Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 357 Refund Agreement

When it comes to Gengzi's refund, we have to talk about the relationship between contemporary China and the United States, and when it comes to the relationship between contemporary China and the United States, we have to talk about the foreign policy of contemporary America.

After the Spanish-American War, the United States has been trying to improve its international influence, especially after the rapid increase of American industry, the United States has been trying to improve its status as a great power.

However, the promotion of international status is not so easy. The contemporary United States is not a super empire that has changed the color of future generations. The current international influence of the United States is not even comparable to that of Britain, an empire that does not set the sun, and is far from being comparable to France, Germany and Russia. At most, it is very big. Li, Austria-Hungary are just the same as these third-rate countries.

Specifically, in the Far East, the influence of the United States on China is far less than that of Japan, a newly emerging third-rate power.

Whether it is still in the Far East or in Europe or other regions, the United States has been trying to improve its influence and what to do? Naturally, it is to expand the supply of industrial raw materials and the sales market of industrial products.

Although China is a little poor in modern times, it is better than many people, and China's own industrial capacity is weak, and the demand for foreign industrial products is still relatively large.

However, these industrial product markets in contemporary China have little to do with Americans!

The ordnance weapons needed by China, especially artillery, are basically imported from Germany. Since the Li Hongzhang era, China has been a loyal user of German Krper artillery. Not to mention the United States, even Britain and France can't take this big cake from the Germans. A considerable part of other light industrial products such as textiles are occupied by the British, especially the southern provinces of China have always been the dumping origin of British foreign cloth, while the remaining part of the market is occupied by countries, including France and Japan.

In terms of raw materials, China's export of agricultural products and minerals has nothing to do with Americans. Whether it is strategic materials such as rare minerals, mane, tung oil or agricultural products such as tea, they are basically exported to Europe. In recent years, a large number of Northeast soybean products have been exported, and their bean cakes are mainly It is exported to Japan, and soybean oil is mainly exported to the United Kingdom.

The only exception should be raw silk. The contemporary United States is the world's largest consumer of raw silk. Whether it is Japan or China, most of the raw silk exported is exported to the United States.

Therefore, the contemporary United States has not actually received much benefit from China.

And it is not limited to China, where the United States is extremely short of product markets and raw materials in the world.

In order to open the market in China and other regions, Americans just shouted the slogan of opening the door. Unfortunately, there is no great bird of it. The slogan of opening the door has been shouted for many years and has no effect.

However, China's vast market cannot be easily abandoned by the United States. For example, when Zhao Dongyun proposed a series of railway construction plans such as Jinpu Railway and Longhai Railway this year, the Americans were very active in trying to seek the right to build the above-mentioned railway.

However, unlike history, Zhao Dongyun is directly linked to the construction rights and after-the-after loan of these railways.

The aftermath loan has not been negotiated, which makes the railway construction rights coveted by the great powers naturally become difficult to negotiate.

In addition to the Americans coveted China's vast market, the strength shown by Japan in recent years is also deeply disturbing to Americans. Although Japan is only a third-rate country now and is now poor to death, but at least it is also a country that has tied with the Russians. Although its army can only be said to be average, Japan However, the navy should not be underestimated. In the Russo-Japanese War, it defeated the Russian Navy with few victories.

In addition, Japan has reached an alliance with Britain, which can let the world's boss Britain pull down to form an alliance with it. Although the main reason is that the British want to use Japan against Russia, it also needs strength to be a threwagonist for the British these days. Otherwise, you can ask Zhao Dongyun to come up and say that he wants to be a thre with the British, but they still don't like it.

The original goal of the Anglo-Japanese alliance is to fight against Russia. However, Russia has been cut off by Japan itself, and even the navy has been abolished. However, why does the Anglo-Japanese alliance continue to exist? Anyone who knows a little about the international situation knows that this is the British guard against the Americans.

The strategic goal of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance today is to become Americans!

It can be said that if there is no German firepower to attract the British before and after World War I, the Americans will face the two-sided attack between Britain and Japan, and the strategic situation is very tragic.

However, despite this, Americans do not dare to relax. Every year, naval military spending has risen continuously. In just over ten years, a large white fleet has been made to travel around the world. Through this move, it is to tell Japan and the British that these Yankees are not easy to bully.

