mutation killing

Chapter 88 · Loyalty

All blood clans except Sidoa are far away from where Li Jiaming is, but when people think that Li Jiaming is about to explode, the sound of the explosion has not come.

Sidoa saw that Li Jiaming's body was covered with traces of cracks and had made up his mind to die with Li Jiaming, but he suddenly found that a strange light suddenly flashed on Li Jiaming's original black arm, and then a whirlpool appeared in his left arm, and the horrible energy was constantly absorbed by his left arm.

And Li Jiaming's body began to gradually repair, and the traces of cracking disappeared, and his body shape was slowly shrinking, and then returned to its original appearance.

Sidoya wanted to go to have a look, but the sky-high silver beam of light was still connected to Li Jiaming, but its horrible energy was also absorbed by Li Jiaming's black left arm.

Sidoa had a surprised expression. Originally, he thought that Li Jiaming's left arm was just the illusion of the illusionist, but it seemed that it should not be so simple. The left arm was like a bottomless hole, absorbing such a large amount of energy without any reaction.

The silver-white light column is still injecting energy, and the black left arm is fully collected. It is difficult for Sidoya to imagine what extent this energy has reached, but the black left arm finally began to change. From the wrist, the black skin gradually changed to gold, and the whole arm became golden in a short time. .

The dark clouds that originally covered the sky were scattered by the silver beam of light, and the sky began to light up. It won't take long for the sun to rise, and the beam of light connecting the world finally faded.

The beam of light disappeared, and Sams's castle had turned into ruins. Sidoa quickly ran to Li Jiaming's side. Li Jiaming was completely unconscious, and his clothes completely disappeared. A broken mirror fell beside him. Sidoa didn't think much about putting away the mirror beside Li Jiaming first, and then picked up Li Jiaming and planned to It was sent to Panson's castle.

But after taking two steps, Sidoa had to stop, and several princes and dozens of dukes blocked Sidoya's road.

The retreating blood clan didn't wait for Li Jiaming's explosion for a long time and felt something was wrong, but they didn't go to check it because they could still see the silver speed of light in Unicom.

When the sky was dawn, the beam of connecting the world finally disappeared, and the explosion still did not come out. Some bold blood clans began to approach Samus's castle to see what had happened. Their more ideas were to take advantage of it. After all, it is well known that Li Jiaming had three blood clan scriptures. Love.

When they saw Sidoa holding the unconscious Li Jiaming and planning to leave, they decisively stood in front of them.

"Get out of here! Get out of the way! Don't you know that my master is the prince of the Bruch clan? His brother is Lord Panson and his father is the Great Lord of Sparta!" Naturally, so many blood clans blocking his way will not come to help. Sidoa hopes to scare them off with Li Jiaming's *.

"Sedoya, relax, we know what you are doing. Leave your master behind. Look, it's almost dawn. It's not good to be exposed to the sun! What's more, you are a marquis!" The leading prince said that it looked like a lizard and should be a blood clan of the Gongro family

"Please get out of the way!" Sidoa raised the tone

"I was talking nonsense with him! Let's grab it first! When the lords of all ethnic groups come, we will have no hope! Three holy scriptures!" This blood clan, dressed in strong clothes, should have come to the Asamette family.

"Sidoya, I remember you are from the Cappadocia. Why did you go to the Bruch? Did you betray the Cappadocia family? The speaking blood clan is very handsome, and it should have come from the Zmish family. His words aroused the contempt of Sidoa by the surrounding blood clans.

"Haha, since our little Marquis of Sidoa is so loyal to protect his master, how can I not give him a chance? Xiduo, if you want to defeat me, how about I stop interfering? What I was talking about was the blood clan of the Ganglow family that looked like a lizard.

"Matt! Are you also giving him a chance? Did you let a marquis defeat your prince? Hahaha," a blood clan suddenly laughed around

"It's difficult, and it's also an opportunity," Matt smiled.

"Good!" Sidoa agreed without hesitation.

"Don't say I'll give you a chance! I'll let you attack first!" Matt said confidently, standing in front of Sidoa with his hands on his waist.

"Good!" After saying this, Sidoa didn't see any movement, but a deep bone scratch suddenly appeared on Matt's chest, which seemed to be able to break his heart a little deeper.

Matt stared at the sudden scratch on his chest. He had no idea what had happened. Then his body was numb and he fell to the ground and could not move.

"Isn't this Morse's air claw? How do you know his skills?" The blood clan of the Asamette family suddenly said.

Yes, this is the air claw, which can directly attack the enemy regardless of a distance, and it also has a numbing effect. One of the two blood princes previously absorbed by Sidoya is mind-reading, and the other is the empty claws. If Li Jiaming's static space was not strong enough to restrain them, this empty claw would have caused him a lot of trouble.

