mutation killing

Chapter 9 · Secret

Li Jiaming's body shone with a milky light from his right hand, and soon woke up.

"It hurts me so much!" This is the first sentence that Li Jiaming said when he opened his eyes. The pain that came from almost every molecular structure of his soul and body made him feel creepy as long as he thought of it.

"How can a knife be sharp if it is not sharpened!" The Taoist is still in front of Li Jiaming.

"What's going on around here?" Li Jiaming suddenly noticed that the originally luxurious room was like a slum, and the floor furniture inside was all damaged, as if a tropical storm broke out in the room.

"What you did" Taoist pointed out that Li Jiaming was "caused by energy* when you made a new golden elixir"

"Golden Dan..." Li Jiaming dared to look inside. Sure enough, two dark golden golden elixirs appeared in the Dantian, which were slowly turning. Looking at the gathered spiritual beads, the original black concentrated spiritual beads turned golden, and the size became only about grapes.

"This..." Li Jiaming felt that although the two killing golden elixirs in his body were not as big as before, his power had significantly improved a lot, but he did not know what level the two killing golden elixirs were at in the killing formula.

"This is the real way to practice the killing formula." Taoist seems to know what Li Jiaming wants to ask. "The killing formula I gave you before has been modified. At most, you can't practice it after practicing broken elixir and giving birth to a baby, and the power is enough after practicing the baby?"

"Is it powerful enough?" Li Jiaming doesn't know what the Taoist is talking about

"Kid, do you think you are the only one who got the magic beads and killing? Can the parasitic armor made by the eight-claw guy be upgraded to black gold in such a short time without the help of Julingzhu? They use us humans to kill each other, and we naturally have a backhand." Speaking of this man, he showed a cruel smile.

Li Jiaming vaguely felt as if he might know something secret.

"Many people get spiritual beads and killing formulas? Isn't that a lot of people like me?"

"Do you think that everyone can control killing like you and endure the pain of bone erosion to absorb the energy of the beads? They have the gathering beads and killing formula, but the way of cultivation is killing. Constant killing can promote the cultivation of the killing formula, and can also greatly accelerate the promotion of parasitic armor. However, the gathering beads is a battery, and he can propose that energy can also be filled with energy! Constant killing is to fill the spirit beads with energy! It's just that this energy is different from the biological energy they need."

Li Jiaming remembered the feeling of continuous killing under control. At first, he was a little scared, and then he was numb. Later, he saw that there was a faint feeling of excitement in the blood. Compared with absorbing the pain of gathering spiritual beads, if it can improve the killing formula, of course, the killing is still refreshing, at least it will not be so deep into the soul. Pain! If Li Jiaming is not a decisive person of good and evil, then he agrees to go on the road of killing, and what Taoist people say can gather spiritual beads to fill the soul aroused Li Jiaming's curiosity.

"What will happen if you fill it with energy?"

"Hey, boy, don't know too much, or you will be in trouble." The Taoist did not answer him

"What trouble can I have?"

"The parasitic armor made by those eight-clawed guys can control your consciousness, so do you think they can't monitor you? If you act too prominently to attract their attention, you are not far from death, so it's better for you to avoid some secret exposure!"

Taoist's words changed Li Jiaming's face, which reminded him of the situation where consciousness controlled his body to kill and obtain biological energy

"Don't worry, your consciousness is greatly enhanced by absorbing the great pain brought by absorbing the energy of spiritual beads. When you practice the killing method to three layers, you can feel the control consciousness transmitted from the parasitic armor, but you can no longer control you! However, you are still careful. It's better not to go against their consciousness, otherwise you will soon be found, and then you will either be caught by them to slice and study, or die directly!" The Taoist said a joke, but Li Jiaming shuddered.

"So you are not afraid that they will find what you said for me?" Li Jiaming suddenly had a question

"They can monitor your lives, your words, your actions, but they can't monitor your thoughts. Theoretically, everything that happened to us will be recorded by them, but unfortunately I blocked here. Everyone outside will not know what just happened, even if you just got it. No one feels the huge movement caused by the amount*"

"What's wrong with the killing formula you gave me?"

