mutation killing

Chapter 32 · Crossing Space

At the moment when Li Jiaming was bombarded by gold-level humans, his horrible ability had made him unconscious. His retreating body kept penetrating one wall after another, and finally crashed into the room with a divine arm.

Li Jiaming's body crashed into the mechanical box with a divine arm, and the whole box suddenly shattered. A black arm that was almost one person high was pressed by Li Jiaming's back and continued to retreat. Finally, Li Jiaming's body crashed into the rotating black vortex and disappeared.

As the box with the god's arm was smashed, the gold-level newcomer secretly shouted bad and appeared in the technology room. At this time, Li Jiaming just crashed into the black vortex. The gold-level new human immediately tried to hold Li Jiaming, but it was empty.

Looking at the black vortex gold-level new human face with a serious expression

"This space window is still unstable! Those damn octopus creatures have been delaying me to build a stable space window. This is troublesome! Damn, the golden-level new human disappeared into the technology room with a curse.

At the same time, Li Jiaming, who was in a coma, kept shuttling in a black space. The black space was full of turbulence, and Li Jiaming's body was fragmented by these turbulence from time to time.

But before he fell into a coma, he touched the golden spirit beads, and a large amount of energy gushed out from the spirit beads to constantly repair his broken body. The resilience of the blood clan also prompted the repair of Li Jiaming's body. Gradually, with the promotion of a large amount of energy, Li Jiaming's body became stronger and stronger.

The divine arm pressed out from his back was combined with his broken left arm under the promotion of space turbulence and internal energy. At this time, Li Jiaming's left arm became particularly thick, and the whole left arm was more than one person long. His feet drooped from his shoulder, and his arm was all black and covered with delicate The scales seem to be very incongruous with Li Jiaming's whole body.

Li Jiaming kept shuttling through the black space. Suddenly, a white light appeared not far away, and the suction generated absorbed the unconscious Li Jiaming in.


In a dense forest, three figures are constantly running, and one of the short figures is a lovely girl with a six-pointed star pendant hanging on her chest, constantly shaking as she runs.

She was wearing a long white skirt, but the white long skirt was stained with a lot of dust, and the originally gorgeous long skirt now looks dilapid, with a panicked expression

The other man was wearing a set of black butler clothes, about 60 years old. His meticulous white hair, which was originally combed, looked a little messy while running, and kept helping the lovely girl while running.

The remaining man is a man in silver armor. He is very strong and about two meters high. He has a Chinese face and thick eyebrows. The sword in his hand is full of gaps, and the silver armor is stained with a lot of blood. The man's eyes are very sharp and he always pays attention to the situation around him even when running.

Sudden continuous running made the girl slip, and her whole body fell forward uncontrollably. Seeing that she was about to fall to the ground, a pair of thick hands picked up the girl

"Princess, are you all right?" The elderly man in the black housekeeper's uniform quickly helped the girl stand behind the man.

"What's wrong with Uncle Kilan? Why did the second uncle lead the army to chase us?" The girl looks fifteen or sixteen years old. Although her face looks very flustered while running and her eyes are red as if she has just cried sadly, her noble temperament can't be concealed.

"Ai" Kieran sighed, "Princess Lilo, your father has passed away! And you are the first heir! Your second uncle, in order to seek your country..."

"How is that possible?" The girl who became Princess Liluo by an elderly man covered her mouth with her hands. She couldn't believe that her second uncle, who used to be kind to him and brought a lot of gifts every time she came to see her, would come to chase her.

"Princess! If only you had been born a few hours early! At the beginning, your master predicted that you could summon the most powerful summoning beast in 16 years! At that time, the country will be safe under your protection! But why is it so coincidental! After your father's death, no one will be able to control your second uncle! But you are still 16 years old!" The elderly Kieran beat his feet and stopped his chest when he said these words.

"Lord Kieran! Don't worry! I, Carl Knight, will definitely protect the princess to the death! I believe that the princess will definitely regain his country!" Carl's long sword in silver armor waved, and his broad figure stood firmly in front of the princess.

"Wh! Mr. Carl, there are only you and me beside the princess now!" Kieran sighed

Suddenly, the long sword in Carl's hand waved repeatedly, and the sound of metal impact was remembered repeatedly. Several pieces were broken and fell to the ground. Kilan's face suddenly turned white and he quickly protected Princess Lilo beside him with his body.

"Come out! Don't hide!" Carl roared loudly

"Good! OK! OK!" A young man came out of the woods, and his clothes looked very luxurious. "It's worthy of being the chief of the royal family, and his skills are really good!" Don't protect that useless princess! When you come back to the king, you are still the chief of the royal family! How about it?"

"Your Excellency Carl..." Looking at the man in gorgeous clothes's recruitment of Carl, Kieran was a little worried.

"Hmm!" Carl sneered, "A knight! Never betray is my rule, and protecting the princess is my lifelong belief! Even if you ** me with gold and silver mountains! I'm also indifferent!"

"Karl Knight!" Listening to Carl's words, Princess Liluo was a little moved.

"I don't care! Kill them! The princess is alive!" Under the order of the man in gorgeous clothes, a large number of soldiers came out of the woods, and they looked at Knight Carl with long swords in their hands.

Carl is worthy of being the chief of the royal emperor, and he is also quite familiar with his skills. He is also comfortable in it when he is surrounded by a large number of soldiers. He can always dodge the sword cut by the soldiers, and every sword of his mutilated sword will bring out a blood flower to destroy a soldier, Kilan behind him. There was a large number of soldiers with the princess, but no one could get close to him.

"Are you trying to use these soldiers to deal with me? Why do you look at me too much!" Soon, the surrounding soldiers were wiped out by Carl alone.

