Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 284 Reorganization and Expansion 1

With the arrival of August, the capital seems to be more sultry. Zhao Dongyun is sitting in the study in Jurentang and writing. He is making a final revision to his 'overall war theory' he has written in recent years.

Zhao Dongyun's identity in the hearts of many Chinese people may be a Beiyang boss, one of the major political giants in China today, but he also has another identity, that is, a military strategist.

In fact, his personal image is not famous as a politician, but internationally as a military strategist. In particular, the trench defense theory proposed before the Russo-Japanese War made him famous in the international military community. To put it rudely, the army building plan of contemporary countries is completely in accordance with Zhao Dongyun's 'war The trench theory is carried out. Many army schools such as Japan, Germany and even the United Kingdom regard Zhao Dongyun's trench theory as the most cutting-edge theoretical textbook.

Many international military generals call Zhao Dongyun 'Napoleon of the East'.

It is said that Zhao Dongyun's trench theory is the most outstanding war theory in the military community in the past 50 years.

Although Zhao Dong rarely commands the troops personally, and to be honest, his ability to personally command the troops is not very good, his military theory level is solid, and many theories are advanced.

Since last year, Zhao Dongyun began to squeeze out his spare time to write his latest military theoretical work 'Overall War Theory'. Although to some extent, contemporary China has not yet had the conditions to implement an overall war, it does not affect Zhao Dongyun's proposal and implementation of this theory.

Putting down his pen, Zhao Dongyun looked at the overall war theory he had written for more than a year!

"It seems that it can almost allow the Army University to carry out preliminary study!" Zhao Dongyun came up with so many war theories. Naturally, it is not for international fame. The fundamental purpose is to expose the generals of the Feng army to the latest war theories and improve their command level, especially those students in the Army University who need high-end textbooks.

After the Army University, the former training class of the Army Officer School of the three eastern provinces, Zhao Dongyun merged the Baoding Military Academy and the Fengtian Military Academy to establish the Army Officer School according to the suggestion of the Ministry of Education of the Command, and established the Army University based on the training class.

The Army Officer School is based on Fengtian Military Academy, and the site of Baoding organizes the Army University.

After the establishment of this army university, the scale is still relatively small. At present, there are more than 100 students in the original 06 and 07.

However, although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs. Basically, courses taught in higher military colleges such as the Mainland University and the German Berlin Military Academy will also be offered. Of course, it is limited by the level of teachers and the scarcity of people. Naturally, this level of education cannot be compared with famous international military schools, but no matter what That said, this is finally the first higher military academy in China's history.

While Zhao Dongyun was reading the book, there was a knock on the door outside, and Li San's voice came in: "President, the generals of the command are already waiting in the conference room!"

Zhao Dongyun got up and went out: "Is everyone here?"

"Well, Chief Fang of the Staff, Chief Yang of the Ministry of Education and Chief Zhao of the Ordnance Department have arrived!" Li San kept up with Zhao Dongyun's pace as he spoke.

Li San's identity is the same as before. With the rise of Zhao Dongyun's power, Zhao Dongyun took office as president, and the original secretariat of the visiting office was directly changed to the secretariat of the presidential palace. The functions remain unchanged, with a secretariat director and a first-class secretary. Twelve second-class secretaries and dozens of third-class secretaries.

It can be said that as Zhao Dongyun has more and more official affairs to deal with, the secretariat is also becoming larger and larger. If it hadn't been for these dozens of secretaries to help Zhao Dongyun share the burden of government affairs, it is estimated that Zhao Dongyun would not be busy for 48 hours a day.

In addition to the secretariat, the Presidential Palace also has several other institutions, such as the Inspectorate, the Legislative Office, the Advisory Office, etc. These many institutions have formed many internal institutions of the Presidential Palace.

One of the main reasons why Zhao Dongyun has so many internal institutions in the presidential palace is that he does not want to be a false president. Although it is not easy for him to openly change the constitution and change the responsible cabinet system to a presidential system, he can also use various ways to weaken the power of the cabinet and thus enhance the power of the presidential palace.

The addition of a deputy prime minister is a very clear signal!

It didn't take long for Zhao Dongyun to walk into the conference room, where several senior generals of Fengjun were waiting!

Among them, Fang Biyong, the chief of the chief of staff on the left, followed by Yang Deming, the chief of the Operations Department, then Zhao Dongping, the chief of the Ordnance Department, followed by Yang Shande of the Ministry of Education, and several others.

After sitting down, Zhao Dongyun looked at Fang Biyong: "Let's start!"

Fang Biyong, who is used to Zhao Dongyun and doesn't like too much nonsense, immediately said, "According to the order of the president, the General Staff has carried out a large-scale consolidation and expansion of our existing troops in the past half month. The current progress is generally relatively gratifying, but it is also short of military spending, especially for ordnance. The problem of a large gap in heavy weapons.

