mutation killing

Chapter 31 · Horror Gold Level

Li Jiaming touched the indicator light and dominated the defense equipment in the corridor. Unfortunately, this is not an important place. The only defense weapon has only a fewa er rays.

Looking at the rushing eight-legged robot, Li Jiaming controlled the Alter ray to open, and the red light emitted, and the three eight-legged machines in the front were cut in half by the light.

Forbid, the corridor at the exit is not particularly spacious. Even if there are a large number of eight-legged guards behind, they can be densely tied together.

Li Jiaming did not hesitate to launch the surrounding defense weapons with all his strength, and the Alte rays kept sweeping back and forth, and one machine after another was cut in half and burst out a lot of sparks.

But even so, such eight-legged machinery is still densely piled up in the corridor. The robot in the front row was cut off, and the robot in the back row jumped over and kept rushing towards Li Jiaming.

Li Jiaming frowned. The number was too much, which made people feel endless. Suddenly, he had an idea to control the defense weapon while controlling the power, while extending to the constantly rushing foot robot.

Sure enough, although these eight-legged robots were ordered to attack him, although Li Jiaming could not attack his order, he could modify the target of the near attack.

After Li Jiaming's modification, the eight-legged robots piled up, and a large amount of energy burst out, and the eight-legged robots that were densely tied together began to attack each other.

Li Jiaming looked at these eight-legged robots who killed each other and smiled proudly. After all, the machinery can only passively accept orders. Under the domination of power, these are useless scrap iron, which can even cause a lot of trouble to the enemy.

Without the interference of any guard robots, Li Jiaming began to try to modify the defense force of the export. He had to turn off which defense weapons before he could go out. Originally, he also planned to use the teleportation ability of replication, but looking at the exit distance, the teleportation of the replication should not be able to move so far.

Suddenly, Li Jiaming's heart tightened, and a terrible energy fluctuation came from behind him. Looking back, the golden new human was looking at himself with great interest not far behind him.

Li Jiaming's whole body was tense, and a lot of cold sweat suddenly came out. The golden new human just stood there made him feel breathless.

"Small ants! You interest me a lot. Is your power dominant? It can dominate the electronic system! Are you the one who entered the control room before? You also let go of the experiment. What do you want me to do with you? The golden new human smiled and couldn't see any hostility.

"Why do you ask so many questions! What the hell do you want to do with me?" Li Jiaming is highly nervous and constantly thinking about how to deal with this gold-level newcomer.

"What about you? Hahaha, the gold-level newcomer suddenly laughed and said, "Little ants! Your fate will be decided when you come up! The strongest one of you will be integrated by me. Originally, I was not optimistic about you at all. Your power is just a little novel, but the combat effectiveness is not good, but your strange dominance makes me very interested, so I am you moved? Integrate with me and I will give you to coexist with the greatest newcomer"

"Bah! You just want to devour my energy! You are already golden! Is it useful to devour my energy? Li Jiaming kept asking questions to try to delay the time.

"You are too small! Ants are always ants! Do you think my series will use energy to calculate the level? Come on, blend in with me!" Gold-level new humans open their arms and seem to want to hug Li Jiaming!

"Hmm! Want to devour me! Be careful not to break your teeth!" Li Jiaming snorted coldly. After thinking about it, there was no way to deal with this gold-level newcomer. The only way was to do his best.

As soon as the words fell, Li Jiaming instantly stimulated the bloody energy in his brain. A red light flashed from the beast Bible in his body. Li Jiaming's whole body began to grow bone spurs, and soon his whole body grew to three meters.

"Interesting! A new power? You really surprised me! Ordinary people have at most one power before the purple level, and the purple level evolution black level will be lucky enough to understand one or two, but how many powers do you have? In the face of the beastization of Li Jiaming's golden-level new human beings, there is no fear, and there is still a large number of Li Jiaming who is still interested.

"You will know when you try!" Li Jiaming roared, killing Jindan at a high speed, and a large amount of energy gathered on his bone-filled fist. At the same time, the power enhanced power was launched. This punch instantly bombarded the golden-level new human beings with a sono boom.

Dare not be careless. First, it was the strongest power attack. The gold-level newcomer smiled at the bombarded fist and disappeared from the same place. Li Jiaming's fist hit the wall behind him, and the original unbreakable wall was broken by him.

"It's too slow!" The gold-level newcomer appeared behind Li Jiaming.

"Damn!" Li Jiaming's copied teleportation moment appeared behind the gold-level newcomer and exploded with a punch mixed with sound, but this punch only opened a wall, and the gold-level new human disappeared in an instant.

