Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 285 Reorganization and Expansion 2

In addition, the Japanese side has successfully imitated this German artillery during the Russo-Japanese War, and Japan itself is in a period of great economic difficulties. After hearing that Fengjun asked the Germans to buy the gun, it also came to sell the gun, and the price is much cheaper, although he clearly knows that the quality of this version of the gun It's not as good as the original German product, but it's not as cheap, so I bought 12 doors from Japan.

It can be seen from Fengjun's ordnance purchase in 1907 that Japan has replaced Germany as the main artillery importer of Fengjun. There are two reasons. The artillery on the first day is basically imitating Germany, and the caliber is the same, so that the Feng army can be directly compiled together. Second, the Japanese imitation is much cheaper than the German original.

These days, the Japanese army, especially the Japanese army, is deeply troubled by the shortage of military expenditure and can't wait to sell everything to raise military funds. In the early stage, the large-scale dumping of second-hand arms was out of this consideration. He even came to sell the 38-year rifle to Zhao Dongyun. However, although Zhao Dongyun knew that this rifle was good, The price is not cheap and the caliber is different from Fengjun, so I don't want it.

Although Fengjun is currently equipped with a large number of Japanese 30-year-style rifles, the pressure of Fengjun's rifles is not so great, and the Fuchang will be replaced sooner or later.

The artillery is different. Basically, as long as it is a large-caliber field gun and the price is cheap enough, then Zhao Dongyun will not mind buying a large amount from Japan.

As for Japan, it is not for sale? This rarely happens. Why? Because it is actually very easy for China to buy ordnance these days. A large of international arms dealers have been selling arms in China for many years. If you don't sell it yourself, Zhao Dongyun can find Germans, Russians, British people and even French, Austria-Hungary and the United States.

As long as you have money, not to mention a few cannons, even the battleships of Zhenguo's sharp weapons can be sold!

Japan has always been jealous of China's arms market, otherwise it would not have been just after the end of the Russo-Japanese War. When China's civil war broke out, he directly sold all the active artillery and rifles. On the one hand, it is upgrading to deal with second-hand goods, and on the other hand, it is also because of competing with other countries in China. The demand of the arms market is basically much cheaper than that of European countries.

For example, the price difference between Japan's 38-year rifle and Germany's Mauser 98 rifle is almost double. If Zhao Dongyun hadn't produced his own 88, he would have bought a Japanese rifle instead of choosing Mauser 98, which has nothing to do with performance and suitability. There is only one reason. This product is cheap enough.

However, although the Japanese product is cheap, the Japanese production is also limited, and they themselves are also in a period of big change. Many new equipment can't spare too much output to be exported to China, such as the 38-year 75mm field gun, which is also an imitation of the German 1903 75mm field gun. Cannon, but the price is several thousand cheaper than imported from Germany, and even cheaper than the self-produced price of Fuyuan Machinery Factory. If the output is not enough, Zhao Dongyun will not worry about any ethnic feelings, and he will definitely buy and equip all the artillery.

In history, the choice of Beiyang is actually similar to that of Zhao Dongyun. During the period before the Russo-Japanese War and after the Russo-Japanese War to the demise of the Qing Dynasty, Japan was an important arms supplier in Beiyang, especially most of the artillery were made in 31 years and 38-eight styles. As for the Beiyang warlords after the 1911 Revolution, especially Duan Qirui's Anhui and other troops, they are all Japanese weapons. Although there are political reasons, the cheap price of Japanese goods is the most important factor.

"This list of ordnance was issued a few months ago, and some were only issued last month. The latest batch of German artillery is expected to arrive in Lushun Port by the end of the month, and it is estimated that a batch of second-hand guns in Japan will arrive in the middle of the month!" Zhao Dongping continued: "According to the current Fuyuan production and the arrival time of outward orders, it is expected that we will be able to give the troops full production of light weapons within three months, and if the artillery force is full, it is expected to be completed by the end of the year!"

After listening to Zhao Dongping's words, Zhao Dongyun also frowned slightly, but he also knew that there was nothing he could do. The rifle also said that there was no shortage of Fengjun, and the problem of mortars and machine guns could barely be solved, but the artillery problem was really difficult to solve. Even if the purchase was the top size, if it was produced by foreign manufacturers and shipped back here. It will take at least a few months, and you can't rush for a while.

Zhao Dongyun nodded and then looked at Hong Putao from the quartermaster's department: "How is the supply of ammunition now?"

Hong Putao immediately said: "At present, the ammunition supply of our army is relatively stable. Although our army consumed a large amount of ammunition in the Battle of Tangshan, the Battle of Bazhou and the Battle of Beijing, our army's previous inventory is relatively sufficient. In addition, our army has seized a considerable amount of ammunition after entering the customs. The ammunition production of Fuchang and Shenyang Branch has been Maintain a high position, so it is not a problem to supply our army for the time being!"

In fact, a considerable part of the production capacity of Fuyuan Machinery Factory and its branch 'Shenyang Arsenal' is used to produce ammunition.

Since entering the customs, Fuchang and Shenyang Arsenal have adopted a day-and-night production mode with workers changing machines, and the output has almost doubled compared with peacetime.

In terms of bullets, the two types of bullets of 7.92 mm and 6.5 mm have been able to produce more than 4 million rounds per month, and the shells can also produce more than 20,000 rounds per month. Among them, the monthly output of 75 mm shells is more than 5,000 rounds, and the 60 mm mortar shells have reached 6,000 rounds. In addition, 80mm mortar shells, 100mm mortar shells, 57mm shells, 100mm shells and shells of various calibers used by the navy, the total number has exceeded 20,000.

