mutation killing

Chapter 8 · Unknown Taoist

"It hurts so much!" Li Chuan moaned and crawled out of the brick pile. Looking up, he saw Lord Zi stabbing Li Jiaming in the abdomen with a thin sword in his hand.

"Lord Zi! Keep your hands at mercy! Let me persuade him." Li Chuan couldn't take care of his physical pain and struggled to be at Yang Hu's feet. Although he had only known Li Jiaming for a while, Li Chuan couldn't say why. He really wanted to save Li Jiaming, a strange teenager.

"Don't worry, I won't kill him!" Yang Hu took back the fine snow and turned to the stairs. "And ask someone to clean up here. I will distribute the energy of the dead later. Take good care of him! Get ready, there will be action in the near future"

Li Chuan noticed that Yang Hu's figure seemed to be a little tired.

"Li Jiaming, are you all right?" Li Chuan climbed up to Li Jiaming and wanted to help him.

"I'm fine" Li Jiaming raised his hand and refused Li Chuan's help and let me calm down. Li Jiaming walked into the stairs and found a room to lock himself in. He knew why Yang Hu didn't kill him, because the moment Yang Hu stabbed him, he remembered the cold sound that had killed countless lives.

"Recently, the fight between all high-level new humans will be banned, and the violators will be wiped out! Three months later, launch an offensive against human bases!"

He heard this sound, Yang Hu heard it, but Li Chuan seemed to know nothing.

Li Jiaming failed in the first battle with the purple level. He lost in skills and did not know enough about the power of the purple level, but this was not enough to frustrate him. But now there is a very fatal problem that bothers him. Yang Hu just pierced the killing golden elixir in his Dantian, and the walnut-sized golden elixir was stabbed by fine snow and split in half. Jindan's energy is constantly passing, and soon Li Jiaming will become a new human with only a yellow level.

I have to say that the rooms of this hotel are indeed very luxurious. The rooms that Li Jiaming enters casually are carefully decorated with gorgeous chandeliers, exquisite furniture and soft big beds.

But all these luxurious things can't touch Li Jiaming. At this moment, he lies helplessly ** with a face to feel the slow passage of power in his body. It's not that he doesn't want to stop it, but that he himself has no choice. He tried to guide the energy of the spirit beads to repair the killing elixir, but after the pain, the energy of the spirit beads did not adhere to the killing elixir at all, but accelerated the dissipation of the elixir.

"This is a big trouble!" Li Jiaming grabbed his hair with chagrin and had no power. He would be nothing here. Maybe he will soon become the energy of others!

"Hi! We meet again!" Regretted, Li Jiaming heard a familiar voice, which was very familiar, but it felt a long time ago. Li Jiaming raised his head and saw a man in a cyan robe in front of him. He seemed to be only in his thirties, and his black hair looked extraordinary.

"Ah! It's you!" Li Jiaming's memory came. This is the elegant figure of the formula and Julingzhu given to him at the beginning. "Why are you here?"

"Because I feel that the Julingzhu I gave you has been damaged, come and have a look!" The Taoist pointed to Li Jiaming's abdomen.

Li Jiaming immediately felt the gathering beads in his body, and there was a small depression on it. He immediately thought that it should have been left on it after Yang Hu Xixue stabbed and killed Jin Dan.

"Hm?" The Taoist seemed to find something strange and suddenly approached Li Jiaming and looked at him carefully

"Is it parasitic yellow? Killing the golden elixir? The four layers of the method of killing the heart" Taoist told Li Jiaming's ability

Li Jiaming was shocked. The purple-level Yang Hu could not clear all his abilities, but this Taoist could easily penetrate, but he did not remove the parasitic armor in the Taoist air, but when he heard the word yellow, he probably knew that it was his biological armor.

"Didn't you improve your killing mind through a lot of killing? Instead, to absorb the spiritual beads? You can stand the pain of bone erosion," the Taoist asked

Li Jiaming nodded

"Good! OK! OK!" Taoist opened his eyes and smiled and said three good words, "This is God's will!" God's will! Then I'll help you!"

"What's good about it! Jin Dan has broken into two halves! The power is slowly passing by. Li Jiaming is dejected

"So that's why I said it was God's will!" The Taoist's face suddenly changed and said seriously, "Ky, now I'll give you a choice. I can help you recover your strength, but the process will be extremely painful. I can't stand turning into a butterfly, and I can't stand the ashes and smoke! Would you like to try it?"

Li Jiaming nodded without hesitation and became a useless person. He lived a muddle-headed life, and then one day he died inexplicably. It's better to gamble! Li Jiaming has the strength to find the answer he wants to. Li Jiaming has always been a decisive person. From the beginning when he realized that he had to kill infinitely, he jumped down from the sixth floor without hesitation to McDonald's to recover his body control after killing and locked himself in the freezer, constantly touching the spirit beads to resist controlling his body. He did it quite decisively.

