mutation killing

Chapter 34 · Aland

Looking at the direction pointed out by the princess, Kieran coughed softly

"The princess is wrong. That's the direction back to the castle. If you want to go to the Mythical Beast Forest, you have to go to the other side, and you have to pass three villages and towns."

"Is it?" The princess blushed and said, "Let's go."

Looking at the princess Li Jiaming shaking his head helplessly, although many series on the earth have spoofed Princess Gege or something in the past, his impression is that the princess is generally noble and quiet, knowledgeable and reasonable, but the princess in front of him does not seem to have such an image at all.

"Princess, be careful, there may be an ambush in front of you." Kieran looked at Li Jiaming and hurried forward to help the princess.

As a royal housekeeper, he has seen a lot. Kieran looked at Li Jiaming dressed differently from them and said that it was a mythical beast but looked like a human, but it was really curious to say that it was a person's exaggerated left arm.

And after being summoned, a mythical beast should conclude a contract with its master and then follow the master's instructions, but Li Jiaming does not seem to have any contract, and does not follow the princess's instructions.

In fact, Li Jiaming is really not a summoning beast. The princess was predicted to summon the strongest mythical beast at the age of 16, but in fact, she did not reach the age of 16.

The ripples in the air and the glowing hexagram were originally intended to communicate with the summonable mythical beasts, but they failed because the princess did not reach the age of 16. Fortunately, the black vortex caused by the summoning spell communicated the space cracks and sucked out Li Jiaming, who was unconscious in space. That's why they think Li Jiaming is a mythical beast, but they don't know all this.

After that, it seemed that the news of Li Jiaming's appearance was transmitted back after the man in gorgeous clothes was released. Although a large number of ambushed soldiers were found on the road, no soldier came out to stop them, but followed them from afar.

Li Jiaming can clearly feel that there is someone behind him, but it is rare for him to say that the people behind him are really not dangerous to him.

"That's rotten chicken, isn't it?" Li Jiaming approached the elderly man.

"It's Kieran! Sir, my full name is Kieran-Maus! Royal Housekeeper!" Kieran spoke politely

"Well, Kilan heard that the housekeepers have rich knowledge, so please tell me about the situation of this continent, about the mythical beast master or something." Li Jiaming said this, but he thought to himself, chicken rotten? What's the name? It's still hairy...

"Your Excellency, you are asking the right person! I, Kiran, is the most knowledgeable of all royal housekeepers!" Kira was very proud when she said this.

"Oh. Then tell me quickly"

"Okay, Your Excellency..."

"Kira is not allowed to call him your Excellency. Whether he has a title or not, in fact, just call him..." The princess planned to think about Kieran's words and said, "Just call him a big black man!" Then his arm is so black and big!"

"I have a name! Why should I call it a big black guy!" Li Jiaming can't laugh or cry

"Because it was summoned by me! I said, "What's your name?" Liluo's princess's temper began again

"Well, just call me a big black guy, and then you marry me! Others call you a big black lady," Li Jiaming said with a smile

"You...hum" Princess Liluo directly stopped talking and turned her head fiercely and strode forward.

"That Kieran, go on"

"Yes, that black... cough" Now Kilan listened to the princess's words and just wanted to call Li Jiaming a big black man, but this one was so inappropriate that he called out a black word and quickly stopped his mouth.

"It's okay. You call it according to the princess. It's just a name. I don't mind." He kept wandering on the edge of life and death. Li Jiaming did look at the title or something.

"Um, first of all, the mainland here is a very wide continent, and there is only one country on this continent! That's the Kingdom of Sphin! That is Princess Lilo's country, but now she has been sought the throne by that traitor!" Kieran gritted his teeth when he said this, and he seemed to hate it very much. It is no wonder that the royal housekeeper, who was originally dressed in jade, now has to escape in confusion. Everyone will hate it.

"Well, I'm not interested in the internal contradictions of your royal family! Just tell the power composition of this continent." Li Jiaming is only concerned about whether there is any power here that can threaten him and whether there is a way to go back. After all, his parents are still on the earth.

"In addition to the people of Kaipingming, there are also three professionals on the mainland: mythical beast masters, swordsmen, and alchemists. The two you saw before are mythical beast masters, and the princess is also mythical beast masters, and they are the greatest mythical beast masters in prophecy, and Mr. Carl is actually a swordsman"

"Hm, specific point"

"The mythical beast master is divided into martial arts and beast illusion. The cold demon king who uses blue monsters is beast illusion. Usually, the beast illusionist summons mythical beasts to fight directly. Different mythical beasts have different abilities. Powerful mythical beast masters can summon mythical beasts. The princess's master is a powerful beast illusionist. His mythical beast is a horrible giant. Dragon!"

"Dragon?" Li Jiaming whistled and thought that there was a dragon in the mainland? Isn't it equivalent to playing Dungeons and Dragons? I don't know if I have the strength to kill dragons.

