Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 413 Over conquering Wuhu

Zhao Dongyun is the best among them. In order to attract capitalists in the business community to buy patriotic bonds and raise military expenses, he has held many receptions, dances and so on, and the people invited are those businessmen who could not be on the stage in the past. Since ancient times, the political status of Chinese businessmen has been very low. Shen Wansan in the Ming Dynasty was rich enough. Didn't he be cut by Zhu Yuanzhang?

However, in recent years, the political status of domestic businessmen has risen sharply. In the final analysis, it is still a matter of demand. In the past, Zhu Yuanzhang did not rely on businessmen' money to maintain the country's rule, but now it is different.

There is still a difference between just pulling in and condoning. Zhao Dongyun can attract these businessmen, but he will never allow these businessmen to drag himself back.

And this time, the dividend incident of Fuyuan Machinery Factory is obviously dragging back. If Fuyuan continues to share dividends this year, it will be difficult for them to continue to expand production on a large scale, which is very bad for Fengjun, which is in urgent need of weapons and ammunition.

The dividend event of Fuyuan Machinery Factory is a little unfavorable to the development of Fengjun in the long run, but it does not have much impact in a short period of time. At present, Fuyuan Machinery Factory still maintains high-intensity production every day, moving directly from the warehouse of Fuyuan Machinery Factory to the military line railway in the factory every day. There are countless arms.

There are countless military supplies such as rifles, artillery, machine guns, shells, bullets and even sabers and kettles. Every day, there are military special military special train full of these military supplies to leave the Fuchang, and then enter the Jingfeng Railway after passing through the railway branch line of the factory area. Some are disappointed with Tianjin Port, and then ship to Haizhou and other The supply port in the south, and more continue to go south along the Jingfeng Railway, and then enter the Jinghan Railway. All the way south, a small part of it is in Shijiazhuang, and then into Shanxi, which are sold to Wufengling.

More is to continue to go south and arrive at several large-scale military material transfer centers in Henan such as Zhengzhou and Xinyang. Some of them continue to go south to Hubei to supply Wang Shizhen's troops for combat needs. The main thing is to start from Xinyang and enter Anhui through people to supply the First Army and the Fourth Army. Even the combat needs of the Second Army.

And this thousands of miles of supply route is all under the responsibility of the Military Supply Department. In order to supply the supplies needed by the whole army, Hong Putao's hair has been gray in the past few months.

Although he is only a technical general in charge of logistics, his work is not as busy as Fang Biyong, the chief of the General Staff.

When the quartering department sent ammunition supplies to the front line, the front line troops also used these ammunition to launch attacks again and again.

Especially after the successful convergence of the 14th Division and the 3rd Division, they have not stopped their fierce offensive against Jinling. The two armies of Fengwan fought one after another over the periphery of Jinling, that is, many peripheral positions in the west and south of Jinling. Often an inconspicuous hill can arouse the battalion level of the two armies of Fengwan. Even the battle of regimental troops, no matter which side wins, both sides will leave a lot of corpses on these hills.

The fierce and stale state of the Jinling Campaign is very similar to the original Xuzhou Campaign. The only difference is that this time the Feng army could not detour from the side and make a breakthrough directly from the same place as Suqian.

Although the first mixed brigade has tried to bypass Jinling and launch a large-scale roundabout attack, it was first seen by Duan Qirui and then sent troops to intercept it. Once it is stopped, it is no different from the difficulty and the frontal breakthrough. .

When the war in the direction of Jinling was in a state of persistence, Dangtu was almost the same. Neither the ninth division and the second mixed brigade had the ability to completely defeat the other party, so they could only continue to stalemate in Dangtu.

However, what many generals of the command did not expect was that the first breakthrough was not in the direction of Jinling or the direction of Dangtu, but in Wuhu.

Wu, where the second mixed brigade and a brigade of Anhui provincial army were stationed here, but after the Feng army launched the battle of crossing the river, the second mixed brigade urgently marched east to reinforce the direction of Dangtu, leaving only one brigade of the provincial army in Wuhu.

The fourth mixed brigade of the Feng army is responsible for attacking Wuhu. Although this unit is not as famous as the three main divisions of the Feng army, in fact, this mixed brigade is also an old Feng army unit. The army was built in the four warlords in the north. At the beginning, in order to quickly form combat effectiveness, the fourth mixed brigade and the fifth mixed brigade were just formed. The brigades are all transferred directly from the three main divisions. At the place where it entered the customs last year, the mixed brigade has always been fighting on the front line like the 3rd Division, the 9th Division and other troops. It was integrated into the first army of Meng Enyuan and experienced many battles such as Tangshan, Jingshi, Zhengzhou and Xuzhou.

Simply speaking, the combat effectiveness of the same force, in fact, this fourth mixed brigade is not inferior to the main division of the third division, but the fourth mixed brigade is a standard mixed brigade in the Feng army sequence, and it is not said that it is as serious as the second mixed brigade of the Anhui army.