"Good boy has courage!" The Taoist stretched out his palm and grabbed Li Jiaming's head, and the other hand covered Li Jiaming's abdomen.

Li Jiaming's whole body was shocked, and the Taoist hand covering Li Jiaming's abdomen emitted a strange force. Dantian smashed into two halves of the killing Jindan and was shocked by the Taoist power and immediately turned into a black smoke.

Li Jiaming was terrmented and wanted to scream but couldn't make any sound.

The smoke melted by the killing golden elixir shattered by the Taoist did not dissipate, but was circled by a force in Li Jiaming's Dantian. At the same time, the gathering beads in the body were driven by the Taoists to rotate crazily, and a large amount of black energy was extracted from the gathering beads and added to the black smoke.

Ju Lingzhu was attracted by lightning, and the severe pain came from every cell of his body. Although Li Jiaming had adapted to this pain, the feeling of using this pain again was not reduced at all. The whole body kept twitching, dense sweat overflowing from the body, and the sheets on the body quickly became wet.

"Ky! Hold on! This has just begun!" Taoist's statement

Li Jiaming is very impulsive to curse his mother now! But the sharp pain in his whole body could only make him keep clenching his teeth. He wanted to faint but was extremely conscious. And it has only been two minutes since the appearance of the Taoist.

With the introduction of the energy of the gathering beads, the black smoke in Li Jiaming's Dantian formed a whirlpool that kept rotating. The whirlpool turned faster and faster, pulling more and more energy of the gathering beads, while Li Jiaming's body became more and more painful.

The black whirlpool gradually shrinks and concentrates under the continuous addition of the energy of the beads, and then a black light flashes, and a black solid the size of a walnut newly appeared in Li Jiaming's Dantian.

Li Jiaming felt a trace of excitement in the reappearance of the killing Jindan in his body. He even felt that the Jindan was obviously one size bigger than before. The excitement of this loss even made him temporarily forget the pain, but suddenly a more severe pain came and brought him back to reality.

"Ky, don't worry! "The Taoist palm covering Li Jiaming's abdomen suddenly exerted force, and the black golden elixir that had just condensed in Li Jiaming's Dantian was broken into two halves under the power of the Taoist.

Li Jiaming's eyes widened in pain. He didn't understand why Taoists did this. But the increasing pain does not allow him to think too much, and he can only raise his whole body's will to resist the pain that goes deep into the bone marrow.

As Li Jiaming's killing golden elixir broke into two again, the power of the Taoist wrapped the spiritual beads, and the surface of the spiritual beads suddenly exploded into a black smoke. A large amount of black smoke wrapped the two halves of the killing golden elixir and formed a black cyclone again around it.

"Ky! The real pain is coming! You have to hold back!" The Taoist appeared to withdraw cash.

After the explosion of smoke on the appearance of the black spirit beads, the golden core is exposed, and the rotation speed of the golden core is significantly reduced a lot. If the black spirit beads rotate and pull away the energy, it is like a rotating top, while the golden spirit beads put the rotating gyro on the sand pile. There seemed to be a huge resistance that made his rotation very slow, but as he rotated a trace of golden energy, he pulled out of it.

And this extracted golden energy has increased Li Jiaming's pain countless times. If Li Jiaming's previous pain is equivalent to being clicked by 10,000 volt high-voltage electricity, but now Li Jiaming is clicked by 100,000 volts of current, and after the electricity is finished, he throws it into the oil pan to fry, and then touches a layer of salt. This pain It seems to come from the depths of the soul from every molecule of each cell. Li Jiaming's face twisted with pain. There was a trace of blood in the sweat beads overflowing from his body. With the extraction of the energy of golden spiritual beads, Li Jiaming's body overflowed not only beads of sweat but directly blood.

This pain has reached the limit of Li Jiaming. His head has been blank, and his consciousness is constantly collapsing. Suddenly, a bone of warm energy from the Taoist covering his spiritual-covered palm enveloped his consciousness. This exaggerated pain gradually eased and fell to a state that Li Jiaming could bear.

With the addition of golden energy, two black cyclones suddenly shrank to form two grape-sized killing golden elixirs. The golden energy contaminated with the original black golden elixir is no longer pure black as before, and it looks like black.

When two killing golden elixirs were formed, the Taoist took a long breath, as if he had completed a great project.

Li Jiaming's breath also gradually calmed down. At this time, his bed was completely soaked by his sweat and blood. The yellow biological armor on his body had long been newly recovered to his eyebrows. A large number of black substances were excreted from his body, and the skin surface was constantly dry and shelled and then fell off. The newborn skin was as white and tender as a baby. Dark light flows.