Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 356 Gengzi Refund

Zhao Dongyun did not intend to give them time to defend, and then the other side Yong said, "The military's rest and replenishment is needed, but there are so many troops, and there is always a priority. First, replenish the ammunition and ordnance of several main divisions, and the other troops should slow down first!"

His words still did not stop, and he turned to Xiling and said, "How is the issuance of the second phase of patriotic bonds here? And the autumn tax has also been collected. Let's see if we can squeeze out part of it!"

Xiong Xiling said: "Although the second phase of patriotic bonds were issued at the beginning, they have begun to weaken recently, and this month's money is not much. Although most of the autumn tax has been collected, this money can't be used as military expenses. If it is used up now, there will be really no rice to cook next year!"

After saying these words, Xiong Xiling looked at Zhao Dongyun and Fang Biyong again and sighed in his heart. He knew that if he didn't take out millions today, the military would not give up!

"I'll go back and see if I can move another part of it, but I'm sure there won't be more. I expect to free up two or three million at most!"

However, Fang Biyong is equally dissatisfied: "Three million is far from enough, and the cost of supplementing the existing main teachers is not less than 10 million!"

This is naturally boastful. Tens of millions of yuan can make the military build at least three new divisions! Although Xiling is not good at military, he knows how much it costs to expand the army and how much it costs to replenish ammunition than Fang Biyong, a military general, so he only heard him snorted coldly.

After Fang Biyong paused slightly, he also thought that if other military colleagues were to be absent, he would definitely be dissatisfied with himself. If there were more, the talks would collapse today. If Xiong Xiling shook his face and didn't pay, he didn't know when this supplementary plan would be delayed.

Besides, Zhao Dongyun's patience is also limited. Although Zhao Dongyun mostly favors the military, as a supreme ruler, Zhao Dongyun's considerations are not only limited to the situation. The expansion of the army is also important, and other things are equally important.

So after thinking about it for a long time, he said, "The replenishment of those new and sincere troops can be postponed, but our old troops must be replenished in time. If it is only to supplement the main force, it will take at least 8 million yuan to be ready!"

The number he said is not big!

Don't think that it costs money to expand the army these days. In fact, it costs more to raise the army, and the cost of maintaining the army is even more expensive!

In fact, it is almost three or four million to build a new main division. In peacetime, it takes about three million to raise such a division. However, it will cost hundreds of thousands or even millions a month to let this division go to war.

For example, in a small Xuzhou campaign, the Feng army that attacked Xuzhou fired at least tens of thousands of shells. In the whole battle of Jiangbei, the Feng army hit more than 300,000 shells of various types. Although most of them were relatively cheap 60mm and 80mm mortar shells, all kinds of shells added up to nearly 12 million shells alone, and then there were bullets, grain and so on. It also requires millions.

In addition, there are losses of artillery, machine guns, rifles and other weapons. Although the Feng army won the victory in the battle of Jiangbei, killing 1,000 and 800 self-damaged the enemy. Although the Feng army fought the Anhui army retreated steadily, the loss of its own ordnance was also great. Fortunately, the Feng army was able to capture itself. The ordnance of the Lu and Anhui armies will be replenished, otherwise at least millions of ordnances will be needed to supplement these lost ordnance alone.

The purpose of the military's rest and supplementary plan is to restore the army's combat effectiveness at its peak. To put it bluntly, it is to hoard enough ammunition, such as hoarding at least 500 shells for each 75mm artillery!

As long as enough ammunition is hoarded, the Feng army can carry out the next large-scale battle, that is, cross the river to attack the south of the Yangtze River.

Why did the Feng army's troops go south to take Chuzhou and Hefei? After marching into Anqing, they began to slow down the offensive. It was not that they did not want to cross the river directly in one breath, but they were really exhausted. Not only did the physical morale of the army decline a lot, but also needed to rest, but also urgently needed to replenish military supplies such as ammunition and food. Charge.

If you cross the river rashly when you are not prepared enough, you will not sweep the south of the Yangtze River, but will be beaten to death by Duan Qirui.

To hoard so much ammunition, the cost here is naturally not a small amount.

After listening to this, Xiong Xiling also began to meditate!

Although he will not let go most of the time, no matter who comes to take the money, even if he comes with the note of Zhao Dongyun's handwritten instructions, Xiling can push it, and if he can't push it, he will delay until he can't delay. If not, Xiong Xiling's money would have been gone long ago. If he had spent all the money, not to mention expanding his army, he would not even be able to take out the money to buy ammunition.

In the final analysis, in fact, Xiong Xiling is also just to raise military funds, but those people in the military don't care what Xiling thinks. They all want to expand their troops every day, regardless of whether the Cabinet and Finance has money or not!

After meditating, Xiling said, "I still have a money from the Ministry of Education. If the president allows it, I can also take it out to buy ammunition first!"

Fund by the Ministry of Education? Zhao Dongyun frowned slightly after hearing this and then said, "How many?"

