Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 373 Don't worry about debt

After Zhou Xuexi sat down, he didn't wait long. Zhao Dongyun had already put down the pen in his hand and raised his head: "Let you wait for a long time!"

Zhou Xuexi naturally did not dare to ask for Zhao Dongyun. He immediately showed his face and said respectfully, "The Ministry of Service has only been waiting for a few minutes. It doesn't matter!"

A few years ago, when Zhao Dongyun was only a new army commander in a Beiyang standing army, Zhou Xuexi was already an important financial system official under Yuan Shikai. Although Zhou Xuexi, who was in charge of a Beiyang official bank number and other Beiyang official enterprises, was a few years younger, he had a very early career, even than Zhao Dongyun. It's better to make a fortune earlier.

And the two have also met a lot in recent years. When Zhao Dongyun planned to set up Fuyuan Machinery Factory, he still had the cheek to ask Zhou Xuexi to raise funds. Later, Fuyuan Company controlled by Zhao Dongyun and Zhou Xuexi raised funds to open Luanzhou Coal Mine, Tangshan Iron and Steel Factory, Tianjin Ash Factory and many other industries.

However, the many contacts between the two do not mean that Zhou Xuexi is Zhao Dongyun's subordinates. Zhou Xuexi is not only a financial official, but also represents the financial system within Beiyang. A series of official enterprises founded by Beiyang after the year of Gengzi are closely related to Zhou Xuexi.

After the republic the year before last, although he did not turn to Wang Yingkai or Zhao Dongyun, he also stayed at a high level with his special position in the Beiyang financial system. In the second cabinet, Zhao Dongyun still had to appoint him as the governor of the Ministry of Finance.

However, Zhou Xuexi is not simple, but Zhao Dongyun has changed more. If Zhao Dongyun's status is not as good as him in Xin Chou, then Zhao Dongyun's status after 1905 is not comparable to him. As for today, Zhao Dongyun needs to look up to.

So when facing Zhao Dongyun today, Zhou Xuexi maintained a very necessary respect!

Zhao Dongyun is also accustomed to this attitude towards Zhou Xuexi. Since he took office as the governor of the three eastern provinces, he has been among the top politicians in China. Only a few people who can be compared with him are Zhang Zhidong, Wang Yingkai, Duan Qirui, etc. The power status has risen rapidly, and outsiders, especially his subordinates, regard him. The attitude is also becoming more respectful day by day. Today, there are few people who dare to be arrogant in front of Zhao Dongyun. Most of them look respectful and dare not be arrogant.

Over time, Zhao Dongyun got used to the attitude of his subordinates and became more and more accustomed to being a superior!

And Zhao Dongyun's attitude also makes his subordinates feel more and more pressured when facing him. To exaggerate, he can feel the so-called domineering spirit from Zhao Dongyun.

How did the so-called hegemony come from? Most of them are the superiors who have accumulated power over time. Strictly speaking, this is not a momentum, but an attitude: I am the most awesome in the world!

Of course, if it is not the head of a country and the commander of the three armies, but just an ordinary person who also puts on my best attitude in the world, it is not awesome but stupid!

Well, that kind of stupid momentum is the 'wangba's spirit' that is only one word away from the 'king's hegemony'!

Zhao Dongyun and Zhou Xuexi's opening remarks did not last long. Zhou Xuexi knew that Zhao Dongyun's daily affairs were busy, and his time to meet him was fixed on the itinerary. The time before and after was only half an hour, and there were a lot of things he wanted to say. If he lingered, he probably didn't have enough time.

So Zhou Xuexi quickly talked about business: "The preliminary table of this year's budget has been made. Please ask the president to have a look!"

