Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 414 Division Division

The smooth crossing of the river of the fourth mixed brigade was unimaginable by the Fourth Army. At the beginning, the Fourth Army launched a river crossing, and the first batch of troops crossing the river alone was as high as one brigade, but the first 17th brigade crossing the river was almost disabled. However, the fourth mixed brigade has not yet completed crossing the river. It was just a regiment crossing the river, and then the first infantry regiment of the fourth mixed brigade captured the city of Wuhu without the cover of a large number of artillery, forcing the enemy's sixth brigade to retreat to the southwest.

This created the fourth mixed brigade on the entire Yangtze River defense line and took the lead in making a breakthrough.

After learning that the fourth mixed brigade successfully crossed the river and took Wuhu, Shi Yanglin of the combat office quickly changed the original plan and proposed a new plan to report to Zhao Dongyun.

"At present, the fourth mixed brigade has successfully crossed the river, and the enemy's sixth brigade retreating to the southwest has collapsed and cannot pose any more threat to our army. Therefore, the combat department suggests that the fourth mixed brigade should immediately go east to Dangtu to cooperate with the 9th division in the direction of Dangtu to annihilate the enemy's second mixed brigade. Strike.

Now the ninth division is inseparable from the second mixed brigade. If the Feng army has a new force directly inserted behind the second mixed brigade from the west at this time, Shi Yanglin can already meet the result of the second mixed brigade being severely damaged or even completely annihilated by his own side. No matter how bad it is, it can force the second mixed brigade to retreat to the south, so as to completely ensure the safety of Dangtu, and then free up the ninth and fourth mixed brigades to continue eastward. On the one hand, it can directly participate in the battle against Jinling, and on the other hand, it can also directly march to the southeast, and then directly penetrate into northern Zhejiang. , forming a strategic two-sided attack on the enemy forces in the whole Jiangnan region.

After listening to Shi Yanglin's explanation, Zhao Dongyun also felt the need to let the fourth mixed brigade advance east, because no matter what happens, but now it is always necessary to defeat or drive away the second mixed brigade of the enemy, otherwise the fourth army cannot mobilize all its forces to launch a large-scale general attack on Jinling.

After Zhao Dongyun approved the latest combat plan proposed by the Operations Office, he had captured Wuhu. The fourth mixed brigade, which was resting for a short time, acted quickly and then rushed all the way east.

It may not be appropriate to say that it is a breakthrough, because between Wuhu and Dangtu, there are no Anhui troops that can stop the eastward pace of the fourth mixed brigade.

As for the sixth brigade of the third division of the two rivers of the Anhui army that withdrew from Wuhu, they have retreated directly. Up to now, even the fourth mixed brigade does not know where the remnants of the department are.

However, no matter where the remnants of the department are, the current state of the Sixth Brigade of the Third Division of Liangjiang may launch any counterattack, unless other main forces of the Third Division of Liangjiang go north to reinforce.

However, the task of the Third Division of the Two Rivers is not light. The division is the main force of Duan Qirui's control of Jiangxi. It was originally fought with the Southern Federal Army in Nanchang. After the Yangtze River Defense Line nervously transferred a sixth brigade to the north, in fact, the main force of the Anhui army in Jiangxi is only one fifth of the third division of the two rivers. The brigade-dominated troops, plus other scattered troops, are less than 10,000.

However, Jiangxi is not the hinterland of the Anhui-controlled area. The west of Jiangxi is Hunan, and Hunan is still under the control of Zhang Zhidong of the Southern Federation. Not long ago, the Anhui army also had several exchanges of fire with the troops of the Southern Federation in several areas handed over between Hunan and Jiangxi.

Therefore, even if the southern federal forces in the direction of Hunan cannot exert much practical pressure on the Anhui army, it is impossible for the Anhui army to say that they will not let go at all in Jiangxi. In this way, Zhang Zhidong will probably immediately command the troops to recover Jiangxi.

So it is impossible for the rest of the troops of the Third Division of the Two Rivers to be easily transferred to the Yangtze River defense line, although Wuhu has been broken through by the Feng army.

However, from the perspective of the strategic layout of the entire Anhui army, in fact, the current situation of the Anhui army is still under control. Jinling, which is defended by the Fourth Division and other Liangjiang troops, is not to be said to be solid, but in the current situation, it is impossible for the Feng army to take down and injure thousands of thousands without spending a month.

Although the second mixed brigade failed to break through the defense line, it is also a successful containment of the ninth division, one of the three main divisions of the Feng army. Even if it is attacked behind the fourth mixed brigade, as long as Jin Yunpeng, the brigade commander of the second mixed brigade, is not stupid, then the Feng army only relies on one division and one mixed brigade. Creating a second mixed brigade is undoubtedly a fool's dream.

The second mixed brigade of the Central Army of the Anhui Army is not comparable to the previous seven divisions of the two rivers. Although the total strength of the second mixed brigade is less than that of the seventh division of the two rivers, the combat effectiveness of the two is very different.

The most obvious thing is that at the beginning, a brigade of the 17th Brigade of the 9th Division beat the 7th Division of the two rivers, and then relied on the 9th Division's own strength to completely annihilate the division. However, now, the 9th Division and the 2nd Mixed Brigade are equal.

As long as the second mixed brigade with combat effectiveness not inferior to the Ninth Division does not have any major accidents, even if it is repelled, it will only retreat at most and is unlikely to hurt the bones.

Shi Yanglin said that he could hit the second mixed brigade by attacking each other with the fourth mixed brigade and the ninth division, which can only be regarded as the most optimistic prediction. In fact, even Zhao Dongyun himself did not have this hope. All he wanted was to let the ninth division and the fourth mixed brigade together. The brigade temporarily repelled, forcing the second mixed brigade to retreat to the south, and then let the ninth division withdraw to participate in the Jinling Campaign.