The fourth mixed brigade is a standard mixed brigade. It has two infantry regiments, a mountain artillery battalion, a cavalry company and other auxiliary forces, with a total strength of about 5,000 people, and the total strength of 12,000 people in the second mixed brigade of the Anhui army can be said to be very different.

The establishment of the Feng army is still relatively standardized. The full staffing of division-level troops is about 15,000. If the third division is slightly overstaffed, it will be hundreds more, reaching a scale of 16,000, while the mixed brigade is unified to about 5,000 people.

did not say that there was a serious overstaffing of a certain unit.

The reason why this happens is inseparable from Zhao Dongyun's vigorous control of military power over the years. The establishment of the Grain and Staffing Department of the Ordnance Department and the Ministry of Education has basically eliminated the possibility that the chief of the army directly infects the military expenditure, and strictly prohibits the chiefs of the unit from recruiting soldiers privately.

Even if the 9th Division suffered great losses in the battle of crossing the river in the early stage, the addition of soldiers did not mean on-site replenishment, but the Ministry of Education specially prepared more than 2,000 new recruits to supplement. These new recruits were recruited by the Ministry of Education a few months ago and completed the training of the new barracks.

Even if the front-line troops replenish prisoners, they have to follow the procedure of the Ministry of Education. After accepting a large number of prisoners, these captured soldiers who are willing to turn to the Feng army as stations will first be accepted by the Ministry of Education, and then appropriately allocated according to the applications of each unit. Although most of these surrendered captured soldiers will be replenished to the combat troops nearby, the front-line troops cannot directly bypass the Ministry of Education to accept these surrendered soldiers.

After the soldiers and military staff are uniformly controlled by the command, this greatly limits the rights of the chief officers of the troops, which makes the chief officers of the front line incapable, and at the same time, they do not have the courage to privately expand the troops under their jurisdiction.

With the strict control of formal military power, the establishment of all units of the Feng army is basically in accordance with the compilation table formulated by the General Staff Office. It will not have a unified numbering system as the Anhui Army and the Southern Federation, but the establishment of each unit is uneven, and there are mixed brigades of three regiments and three brigades.

As a standard mixed brigade, although the fourth mixed brigade has few troops and is not as famous as the strong troops of the 3rd Division and the 9th Division, it is a front-line combat force in the Feng army anyway, and the combat effectiveness of many mixed brigades of the Feng army is the first.

There are many mixed brigades in the Feng army, including the first mixed brigade, the fourth mixed brigade, the fifth mixed brigade, the seventh mixed brigade, the ninth mixed brigade, the tenth mixed brigade and the eleventh mixed brigade. Only the first, fourth, fifth and seventh mixed brigades have combat experience, and the remaining are new troops stationed in the rear. , large-scale combat experience is equal to zero. In fact, only the first mixed brigade and the fourth mixed brigade participated in the southward battle among the four mixed brigades with combat experience.

Now the first mixed brigade is assigned to the Fourth Army and is participating in the Battle of Jinling, while the fourth mixed brigade is responsible for the attack in one direction in the direction of Wuhu.

Although Bao Guiqing's first mixed brigade has also restored its full personnel and weapons and equipment, how to put it, it is not the direct line of the Feng army, but the old base of the direct army, which made many core generals of the Feng army intentionally or unintentionally delay the development of the brigade. For example, at the end of last year, the first mixed brigade was in the Battle of Jiangbei There were only more than 3,000 left, but it was not until the beginning of this year that it was full. However, the fourth mixed brigade remained full in most cases.

From this, it can be seen that there is actually a difference between the two. No matter what era the decent direct line and the sincere troops are in, there will be such a difference.

The fourth mixed brigade was responsible for the offensive in Wuhu. In the early stage, it was mainly campaigning to confuse the Anhui army on the opposite side and delay the eastward pace of the second mixed brigade.

This strategy also played a role to a certain extent. Only before the Feng army crossed the river in Hezhou, the second mixed brigade of the Anhui army was firmly nailed to Wuhu and did not dare to take a step away. After the fourth army of the Feng army crossed the river on a large scale in the direction of Hezhou and Dangtu, the second mixed brigade found that there was only one fourth mixed army in front of the Feng army. Cheng Lu, and then quickly move east to Dangtu.

It's just the second mixed brigade of the Anhui army. Although there is still a provincial army left in Wuhu, these provincial forces have fully demonstrated their low combat effectiveness in many domestic warlord battles.

The Anhui infantry brigade, which is responsible for defending Wuhu, is the sixth brigade of the 3rd Division of the Liangjiang Army. Like all the brigades fighting alone in this era, it is also strengthened by artillery and other troops from the 3rd Division of the Liangjiang Division. It is said to be an infantry brigade, but it is actually a mixed brigade with a total strength of more than 5,000 people.

However, in the face of the attack of the fourth mixed brigade of the Feng army with equal strength, the brigade still fought defensively across a Yangtze River, but still failed to defend it.

The fourth mixed brigade did not even build a large-scale pontoon bridge, but only used dozens of ships to launch a small-scale landing operation. One of the landing battalion directly defeated the beach defense forces of a regiment, thus covering the other soldiers of the fourth mixed brigade. He successfully crossed the river by boat.