"I've defeated Matt. Can you let me out?" Sidoya said coldly

"The conditions he promised are not what we promised! Let's go together, Sidoa is no longer a marquis! He can defeat Matt at least with the strength of the prince! Everyone killed him! Divide the holy scriptures again!" After shouting, the blood clans present suddenly launched an attack on Sidoya at the same time.

Sidoa frowned. Is this the originally noble blood clan? You can also be brazen in the face of the thirst for power.

In the face of the attacks launched by many blood clans, Sidoa quickly recited spells, and eight black vores suddenly appeared around him, and eight stone ghosts more than three meters high flew out of it.

The number and power of stone ghosts summoned by Siddoa's promotion to prince have increased a lot. As soon as the eight stone statues appeared, they immediately became stone statues and surrounded Siddoa.

The attack of the stone ghost is not very convenient, but its defense after transforming into a stone statue can be said to be abnormal. The attack launched by dozens of dukes or prince-level blood clans present only shocked the stone ghosts a lot of dust.

This is not only related to the defense of the stone ghost. Although Sidoa is a prince, it has absorbed the energy of the two queens and has stepped into the level of deputy lords. Although there are several princes in the field blood clan, it is still a long way from the deputy lord.

However, although Sidoa is ahead of everyone present, its energy is far less than that of dozens of dukes and princes. Under the joint bombardment of many blood clans, a stone ghost was smashed one after another, and Sidoya and Li Jiaming re-paved the way for many crazy blood clans. In the attack.

At this time, the shadow of the sun can be faintly seen on the horizon. If the sun rises and its strength is greatly reduced, Sidoria will certainly not be able to stop so many crazy blood clans.

With the last stone ghost being smashed, there was no more obstruction in front of Sidoa, and a large number of attacks directly bombarded Sidoya.

Sidoa held Li Jiaming in his arms and dodged repeatedly, but there were too many various skills in the blood clan. One accidentally, Sidoya had been injured all over, and then several pieces of meat were caught, revealing the white bones inside, and a large amount of blood flowed out uncontrollably.

Sidoa gritted his teeth and recited a spell again to summon the stone ghost, but this time he only summoned four, and the embodiment was much smaller.

Xiduo's attack to reach the blood clan like this can only delay time, and delaying time is not good for him. If the master of the lord comes, he will definitely be defeated immediately, and Li Jiaming will not be sure.

At this time, I can't keep my hand. I can't predict whether I will kill my family. Sidoa's face is solemn, and a pair of golden wings grow out from behind him.

Seeing the blood clan around the golden wings of Sidoa, they suddenly understood that Sidoa, who thought only had the strength of the marquis, had indeed reached the strength of the prince, which made it difficult for them to believe that a marquis had advanced to the prince in such a period of time.

With the shooting of Sidoa's golden wings, he pronounced the obscure spell in his mouth at the same time. It was very difficult to recite every spell, and a huge whirlpool appeared over Sidoa with his spell.

"It's not good! Everyone attack! He wants to summon the undead dragon." A blood clan who is obviously the same as Siddoya, understood the meaning of the spell read by Sidoa.

Hearing the words of this Cappadocia blood clan, the surrounding blood clan attacked more fiercely. Soon, three of the four stone ghosts were scattered, and only one was left in front of Sidoa, and there was still only a huge whirlpool above it, and Sidoa became more and more difficult when he recited spells. .

Boom! The last stone ghost was broken and dissipated under the bombardment of the blood clan, and Sidoa fell to the ground with unstable steps. Li Jiaming was also accidentally thrown to the ground, but Sidoa showed a relieved expression at this time.

A scream came from the huge black vortex above, and a huge gray skull dragon head appeared, with a faint blue flame shining in his eyes, and a dragon head was the size of an ancient castle.

The faucet stretched out and roared at the blood clan in front of Sidoa. The scene was like a hurricane, and a large number of blood clans stood unsteadily and were blown back fiercely.

Then the huge skull dragon head protruded from the black whirlpool, and a huge claw also stretched out. The surrounding blood clans showed a frightened expression, and just a roar made a large number of blood clans stand unsteady.

The Cappadocia itself is a great summoner, and its family has become a family of destruction. The powerful undead summoning beasts are enough to bring the fate of destruction to anything.

But the huge undead dragon failed to get out of the vortex passage, and a bloody figure suddenly flew over the head of the undead dragon. The wings behind it were 50 meters long and golden, with some black spells engraved on it.

Then the blood clan punched the huge dragon head, and a dazzling blood energy burst out. The undead dragon roared unwillingly and was bombarded back into the whirlpool, and the black whirlpool immediately disappeared.

Seeing the figure of the blood clan in the sky, Sidoa's heart was full of despair. Finally, a lord came. If the undead dragon is summoned, it may be delayed for a while, but the undead dragon was directly bombarded in the whirlpool, and Sidoa could not deal with a lord.