Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 291 Battle of Koshan Town 2

In August, Shandong was as hot as ever. In Kushan Town, countless soldiers waved soldiers to dig trenches. Due to the hot weather, many soldiers took off their coats and bare arms.

Although the weather is hot, the soldiers who dig trenches do not have much complaints, because they know that the trenches dug now will become the guarantee of their lives.

While the soldiers were digging the trenches, Pei Lianying also landed on a small high ground with a large group of officers and observed the Lu army in the distance with binoculars.

"Since they repelled their tentative attack yesterday evening, they have suspended their attack since last night. They should be waiting for the arrival of the main force in the rear!" A major said: "And their reinforcements are relatively fast. Yesterday, it was just a battalion. Now there are more than one regiments, and artillery troops have arrived one after another!"

Pei Lianying put down his telescope: "Let the troops continue to prepare. If they don't take the initiative to attack, they won't move first!"

Although Pei Lianying himself has arrived in Kushan Town, the main force of his sixth brigade is still behind. He first arrived in Kushan Town to inspect the fortifications and terrain here to prepare for the subsequent war.

However, the opposite Lu army did not give the Feng army too much time. In the afternoon of that day, the Lu army gathered at least 3,000 troops to launch the first large-scale attack on Guashan Town. At this time, the Feng army in Guashan Town was only more than one battalion, with less than 1,000 troops.

Because the army is at a disadvantage, the Feng army has adopted a tactic that can't be defended. Anyway, it can have a great advantage in defense these days. Although it is a little difficult to fight, it is still not a problem to hold the position.

However, when the opposite Lu army stormed Goshan Town, Pei Lianying's eyes were already placed in Zhangxia Town seven or eight kilometers away.

"The defense of Gushan Town is still not a problem, but you should know that the task of the military department to give our third division is not only to defend Gushan Town, but to eat this enemy! Now the main force of the enemy is gathered outside Gushan Town. As long as we can send circuitous troops to capture Zhangxia Town, then we can completely surround this enemy army in the narrow passage of Gushan Town and Zhangxia Town. At that time, it is also very likely to completely annihilate the department!"

"But there are deep mountains and old forests on both sides. I'm afraid we can't pass if we send a large army to detour from the side!"

The general of the Lu army opposite is not a fool. Naturally, he knows the importance of Zhangxia Town, so even if the main force gathers outside Gushan Town, there will definitely be left-behind troops in Zhangxia Town. It will be difficult for the Feng army to send a small group of troops into the customs and make a light detour to go south, but it is constrained by the terrain on both sides, and there is no way. Send a large force to take a roundabout!

"Although the terrain on both sides is limited, so that the artillery troops cannot accompany them, it is still possible for the troops to turn around lightly. It is not a problem to add a certain number of mules and horses and carry mortars and heavy machine guns, and the enemy troops will not stay in Zhangxia Town too much. As long as we lightly detour a regiment, Then it's not a big problem to take Zhang Xia and defend it. As long as Zhang Xia is taken, this second mixed brigade will be completely surrounded by us. At that time, the north and south will launch an attack at the same time, but they absolutely can't hold the length of seven or eight kilometers.

Pei Lianying did not hesitate for too long and soon proposed a light and circuitous combat plan to the division. Gu Lanyu, the current commander of the third division, was best at circumvention. After discussing with a large number of staff officers, Gu Lanyu immediately ordered Pei Lianying to send an infantry regiment to the southwest. The Taishan mountain area made a detour and tried to cross the mountainous area to attack Zhangxia Town.

Two days later, the 12th Regiment of the lightly circuitous 6th Brigade, under the leadership of the local guide, successfully crossed the deep mountains and appeared outside Zhangxia Town and launched an attack on the town at the first time.

The troops of the 3rd Division suddenly appeared outside Zhangxia Town, which surprised the Lu army. At the same time, the Lu army's offensive in Guashan Town was suspended almost that day, and then urgently transferred troops back to Zhangxia Town, but the Fifth Brigade, which has been responsible for the defense of Laoshan Town, was able to allow the second mixed brigade to successfully deploy troops. Almost at the same time, the Fifth Brigade also launched a large-scale counterattack against the Lu army outside Kushan Town.

For a while, the two small places of Kushan Town and Zhangxia Town were carrying out extremely fierce offensive and defensive battles at the same time. Although these two places are small, with the mobilization and deployment of troops from both sides, the war situation here has risen enough to affect the whole Jinan Campaign.

If the Feng army can annihilate the second mixed brigade of the Lu army in Guashan Town and Zhangxia Town, it is equivalent to completely cutting off the contact between the Jinan garrison and other Lu troops. In the foreseeable future, Jinan will no longer be supported by Zhang Huaizhi. At that time, it will be natural for the Feng army to take Jinan. .

When Jinan, Shandong was engaged in a tragic battle, there was already a song and dance in the capital. A large number of craters and bullet holes left by the previous battle between the two armies still existed in the streets and alleys, but the streets of Jingshi have restored their previous livelihood.

Xiyuan, that is, the Zhonghai and South China Sea areas where Jurentang is located, used to have huge royal garden buildings in this area. Since the republic, Cixi and Guangxu have been under house arrest by Wang Yingkai, and all royal gardens such as the Forbidden City and Xiyuan have been nationalized. Among them, the Forbidden City should be converted into a museum, but other royal gardens, especially many buildings in the West Garden, are used for the presidential office.

