Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 292 Diplomatic Banquet

As Zhao Dongyun walked into the banquet hall, the banquet hall, which was originally ups and downs when talking, instantly became quiet. The people in the hall looked at Zhao Dongyun together, and everyone's eyes were slightly different.

Xiling's eyes were a little complicated when the government looked at Zhao Dongyun. To be honest, when he chose to go to the northeast to join Zhao Dongyun as the assistant of Huludao Industrial Zone, he did not expect that Zhao Dongyun could develop to this level today. At the beginning, he thought that Zhao Dongyun was at best Yuan Shikai and became the ninth He was the head of the Grand Governor and a great minister, but he didn't expect that the domestic situation would change to a point where he could not see it in just a few years.

A series of turbulence in the domestic situation have made Zhao Dongyun's powerful position bigger and bigger. From the governor of the three eastern provinces last year, to the vice president who also served as the governor of the three eastern provinces, to the top of the presidency this year, the changes here can be said to have shocked many people.

And Xiling has also become more and more important with Zhao Dongyun's accession to the top. From the deputy office of the Huludao Industrial Zone in those years to the General Office of the Finance and Political Bureau of the State Council of the three eastern provinces, to the current cabinet prime minister, she has become the head of countless Beiyang civil servants today.

To be honest, he was still very excited that he could become the prime minister, but he soon found that his cabinet prime minister was nominal and not very different from the previous Lu Chuanlin. He was a rubber prime minister.

Although today's republican constitution stipulates that the cabinet prime minister system and the president is just a false name, Zhao Dongyun's strength has made all this face right and wrong, especially the existence of the secretariat of the presidential palace, which allows Zhao Dongyun to intervene in almost all government affairs, and the establishment of the command department makes Zhao Dongyun firmly He seized military power and made the Army Department and Navy Department in the cabinet become false institutions.

Even Xiling misses the days when he was the general manager of the financial and political bureaus of the three eastern provinces. At that time, although he worked hard and had endless official duties every day, for a military and political dignitaries, busyness means that he was in power. If he had nothing to do and was idle all day, there was no difference.

Compared with Xiling's complex thoughts, several other people in the cabinet looked at Zhao Dongyun with much simpler eyes, especially Zhao E, Zhu Jiabao and other Zhao Dongyun's old colleagues who were full of gratitude and worship for Zhao Dongyun.

Without Zhao Dongyun's help in their life trajectory, they may still be just a magistrate and mayor, but since following Zhao Dongyun, they have grown into well-known foreign affairs cadres in China, especially Zhao E. The Huludao Industrial Zone he hosted at the beginning has developed to this day. To this extent, he is famous at home and abroad as a reformist foreign official known to the Chinese people.

Today's Huludao Industrial Zone alone has created more industrial output than the total of other regions in the three eastern provinces, and even the Lushun-Dalian region, which has become a public concession, has been left far behind.

The only thing that can be compared with Huludao Industrial Zone is Tangshan Industrial Zone, but Tangshan Industrial Zone is a heavy industrial city that is comprehensively inclined to military industry, coal and steel. The output value is heavily dependent on Fuyuan Machinery Factory, Tangshan Iron and Steel Factory and several coal mines, which is a relatively deformed industrial city. The city is different from the Huludao Industrial Zone, which has hundreds of large and small enterprises.

After the establishment of Huludao Industrial Zone, Zhao E also served as the governor of Fengtian, and during his tenure, he strongly supported the development of Yingkou Industrial Zone, Fushun Coal Mine, Andong Silk and other places. Although the development of the above-mentioned places is getting shorter, it has begun to take shape, among which Among other places such as Fushun and Andong, the establishment of Yingkou Industrial Zone has taken a lot of investment shares from the tourist concession.

Yingkou Industrial Zone is tit-for-tat in order to compete with the investment of domestic and foreign businessmen. Zhou Ziqi, who was the mayor of Yingkou at the beginning, not only imitated the three-year tax exemption, five-and-and-a-half-tax and other preferential policies of Huludao Industrial Zone, but also launched an export tax rebate policy for the soybean industry, that is to say, as long as enterprises After the industry's bean cakes and soybean oil are exported to Japan and the European and American markets, they can get the refund of export tax, which has almost attracted a large number of merchants in the soybean industry to settle down, causing the soybean industry in the Great Concession to suffer a heavy hit.

Although today's Luda area has the natural advantages of public concessions and Lushun public ports, the output value of its soybean industry is less than half of Yingkou Industrial Zone.

The large number of preferential policies adopted by Yingkou Industrial Zone make it difficult for them to collect a large amount of taxes directly from the soybean industry, but the surging development of the soybean industry will also drive the development of other industries, especially the financial industry. This soybean industry is also a capital-intensive industry. Yingkou already has a large number of financial institutions providing services for soybean-related industries.

Today, Yingkou's financial industry is developing rapidly. From the reform of Qianzhuang, the total number of banks newly invested and established with various capital of more than one million yuan has reached more than 30. The development of finance and other tertiary industries has also allowed Yingkou to collect a large amount of taxes, thus supplementing the financial losses caused by supporting the soybean industry.

