Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 358 Zhao Dongyun's patriotism

"The agreement stipulates that the United States will refund half of the Gengzi compensation, a total of more than 10 million US dollars. The refund will be managed by the newly established China Education Fund, which is limited to fund Chinese students to study in the United States. The agreement requires that China needs to send 100 students to study in the United States every year in the first four years, the fifth year At the beginning, at least 50 students need to be sent to study in the United States every year. In addition, in order to better select students who are suitable to study in the United States, the United States will assist us in establishing a preparatory school for studying in the United States!" Liang Shiqi was full of pride when he said this.

Although this money is used for China's Gengzi compensation, and the specific management of the subsequent funds is still managed by the United States, it is rare for them to be able to retake out the money that these Americans have eaten for domestic students to study abroad.

Zhao Dongyun nodded slightly after listening: "It seems that things are going well!"

When he said this, he also took over the agreement and read it carefully. When he saw the terms of the preparatory school in the United States, he smiled. This was the predecessor of the famous Tsinghua University in later generations!

Of course, this preparatory school has not yet been officially named, not even the school site, but only exists on a paper agreement.

He immediately asked, "What regulations do you have for this preparatory school?"

Zhao Dongyun did not pay much attention to other agreements, because those agreements are strictly related to Zhao Dongyun. Anyway, even if Americans refund, they will not hand over the money directly to Zhao Dongyun. They also know that Zhao Dongyun is a big warlord. It is estimated that as soon as the money arrives, it will be used as military expenses. What kind of education will they do, so although they refunded the money, they set up a separate fund to manage it. Zhao Dongyun didn't want to get a cent from it.

So the only thing that interests him is this preparatory school. Although there are several colleges and universities in China, such as Shandong University, Beijing Normal University, Beiyang University, Fengtian University and a few other higher normal schools hosted by Zhao Dongyun, it is one of the largest China. Xiangbi, China's institutions of higher learning are still far from enough, and the cost of opening institutions of higher learning is extremely high. At least with the current financial resources of the Soviet Department, it is difficult to open any other universities. The money of the Soviet Department has been used to expand the army and fight. Not to mention the opening of new universities, even the funds for maintaining existing universities are often in arrears.

Now that Americans are willing to pay for money or even teachers to run this preparatory school, Zhao Dongyun doesn't care what values the Americans export, it is the right way to run this school.

Liang Shiqi immediately said, "According to the constitution of our agreement, the United States will contribute all the cost of running the school. In addition, we will also provide a certain number of teachers. We need to provide the school site to ensure the source of students!"

Zhao Dongyun nodded and then said, "In terms of the school site, there are many former Qing royal estates that have been inspected. At that time, I will ask the Ministry of Education and the Secretariat to assist in handling it and pick out a garden. As for the name, use 'Beijing Normal University Preparatory School'."

Zhao Dongyun's sentence is to make Tsinghua University disappear without a trace. This is not Zhao Dongyun's intention to deliberately change history, but because the name of Tsinghua University comes from Tsinghua Garden, and Tsinghua Garden, a former Qing royal garden, has been requisitioned as a newly established capital teacher in the era of Wang Yingkai. The location of the Higher Normal School, and this Tsinghua Garden is gone, so it is naturally impossible for this new preparatory school to be called Tsinghua University!

However, the name change has little impact. As long as there are enough funds, teachers and policy support, the school will become one of the important universities in China in the future.

After Zhao Dongyun closed the agreement, he secretly said to himself: In addition to such a Beijing Normal University preparatory school, then the colleges and universities in northern China under his rule are also beginning to take shape.

In terms of officially-run comprehensive universities, there is a Fengtian University hosted by Zhao Dongyun himself in the northeast, a Beiyang University in Zhili, a Beijing Normal University in Beijing Normal University, and a Shandong University in Shandong.

There are also many official normal schools, such as Jinzhou Normal School, Fengtian Higher Normal School, Shenyang Normal School, Zhili, Shandong, Henan and other provinces that were sponsored by Zhao Dongyun in the previous years. There were also several normal schools in the pre-Qing era, and the post-communist normal schools developed rapidly. Wang Yingkai last year It is a Beijing Normal Higher Normal School.

Then there are vocational schools, which are relatively few and mainly commercially run. Among them, the more famous is Huludao University, which was jointly funded by many enterprises in Huludao. It was originally called Huludao Industrial and Commercial School. After the restructuring of the Republican Ministry of Education, it was renamed Huludao Industrial and Commercial University. Although the school was founded The time is short, but the advantage lies in its strong capital, and a considerable part of its students are enterprise trainees. The school mainly trains financial talents and middle and low-level technical talents. It is a very practical vocational school.

In addition, there is Tangshan University of Technology, which is relatively special. The total number of teachers and students is not large, and the total number is only a few hundred, but it is very important in contemporary domestic institutions of higher learning. It is rude to say that a Tangshan University of Technology is more important than all other colleges and universities in China.

Because the school is an affiliated school of Fuyuan Machinery Factory, although the school was only to cultivate the technical talents needed by Fuyuan Machinery Factory itself, but with the increasing scale of Fuyuan Machinery Factory and the increasing technical content of military products involved, the demand for senior technical experts is increasing. In addition to Foreign recruits also start to cultivate themselves. Therefore, this affiliated school has gradually changed from training middle and low-level technical personnel to cultivating high-end talents. The enrollment is not limited to the Fuyuan Machinery Factory, but has begun to recruit students nationwide.