"And the person holding the black machete is the martial arts." Kilan continued, "The mythical beasts summoned by the martial arts often do not directly attack the enemy, but they can be transformed into weapons and armor to assist the martial arts to attack the enemy, and the strength of the mythical beast basically determines the strength of the mythical beast master. According to the level of the mythical beast, it is also divided into One to nine levels."

"What was the rank of the two before?"

"The cold demon king is the third level! The underworld is second-order!"

"Second-order? Third order? It looks very weak." Li Jiaming pinched his chin. In his opinion, the two were really weak. As long as he moved his fingers, he could pinch them to death.

"They are relatively weak among mythical beast masters, but mythical beast masters are not common. One of the 100 people may be qualified to become a mythical beast master, and one of the ten qualified people may be able to successfully summon real mythical beasts, and these mythical beast masters are very harmful to ordinary people!"

"Summon the real mythical beast?" Li Jiaming is a little confused

"Yes! People who are qualified as mythical beasts are not 100% able to summon mythical beasts, so there is another way to go to the mythical beast forest to find the mythical beast to conclude a contract and become a beast illusion, while the real mythical beast is summoned directly from a different space, just like the princess summons you.

"That is to say, the so-called blue monster is the product of the Mythical Beast Forest? What about the black knife?

"Yes, that's right. The cold demon king was lucky to find the young blue monster in the mythical beast forest and concluded a contract with him. Otherwise, how could he catch the blue monster fifth-level warcraft with his third-level strength? The black knife seems to have only two levels, but his development potential is far more than that of the cold demon king. His mythical beast is really summoned by the alien world! With infinite development potential"

"What about the swordsman?"

"Swordsman scores from low to high for swordsman, swordsman, swordsman, great swordsman, swordsman, great swordsman, swordsman, swordsman, swordsman, nine titles. Carl, as a swordsman, is already the royal chief of our Sphin Empire, but he is really thankless for the Great Swordsman of the Mythical Beast!

"Why is this?"

"It's very simple! Because a swordsman can practice as long as he is an individual, but the degree of cultivation is different. It can be said that swordsmen are all on the street. After being promoted to a great swordsman, the number of people begins to decrease!

The subsequent swordsmen and swordsmen are coming more and more! Because the continuous reading of the later practice is getting bigger and bigger! However, because the talent required by the mythical beast master is much more exaggerated than that required by the swordsman, the advantages at the beginning are also much higher. The first-order mythical beast master can easily fight against everyone below the swordsman, and those with better skills can even fight against the swordsmen.

Just as you see that the swordsman can only use the fighting spirit after practicing to the great swordsman, but only the second-order underworld cooperates with his mythical beast can cut out the sword spirit! In this way, even if Carl has the level of a swordsman, it is still difficult to fight against! Not to mention the strange abilities of other mythical beasts"

"Can't the swordsman beat the Mythical Beast Master?"

"No, it's just that the early Mythical Beast Master has too much advantage! But after the swordsman cultivates to the great swordsman, the fighting spirit can be released to rival the mythical beast master of the same level. The sword saint can still win the ninth-level mythical beast master"

"How many swordsmen are there in this continent?"

"Three swordsman! But they are all on the mainland! They are the Star Swordsman, the Madman Swordsman, and the Magic Swordsman! The Magic Swordsman is also known as the strongest swordsman among the three swordsman because he is not only a swordsman but also a ninth-order mythical beast master.

"It's so awesome!" Li Jiaming pinched his chin. He finally understood the difference between a swordsman and a mythical beast master, which was like the difference between junior high school students and college students on the earth. The swordsman was equivalent to a junior high school student, and a mythical beast master was equivalent to a high school student.

If the factory comes to recruit workers, others will definitely need high school students instead of a junior high school student. After reaching the great swordsman, both the mythical beast master and the swordsman are admitted to college, but the mythical beast master is enrolled in a regular high school, while the swordsman goes to night school or vocational high school.

Then they eradicate their ability to take the doctoral examination and master's degree in the postgraduate examination. The later they will definitely become more and more difficult, and the advantages in society will definitely become higher and higher after their success.

"What about the alchemist?"

"Alchemists are a special group of people. They usually have rich knowledge to make a lot of strange things. They are very mysterious, even mythical beasts don't want to provoke them, so I don't know much about alchemists, but the princess's master is actually an alchemist."

"Is there a magician or something in this continent?" Li Jiaming asked, in his opinion, there should be a profession called magicians according to the routine of the novel on this road. They use elemental energy, and what Li Jiaming wants is space magic, or this magic can help him go back.

"Magician? What is that? I haven't heard of it. Kieran shook his head

Ah? That is, you can use elements to attack the enemy's profession and use water! Fire! Ice or something! Even use space to create space vortexes or something"

"Is that the mythical beast master? Their different mythical beasts can use elements that they can't use. If you think about the blue monster, he uses ice elements! As for the space vortex you mentioned? Maybe an alchemist can do it! Everything they do is really amazing!"

Is there no magic? It seems that it's not easy for him to want to go back, or their alchemists will have a way. Li Jiaming scratched his head to comfort himself.

"The princess has arrived at the village! Let's go in and have a rest!" A village and town not far away appeared in front of everyone.