It's far from enough. The British can pull Japan into the chariot and let Japan act as a pawn. Why can't the Americans?

There were many disputes with Japan, and the neighboring China came into the eyes of the Americans at this time.

However, in the past few years, the U.S. anti-China Exclusion Act, Guangdong-Han Railway and other issues have caused an anti-American wave in China. In this case, not to mention win over China, China and Japan have competed. Even the original few exports to China have been rapidly reduced. It can be said that Sino-US relations are still at a low point in the past two years. Period.

In order to improve its influence in China, as well as to open up the Chinese market, and to win over China as its own thug, the United States has made relevant moves.

Some missionaries and politicians suggested that part of Gengzi's compensation should be refunded to fund Chinese students to study in the United States and use education as a breakthrough to expand their influence in China.

As long as a large number of Chinese students go to study in the United States and then return to China, these people who accept American values will naturally become closer to the United States.

I have to say that using Gengzi's refund to accept a large number of Chinese students is the most successful value export case in the United States in a hundred years. Its influence not only runs through the decades of the Republic of China in history, but also has a huge influence in modern China a hundred years later. Countless people heard that the United States is A color of yearning.

The role of a Tsinghua University far exceeds that of Hollywood blockbusters and KFC.

Let's not talk about the American plan, but for China, to be precise, this matter is also of many benefits for Zhao Dongyun!

The level of higher education in contemporary China is really unsightly. If you want to obtain useful talents, you have to send a large number of students to study abroad. However, the cost of studying abroad is high. The cost of sending an official international student to study in the United Kingdom, Germany and other European countries is often thousands of pounds, even if it is a national effort. In fact, a year It can't support hundreds of official international students.

It is precisely because of the high cost of studying in Europe and the United States, which is also the reason why a large number of students went to Japan to study near the east after China abolished the imperial examination, not because the education level of Japan is far higher than that of the European and American powers, but because it is much cheaper to study in Japan.

For this year, most of the warlords or self-funded international students went to Japan to study, and the remaining minority went to Germany, Britain, France, etc. However, it is interesting that although the largest number of international students go to Japan, military students mainly go to Germany.

This is mainly due to the incitement of Zhao Dongyun, a butterfly. Since the rise of Zhao Dongyun, Yuan Shikai's era has sent a large number of international students to Germany to study. Especially in recent years, most of the military students of the Beiyang system have gone to Germany, and only a few have gone to Japan. This Lushi is studying.

More of the people who studied in Japan are not the official derivatives of the Beiyang system.

In the contemporary China's Beiyang system and the southern federal system, the international students in the Beiyang system are mainly students, while the southern federal system are mainly Lu Shisheng.

As for the navy, the British navy is the best in the world these days, not to mention the Chinese navy. The other U.S. Navy, the German navy and the French navy of almost all countries take the British navy as their division. If naval officers want to study abroad, they are 100% the first choice for Britain. If they can't go, they will choose others. Studying in a country.

Apart from military students, most of the other international students choose to go to Japan, because many of them are self-funded students, and it is much cheaper to study in Japan.

If the United States is willing to use Gengzi's compensation as funds for studying abroad and subsidize domestic students to study in the United States, Zhao Dongyun will not worry about the output of values. If they pay to help you cultivate talents, what else do you have to care about?

And looking at the modern history of China, there is a very interesting phenomenon, that is, most of the students who went to Japan liked to play revolution after returning to China, especially those students who went to Japan after the Russo-Japanese War eventually became revolutionaries. However, international students studying in Germany, the United States, France and the United Kingdom will not have this problem on a large scale.

It is also because international students who go to Japan are easy to become revolutionists, Yuan Shikai reduced the Japanese derivative on a large scale in the past few years, and instead sent students, especially those studying military, to Germany to study.

With the support of Zhao Dongyun, the Americans are also wronged. In addition, there are some of the following learnings with various plans and the promotion of politicians, and soon the Gengzi refund will be negotiated.

On December 2, Liang Shiyi and U.S. public envoy Rou Keyi officially signed a relevant agreement on the refund of Gengzi. As soon as they signed this relevant agreement, Liang Shiyi went to Jurentang immediately to meet Zhao Dongyun.