The school is wholly owned by Fuyuan Machinery Factory, and the school is not only a school that trains talents, but also an important scientific research base of Fuyuan Machinery Factory, shouldering the burden of various scientific research activities. Many of the students in Fuyuan Machinery Factory, and many teachers are also high in Fuyuan Machinery Factory. Engineer, etc., if it is a university, it is better to say that it is a scientific research institution set up in Fuyuan Machinery Factory.

Due to the particularity of the school, the school is not actually under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education. They enroll students independently, independently formulate the school's charter, and follow the mode of enterprise management. Zhao Dongyun also allowed their actions for the impossible, because Tangshan University of Technology is the only university in China that can carry out various scientific research activities. Although the level cannot be compared with those universities of the great powers, it is also extremely rare in contemporary China, so it gives them some privileges. It is taken for granted.

In addition to the above-mentioned government-run and commercial colleges and universities, there is also a relatively special institution of higher learning in contemporary China, that is, Church University. In Zhao Dongyun's ruling area, it is more famous for Beijing Normal University and Medical College, Qilu University, etc.

Now, we have to add a Zhili preparatory school!

Today, the number of colleges and universities under Zhao Dongyun's control is barely formal, but most of them are all kinds of normal schools, and there are only a few comprehensive universities. However, Zhao Dongyun is not worried that colleges and universities are not so easy to run. If they really want to run education, it is not enough to run a few universities, but to set up a large number of primary schools and middle schools to lay the foundation of education. Otherwise, there are so many universities and there are not enough students.

It's just that the difficulty of popularizing basic education is more difficult than running a famous university. Not to mention running a primary school in every populated place, even if the funds required to run a primary school in each town are astronomical, which is absolutely unbearable for contemporary Soviet finance.

So at present, Zhao Dongyun can only promote private education. Many domestic gentry are still more keen on education, allowing these rich gentry to invest in the establishment of primary schools step by step.

After Gengzi's refund and Zhili Preparatory School were settled, Liang Shiyi did not leave, but said, "The minister of Rou Keyi said that there will be a business group from the United States in the near future to investigate the investment in railway!"

Zhao Dongyun listened and said, "Is it for the Longhai Railway and Jinpu Railway?"

Liang Shiqi nodded and said, "Yes, since we heard the rumor of building these two railways, all countries have been moved by the wind, and those Americans will naturally not be willing to give up!"

Zhao Dongyun said, "They are coming, just treat them well!"

However, Liang Shiyi looked different and paused slightly and said, "They have revealed to me before that they intend to withdraw from the four-nation banking group and negotiate with us alone!"

Zhao Dongyun wants to build the Longhai Railway and Jinpu Railway, which is originally a bait, and it is also a bait that makes the great powers salivate. Let alone how many years of operating profits can be transferred after the construction of the railway, even if it is a Chinese loan to build, but this loan is often hundreds of millions, and the interest in it alone is enough to make countless bankers Squeeze your head to fight for it, and the profits contained in it are definitely not much lower than the aftercare loan.

In the face of such huge interests, no country can sit still. Almost all the great powers such as Britain, Japan, Russia, France and Germany are fighting for the right to build these two railways. Even if China insists on building its own and cannot obtain the right to build roads, they will still strive for the loan right.

Although they are competing to send money to China to build railways, such a huge amount of loans is enough to bring them back considerable interest income.

When the Xinchou Treaty was signed that year, because China could not immediately pay all the compensation for a while, countries competed fiercely in order to lend money to China for repayment. What did they like? It's nothing more than the huge interest income that can be harvested after the loan. Well, it's similar to the high-interest loans in later generations.

The great powers are competing, and the Americans are naturally unwilling to lag behind. They also sent relevant missions across the Pacific Ocean to China. On the one hand, they are to investigate whether the so-called Jinpu Railway and Longhai Railway construction plan proposed by China is feasible, and on the other hand, they also hope As much as possible, I hope to take the construction of the railway as an opportunity to open up the Chinese market.

You should know that in 1907, the total import and export trade between the United States and China only accounted for less than 8% of China's total import and export trade. Seeing that the British and Germans even Japan themselves made a lot of money in China, they naturally couldn't sit still.

In this case, it is reasonable for Americans to withdraw from the four-nation banking group, because in front of the two railways thrown out by Zhao Dongyun, in the face of such huge interests, it has made the four-nation banking group become competitors between each other. In addition, Japan and the Russians are also staring at each other.

When the four-nation banking group has been unable to negotiate because of the joint advance and retreat, Japan took this opportunity to actively expand the Chinese market and abruptly grabbed a large part of the arms market from the Germans.

Not to mention the Americans, even the British have come to the door alone for relevant negotiations.

In the face of this, Zhao Dongyun pondered and said after a meeting, "You show your mouth to the Americans. I personally welcome this. Well, this after-care loan has also been delayed for several months. It's not good to always delay like this. Your Ministry of Foreign Affairs will look at the arrangement and let them come to see me separately at that time. I will personally and them Let's talk about it!"

Anyway, it's all borrowing money. Who doesn't borrow money? Whether it's the United Kingdom, the United States or even Japan himself, as long as the other party doesn't look so ugly and don't let himself become a traitor referred to by thousands of people, then Zhao Dongyun doesn't mind selling the 'small' national interests!

These days, only when you have money can you expand your army and fight. Only when your army is strong can you unify China. Only by unifying China can Zhao Dongyun love this country.

Strictly speaking, Zhao Dongyun thinks he is patriotic!

It's just that the premise of his patriotism is not that he belongs to this country, but that this country belongs to him!