After saying that, Zhou Xuexi just put a thick report on the ground. Zhao Dongyun took it and turned it over. The report was quite thick, at least dozens of pages. Naturally, Zhao Dongyun did not have much time to look through it carefully one by one, so he looked at the summary table in front of the report and said, "Oh, say it! "

Zhou Xuexi, as the Minister of Finance, naturally knows all the financial data of the Soviet system. Even if he doesn't have that report in his hand, he can still do it one by one:

"Last year, 1907, in addition to the payment of military expenses, bond principal and interest, and administrative expenses, our Ministry of Finance still retained 11.6 million yuan.

In addition, there are 28 million yuan of the principal and interest of patriotic bonds that have not been paid, and 47 private enterprises such as Fuyuan Machinery Factory have been owed 470,000 ordnance money, Fuyuan Yarn Factory, Huludao Textile Company, Tianjin Datong Yarn Factory, Liji Grain Bank, Hongfu Commercial Bank, Fuyuan Cigarette Factory, Fuyuan Cement Ship, Northern Grain and Oil Company, etc. The total amount is 12 million.

In addition, the original official ticket numbers and banks are owed, and the two integrated Huatong Industrial Bank and Industrial Bank of the Middle East have a total of 670,000 yuan in loan principal and interest.

In addition, about 13 million yuan is owed to the salaries of civil servants in the central and northern provinces.

Hearing Zhou Xuexi's series of arrears, Zhao Dongyun also felt a little cold. It was not that his family did not know how difficult it was to be in charge. In the eyes of outsiders, the Soviet system he controlled was extremely powerful, but only after personally reading the financial statements of the Soviet system would he find out how bad the actual situation of the Soviet system was.

Last year and now, in order to fight the war, Zhao Dongyun misappropriated all the money that can be misappropriated. The payment of Fuyuan Machinery Factory has never been paid, and it is always delayed, and other merchants as military supply suppliers are also difficult to collect the payment. Among other things, Fuyuan cigarettes that supply cigarettes to the army The factory hasn't received a dime in the past year.

The Northern Grain and Oil Company, which was jointly invested and established by Fulong Bank, a subsidiary bank of Fuyuan Company, Jinzhou Lijia and a number of capital consortia in the north, mainly focuses on the soybean industry in the three eastern provinces at the beginning of its establishment, but was soon selected as the main military grain supplier of Fengjun.

Although the Soviet finance has collected a lot of physical taxes, it is not a small amount of food that more than 200,000 soldiers want to eat. Although the troops fighting in the south generally adopt the mode of on-site procurement, the troops stationed in the northern provinces are generally purchased by the Ordnance Department and transported by the Military Supply Department. Some of the grain is requisitioned from the government's granaries, and part of it is purchased from those big grain merchants.

The Northern Grain and Oil Company has contracted many of the supply contracts and the military. Naturally, the Northern Grain and Oil Company is trying its best to supply, but it is also inevitably owed. It has accumulated more than 1 million yuan in arrears, which makes this financial resources rich. Previously, it shouted that it would build the largest grain in the northern provinces. The company of food processing enterprises was once on the verge of bankruptcy.

1907 has passed, and what is left to the Soviet finances is a fiscal deficit of more than 40 million!

As for the remaining 11.6 million yuan, it was saved by the Ministry of Finance from last year's autumn tax. This money is life-saving money for the Soviet system, and it can only be used at the most critical moment. At ordinary times, let alone Zhao Dongping of the military In this money, even with Zhao Dongyun's warrant, it is impossible to get the money from Xiong Xiling. As for Zhao Dongyun's personal request, Xiong Xiling can't stop him, but later, he will hand over his resignation report to Zhao Dongyun, thus announcing the disintegration of the second cabinet of the Republic of China!

Although in 1908, the Soviet Union was still able to collect a lot of taxes from the local government, but it could not quench its thirst. The recent summer tax will take half a year later. Although there are also some of the usual industrial and commercial taxes and miscellaneous taxes, they are far from filling the financial gap of the Soviets.

To put it bluntly, if it hadn't been for the aftermath, Zhao Dongyun would not have been able to survive in the first half of 1908 according to the current financial situation of the Soviet system!

