for a long time, and they can't see that they have been waving each other in the past few days.

Zhao Dongyun also smiled and said, "They are all ignorant people below, otherwise they would have left a few suites for you, Brother Shaochen!"

Wang Yingkai said, "This is the only place to stay in this hotel until you come to Tianjin. If you and my brother go to Beijing, I will choose those royal palaces as you choose. If you like to live in, I will send you directly!"

Zhao Dongyun's face showed his wings: "Really? Then I won't be polite. I heard that Haiyantang in Xiyuan is good. Can't I give up my love?

"Haiyantang!" Wang Yingkai also smiled at this time, with an unscrumple frown on his face.

The conversation between the two people is about accommodation, but in fact, it has already begun a test between words. Wang Yingkai invited Zhao Dongyun to come to the capital and give it to the royal palace, which means to attract Zhao Dongyun. As long as you submit to me, Wang Yingkai and regard me as the lord of Beiyang, then you are guaranteed to be the same as the prince of the former Qing Dynasty. Above ten thousand people.

However, in the face of Wang Yingkai's secret temptation, Zhao Dongyun refused without hesitation, and even directly revealed his desire to stay in Haiyan Hall!

Where is Haiyan Hall? The old site of this place is the residence of Xiyuan Yiluan Hall and Cixi. It was burned by the Eight-Nation Alliance after the year of Gengzi. Then Cixi rebuilt a Western-style foreign-style building on the original site after Xinchou, but did not continue to live, but as a place to entertain foreign female guests. The building is called Haiyan Hall!

After Wang Yingkai led his army into the capital some time ago, although he had not driven Guangxu and Cixi out of the Forbidden City for the time being, he rudely occupied Xiyuan and then lived in Haiyan Hall by himself!

This Western-style foreign-style building is also quite important in the original history. After the Xinhai Revolution, Yuan Shikai lived and worked here and received congratulations and worship from his courtiers after claiming himself as emperor. After Yuan Shikai's death, Feng Guozhang, Cao Kun and other Beiyang bosses who successively governed Beiyang also lived and worked. Since then, this Western-style Yanglou has always been the residence and office of the military and political leaders who control the capital, as did Li Zongren, Fu Zuoyi and others. Even our party is no exception. The Central Military Commission and the General Staff Office work here, while other nearby courtyards have become the residences of important leaders.

Maybe it sounds a little cumbersome to ask a lot of questions. In short, this place is Zhongnanhai in later generations!

Zhao Dongyun said that he wanted to live in Haiyan Hall. Isn't this clear to compete for the position of the boss of Beiyang?

If Wang Yingkai heard this sentence a few days ago, he would have to look gloomy immediately, and then go back to meet Zhao Dongyun, but today is different. The Southern Federation is enough to shake the root of the North Ocean. Wang Yingkai can't sit by and watch Zhang Zhidong slowly integrate the forces of the southern provinces and then launch himself. During the Northern Expedition, he must end the Northern Civil War as soon as possible and then wave his troops south.

And since Zhao Dongyun came to Tianjin to negotiate with himself today, it means that Zhao Dongyun must have agreed to several principled issues!

First of all, the Beiyang civil war must end, which is the foundation of this negotiation. If Zhao Dongyun disagrees with this principled issue, there is no need to come to Tianjin.

Second, since the civil war has ended uniformly, Zhao Dongyun also represents that he has given up competing for the position of the boss of Beiyang.

Now the reason why Zhao Dongyun said this is that in Wang Yingkai's opinion, he is nothing more than unconvinced. He wants to take the opportunity to disgust himself, and then wants the lion to open his mouth to make a lot of money.

At this time, everyone also sat down one after another. Although there were many people who came to Tianjin to attend the meeting, there were not many people who could actually sit down and talk in this conference room. Zhao Dongyun, Wang Yingkai, Duan Qirui and Wang Shizhen. As for Xu Shichang and Zhou Xuexi, they are mainly in the middle, the real core They can't get in with the problem.

After the four people sat down around the sofa, the first thing they said was still not a business, but continued to gossip. Although the four of them were competitors, they could not deny that they had been friends for many years. In fact, they were all brothers in the early years. Zhao Dongyun stayed in Baoding. At that time, there were many meals and drinks with Duan Qirui, Wang Shizhen and Wang Yingkai.

So there are many topics in this chat!

However, people did not come to Tianjin to catch up with the past. Seeing that the atmosphere was almost the same, Wang Yingkai coughed gently and then looked at Zhao Dongyun and said, "Ziyang, now the south side is in chaos, and we can't be scattered like before. We must unite to suppress the southern provinces first. Come on, otherwise I'm afraid my Beiyang foundation will be destroyed!"