"Hey, take this away is the real killing formula." The Taoist pointed to Li Jiaming's eyebrows, and suddenly Li Jiaming felt a large number of obscure formulas entering his brain.

After a brief look, the situation of double killing Jindan in Li Jiaming's body is in the second layer of this genuine killing formula, and the whole killing formula is also divided into nine layers. But the third layer of cultivation was foggy, which made him unable to see clearly.

"This third layer..."

"I'm banned!" The Taoist knew what Li Jiaming wanted to ask to interrupt his inquiry, "After you have enough energy, the cultivation formula will naturally appear. The killing formula is different from other cultivation methods. If you don't have enough energy to practice, you will either explode and die, or you will become a crazy demon! Now the world is very chaotic, and I don't want another guy who is crazy about practicing."

"Master, what should I call you?" Li Jiaming suddenly felt that it was very rude not to know the other party's name for so long.

"I'm nameless, just call me an unknown Taoist!"

"That unknown master, I want to know what happened three years ago and why he gave me the killing formula and gathering beads"

"What's the point of what happened three years ago? As for why I gave you these things, because you are one of our pawns! You used to be just a soldier, but now you have become a cannon! I'm going to use your cannon to take their army!" The unknown man pointed to Li Jiaming and said word by word

"Well, I will find the answer to the three years. Not long ago, the voice of consciousness sounded in my brain, asking us to ban the fight of new human beings and prepare to launch an attack on the human base in three months! What should I do?" Although Li Jiaming became a new human, he has always warned himself that he is a human being. If he wants to distinguish forces, he must be on the side of human beings, so he told the unknown Taoist the voice he heard when fighting with Yang Hu

"I know this, I can only tell you - fish in troubled waters, don't kill!" The unknown Taoist turned his back to Li Jiaming and put his hand behind him.

"How strong is my energy now?"

"About five million, which has reached the black standard you mentioned!"

"Black level? Isn't it too obvious that I'm wearing yellow bio armor but have black power? The unknown Taoist said before that if his performance is too prominent, it will easily attract the attention of the superiors. Although Li Jiaming does not know who the person above is, he vaguely feels that this is definitely not what he can afford now. When he thinks of his use of purple power with yellow-level biological armor, he is secretly afraid. If I was really noticed by them, and as the unknown Taoist said, it was not far from death. Therefore, Li Jiaming is very active and concerned about his power level and how to hide.

"Summon your biological armor, imagine its color, and he will naturally change." The unknown Taoist left this sentence and disappeared from Li Jiaming's room.

"Hey! Hello! I still have a problem!" Li Jiaming shouted in the room, but there was no response from the unknown Taoist.

He put on the biological armor again, and the color of his heart changed. However, unknown Taoists do not know that new humans above the biological armor purple level are registered somewhere. If a person wearing purple or black armor suddenly appears, it will inevitably attract the attention of some forces.

Although Li Jiaming had burst out of purple power before, he was wearing yellow biological armor and did not have corresponding purple characteristics, because Li Jiaming had not been noticed for the time being. But if he suddenly appears as a purple, the consequences are unimaginable.

Although the unknown Taoist left, Li Jiaming not only did not get the answer he wanted, but also had more problems in his heart.

Why did the unknown Taoist give an incompletely modified killing formula before? How many people got the spiritual beads and magic formula? What will happen after the spiritual beads are charged? If he is his pawn, how will he use himself when he returns?

Do you want to take their king by yourself? Who will this king? Are those the octopus monsters you saw at the beginning? Isn't it contradictory how strong this unknown Taoist is? Why did he tell himself not to kill in vain, and the killing formula can be practiced through killing? What does it mean to fish in troubled waters at the three-month exhibition? Too many question marks made Li Jiaming feel a pain in his brain,

Dong! Dong! Dong! The sudden knock on the door interrupted Li Jiaming's thinking, and Li Chuan opened the door and appeared in front of him.