mutation killing

Chapter 221 · Cain

"What? Is there any problem?" Seeing Cain's expression, Li Jiaming asked puzzledly.

"Strange, strange, how can there be creatures before your world has developed?" Cain muttered.

"Spirits?" Li Jiaming was curious about Cain's words and immediately looked at the world in his left arm. Li Jiaming had not carefully explored the world in his left arm for a long time. He only knew that he could exchange his soul for strength at the critical moment.

When Li Jiaming looked at the world in his left arm again, he found that his left arm was no longer as empty as before. Only the mysterious yellow gas floated in it. Now there is already a vast continent in his left arm. Although this continent is only half the size of Aland, there are no animals. But it is already lush with green grass, and the sky in the world of the left arm is not a blue sky and white clouds, but a cloudy yellow.

When Li Jiaming appeared in this world, all the data in it clearly appeared in Li Jiaming's brain, and the whole continent seemed to be one.

Li Jiaming moved a little, and peaks appeared in the flat continent.

"It's amazing! Didn't I become the creator of the world? Let me think about what this world looks like?" Sure enough, the world can also change according to Li Jiaming's imagination.

"Li Jiaming!" Still immersed in the changes in the world of his left arm, a shout woke him up from it. Suddenly thinking that Cain was still outside, he retreated.

"How did the space in my left arm become like this?" Li Jiaming asked curiously.

"I don't know. Although I'm afraid that your left arm will reshape the world, I didn't expect that there would be creatures in you."

"Spirits? Do you mean those green grasses?

"Yes, grass is also life. As long as life contains a soul, I am surprised that you can form a continent with your current strength, but I didn't expect life to appear! How did you do it?" Cain looked at Li Jiaming's eyes a little more colorful.

"I didn't do anything. After the space was formed, I didn't care about it, and then sent me that the yellow gas could be used first. Sometimes when the energy is not enough, I will use these gases to replenish energy!" Li Jiaming said after thinking about it.

"Do you use Xuanhuang Qi to compensate for your current energy? What a violent thing! But how did you borrow this mysterious yellow spirit? According to your strength, you should not be able to guide!" Hearing Li Jiaming waste Xuanhuang's anger, Cain shook his head sadly.

"Every time I borrow it, I consume a lot of soul power. The first time I used it, I almost died because of excessive consumption of soul power. Thanks to my ball, I supplemented the power of my soul to get through the crisis!" The Li family obviously has lingering palpitations.

"Use your soul to guide the spirit of Xuanhuang? No wonder, the ball you are talking about is a dead beast in your ear, right? That's a good thing! But don't guide the spirit of Xuanhuang like this in the future. It's the top energy. It's really a waste if you use it like this! Although you have formed a preliminary world, you certainly don't know how to use this world, do you? Cain asked, and Li Jiaming nodded in response.

"Listen, although the world used to be mine, it has now reopened with your power and injected the power of your soul. In fact, the world has merged with you. It is the most stupid way for you to guide the power in it by consuming the power of your soul. Even if you have strong soul power, it is not enough, but because of this, life will appear in your world in advance, which is more conducive to the development of your world civilization and truly use this world to integrate your soul with this world. You are the world and the world is you! In this way, you use the world to launch an attack in your every move! Do you understand?"

After listening to Cain's words, Li Jiaming fell into meditation. At first, he clearly felt that his left arm contained the power of the world, but he did not know how to quote it. Unexpectedly, after receiving Cain's suggestion, Li Jiaming immediately sat cross-legged and immersed his whole body and mind in the world.

Integrating the soul into the world is easy to say, but it is really difficult to do. A little carelessness is the destruction of the soul. I don't know whether Cain was intentional or unintentional but did not mention it to Li Jiaming.

Now Li Jiaming has boiled his golden soul power, and the whole soul of Li Jiaming in his left arm is burning, and then the whole Li Jiaming's figure is getting lighter and lighter.