This is the most direct and most likely tactical purpose of the fourth mixed brigade to attack the second mixed brigade.

Wuhu is only more than 40 kilometers away from Dangtu. The fourth mixed brigade has made a breakthrough all the way. Well, in fact, it should be said to be a march. It only took a day and a half. By the morning of the third day, the cavalry company of the fourth mixed brigade had a small-scale exchange of fire with the peripheral alert forces of the second mixed brigade.

It is also officially announced that the fourth mixed brigade has also joined the battle of Dangtu.

After Jin Yunpeng learned from the peripheral alert forces that there was a fourth mixed brigade, his face was also not very good-looking.

From the place where he started from Wuhu, he knew that the battle in the next period of time would be extremely difficult, and he was fully prepared for this, so when he met the interception of the ninth division, he was not surprised, and he was not too anxious in tactical deployment. In the face of Duan Qirui urging him to break through Dangtu The order to reinforce Jinling on the defense line is to turn a blind eye, but to fight with the Ninth Division slowly. After all, he is also aware of himself. His second mixed brigade is the trump card of the Anhui Army, but the ninth division opposite side is also the trump card of the Feng army, so you must be careful when fighting.

However, now the 4th Mixed Brigade appears behind him, which has disrupted his previous strategic deployment. If he continues to stay here in Dangtu, he is likely to be attacked by the 9th Division and the 4th Mixed Brigade.

In order not to fall into the encirclement, Jin Yunpeng was more decisive than Zhao Dongyun, Shiyanglin and others imagined. As soon as he learned that the fourth mixed brigade appeared, he immediately transferred the commander's troops to the southeast, but it was different from Shi Yanglin and others who expected to retreat thousands of miles. He just retreated more than ten kilometers. It doesn't move.

This makes Lin Yongquan and other front-line generals of the Feng army quite depressed. The second mixed brigade came up and up, but they didn't leave. They just stayed on the side. What should you ask the 9th Division to do? Should we continue to chase the second mixed brigade to the south or directly turn around and go straight to Jinling?

If you continue to pursue, the reinforcements of the 14th Division and the 3rd Division will be in vain, but what if you say you go directly to Jinling, what if the second mixed brigade comes up to kill a horse gun?

Jin Yunpeng's half can't leave has put the 9th Division in a dilemma of choice.

However, this dilemma did not last long. Soon Lu Yongxiang, the commander of the First Army, contacted Meng Enyuan, saying that as long as the 9th Division appropriately sent some troops to support, it should be able to contain the second mixed brigade, so that most of the 9th Division's main force The team pulled out and reinforced the direction of Jinling.

After Meng Enyuan carefully considered this proposal, he was limited by the delay in making a breakthrough in the Battle of Jinling. He also finally agreed to this plan, and it was the 33rd Regiment of the 17th Brigade, the infantry regiment led by Fang Qingkun, who was selected to support the Fourth Mixed Brigade.

The 33rd Regiment was a long-tested force in the early battle of crossing the river. Lin Yongquan transferred this regiment to stay in Dangtu to fight with the 4th Mixed Brigade, also considering that the 33rd Regiment's defensive battle in the early stage was indeed good. Because it is foreseeable that once the main force of the 9th Division is pulled away, although there are still 4th Mixed Brigade and 33rd Regiment in the direction of Dangtu, it is still weak for the 2nd Mixed Brigade. At that time, the Feng army will inevitably carry out defensive operations, so the 33rd Regiment, which is relatively easy to draw and fight defensive battles, will become Inevitably.

Such a division of soldiers changed the situation in the direction of Dangtu in an instant. The 9th Division only took three regiments and most of the artillerymen and auxiliary forces to the east into Jinling, leaving the 33rd Regiment and the 4th Mixed Brigade to continue to garrison in the Dangtu area, which made Jin Yunpeng want to successfully contain the 9th Division and The purpose of the fourth mixed brigade failed.

Jin Yunpeng quickly made a tactical response to this, changing the previous retreat into a counterattack, almost just ahead of the main force of the 9th Division, and the second mixed brigade launched a large-scale counterattack on the front line of Dangtu.

Moreover, this counterattack is different from the previous small-scale fierce battle with the 9th Division. The scale of the previous battle with the 9th Division is generally small. On the whole, both sides are relatively cautious, resulting in a stalemate. However, now Jin Yunpeng can't watch the main force of the 9th Division go straight to Jinling. He wants to successfully contain it. To reduce the pressure of the defense line of the 9th Division to relieve the defense line of the Jinling Anhui Army, we must first break through the defense line of the 4th Mixed Brigade and the 33rd Regiment.

So, the second mixed brigade burst out their real combat effectiveness for the first time in this Feng Anhui War!

What is the real combat effectiveness of the second mixed brigade? That is their strong offensive ability, which is the same as the fourth division of the Anhui army, and the second mixed brigade is best at the offensive ability. Not only the fourth division and the second mixed brigade of the Anhui army, but in fact, several main forces of the Feng army are also good at attacking.

When the second mixed brigade launched a large-scale attack and showed a strong offensive ability not inferior to the fourth division of the Anhui army and several other main forces of the Feng army, the fourth mixed brigade and the 33rd regiment of the Feng army were under great pressure, and their defense line composed of a few troops appeared almost on the first day. Many loopholes, the connection of multiple positions were lost, and even an infantry company was surrounded and completely annihilated.

For a while, the defense line of the 9th Division became precarious!