It can also be seen why Zhao Dongyun is willing to pay a huge price. He did not hesitate to take out the salt government mortgage and admitted that all the treaties of the former Qing Dynasty would get these aftermath loans. It's not that he likes to betray the country, but if he doesn't borrow it, he doesn't need Duan Qirui to beat him. His Soviet Fengjun himself will have to take the cause first. I collapsed because I didn't have money.

After paying a huge price, the benefits from the aftercare loans are also huge. The first payment of the aftercare loans of its countries is as high as 5 million pounds, equivalent to about 50 million yuan.

And because this money is all gold-based foreign exchange, if it is placed in the Bank of China as a reserve, it can overissue at least hundreds of millions of yuan of banknotes, but this money is far from completely solving the financial difficulties of the Soviet system, because the money has not yet arrived, and the military has planned to use it. Military spending has been expanded to prepare for war, and many subsequent battle plans have been formulated to cross the river south.

There is no doubt that this money has only one purpose, that is, to serve as war expenses

Of course, although the Ministry of Finance itself can't get much money from this money to fill the financial hole, with this money, the military will not want to buy the last bit of the Ministry of Finance's money to buy shells all day long, so that they can free up, such as the salary of civil servants. Appropriate repayment of part of the government debt due and various payments owed, etc.

"Last year, our gaps were too big, and today it is very difficult to fill them!" Zhou Xuexi also looked sad when he said it.

Zhao Dongyun doesn't feel much about it. He is short of money. It hasn't been a day or two. Since he became the assistant of the Third Mixed Association, the money available to him has not been relaxed. In the past, he lacked tens of thousands of thousands, but later he lacked millions, but now he is already lacks tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars, which is the so-called debt. Don't worry. When the lack of money reaches today's level, the deficit of 30 to 40 million is nothing.

To be honest, in the aftercare loans he just signed with various countries, the total amount is 27 million pounds, and the principal and interest to be repaid in the future are as high as more than 60 million pounds, which is more than 600 million yuan at the current exchange rate.

In the case of more than 600 million arrears, the deficit of 30 to 40 million is nothing!

So he can still look relaxed and say, "Oh, what is this year's revenue budget expected to reach?"

Nowadays, the areas where the Soviet system has actually controlled and can collect taxes are very large, including the three eastern provinces, Chahar and other Mongolian regions, Zhili Province including the Tangshan Administrative Office, Shandong Province, Henan Province, northern Jiangsu and northern Anhui. In the above-mentioned areas, it is worth paying attention to the old nest of the Soviet system. Fengtian Province, which has been supporting the rapid development of the Soviet Feng army since the previous year. In addition, due to the rapid development of heavy industry, the financial revenue that can contribute is not bad. Other areas of Zhili Province are slightly inferior, but Zhili Province has Tianjin and Beijing. The teacher is barely a rich province.

Shandong and Henan, which came again, were also famous for their poor provinces in the late Qing Dynasty. Zhao Dongyun himself had no hope of how much oil and water could be squeezed out in these two provinces.

The same is true in northern Anhui. Zhang Huaizhi has been in Anhui for more than half a year and has not been able to search for tens of thousands of people. This shows that the oil and water in Anhui, especially in northern Anhui, are really limited.

The situation in northern Jiangsu is better. Qingjiangpu, Yangzhou and other places are relatively rich, but the place has gone through many wars, and it will take some time to restore people's livelihood. In this way, how much tax can be contributed to the Soviet Union by next year is worth asking a big question.

Come again and nominally loyal to the northern republican government in Shanxi and Hubei. Although Wu Fengling and Wang Shizhen have been loyal to the northern republican government, you don't expect them to pay even a dime of tax to the central government. They don't think they use to support the army.

Zhao Dongyun himself is also a little worried about how much tax revenue can be collected next year for these sites controlled by the Soviet system!


Thanks to the helmsman for the big red envelope of the "First-line Immortals", which suddenly added dozens of tickets to the monthly ticket!