The moment of replication? I guess it's from the new human number 3?" Gold-level new human figures appear on the other side.

"Go to hell!" Li Jiaming roared! Another punch came out, but there was still no gold-level new humans.

"I can also teleport" gold-level newcomer suddenly appeared behind Li Jiaming. Shoot a finger gently on Li Jiaming's back.

Li Jiaming felt that a huge force broke out to hit his back. This terrible power is indescribable. It was just that the bone spurs on Li Jiaming's back were all broken, and his body shot out like a cannonball, hitting several walls in a row.

Li Jiaming got up from the ruins of a room and coughed up a large amount of blood uncontrollably. The power level of the two was not at the same level at all. He could not hit him at all, but the other party's simple attack hurt his muscles and bones!

"Tut! Tut! Tut! It's too small. Can't it be done just once?" Li Jiaming still knelt down and coughed blood, and the golden newcomer appeared in front of him again.

"Okay! The training over there is about to decide the winner! Hurry up and merge with me! I should go and have a look, too!" After saying that, a golden tail suddenly stretched out behind the golden new human, and the end of the tail suddenly opened like a huge open umbrella, and the umbrella was shining on Li Jiaming's body.

"Not finished yet!" Li Jiaming roared, and the killing golden elixir in his body rotated rapidly, and a large amount of energy gushed out. Li Jiaming's bone-s spineless left palm waved, and a black palm print appeared out of thin air. The whole palm print was extremely huge than the size of Li Jiaming's room, and the walls of the room where the palm print passed was destroyed.

"Is it a new power? This really makes me curious! But can you hit me? It's just a useless struggle and a waste of energy! What? After saying that, the golden new human just wanted to teleport but found that his body could not move.

Li Jiaming stretched out his right hand to grasp the position of the gold-level new human. The original replication of the mind power could control the gold-level new human for a second!

In just one second, Li Jiaming felt that 300 million energy of biological armor was exhausted, but this second bought time for my huge black palm print.

Boom! Under the pressure of the huge palm print, it made a violent sound, as if the whole ship was shaking. The gold-class new human was pressed by this palm print but did not know where it was hit.

Li Jiaming gasped and felt extremely tired. The black palm print just now was the move he understood when he broke through to the third layer of the killing formula... Extermination palm!

Its power is to compress the energy of the whole body and explode, and more than 1.5 billion biological energy is concentrated in this blow. Gold-level new human beings are stagnant by the power of thought!

"Bum, you provoked me!" The voice of the gold-level new human reappeared, and the gold-level newcomer who was hit by the horrible death palm did not suffer any loss except for his messy hair.

Li Jiaming was shocked. His left hand stretched out, and the killing elixir in his body rotated rapidly, sneezing a large amount of energy again. Li Jiaming even turned the golden spirit beads to extract the energy into the palm that was about to bombard.

A black palm print appeared again, and his right hand stretched out to stare at the figure of the golden new human with his mind.

The golden new human did not dodge in the face of the formed black palm, and his face showed a sarcastic look. With one finger, a golden energy shot from his finger to Li Jiaming's left arm.

Almost at the moment when the golden energy was shot out, Li Jiaming's left arm broke, the broken arm fell into ashes, and the black palm print condensed in the air dissipated with the rupture of his left arm.

Li Jiaming's face was pale and frightened. A large amount of blood gushed out from his broken arm, and the residual energy constantly destroyed Li Jiaming's body through his left arm.

Li Jiaming now has a lot of energy deficit and is very weak. Without energy support, the next blow of the gold-level newcomer can easily destroy Li Jiaming.

He had no choice but to endure the pain of eating the soul and touched the golden spirit beads. With the rotation of the golden spirit beads, a large amount of energy began to be replenished into Li Jiaming's body. The destructive energy in his body was forced out of the body, and Li Jiaming's injury was slowly recovering from the activation of the blood bloodline.

"I'm not interested in you anymore! Go to hell!" Gold-level new human suddenly appeared in front of Li Jiaming and bombarded him in the chest.

Li Jiaming's body bent, his eyes almost burst out of his brain, and his chest collapsed, and the bones in his chest were instantly broken by several inches. The terrible force tore a large number of internal organs in his body and were shaken into pieces under this blow, and even his heart had a lot of cracks.

At the same time, Li Jiaming's body burst out backwards under this terrible power. The original strong wall was like paper paste under his body, and one wall after another was passed through by him.

The retreat body that was bombarded by the gold-class new humans almost penetrated half of the ship, and some defensivea erte rays had just started the explosive body and pierced it.