Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 453 Examination of Civil Servants

With the passage of time, Fengjun is still fighting in the southwest, but other parts of the country have fallen into peace. Then, with the support of Fengjun, various political and economic reforms have begun, the most obvious of which is the reform of the tax system.

In addition to the reform of the tax system, in the autumn of 1909, as the overall situation gradually became clear, Zhao Dongyun was also able to free up his hands to rectify the governance of officials.

The current Soviet system, or even the entire Beiyang system, is not established again, but inherits a large number of military and political resources from the former Qing Dynasty.

For example, more than 90% of the current Soviet officials are former Qing officials, and many former Qing local officials, such as magistrates and magistrates, have been retained. After Beiyang replaced Beiyang, the changes of officials are mainly concentrated in the senior level. However, in the middle and lower-level officials, that is, a large number of local officials These are all retained former Qing officials.

Not to mention how bad the official governance of the former Qing Dynasty was. After the Soviet system took over, Zhao Dongyun generally did not make too many changes to the local government in order to maintain the stability of the ruling area two years ago.

However, as the Feng army has taken control of the situation in the country, complete unification is just around the corner, and Zhao Dongyun has also begun to rectify the governance of officials.

To rectify the governance of officials, people may think that it is to arrest a few corrupt officials or something. However, this only treats the symptoms but not the root causes, and it is impossible to fundamentally reverse the situation of corrupt and incompetence of officials.

So Zhao Dongyun prepared a set of plans for this purpose, and the first item in this plan is to open the 'civil service examination'.

Since the previous Qing stopped the imperial examination, countless scholars have lost their head, resulting in a large number of young scholars turning to revolution. It can be said that the cessation of the imperial examination was an important reason for the demise of the former Qing Dynasty.

In order to reinduct the scholars to support himself, Zhao Dongyun has long wanted to take the civil service exam.

The civil service examination can actually be said to be another way of imperial examination, but the content of the examination has changed.

After Jurentang officially announced that the first national civil service examination would be held in August, the sensation caused by Duan Qirui went to Beijing at the beginning of the year.

A large group of people criticized Zhao Dongyun's civil service examination as an old way to repeat the imperial examination, which is a step backwards, but more people raised their hands and praised it, especially those students who want to enter the official career but have no way out.

Since the imperial examination was stopped, there is no way to officially enter the officialdom. It can only rely on recommendation. Recommendation is not very reliable and has a lot to do with personal opportunities, and it is also very easy to cause cronyism. When a person is developed, his fellow villagers and relatives all come to join and try to Seeking an official position.

The same has been true of the Soviet system in the past two years, especially the middle and senior positions basically rely on recommendation and recruitment, and there is no formal way for scholars to enter the officialdom.

After the announcement of the civil service examination, although the published civil service examination regulations say that there will be no examination of articles and scriptures, but only examinations, economics and other subjects, these examination contents are no longer strange to the students in the late Qing Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty.

In fact, long before the imperial examination officially stopped in the pre-Qing Dynasty, it was no longer examined, but transferred to disciplines such as economic diplomacy, that is, the so-called economic special subjects.

Although the students who rely on the content are familiar with it, the number of people announced in the civil service examination is beyond people's imagination, because the first batch of civil service examinations will be held in all provinces at the same time, and the number of admissions is initially set at 2,000.

This is 2,000 people, not 200 or 20. In the imperial examinations of successive dynasties, dozens of scholars have been admitted, and more than three or 400. There has been no example of 2,000 people admitted at one time.

They still don't know that this kind of civil service examination will not be given a Qipin county official as soon as it came up as in the pre-Qing Dynasty, but as the most basic section member, that is, the officials in the feudal era such as the former Qing Dynasty.

However, in the Soviet system, there is no distinction between officials and officials, and there are no official grades, civil service levels, etc. Generally speaking, they are distinguished by positions. The most basic is the section members of various departments of the local government, and then the section chiefs of each department, the heads of each department, and the director of each department, but Yes, there is no distinction between section-level cadres and department-level cadres like future generations.

In short, in the contemporary Soviet civil service system, there are only positions and no grades, which has aroused the concept of government employees in Western countries.

That is to say, civil servants are not iron rice bowls, but can be hired or fired. In a narrow sense, the most basic section staff and the cabinet prime minister are government employees, and there is no level gap between the two.

At the same time, ordinary section members can be promoted step by step and eventually become prefectures, magistrates, governors and even cabinet chiefs.

Although many aspects of Zhao Dongyun's civil service examination are beyond the understanding of ordinary people, it still can't stop the enthusiasm of domestic students. Even many students studying in Japan immediately gave up their studies in Japan after learning that the first civil service examination will be held in China. Then I rushed back to China to take the exam.

On September 18, 1909, the high-profile national civil service examination was held in Beijing, Shenyang, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Wuhan at the same time. The above five examination sites accepted candidates from all over the country at the same time.