At present, the reorganization of the 11th Division has been initially completed. The soldiers are mainly dedicated soldiers, and more than 200 low-level officers have been urgently assigned by the Fengtian Military Academy. At present, it is integrated into three infantry regiments, a heavy battalion, an engineering battalion, a cavalry battalion and an artillery battalion. However, due to the tight supply of rifles by our army, the department, like the 1st Division and the 1st Mixed Brigade, continues to use Japanese weapons and equipment. In addition, there is a serious shortage of machine guns. At present, the division only has 24 French-made and Japanese-made Huchikais 6.5mm heavy machine guns, only 36 light machine guns, and more than 40 mortars of each caliber. , 12 first-style wild guns and six 31-year mountain guns made in Japan!"

"After the emergency expansion of the 13th Division, it has now been organized into four infantry regiments, one imported German field artillery battalion, and one Fushan artillery battalion. The heavy machine guns and mortars are initially full, but there are only more than 80 light machine guns, and there are only two companies of cavalry troops at present."

"The expansion of infantry units of the Ninth Mixed Brigade and the 10th Mixed Brigade is relatively smooth. At present, it has been initially full, but the artillery force is currently vacant, and there are fewer light and heavy machine guns and mortars!"

After Fang Biyong talked about the general situation, Zhao Dongyun's eyes turned to Yang Shande. As the director of the Ministry of Education, Yang Shande, who was fully responsible for the recruitment and training of new recruits, immediately said: "In terms of soldiers, our problem is still not big. In the past two months, we have recruited more than 40,000 new recruits. At present, More than 20,000 people have been assigned to each unit, and it is expected that more than 20,000 new recruits will be assigned to each unit within a month!"

In the process of the expansion of the Feng army, in fact, there have not been many problems with the source of soldiers. These days, there are more people who want to come to the army to eat. Although it is impossible to choose as carefully as in the Beiyang Standing Army era, it can still easily recruit enough soldiers after slightly lowering the requirements. .

The biggest obstacle to the expansion of the Feng army by domestic warlords is ordnance, especially heavy weapons!

Zhao Dongping, who is responsible for the supply of weapons, said: "In terms of ordnance, our gap is still very large. If we want to fill all the divisions and brigades, we need at least 100 divisional 75mm artillery, more than 500 mortars, at least 200 heavy machine guns and thousands of light machine guns.

At present, the main ordnance source of our army is the Fu factory. Although the Fu factory has recently accelerated its production capacity and the Shenyang branch has also begun to put into production on a small scale, the production capacity is still difficult to meet the needs of our army, especially artillery and machine guns!

In order to solve this problem, our Ordnance Department has negotiated with a number of foreign companies. At present, we have ordered 32 1905 75mm wild guns, 100 heavy machine guns and 20 million round shells from the German Krburp factory!

I also ordered 32 31-year wild guns, 16 new 38-year-old 75mm field guns, 12 38-year-old 100-mm cannons, and 5 million rounds of Japanese 6.5 mm bullets!"

Although Fengjun is supported by the Fuyuan Machinery Factory, a district Fuyuan Machinery Factory is also unable to meet the combat and expansion needs of the Feng army. At present, the main production capacity of Fuyuan Machinery Factory is Fuchang Type 88 rifles, shells and bullets, which are used to support the large amount of ammunition consumption of Feng Army's frontline operations. Although the production of light and heavy machine guns and mortars is available, it is still not large. It can only be said that it is barely. At least in a short period of time, it is impossible to make the Feng army full.

However, compared with machine guns and mortars, artillery is more tragic. At the beginning of the year, Fuyuan Machinery Factory has successfully imitated the 1903 75mm field gun, becoming the second arsenal that can produce long-bodied field guns after the Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau. However, due to the successful imitation, this output is naturally Extremely limited, the monthly output is only a few, and the demand for 75mm field guns is greater than that of 75mm mountaine guns, and the gap is hundreds of them. If you build them slowly, you don't know that it will take years to fill the troops, so there is no choice but to continue to import them, even for fast The rapid acquisition of these field guns is not only imported from German goods, but also the large-scale procurement of Japan's old 31-year-style field guns.

The urgent demand for field guns has caused Feng Jun to care about performance. Whether it is German or Japanese, as long as it is a cannon, anyway, the second-hand 31-year-old field guns dumped by Japan are also very cheap, only a few thousand taels, while a German product costs tens of thousands of yuan, even domestic and Fuyuan production. The 1907 75mm field gun also needs tens of thousands of yuan.

As for the larger-caliber cannons, the artillery officers of the Feng army were quite satisfied with the last batch of 100mm cannons imported from Germany, so they ordered six more to Germany.