Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 454 Anti-Corruption Action

The operation of the Soviet system is based on Zhao Dongyun's will. Now Zhao Dongyun is no longer Zhao Dongyun three years ago. Two years ago, he was just one of the senior generals in Beiyang. In terms of status and prestige, he is far inferior to Wang Yingkai, or even Duan Qirui, let alone Zhang Zhidong. Compared.

But today, three years later, relying on hundreds of thousands of Feng troops to sweep the country, his prestige has also risen rapidly. No one in modern China can compete with him in prestige.

With the huge prestige, coupled with the Soviet Feng army, his control over the whole Soviet system even exceeded Yuan Shikai's control of Beiyang in those years.

You see, today's republic constitution stipulates the cabinet prime minister system, but President Zhao Dongyun is a solid president, and the secretariat of the presidential palace is an institution above the cabinet.

Such a person made up his mind to fight corruption, and the whole Soviet power agency operated accordingly.

Led by the inspection and the cooperation of the Ministry of Police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the cabinet, a temporary 'Central Integrity Office' was established. As soon as the office was established, it issued a series of anti-corruption policies and measures and began to put pressure on the national officialdom.

The purpose of this series of released measures and documents is not to say how many corrupt officials should be arrested directly, but to tell a large number of officials across the country that Zhao Dongyun is going to start to take action, and those who are smart will quickly stop and clean his buttocks.

At the same time, it is also to arouse public opinion and gain more people's hearts.

It is impossible to say that the central government has conducted a large-scale anti-corruption. After all, anti-corruption is a good thing, and if you don't leave a good name, you can't feel sorry for your parents and yourself.

Therefore, Zhao Dongyun publicized it in order to let the public know that I, Zhao Dongyun, love the people and want to crack down on corrupt officials. Hurry up and praise me.

Of course, since it has been widely publicized, it is impossible not to show any achievements.

Half a month after the Central Integrity Office was in the city, it was officially announced to the outside world. In the past half month, the Integrity Office has made outstanding achievements and has cracked more than 10 corruption cases involving officials with an amount of more than 100,000 yuan.

More than five officials above the director level of various central institutions and more than 30 officials at the director level have been arrested!

Later, the Ministry of Justice will also officially announce that it will file a formal prosecution against the officials involved in the case, and will also prosecute a number of senior corporate officials who have bribed the above-mentioned officials.

In order to cooperate with the investigation of the Inspection Office and the Ministry of Justice, the Central Court has also issued an announcement that the Central Court will cooperate with relevant law enforcement and supervision agencies to try the above cases in strict accordance with relevant laws.

For a while, the Soviet anti-corruption action set off a big storm across the country.

The cases announced by the inspection and handling are only an introduction. Although the officials involved are relatively high-level, in fact, the anti-corruption actions against officials of local governments in various provinces have not been officially launched until they are limited to government departments directly under the central government.

However, after this introduction broke out, due to the support of public opinion and the stability of the situation within the Soviet system, Zhao Dongyun decided to continue to expand his anti-corruption actions, no longer limited to the central government, but to local governments.

Soon, the police department of the Tangshan Administrative Office announced that under the leadership of the inspection office, the office had cracked a super case involving more than one million yuan.

The protagonist of the case is Lin Kuqun, one of the deputy county magistrates of Luanzhou County. In addition to being the deputy county magistrate, he is also the executive chairman of the 'Urban Construction Committee' of Luanzhou County. He is fully responsible for the renovation of Luanzhou's old urban areas, the planning and construction of new urban areas and other tasks. Although Luanzhou County is only a county, the annual local tax There are many, and most of them are used for urban construction, so Lin Kuqun has covered millions of funds.

Naturally, it is inevitable that he wants to reach in and get money directly from it. He asked his relatives to set up a construction team and then contract the project at a high price. He dared to contract the 100,000 yuan project at a price of 200,000 yuan. In addition, there are many frauds in material procurement, including Fuyuan. When selling a large amount of foreign gray to Luanzhou County, Yanghui Company inflated the price and gave a large number of rebates to a group of officials such as Lin Kuqun.

After the outbreak of the case, not only Lin Kuqun disassigned, but also a large number of officials from Luanzhou County and a large number of officials from the superior Yongping Prefecture and Tangshan Administrative Office were implicated.

To this end, Wu Chongxi, director of the Presidential Office Inspection Office, personally led a team to Tangshan and led the police department to arrest more than 100 officials from the Tangshan Administrative Office and lower governments.

The influence of this case has even exceeded a series of cases investigated before. So far, Zhao Dongyun has attached great importance to it. He personally gave instructions to Lin Shaonian, the chief of the Ministry of Justice, that the case must be dealt with strictly. At the same time, he also gave an instruction to the Central Court to deal with the case strictly and quickly.