Candidates need to have a higher secondary school degree or above at home and abroad or have a reputation of more than one person. The last five examination sites have accepted the registration of about 30,000 workers, which is very large.

After the formal examination, the written examination time was very short, and the written examination was only held for one day, which made many candidates who were ready to struggle in the examination room for three or four days. In the past, it was not easy to take part in the imperial examination. They had to stay in a small examination room for three or four days or even five or six days, and eat, drink, sleep and do questions in it. After a circle of examination, the whole person is gone.

However, the reason why the civil service examination is different from the previous imperial examinations is that there are interviews in the future. After the correction of the papers, major test sites conduct many-to-one interviews with candidates with the highest scores.

After passing the interview, it means that you have become one of the civil servants in this country. The next step is to assign according to the needs of individuals and units, and you have to conduct an interview before the assignment. Only after passing the interview can you officially enter the unit. If you fail, you can only select other units for the interview, not Say you can go there wherever you want.

After the end of this civil service examination, in order to further expand the influence of the civil service examination, under the instructions of Zhao Dongyun, the Ministry of Education quickly announced that the national civil service examination will continue to be held next year.

When people marveled that the annual civil service examination is so intensive, the Ministry of Education once again announced that the 'provincial civil service examination' will be held in December.

The previous national civil service examination was mainly used to enrich the departments directly under the central government and to work in provincial governments. The subsequent provincial civil service examination was mainly to recruit the most basic staff at all levels of government and county.

In fact, the civil service examination done by Zhao Dongyun is not very difficult. As long as people who have attended a new school will basically not get too ugly scores. The reason why the threshold is low and the number of people admitted is large is that, on the one hand, there is a serious lack of qualified new generation officials in the Soviet government, and on the other hand, it is also With the principle of killing mistakes, there is no letting go.

There are so many talents who have received a new education these days. After being recruited by the Soviet Union, not many people have gone to the Southern Federation or Wang Shizhen and Wu Fengling.

In addition, Zhao Dongyun also hopes that after a large number of new talents enter the government's work, they can replace those officials left over from the pre-Qing Dynasty in batches.

In feudal times, officials are a more hateful group of people than corrupt officials. There is no need to explain all kinds of bad deeds. Therefore, the first step to rectify the official rule is to remove these bad former Qing officials.

But things still have to be done, and large-scale recruitment of civil servants can add this gap in time.

Zhao Dongyun intends to take action against the most basic officials, and before that, he has to clean up the middle and upper officials.

Whether it is the pre-Qing era or the current republican era, official corruption is a common phenomenon, and what Zhao Dongyun needs to do now is to reverse this phenomenon.

Zhao Dongyun doesn't care about officials receiving small gifts and greedy for a little money to support their families. After all, the official side is not a big family to support. It is understandable to make some extra money to improve the lives of their families, and there will be no fish when the water is clear. It is impossible to completely eliminate corruption.

What Zhao Dongyun needs to do is to completely clean up those corrupt officials.

In order to prepare for the upcoming anti-corruption storm, Zhao Dongyun specially strengthened the staffing of the inspection office under the presidential palace, and transferred a large number of elite personnel from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Police of the cabinet to enrich the inspection office.

At present, there are as many as three institutions in the Soviet republican government that have the power to investigate the embezzlement of officials. The Ministry of Police, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Inspection Office all have this power, resulting in a crossover of powers. There is often the same case, and all three families are poor.

In order to change this situation, and also to further strengthen the power of the presidential palace and gradually strengthen his control, Zhao Dongyun began to deliberately and continuously weaken the power of the police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

For example, the patrol force that originally belonged to the police department was officially stripped from the police department and then placed under the jurisdiction of the commander-in-chief department, and then the power of the inspection officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was also under the inspection and punishment.

Because the police have the power to investigate ordinary crimes, economic and other cases, it is often easy to involve officials in these cases, especially economic cases, which has to involve the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At this time, the inspection office will intervene and intervene in the investigation in the name of center coordination. In the end, there will be a cooperative investigation of the three companies.

The chaotic situation is inseparable from Zhao Dongyun's deliberate behavior.

Many things are not about how to do it, but how to do it for yourself!

In the past, he did not fight against corruption, not because Zhao Dongyun liked corrupt officials, but because the situation was unstable at that time and he needed the stability of the overall situation, so he completely closed his eyes to corrupt behavior at that time.

Now anti-corruption is not because Zhao Dongyun hates corrupt officials, but because the situation is stable and people will also turn their attention from war to people's livelihood affairs in a peaceful situation. At this time, being too greedy will cause great disgust from the people, so Zhao Dongyun has to fight corruption at this time.

Anti-corruption, whether you do it or not, is actually a means of rule for the rulers!

When allowing corruption is beneficial to their own rule, they will let go of corruption. When corruption has a negative impact on their rule and anti-corruption can improve their ruling cohesion, whether it is Zhao Dongyun or others, they will not hesitate to do it.

Now, Zhao Dongyun has done it!