Without such a large amount of ammunition production, it would not have been possible to supply hundreds of thousands of Fengjun for long-term combat.

However, although the ammunition production of Fuchang is enough, with the increasing number of Feng troops, Zhao Dongyun still bought a batch of tens of millions of bullets from Germany for the sake of safety. In short, the more ammunition, the better.

After talking about this soldier, ordnance and ammunition one by one, Fang Biyong said again: "Based on the fact that our army's ordnance is still in short supply, in order to form combat effectiveness as soon as possible, the staff has given priority to equipping the 13th Division to form a complete combat effectiveness!"

Zhao Dongyun nodded: "Well, it is not appropriate to distribute them equally. Now the focus of the staff is still on the 13th Division. In addition, the 1st Division and the 1st Mixed Brigade are also paying attention to it. Although these two troops are from the direct army, they are all old Beiyang, and their combat effectiveness is acceptable. Therefore, we should increase the addition of the personnel and weapons of these two teams in the future!"

The 13th Division has been trained for a long time, and now the personnel are basically full, waiting for heavy equipment. As long as the division becomes an army, it can become one of the main divisions in the Feng army.

And Lu Yongxiang's first division and Bao Guiqing's first mixed brigade, although they were still enemies of the Feng army not long ago, now they have defected to the Feng army, and Zhao Dongyun has changed the company commanders of these two teams to the regimental commanders. Although Lu Yongxiang is still the division commander and Bao Guiqing is still the brigade commander, this In fact, the two can no longer completely control these two troops as before. In addition, the Feng army has always had strong control over the troops under their jurisdiction, so they don't have to worry too much about Lu Yongxiang and Bao Guiqing's rebellion again, even if they can't fight back.

And these two troops are both old Beiyang troops. Most of the soldiers have been trained for many years, and their quality is much better than that of new recruits who have just been trained for a month. Now there is a shortage of troops and need troops everywhere. In the case of multi-line combat, naturally these two troops cannot be wasted, mainly soldiers. With the addition of weapons, these two troops will soon be able to restore their combat effectiveness, and at that time, Feng's army will be able to add two main forces.

Although the 11th Division is also dominated by sincere soldiers, the combat effectiveness of the 11th Division and the 12th Division in the era of Wang Yingkai is not very good, and the 11th Division that has not had much hope for them. Therefore, in the expansion of the Feng army, the priority of this 11th Division is behind .

Zhao Dongyun continued: "Now the 11th Division and the 13th Division are about to be completed, and what do you think about choosing the division commander!"

The chief candidates of the 11th Division, the 13th Division and the two mixed brigades have not been determined, and now that they are about to form an army, Zhao Dongyun can't continue to drag on.

Hearing Zhao Dongyun's question, Fang Biyong said, "Now there are still several people in our army who are qualified for the heavy responsibility of division commanders. Gu Lanyu, commander of the 6th Brigade, Kong Guanbei, commander of the 5th Brigade, Li Chun, commander of the 7th Mixed Brigade, Cao Kuan of the 4th Mixed Brigade and He Zonglian of the 5th Mixed Brigade can take on important responsibilities!"

Zhao Dongyun listened to Fang Biyong's words and felt that what he said was relatively pragmatic. These people were also the brigade commander of the Feng army and the senior generals of the mixed brigade brigade commander. To be honest, there are still not many senior generals in the Feng army, and the range of selection is limited.

After thinking about it, he said, "Remember it and let Chen Guangyuan come back from Shandong and become the commander of the 13th Division! Cao Kuan was transferred to serve as the commander of the 11th Division. The commander of the Third Division was succeeded by Gu Lanyu, and the commander of the Sixth Brigade was succeeded by Pei Lianying!"

"The commander of the fourth mixed brigade is succeeded by Lin Pingxiong, and the empty 17th brigade commander, Deming, go down and take care of it!"

Zhao Dongyun's mobilization revealed two obvious signals, that is, Zhao Dongyun was dissatisfied with Chen Guangyuan's early command and operations, otherwise he would not transfer Chen Guangyuan from the 3rd Division to the 13th Division. Although he is still a division commander, everyone knows that the 13th Division is far less important than the 3rd Division.

And Cao Kuan's promotion from the position of mixed brigade commander to the 11th division commander is also a big step forward. Considering that Cao Kui and Zhao Dongyun have always had a close relationship, his promotion is also expected. Gu Lanyu's promotion to the commander of the Third Division was also expected. Although the overall performance of the Third Division in the Battle of Bazhou was poor and failed to hit the 7th Division in Bazhou, causing Chen Guangyuan to gradually lose Zhao Dongyun's attention, the Sixth Brigade was still relatively excellent. After the war, everyone expected that he would be promoted to division commander, even if If you don't take over as the commander of the Third Division, you should also be promoted to the commander of the 11th Division or the 13th Division.

It is reasonable for Pei Lianying and Lin Pingxiong, as the senior subordinates of Zhao Dongyun, to be promoted this time, but Yang Deming's appointment surprised all the people present, because although Yang Deming has outstanding ability, he also served as the director of the Department of the Department of Operations for more than two years, but he only took on the responsibility before staying in Germany. He has served as a battalion management belt and has no experience as a regimental commander or brigade commander. Now Zhao Dongyun has suddenly placed him to the position of brigade commander, which can be said to be unexpected by many people.