The rapid development of Yingkou Industrial Zone made Zhou Ziqi quickly grow into the top foreign affairs officials in the Soviet system, and even made him take over Zhao E as the governor of Fengtian Province.

Zhao E, as his immediate superior, also laid the foundation for his entry into the cabinet because of the large-scale development of industry in the jurisdiction. When Zhao Dongyun formed the cabinet, he was promoted to the president of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

Zhao E is grateful to Zhao Dongyun and is grateful for the opportunity given to him at the beginning!

Compared with the minds of civil servants, several people in the military are much simpler. Most of them look at Zhao Dongyun with admiration!

In the hearts of those military generals, Zhao Dongyun is not only the president, but also their grand marshal. Although Zhao Dongyun has not personally led the army to fight, no one can deny Zhao Dongyun's military talent, not to mention various military theories, and not long ago Zhao Dongyun personally pointed out The great victory of the Tangshan Campaign and the subsequent victory of a series of customs battles have established Zhao Dongyun's position as the first military strategist in China.

In the hearts of those generals, Zhao Dongyun is the one who led them to continue to win.

Although there are many cultural relics officials present working for Zhao Dongyun, many of them are Beiyang neutral officials. They are not loyal to Zhao Dongyun personally, but to the Beiyang system. Even if Zhao E, Xiong Xiling and others in the Soviet system are loyal to Zhao Dongyun, they can't talk about worship. They really worship and unconditionally loyal to Zhao Dongyun or those officers in the military.

Especially the class of trainees in the army, who regard Zhao Dongyun's students and the most direct generals everywhere they go.

The Beiyang government under the leadership of Zhao Dongyun is not a monolithic one. Everyone has their own ideas, so there will naturally be various changes in their eyes when they look at Zhao Dongyun.

The foreign envoys on the side looked at Zhao Dongyun's eyes were almost the same. Basically, they all had a professional smile on their faces, and their eyes were plain and could not see any waves, but each of these diplomats did not know what they were thinking in their hearts.

Zhao Dongyun also walked to those diplomats at this time, and then greeted them with the same professional smile: "I hope you can have a good time tonight!"

Speaking of which, this is the first time that Zhao Dongyun met with these ministers of the great powers in public. When he was in the eastern three provinces, although Zhao Dongyun also contacted diplomatic officials of various countries, they were all ordinary diplomatic officials, while the plenipotentiary ministers of various countries still met at the presidential inauguration ceremony after entering Beijing. .

Although he has not seen many times, Zhao Dongyun can still recognize the public envoys in front of him. Naturally, he is the plenipotentiary minister of the United Kingdom in China, the first super empire of China, followed by the German minister Rex, the French minister Pasteur, the Russian minister Kaikodi, and the Japanese minister Lin Quanzhu. American minister Rou Keyi and others.

Although these professional diplomats are of different sizes, they are basically the same. They all wear black tuxedo, white bow ties, and some wear medals.

After Zhao Dongyun and many people present said hello, he soon took his wife Fang Ruolian and Zhu Erdian to talk in a soft voice.

Because this is not a private occasion, but a more formal diplomatic occasion, Zhao Dongyun did not use English to talk with Zhu Erdian in order not to humiliate the national style. Of course, he can also talk to them in French, the contemporary international diplomatic language, but Zhao Dongyun's French is very ordinary, and his reading and writing are not bad. The language is much inferior, so Zhao Dongyun still uses Chinese.

Although Zhu Erdian also knows Chinese, he said that this is a diplomatic occasion, and he will not talk to Zhao Dongyun in Chinese, so in addition to Zhao Dongyun and Zhu Erdian, there are two translators in this small hall.

Not to mention Zhu Erdian's translation, he is one of the British diplomats in the British embassy, but Zhao Dongyun's translation is a little strange. It is not one of the translators in the Foreign Affairs Section of the Secretariat that Zhao Dongyun is familiar with, but a strange face he has never seen before, and more importantly, this is a woman.

There are many people who know foreign languages in many government agencies, especially in diplomatic agencies, and these days, military and political leaders, especially those who have studied abroad, are very common to know one or two foreign languages. Take Zhao Dongyun himself as an example, he is proficient in German, English and slightly French, and his cousin Zhao Dongzhi is also proficient in Japanese and English.

When Zhao Dongyun usually needs to use translation, he will not go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to find someone, because there is a foreign affairs section in the Secretariat, and there are a lot of people who know foreign languages in various countries, especially the development of contemporary international common languages. Basically, people engaged in diplomacy can do it.

It is worth noting that the contemporary international diplomatic language is not the most widely applicable Spanish or the English of the Super Imperial British, and German, Russian and Chinese, let alone Japanese. The common diplomatic language of this era is French, and basically every country wants to Those who want to engage in diplomacy must learn French, and formal diplomatic negotiations are basically in French. This situation did not change until the 1920s when the Washington Naval Treaty was negotiated.

But the people who come today are not the translators of the Foreign Affairs Department, but a young woman that Zhao Dongyun doesn't know.