When Li Jiaming began to merge, he found that his soul actually had a feeling of being diluted. A kind of fatigue that came to the depths of consciousness swept in. Li Jiaming now has no more coma or he will be tired after excessive consumption. Now the sudden fatigue naturally feels that Li Jiaming feels wrong, and his instinctive feeling Don't fall asleep, otherwise a bad result will definitely happen.

Cain looked at Li Jiaming's body sitting outside. Suddenly, Li Jiaming put a strong breath on his body, but the breath was constantly weakening.

Looking at Li Jiaming's body, Cain understands that Li Jiaming's soul has only entered the world of his left arm to facilitate integration. Li Jiaming's world can bring his body into or only into consciousness. This depends on Li Jiaming's happiness, and when his world is complete, he can also put it into the life of the outside world. At that time, the world in Li Jiaming's left arm will become a new plane.

Li Jiaming is like a successful fusion, so it will naturally be easy for him to borrow the power of the world in the future, and it is inevitable that his strength will increase greatly. However, if he fails, his soul will fly away and the world will collapse. Li Jiaming will completely integrate his consciousness with the world of his left arm and can no longer be separated, so that the world will be saved, but Li Jiaming is actually dead.

"Will this be too hasty? He should be told the danger, but the further you go, the more difficult it will be to integrate. Now if you don't succeed, there is basically no possibility of success!" Cain stared at Li Jiaming's body and frowned. Looking at Li Jiaming's fading breath, Cain was a little worried.

At this time, Li Jiaming was almost asleep. Gradually, he couldn't even feel his existence. He turned his head and wanted to see a mountain on his arm, but this look woke up Li Jiaming. He immediately stuck to his consciousness and tried to keep himself awake. Gradually, Li Jiaming's soul began to reunite.

Fee that Li Jiaming's breath was recovering little by little, and Cain was relieved. It seemed that Li Jiaming should have succeeded. This boy's luck was not ordinary good.

When Li Jiaming opened his eyes again, the whole popularity was suddenly different. If Li Jiaming was like a sharp sword before, and at this time, the sharp sword had been inserted into the scabbard. At the same time, Li Jiaming stood in place and faintly emitted a pressure, which made people dare not face it.

"Congratulations! Congratulations! It seems that you have succeeded!" Cain laughed.

"Thank you." Li Jiaming nodded and asked, "What will the world look like in the future? I can easily feel that I can borrow the power of this world. The power of a world is almost entirely used by me, not that I can only borrow a trace of the power of the earth world as before."

"Of course, it is to form a plane, and then with the improvement of time and your strength, life will appear in your plane. Of course, when the world is complete, you can also put it into life by yourself, in which you are God!"

"How can it be complete?"

"Have you noticed the sky of your world? Your world has only opened up the earth, and the sky has not yet taken shape. When your sky takes shape, the world will be formed!"

"Hm? What about Cain's world? Is the world easy to form? Li Jiaming asked.

"You have been to my world, and do you think this world is cabbage? Everyone has it? If you don't have my left arm, it's hard to say whether you can form the world! As far as I know, there are only those ancient Chinese gods who have the world! Even the Emperor of Heaven has no world! But I have to say that the Heavenly Emperor is very powerful. He is completely different! Even if there is no world, it is ridiculous!"

"The original Aranda continent of your world, no wonder you can appear there! Whose world is the earth?

"Pangu, he is also a strong and outrageous man, just like he is still resisting the battle of gods and demons to add at least three layers of hope in the human world! However, he failed when he merged with the world, so his whole soul was integrated into the world! It has formed the current earth. It's really because such an ancient god wants to guard this earth. After all, he is transformed by Pangu!"

"There is another question, what is the 18th floor of the lock demon tower used for? If it's hell, I don't believe it!" After so many layers, it would be wasteful to be used as hell or a place of experience, and none of the people he notified before had left. Why on earth?