Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 372 Battle Plan for Crossing the River

"It is a feasible strategy to use the 14th Division as a reserve force, but it is also necessary to give due consideration to the tension of troops on the front line and continue to reinforce the main forces in the rear. The total strength of the First Army and the Second Army is only more than 100,000, but they have to be scattered on hundreds of kilometers of front lines in northern Jiangsu and southern Anhui, in order to cross the river south. The battle can gather more troops to launch an attack, and it is necessary for the staff to properly dispatch troops!"

Zhao Dongyun did not directly say where to transfer the 14th Division, nor did he let the First Army and the Second Army make any tactical arrangements. The detailed strategic and tactical arrangements were not Zhao Dongyun's job. All he had to do was to make a request: to ask the south troops to capture the south of the Yangtze River!

As for how to dispatch troops to do this, it requires many generals in the command department to make suggestions. Otherwise, what would Zhao Dongyun do with dozens of generals in the command headquarters?

Fang Biyong listened and said, "At present, the staff is still improving the final battle plan to cross the river south, and there will be troops deployed according to the final plan. At that time, the 14th Division should move forward appropriately!"

Zhao Dongyun nodded. Although he boasts that he has a forward-looking vision in the international situation and the strategic development of the military because of his memory of later generations, in terms of specific military command, his talent can only be regarded as moderate, and he can only rely on the memories learned by his original body. However, these moves The memory can make him a division-level general, but it must not make him an excellent military commander.

A look at many warlords in Beiyang, although Zhao Dongyun is the most famous for his military talent, his actual command talent can be regarded as the bottom. In several bigwigs in Beiyang, Wang Yingkai, Duan Qirui, Wang Shizhen, Wu Fengling, Zhang Huaizhi and others are all solid military commanders, especially Duan Qi Rui's military talent is second to none among the warlords in Beiyang.

Although he was defeated by the Feng army in Jiangbei, his ability to take a fourth division to fight east and west and win more than half of the territory in southern China is enough to prove his outstanding military talent.

Comparing Duan Qirui and Zhao Dongyun, Zhao Dongyun is more like a combination of military theorists and politicians, while Duan Qirui is a veritable military commander.

In terms of actual command ability, Zhao Dongyun is not even as good as Meng Enyuan and Chen Guangyuan, and he can't compare with Gu Lanyu and Yang Deming, who are famous in the younger generation.

Therefore, Zhao Dongyun has always seen his position very clearly. He wrote military theoretical works and expanded his army, but he rarely commanded the troops to fight. Even in the early Tangshan Campaign, the Beijing Division Campaign and the Bazhou Campaign, he was only a nominal commander. The specific war was written by The war department is responsible for the actual command of Meng Enyuan, Chen Guangyuan, Gu Lanyu and other generals on the front line.

Now the war along the Yangtze River, especially the battle planned by the Feng army, is more related to the survival of the Feng army and whether China can unify the life-and-death battle in the future. Therefore, Zhao Dongyun is very self-evident and handed over the battle plan for crossing the river to the war department for formulation. He only supervises the implementation and does not participate in it himself. Make a detailed plan.

In recent years, Zhao Dongyun has gradually transformed from a military commander to a politician!

As a politician, he not only needs to pay attention to military affairs, but also needs to maintain great energy to pay attention to civil affairs!

Fang Biyong just reported and went out. The door of Zhao Dongyun's office was quickly knocked again, and then he came in a second-class secretary who was about 30 years old. His name was Zhu Chaolin, the deputy section chief of the General Affairs Section of the Secretariat and one of Zhao Dongyun's accompanying secretaries.

He was wearing the same suit as other civil servants, and his head was shaved and oiled. He looked neat and shiny. When he came in, he saw him and said, "President, President Zhou has been waiting!"

Zhao Dongyun nodded: "Let him in, and bring in the plan for Tangshan Industrial Zone sent by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce later!"

Zhu Chaolin, the second-class secretary who came in, immediately retreated. After leaving Zhao Dongyun's office, he immediately went to a Hou room next to him. After raising his foot, he could see that there were four people sitting in the Hou room.

In addition to Zhou Xuexi, the chief of the Ministry of Finance, one is Chen Zhenxian, the chief of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and the other two are wearing military uniforms. The older one is Yu Yuanqin. This person just became the commander of the fifth mixed brigade at the end of last year and was awarded the rank of major general and lieutenant general at the award ceremony at the beginning of the year. Another slightly younger is Major General Xue Yiping, the former chief of staff of the 10th Division and the current commander of the 29th Brigade.

After these people saw Zhu Chaolin come in, their eyes naturally fell on Zhu Chaolin and smiled one after another.

As senior military and political officials of the Soviet system, they naturally won't say that they smile at anyone. If they were ordinary second-class secretaries of the Secretariat, they would not take the initiative to show their goodwill.

It's just that Zhu Chaolin is not an ordinary second-class secretary. He is the deputy chief of the General Affairs Section of the Secretariat!

As mentioned above, the Secretariat of the Presidential Palace is a relatively special institution with many departments, including the General Affairs Section, the Internal Affairs Section I, the Internal Affairs Section II, the Mechanism Section, the Foreign Affairs Section, the Counselor Section, thezi zheng Section, the Statistics Section and the Attendant Office. Except for the Internal Affairs Section 1 and the Foreign Affairs Section, these departments have little impact on several other departments. The rooms are all extremely important departments. The attendant's office is responsible for the personal security affairs of Zhao Dongyun and his family. The important department is responsible for intelligence affairs, the second internal affairs section is responsible for domestic affairs, the counselor department is responsible for military affairs, thezi zhengke is responsible for industrial and commercial affairs, and the statistics section is responsible for financial affairs.