After listening to Wang Yingkai's words, Zhao Dongyun knew that today's formal talks were about to begin. Immediately after considering the meeting, he said, "The south is in chaos. Naturally, we can't sit idly by. It's better to go south as soon as possible. After all, those provinces in the south have a lot of financial resources. In a few months, I'm afraid their troops will double. !"

Wang Yingkai continued: "Well, Ziyang, you are worthy of being a Beiyang native. Since Ziyang has said so, I won't hide it. Now the situation can't go on like this, so according to my intention, we have to continue to do this republic and put up the airs of the republican government first. , and then gather all the troops and go south together!"

Zhao Dongyun said, "That's how it should be!"

Now the word republic is the only righteous name that can be erected in Beiyang. After all, in the eyes of many people, the uprising of Beiyang generals is a rebellion, which can no longer be typical of rebellion, especially Wang Yingkai forced Guangxu to abdicate and prepare for the establishment. After the National Council, many traditional thinking people's impression of them declined.

At this time, in order to get rid of the influence of its thieves, rebels and other outsiders, the North has to raise the flag of republic and set up a model of justice for itself. After all, although the Chinese people do not oppose the imperial system, no one will say that the republic is not good. They can only argue that it is not suitable for the republic for the time being.

So at this time, no matter whether it is Wang Yingkai or Zhao Dongyun, they are firmly grasping the word republic and trying to turn themselves into one side of justice!

In addition, the word republic is still very attractive for attracting new talents. Many people want to overthrow the imperial system, but if they don't want to play a riot~revolution like Sun Wen, they will choose the third way, that is, those who choose to turn to join the republican bosses in Beiyang.

Of course, after they choose Beiyang, they will choose the boss of Beiyang, which is the follow-up problem. Let's not mention these for the time being.

"However, since this republican government is run, the constitution of the republican government still has to be discussed. After saying that, Zhao Dongyun took out a paper and handed it to Wang Yingkai, "This is the republican constitution formulated by me with reference to the republican powers such as France and the United States in the past two days. You can have a look!"

Before Wang Yingkai shouted the republican slogan, in fact, many of his staff had formulated the constitutions of the republican government in advance, but he also knew that he could not decide these matters alone. He had to discuss them with Zhao Dongyun and even with Duan Qirui and Wang Shizhen.

Immediately he looked at it carefully, but after reading it, he said, "Responsible cabinet system? I'm afraid this is not very good!"

Zhao Dongyun knew that Wang Yingkai would oppose his proposal. Why? Because he proposed to form a republican government with a 'responsible cabinet system'.

What is the responsible cabinet system? That is to say, the leader of the country is the president, but this president is just a symbol, and the specific government affairs are the responsibility of the cabinet prime minister.

Zhao Dongyun put forward these questions not because he wanted to go to Beijing to be the prime minister and then play a court battle with Wang Yingkai, but to limit Wang Yingkai's power in the future.

When it comes to this situation, there is actually no suspense for Wang Yingkai becoming the president of the republican government, and Zhao Dongyun can't oppose it.

Stop the civil war in Beiyang and stop competing for the position of the boss of Beiyang! These two are the prerequisites and principles for Zhao Dongyun to come to Tianjin to participate in the talks.

Since Wang Yingkai wants to be the president, Zhao Dongyun must find a way to limit Wang Yingkai's power. If Wang Yingkai is allowed to take this opportunity to integrate Beiyang at one stroke, Zhao Dongyun can't cry to death, so you Wang Yingkai can be president, but you have to get a responsible cabinet system. Don't expect Wang Yingkai to be thorough It controls all the rights of the republican government.

In addition, because the responsible cabinet prime minister is in power, whether it is Wang Yingkai, Duan Qirui or Zhao Dongyun, in fact, it is impossible for them to become the prime minister of Zhao Dongyun. Besides, he dares not go to Beijing alone to take office. He must be happy to take office in the third town, but Wang Yingkai will have to jump at that time.

"Brother Shaochen, you will be the president, and I am not the only one. The vice president can barely bear the heavy burden. As for the cabinet prime minister, Zhang Anpu is fine, Xu Juren is also fine, and even Zhou Zhi'an is fine!"

When Wang Yingkai heard Zhao Dongyun's words, he doesn't need to guess that Zhao Dongyun's meaning is that this position can be given to Zhang Renjun, Xu Shichang, Zhou Xuexi and even any cat and dog in the Beiyang civil officer system! Only you can't give it to everyone here!

Well, you can't get what I Zhao Dongyun can't get!