Zhao Dongyun wants to achieve a role in this case, and also conveys a message to his subordinate law enforcement agencies. Zhao Dongyun is serious about fighting corruption this time.

In less than half a month, the Central Court completed a series of trials of the case, and the first offender Lin Kuqun was sentenced to death. In addition, his cousin, Lin Kuli, who was responsible for setting up a construction team to take over the project, was also sentenced to death. In addition, more than a dozen people were sentenced to death, and the rest were sentenced to decades or years in prison. Wait.

With the outbreak of the Luanzhou urban construction case, the law enforcement agencies of the Soviet system have successively cracked a series of major cases and important cases in various places.

"Since we launched our official action in September, more than 50 cases involving more than 100,000 yuan have been solved, and more than 1,000 officials have been involved!" Wu Chongxi of the Inspection Office said respectfully.

Zhao Dongyun didn't have many expressions, but casually looked through the two pages of the report and said, "In the past month, your work has been fruitful, and you will continue to work hard in the future!"

Wu Chongxi said cautiously after hearing this, "So the follow-up strength?"

Wu Chongxi now can't figure out how far Zhao Dongyun is going to carry out the anti-corruption action. According to him, no matter what era it is, it is a huge scale and affects the long-term rectification of the official governance action. However, looking at Zhao Dongyun's meaning, it seems that the scale is not large enough.

Wu Chongxi is also a person who has been in officialdom for a long time. In the previous Qing Dynasty, he served as a magistrate of Chenzhou and Kaifeng magistrate in Henan Province. He tried many serious cases and major cases. After accumulating fame and official reputation, he was promoted to Jiang'an Grain Road in Jiangnan Province. Later, he was promoted to Jiangning's political envoy. Later, he was transferred to Zhili political envoy under the recommendation of Yuan Shikai, and In 1902, he briefly acted as the governor of Zhili and the minister of Beiyang. This person has a deep relationship with Yuan Shikai and has a close relationship with the Beiyang system.

Later, the man was promoted to governor of Jiangxi. In 1906, he rose up in Beiyang. Wu Chongxi, then governor of Jiangxi, was expelled by Duan Fang, who controlled the two rivers at that time. He went all the way to the capital, and later served as the Ministry of Justice of Wang Yingkai's cabinet. Long. However, he soon resigned in 1907 because of conflicts with his colleagues and not being appreciated by Wang Yingkai.

In the second half of 1907, Zhao Dongyun led the Feng army into customs and defeated the direct army to move into Beijing, preparing for the establishment of a second cabinet. The man was invited to serve as the deputy minister of the Ministry of Justice.

However, after the person joined the job, he still had a quarrel with a key member of the Soviet system, and he was almost so noisy that he wanted to resign!

After the death of Wu Chongxi and Yuan Shikai, the Beiyang people were not very close to each other, which was related to his identity and experience. Before, he even had to call Yuan Shikai a teacher, and those Beiyang people who rose rapidly in 1906, Zhao Dongyun, Duan Qirui and others also said that they were powerful and powerful and could not compare. But other Beiyang people, especially those civil servants of the Beiyang system, were only middle-level officials at best before 1906. The world did not know it at all, but after 1906, they all climbed to the position of cabinet chief and deputy chief, ranking above Wu Chongxi, and Wu Chongxi himself was also high-hearted. The arrogant person would not have resigned from Wang Yingkai's cabinet at the beginning.

In the face of such an unsociable person, Zhao Dongyun did not give up. Considering that Wu Chongxi had rich experience in handling cases, he transferred Wu Chongxi to the Presidential Palace Inspection Office as the director in early 1908.

As one of the major subordinates of the presidential palace, the inspection office is not as good as the secretariat, but the real power is not small. The status is enough to be equal to the Ministry of Police, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other cabinet forces. It is not a disgrace to let Wu Chongxi come to serve as the director.

People with such rich resumes have broadened their horizons, but they can't help marveling when they hear Zhao Dongyun say that they are not satisfied with the current scale of anti-corruption.

That's why I asked Zhao Dongyun how big the scale is!

Zhao Dongyun soon gave him a clear answer: "All departments below the director and local governors can be dealt with. Directly report to me at the level of director and governor before making a decision!"

After listening to this, Wu Chongxi sighed in his heart. Although he knew that his boss was a cruel person, he did not expect to be so cruel. I don't know how many people would lose their heads for this sentence alone.

It seems that the president has really decided to set off a nationwide rectification of officials, but will such large-scale turmoil affect local stability?

After leaving Jurentang, Wu Chongxi shook his head. These things were not something he could worry about. It was enough for him to do his job well.

With anti-corruption as an introduction, the Soviet system has set off a large-scale rectification of officials, and officials will be ousted every day!