After Zhao Dongyun entered the capital, he continued Wang Yingkai's policy. The place in the Forbidden City continued to be a museum, and the Bauhinia City Aftercare Committee was established, which was specially responsible for the demobilization and placement of eunuchs and palace maids, as well as the repair and protection of the cultural relics of the Forbidden City and a large number of materials in the palace, while a large number of the original royal garden buildings in Xiyuan It was occupied by him rudely.

In fact, there are not only these buildings that have been nationalized, but also a large number of mansions of the nobles of the Qing Dynasty. Basically, those palaces of the former Qing Dynasty were requisitioned as state-owned and successively changed to the location of government departments and even schools and other institutions. However, the money obtained from the house was taken away by the previous Wang Yingkai, and Wang Yingkai manipulated it. After this money, most of it was used to expand the army and fight, and a small part of it had to maintain the operation of the government, so Zhao Dongyun was not able to seize too much money after taking the capital.

After entering the capital, it is naturally gratifying for Zhao Dongyun to become the president politically, but he has not gained much economically. Because he has not made much floating money, Zhao Dongyun is still extremely dependent on the supply of the three eastern provinces.

As for the fiscal revenue of Zhili Province, it takes time to sort out the finances, and not long after Feng Jun took Zhili, he has not had time to collect a lot of taxes.

After taking Zhili, the economic income was not large, but Fengjun's expenditure was getting bigger and bigger day by day. Xiling, who was in charge of finance, almost played the matter of tearing down the east wall and making up for the west wall almost every day. Zhou Xuexi, the chief of finance, said that he had no money in the face of people who came to ask for money every day.

Therefore, when the Feng army quickly expanded its army and went south to fight, the government officials, especially the officials of the financial system, were all sad.

Nowadays, almost all the fiscal revenue of the Soviet system is spent on military spending, but military spending is like a bottomless pit, and it can't be filled in no matter how it is filled. In order to solve the financial dilemma, those civil officials have tried their best to auction up assets and sell official enterprises to withdraw funds, but these are all a drop in the bucket, far away It is impossible to solve the military spending gap of tens of millions of Feng army.

At present, the Soviet finance can still barely maintain the absence of bankruptcy, which is largely due to the excessive issuance of Fengyuan banknotes, but these banknotes cannot be overissued endlessly. To solve the current financial difficulties, we have to rely on other methods.

And among many methods, whether it is cleaning up the tax system, increasing commercial taxes, agricultural taxes, etc., or directly collecting donations, auctioning enemy funds, etc., are useless in a short period of time. In reality, the only way for Zhao Dongyun to get tens of millions in a short time is one word: borrow!

And this loan is to borrow money from foreign countries. At the beginning, Zhao Dongyun tried to borrow money from foreign countries before entering the customs, but he was not there at that time. After all, Zhao Dongyun was just one of the warlords in the three eastern provinces. However, now Zhao Dongyun's Feng army has successfully entered the customs and completely taken Zhili and went south. The battle went smoothly, and it is expected that it will not be a big problem to win Shandong and Henan in the near future.

In this case, the attitude of the great powers towards Zhao Dongyun has also changed to a certain extent. In the face of Zhao Dongyun's loan request, they did not refuse it immediately, but sent relevant diplomats for a preliminary conversation.

Faced with this situation, Zhao Dongyun felt that it was necessary to take advantage of the hot iron!

So, a diplomatic reception was held naturally!

On the night of August 22, the Xiyuan Juren Hall was brightly lit, and a large number of military and political dignitaries in formal dresses and diplomats from various countries gathered in the Western-style banquet hall.

Lu Weixiang, with long whiskers on both sides, walked around the field and talked to the people in various languages or Chinese from time to time. The big dress on this person was different from ordinary Western-style dresses. He also wore a medal with a medal, and the four beads printed with the peony medal represented the four.

After the establishment of the republic, Wang Yingkai planned to formulate a merit system, but he went out before he could do it. After Zhao Dongyun came to power, in order to show his orthodox status, he basically followed many policies in Wang Yingkai's era, especially the etiquette system. After taking power, Zhao Dongyun also began to officially award medals to his subordinates. The first batch of awards were a few people, Xiong Xiling, Meng Enyuan and Xu Bangjie, who were awarded two medals. In addition, Zhao E, Lu Weixiang, Lin Yongquan, Chen Guangyuan, Liu Guanxiong and others were awarded three medals, and Cao Kun, Gu Lanyu and others were awarded four medals. Five people are in the range.

As for Zhao Dongyun himself, he was specially awarded the great honor.

Because it is the first batch of the decoration, the overall number of people is not large, and there will certainly be more people who will be awarded in the future. To be honest, Lu Weixiang is not a Soviet key member. This person is a Beiyang neutral. A large part of the reason why he was awarded him is that Lu Weixiang contributed to the loan, regardless of the future. It hasn't been negotiated, but it's a great achievement to start this.

When Lu Weixiang said this to someone, he suddenly heard that the banquet hall was quiet. Soon he saw Li San, who was also wearing a big dress, come in and sang loudly, "The president is here!"

Immediately, Lu Weixiang tidied up his clothes a little, and then stood behind Xiong Xiling, together with Zhou Xuexi and other cabinet princes. On the other hand, the ministers of various countries also stopped talking to each other and looked at the door.

Under the gaze of hundreds of eyes, Zhao Dongyun, wearing a big presidential dress and a big medal, quickly appeared at the door. He saw him smiling, and then slowly walked through the middle of the crowd and walked into the banquet hall.