"Two million, will be the funds of Fengtian University or Beijing Normal University next year, the domestic institutions of higher learning of Shandong University, and a sum of funds for students studying in Germany and the United States!" When Xiling said that, he could already expect that Xu Hongbao and others of the Ministry of Education would hate themselves. Previously, he had delayed or even relied several funds from the Ministry of Education. Now if he misappropriated it, it is estimated that the people in the Ministry of Education have eaten their hearts.

Zhao Dongyun also frowned slightly after hearing this. This education fund has been misappropriated many times. If it is misappropriated, I'm afraid that the level of higher education in China will be delayed for several years! But he soon made up his mind to use the money to buy ammunition first. As for education, let's wait until he unified China!

Everyone knows the importance of cultivating people for a hundred years, but now Zhao Dongyun has not completely unified China. If he may be expelled from power by Duan Qirui or those guys in the Southern Federation, then the talents he has spent a lot of money to cultivate will not fall into other people's pockets.

Now everything focuses on war, not to mention education funds. He even delayed the salaries of officials for a long time, so after thinking about it a little, he said decisively: "Then take it out first, and plan the funds of colleges and universities needed by the Ministry of Education in the future, and study abroad funds. Isn't Liang Shiyu talking to the Americans about the refund of Gengzi? If it can be negotiated, let international students study in the United States.

There have been a lot of fanfare about Gengzi's refund in the past few years, but the actual promotion is still this year. To be precise, it was after Zhao Dongyun solicited Liang Shiyu!

Liang Shiyu is also an old Beiyang, and this person is more interesting. He has been engaged in several directions and has been the general manager of the Beiyang Editorial Bureau, which can be regarded as a staff member. Later, he went to England to sign a treaty with Tang Shaoyi, and reluctantly had something to do with diplomacy. Later, he served as the chief copywriter of the railway, which can be regarded as a relationship with the railway. After the Republic last year, this man was under Wang Yingkai's command and served as the director of the Railway Department. In addition, he began to host the Bank of Communications and also served as the general manager of the bank, so this person had something to do with finance.

If you look at the person's resume, you will find that this person is proficient in many things. Of course, there are also many but not refined problems.

After Zhao Dongyun moved into the capital, he, like most of the civil servants in the Beiyang system such as Zhou Xuexi, changed the court and began to be loyal to Zhao Dongyun. However, after saying that, including Zhou Xuexi and Tang Shaoyi, these civil servants in the Beiyang system are actually not loyal to any Beiyang bosses. They are loyal to the Beiyang system. Whether Yuan Shikai is the leader, Wang Yingkai is the boss or Zhao Dongyun is the president, they are all mixed in the Beiyang as always. In the system.

After Zhao Dongyun moved into Beijing, he naturally cleaned up the whole government and merged the Bank of Communications, which was still in the early stage of development, directly into the Central Bank. Liang Shiqi was transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and became the deputy director of the Americas Department.

After this man played diplomacy again, he soon turned his attention to the Americans. To be precise, he wanted the Americans' Gengzi compensation and wanted the Americans to return Gengzi's compensation for the funds for studying abroad.

Zhao Dongyun is also concerned about this. Although he knows that there is such a thing in history. Americans have refunded and started a Tsinghua University, now history has become a mess. Yuan Shikai died and a southern federation emerged. Cixi and Guangxu are not dead yet. The whole China is in a mess, and the bigwigs from all sides have changed. The lamp generally rises and declines. Zhang Zuolin, who was famous in history, was wiped out by Zhao Dongyun as a bandit. Feng Guozhang was defeated by himself and fled to the Tianjin concession. Wang Yingkai, who was originally unknown, replaced Yuan Shikai in history and became the first republican president of China for thousands of years, but was soon defeated by Zhao Dongyun and also ran to Tianjin is a public residence. It is said that he and Feng Guozhang often drink together.

Now the China where Zhao Dongyun is located has nothing to do with the original China!

Not only was the domestically incited by the butterfly Zhao Dongyun, but also the international situation was affected by the butterfly Zhao Dongyun. A series of battles in the Russo-Japanese War are completely different from history. The Battle of Lushun in the Russo-Japanese War in history is famous at home and abroad for its huge casualties. However, in this time and space, The Battle of Lushun between Japan and Russia was longer, and the casualties of both sides were much smaller. The Japanese army failed to capture Liaoyang and Fengtian from the beginning. Although the Russian navy suffered huge losses in a naval battle, Japan itself was not much better.

Historically, the Japanese-controlled Man Railway did not appear, but a six-nation jointly controlled Middle East railway company. Lushun was not occupied by Japan, but became the same public concession as Shanghai.

This era is completely different from the era in Zhao Dongyun's memory, so when Zhao Dongyun thinks about things, he rarely relies on the memory of future generations. He analyzes more according to the many situations he now controls, and then makes optimal choices.

Since so many things have been changed, Zhao Dongyun is not sure whether this Gengzi's refund will change, but as long as there is hope, he still has to fight for it. At least tens of millions of dollars. Although this money is impossible for him to expand the army, it is enough to send many students to the United States every year. Study abroad.