As for the General Affairs Section, this department does not specifically say that it is responsible for a certain aspect of military and political affairs, but the second-class secretary in the General Affairs Section serves as Zhao Dongyun's accompanying secretary. If it is devalued, it is the role of serving tea to Zhao Dongyun, but it will be raised, then the second-class secretaries of the General Affairs Section However, the books are all the entourage of Zhao Dongyun every day, and its importance can be seen.

The General Affairs Section is also the only department in many departments of the Secretariat with six deputy section chiefs and second-class secretaries at the same time. The head of the General Affairs Section is Dai Hongci, a former minister of law and politics in the Qing Dynasty personally invited by Zhao Dongyun.

After the death of the Qing Dynasty before 1906, Dai Hongci did not withdraw from politics like many former senior officials and politicians of the Qing Dynasty. Even Lu Chuanlin, Lin Shaonian and other two former military ministers successively stayed in the first cabinet in the Wang Yingkai era and the second cabinet in the Zhao Dongyun era. Many other politicians are also alive. Leap into the politics of the Northern Republican Government or the Southern Federal Empire.

Dai Hongci was one of the 'five ministers abroad' in the pre-Qing Dynasty. After returning to China, he was a person with a relatively enlightened political attitude among the traditional bureaucrats of the former Qing Dynasty. On the eve of the end of the Qing Dynasty, he was the secretary of the Ministry of Ceremonies. Although Wang Yingkai was appointed as an adviser to the presidential palace, he did not hold an important position. After Zhao Dongyun moved to Beijing, after being recommended by Lin Shaonian and others, he was finally invited by Zhao Dongyun to serve as a first-class secretary in the secretariat of the presidential palace.

There are only four first-class secretaries of the Secretariat of the Presidential Palace. In addition, the Secretariat is extremely powerful. Most outsiders respectfully call the first-class secretary of the Secretariat a Privy Council, which can be regarded as a former Qing military aircraft minister or a former member of the former cabinet member of the Beiyang Republican Government.

So although he only holds a first-class secretary, which sounds like a bad title, far from being as majestic as the chief of the cabinet, the actual power is not small. People and others have to honor him as 'Dai Shumi', which is not an insult to his identity as the former minister of the Ministry of Ceremonies.

Although Dai Hongci supervises the General Affairs Section, as one of the four first-class secretaries, his daily official duties are actually very heavy, so the daily work of the General Affairs Section is shared by those second-class secretaries.

It can be seen that although Zhu Chaolin, the deputy chief of the general affairs section and second-class secretary, sounds not very good, is one of the top ten second-class secretaries of the Secretariat. Compared with those undersecretaries and chiefs of the cabinet, he is not weak. Based on the fact that he has been following Zhao Dongyun to handle affairs all year round, in the eyes of outsiders The importance has reached another level.

So even the two cabinet chiefs Zhou Xuexi and Chen Zhenxian are not easy to look at, but smile.

Although Zhu Chaolin is young, he can emerge from the talented secretariat and become one of Zhao Dongyun's six accompanying secretaries among dozens of second-class secretaries in the secretariat. Naturally, he also has his excellence.

He is not only an early student studying in China. He graduated from the law department of Benqing University. After returning to China, he first served in Zhili. Then when Zhao Dongyun served as General Shengjing, he was recruited to go to Fengtian. First, he served in the judiciary, and then transferred to the secretariat as a third-class secretary. On the eve of entering the customs, he was promoted to second-class secretary. He served as the deputy section chief of the General Affairs Section and became one of Zhao Dongyun's accompanying secretaries.

The most important thing for him to become Zhao Dongyun's accompanying secretary is not his education and work experience, but that he is good at dealing with people and observing words and colors. Without this ability, it is difficult to make a big name in the secretariat. Why?

Because the secretariat is full of talents!

There are generally three kinds of people in the secretariat. One is a traditional civil official from Hanlin in the pre-Qing Dynasty. Dai Hongci is a typical example of which a considerable number of people have entered the Secretariat in the past year. The second is the staff who followed Zhao Dongyun in his early years, such as Yang Debiao and Yuan Jinkai. This group is not large, but three of the four first-class secretaries occupy the main components of the contemporary Secretariat, second-class secretaries and third-class secretaries. The third is the young people from studying abroad. These people are the largest number, but most of them are young and have not worked for a long time. Basically, they are mixed with third-class secretaries or even fourth-class secretaries.

But no matter what, the overall quality of these secretariats in the Secretariat is actually higher than that of many section members and directors in the cabinet.

It is naturally difficult to get out in such a secretariat!

Zhu Chaolin was obviously the best among many secretaries in the secretariat, so as soon as he came in, his face was full of harmony, and then he came forward and said, "Let's wait for a long time!"

Then he turned to Zhou Xuexi and said, "Mr. Zhou, please follow me!"

The four people present came to see Zhao Dongyun, but they saw Zhao Dongyun sooner or later. After hearing Zhu Chaolin calling him, Zhou Xuexi immediately stood up, then straightened his clothes and collar, and then stepped up.

Not long after, he arrived at Zhao Dongyun's office!

Zhao Dongyun in his sight was leaning over and writing something on his desk. Maybe he heard Zhou Xuexi's footsteps, so he looked up, and then soon lowered again. At the same time, Zhao Dongyun's voice came out: "Sit first, I'll be fine!"