"It's really awesome! General Manager Carl! Are you really not thinking about it? I know that you have the level of a swordsman. Destroying these ant-like soldiers is like cutting melons and vegetables for you, but do you think a swordsman can fight against the mythical beast master? The man in gorgeous clothes smiled, and two men in gray robes walked out from behind the man in gorgeous clothes.

"Mythical Beast Master!" Seeing the two gray-robed men, Carl looked solemn, his sword in his hand clenched, and his forehead was particularly cautious when he moved.

"Two lords, catch the princess! The king will be rewarded. As for the others, please feel free..." The man in Chinese clothes bowed respectfully to the two men in gray robes behind him.

Two men in gray robe nodded. One of them strode forward and stretched out his hands. A circle of ripples appeared in the air in front of him. Then a tiger-like creature jumped out of the ripples, but the tiger's skin was blue, and there was no king character on his forehead, but a blue diamond-shaped treasure. Stone.

"Blue Monster! You are the cold king demon! I didn't expect you to be bought by the traitor! Didn't the king treat you well before? Kiram saw that the summoned mythical beast recognized the man in gray.

Another gray robe also walked forward, like the cold demon king summoning the blue monster. There were circles of ripples in the air, and this time a basketball-sized eyeball, with something like shark fins on it.

Then the eye-shaped mythical beast blinked twice and suddenly turned into a black light and merged into the hand of the man in black robe. A huge black machete appeared in the hand of the man in black robe. The huge black machete seemed to stretch out of his arm.

"Black knife! You are also bought! You..." Kieran obviously also knew this mythical beast master with a black knife.

"The king used to be good to us! Now the king is better for us! Good birds live by folding trees! That's the end of the cold demon king's voice was low.

"Keelan, we used to have a good relationship! Leave the princess and go! We won't kill you!" The man known as the black knife said

"Impossible! I won't leave the princess!" Kiland pulled the princess behind him with a big hand.

"Lord Kieran! I'm still there! I won't let them hurt the princess!" Carl waved his sword before Kieran,

"Mr. Carl! You are a swordsman! But you can't stop the Mythical Beast Master! You still..." Kira's tone is a little sad

"I'm a knight! Guarding the princess is my faith! Mythical Beast Master? Let me try your strength!" Carl raised his sword and rushed to the two mythical beast masters, and there was a faint white fog shining on the sword.

"Well, it's just a swordsman. Can you use fighting spirit already? It's a pity that you're still a swordsman. If you have the level of a great swordsman, it's not easy for us to win you. How about the cold demon king looked at Carl who rushed in disdainfully? Black knife, you go!"

"Good!" The black knife nodded, waved the black knife in his hand, and a black knife burst into the rushing Carl.

Facing the black knife gas, the long sword in Carl's hand was blocked in front of his chest, and the whole sword flashed with white fog, but the long sword, which was already full of gaps, broke at the moment when the black knife gas touched.

After the black knife spirit hit Carl's chest, Carl's body uncontrollably shot back and smashed several thick trees.

"Carl!" Princess Liluo let out an exclamation

The black knife withdrew the machete and shook his head and said.

"You can only fight, and I can already rely on the mythical beast to send out sword spirit. You can't beat me!"

Carl staggered out of the woods in the distance, tearing his silver armor with a thick opening in his chest, revealing the rolled skin inside.

"I'm not dead yet! You can come again." Carl's voice was a little weak, but he still stood firmly in front of the princess

"Carl!" Liluo exclaimed, "You go! You don't have to work so hard for me!"

"Princess! It is my faith to protect you!" Carl's voice is extra firm!

"Kyran! Tell Carl not to go! Then he will die!" Princess Liluo grabbed Kieran's arm anxiously.

"Ai" Kilan sighed, "Princess, there's nothing we can do! Today maybe we..." Kieran didn't go on

"There must be a way! You don't tell me often! Is there anything to stop me from being a princess? Princess Liluo's voice seems to be begging

"Maybe there is only the last hope!" Kieran suddenly said, "The princess can summon mythical beasts at the age of 16! I don't know how much time is left now! Princess, try it! This is your last hope!"

"Summon the Mythical Beast!" Princess Liluo was stunned. He remembered that his master was a powerful mythical beast master. At the age of 16, his master predicted that she would summon the most powerful mythical beast in history, leaving a six-pointed star pendant on his neck.

"I must succeed!" Princess Liluo held the six-pointed star pendant in her hands, and her eyes were particularly firm, and then she slowly recited the mythical beast summoning spell taught by her master

"I am my soul! Communicate the bridge between heaven and earth, take the soul as a contract, and summon my mythical beast!" As the princess read the summoning spell, a circle of waves appeared in the sky in front of her, and the six-pointed star on his chest suddenly floated out of thin air and emitted a strong light.

"Have you learned to summon mythical beasts now? Is it useful? I'd like to see what kind of mythical beast our princess can summon! Let's see if it can defeat the two of us." The cold demon king looked at the princess who was summoning the mythical beast with great interest, and the blue eyes of the blue monster beside him emitted a strange light.

"Lord the Cold Demon King! Once a language princess would summon the most powerful mythical beast at the age of 16! Do you think it's just in case..." The man in Chinese clothes said

"No! I want to see what this strongest mythical beast looks like!" The cold demon king interrupted the words of the man in gorgeous clothes

As there are more and more ripples in the air in front of the princess, a black vortex is gradually formed in front of her, and the floating six-pointed star shoots a lot of light into the black vortex.

And a humanoid object gradually emerged in this whirlpool, and the princess's face showed an excited expression. It seemed that she was about to succeed.

Finally, the six-pointed star on his chest was not glowing and turned into a general pendant hanging on his chest, and the humanoid creature also fell out of the vortex and fell to the ground.