mutation killing

Chapter 141 · Qiongqi 2

Two huge fist shadows appeared on the outside of Li Jiaming's fists. The two fist elephants were like elephants. The right hand was just a hazy red shadow, and the fist shadow of the left hand almost condensed into an entity.

This is Li Jiaming's perception from the three levels of the power of nature. Since the power of nature can be condensed and formed, why can't other energy be? Li Jiaming condensed the energy of the blood clan into two huge fists, which could be like an arm.

Li Jiaming's speed was extremely fast. His side fist had just formed, and his whole body had suddenly appeared in front of Qiongqi. This was almost a matter of an eye. Qiongqi had just made a defensive posture, and Li Jiaming's right fist had been heavily bombard him.

Qiongqi's 100-meter body was crooked by a huge right fist, but this was not enough. Li Jiaming's huge left fist continued to bombard, and Qiongqi's huge body was more than three meters high, and then fell heavily on the ground.

Li Jiaming began to be angry by the continuous attacks of Qiongqi, which would not give him time to breathe. Wanyin continued to launch, and the dense red palm prints bombarded Qiongqi's body one after another.

A large amount of hedgehog-like hair on Qiongqi's body was broken, and the originally poor and textured body began to become embarrassed.

But it's not over yet. When the palm of life is about to fall, 18 different weapons appear in the sky, such as knives, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks, forks, whips, mace, hammers, grabs, rods, sticks, sticks, crutches, meteor hammers. The 18 most popular weapons in ancient China appeared in the air one after another, and all of them became extremely thick, with a nine-ring machete ten meters long.

With the explosion of Wanyin, 18 kinds of weapons stabbed Qiongqi's body again. This is Li Jiaming's copy of Li Jietmeng's power. If he himself used more than 18 weapons? At that time, when fighting against Li Jiaming, hundreds of various weapons were summoned, but after Li Jiaming copied, the effect was reduced and only 18 weapons could be summoned.

Poor's body was still hard. Although a large amount of hair was broken, the 18 weapons only wiped out a lot of sparks on his body, which did not essentially hurt Qiong Qi.

But it's not enough. Although Qi seems to have been temporarily suppressed by Li Jiaming, except for Li Jiaming's two fists, he did not receive any substantial damage in the subsequent attack. If Li Jiaming stops, the extreme counterattack will come like a storm.

Li Jiaming took a breather. He decided to abolish Qiongqi. No one likes to be beaten, and Li Jiaming is not a masochist.

Suddenly, Li Jiaming roared, grabbed the wrist of his left arm with his right hand, and opened five fingers of his left palm facing Qiongqi. Some green light began to converge from around to Li Jiaming's left palm.

As a high-level ancient fierce beast, how can it not use the power of nature, but they call the power of nature aura here.

Seeing that Li Jiaming used convergence aura, Qiongqi knew that Li Jiaming was really angry, and then the wings behind him opened, and the surrounding natural forces also gathered to him at the same time.

There is not much natural power on the three floors of the lock demon tower. One person and one beast compete for this natural power crazily. In the end, neither of them gathered too much natural power.

Since they can no longer accumulate more natural power, Qiong Qi and Li Jiaming have bombarded the green light balls formed by natural forces.

The two green light balls collided quietly. One of the differences between natural forces and ordinary energy is that they do not make too much noise, but the destructive power is quite amazing.

After the two green light balls collided with each other, they merged together, and then centered on the green photospheres, a strange fluctuation spread around the air.

The whole three-layer monster and ghost felt that their heart was pinched by hand at the same time, and then a terrible energy storm instantly hit the whole three-story lock tower.

Countless relatively weak monsters and ghosts were torn apart in this terrible energy storm, which is like the end of the world for the three layers of monsters, and the energy storm sweeping the whole three layers makes them unavoidable.

At the junction of the two green light spheres, a large number of cracks began to appear on the ground, which could not heal for a while under this powerful destructive force.

Li Jiaming and Qiong Qi were closest to the green light ball. At the beginning of the storm, the two were rushed to the distance by the violent energy. Li Jiaming was better, because first than the natural power that Qiong Qi began to converge, so his photosphere contained much more natural power, and the light ball then broke out more energy storm. It is in the direction of Qiongqi.

Finally, the violent energy stopped, and the whole three layers were dilapidated, full of injured monsters, howling and cursing.

Li Jiaming took the lead in standing up from the ground. Most of his body's flesh and blood were annihilated in this energy storm, revealing the golden bones below. At this time, the resilience of the blood clan is working, and the flesh and blood on his body is growing rapidly.

Li Jiaming was a little staggered in front of Qiongqi. At this time, Qiongqi, who suffered a lot of energy impact, was seriously injured. Half of his wings were broken, and one side of his body also had no flesh and blood, revealing the bloody internal organs, but he did not have the abnormal recovery ability of Li Jiaming as a blood clan, although he was gradually repairing. But the speed is very slow.

Seeing Li Jiaming staggering, he was too lazy to move. In order to resist the violent energy, he could be said to have exhausted his strength.

"Wow! Do you still want to fight?" Li Jiaming walked breathlessly in front of his poor cow-like head.

"No more, you won!" Qiongqi's voice is quite weak.

"Then send me to the next floor!" Li Jiaming simply leaned on Qiongqi's head and sat down. He didn't have much strength. In addition, he had fought on the first and second floors before, and his energy consumption was not compensated. Li Jiaming was actually more tired than he looked.

"I don't have the strength. You can drag me over there. The channel is over there!" Qiongqi raised his palm and pointed to the direction.

Li Jiaming rested on Qiongqi's head for a while and felt that after recovering some physical strength, he dragged Qiongqi's body 100 meters and walked in the direction he pointed.

Not long after, a stone tablet appeared in front of him. Li Jiaming let go of Qiongqi and stepped forward to move the stone by himself, but no matter how hard he tried, the stone did not move at all.

"It's useless. Only the guards can open this stone tablet, otherwise as long as the stone tablet can be moved, it can go to the next floor." Qiongqi stood up and walked to the stone tablet. The passage that had been opened easily before was extremely laborious this time. Qiongqi's forehead even sweated. Qiongqi almost exhausted his strength that had just recovered before moving the stone tablet to reveal the passage to the fourth floor.

"Let's go, don't let me see you again. This damn rule almost killed me!" He lay on the ground again.

Li Jiaming took a look at Qiongqi and walked into the channel. What Qiongqi's last words did not attract Li Jiaming's attention. Originally, Li Jiaming thought that it would only be difficult to reach the seven or eight floors, but the third floor made him embarrassed.

Li Jiaming dragged his tired body into the four layers. There was not much energy left in his body and consumed too much energy in resisting the terrible storm.

Li Jiaming had no time to hide his breath. As soon as he entered the monsters around the fourth floor stared at Li Jiaming. They didn't know how such a strong monster came from the third floor. Although he looked exhausted, no monster dared to come forward to hit his attention.

Suddenly, a strange monster appeared in front of Li Jiaming. Li Jiaming did not see his shadow at all before. The monster was not big. Compared with the gluttony and poor, his figure was only about ten meters long.

It is like a huge wolf dog, with two groups of gray-white wings on its back, each of which is almost as long as his body. Strangely, the wolf dog has no head, and there is nothing flat on its body, but Li Jiaming can feel that the monster is staring at him.

"No way!" Thinking of the possible name of this monster, Li Jiaming scratched his hair with regret.