mutation killing

Chapter 220 · Layer 7

With a weight of 1.8 million pounds, he passed the test of Jiuli Sanxiong, which made Li Jiaming much more relaxed. The monsters around him came up to congratulate him, but there was a trace of reluctance in their eyes.

"Xiao Li, do you have to leave after passing the test? We can't bear to part with you!" The green skin came forward and said.

"It's okay. I'll come back to see you later. I think the Emperor of Heaven should give me this convenience, and according to your guess, it is very likely that you will go to the outside world in person." Li Jiaming patted the green skin on the shoulder.

"Go to the outside world!" The green eyes lit up, but then dimmed, and he said in a somewhat lost tone.

"I'm not sure, and when I go outside, it's also for fighting. Although I'm curious, I don't want everyone to risk their lives to go out. They are surrounded by hundreds of thousands of years of friends, and it will be very uncomfortable to lose anyone."

After listening to the green skin's words, Li Jiaming didn't know what to say. It was worth patting the green skin on the shoulder again and passed the test. Li Jiaming did not need to continue to carry 1 million pounds, and immediately lost the weight of the refining armor.

As soon as the weight of 1.8 million catties was eliminated, Li Jiaming suddenly felt that his whole body was light. Li Jiaming, who was relaxed, couldn't help jumping, and suddenly couldn't control his figure constantly shooting into the sky.

"Ah! Ah!" Li Jiaming's scream sounded in the sky, and suddenly the monsters around him were sweating coldly.

Not long after, Li Jiaming fell down and was carrying 1.8 million catties and could still act in a self-sufficient battle. As soon as this weight was cancelled, Li Jiaming's combat effectiveness suddenly rose in a straight line. His speed, strength and physical skills were significantly improved. With a punch, a burst of air burst sounded, and it was easy to roll a fist that contained eight levels of power. Strong.

But then Li Jiaming added 1.8 million pounds of weight to himself. With armor refining, Li Jiaming is practicing all the time. Now when wearing 1.8 million pounds, he can easily send out the power of the seven-level world power, so if he cancels Li Jiaming, he can bombard eight levels of world power, so when he wears it With a weight of 1.8 million catties, you can emit the power of the world of level 8, so can't you release more than the power of the world of level 8 by canceling it?

Then Li Jiaming said goodbye to everyone. Although it was not long, he still had a deep relationship between Li Jiaming and these monsters during this period.

Originally, Li Jiaming thought that he would see Chi You before leaving, but he was told by Jiuli Sanxiong that he would leave by himself without having to leave.

Since Chiyou did not want to see himself, Li Jiaming also cancelled this plan and walked out of the sixth level of hell in the farewell of many monsters. Li Jiaming, whose strength soared again, looked at the entrance of the seven-story hell and went straight in without thinking about it.

Compared with the excitement of the sixth floor, the seventh floor is obviously much more deserted. It is better to say that it is deserted than empty. There is indeed no one in the whole seventh floor, Li Jiaming.

Looking at the empty seventh floor, Li Jiaming had a familiar feeling after entering, and the silent left side was also faintly hot. Although it was not like the feeling of almost tearing his body on the Aland Road, Li Jiaming can be sure that after his left arm entered the seventh floor of hell for so long. Unexpectedly, there was another abnormal movement.

"Does this have anything to do with that giant?" Li Jiaming muttered and walked in the seven-story hell. If there was no one in it, Li Jiaming felt that it would be difficult to do.

Finally, Li Jiaming found a strange square object in the distance and immediately increased his speed and rushed over. When he approached, Li Jiaming found that this object was actually a coffin, an exquisite and luxurious coffin.

The coffin is 200 meters long and 100 meters high. When approaching the coffin, Li Jiaming's left arm trembled uncontrollably. Li Jiaming could clearly feel the excited expression of his left arm if a child returned to his home.

Looking at the size of the coffin, I estimated the giant that appeared on the mainland of Aland. This coffin is likely to belong to this giant. Is there anyone used to this giant in the coffin? Combined with the origin of his left arm, is this giant really the ancestor of the blood clan?

Li Jiaming flew over the coffin and gently knocked on the coffin. If there was someone inside, he would wake up when he heard this sound, but there was no reaction after Li Jiaming knocked on the coffin.

"Are you asleep? Or no one?" Li Jiaming guessed and knocked on the lid of the coffin several times again, but there was no reaction. Li Jiaming had no choice but to open the coffin.

Li Jiaming clasped his hands on the edge and exerted his arms slightly, but the lid of the coffin was heavier than expected. It was not until Li Jiaming used the third level of world power to lift the lid of the coffin.

Opening the lid, I thought you would be full of the smell of corpses, but I didn't expect that after the lid was opened, it not only did it not smell but also had a refreshing fragrance.

Li Jiaming looked down and saw that there was no one in the coffin.

"Strangely gone! What does no one do on the seventh floor? How can I get out? Why are you trapped here?" Li Jiaming frowned and sat on the lid of the coffin.

At this time, where Li Jiaming did not notice, there was a sudden wave in the air, and then a space was torn, and a huge arm stretched out of it.

"Kid, you are making rapid progress!" The sudden voice behind Li Jiaming made him turn around vigilantly. Obviously, he had just checked that there was no one on the seventh floor. Whose voice was this bursting?

Looking back, Li Jiaming suddenly saw a familiar face. Sure enough, what appeared behind Li Jiaming was a giant that had appeared in the Aland continent at the beginning, so his hot arm could be explained. The seventh hell is likely to be the place where the giant lived.

"How did you get here? You were obviously not in this hell just now. Li Jiaming asked in surprise.

"Oh, I just went to other planes to have a look. I just felt that someone had moved my bedroom, so I came back to see what was going on. Regardless of it, it was not unexpected. Sure enough, it was you who came." The giant went over and closed his coffin again.

"Do you know I'm back?" Li Jiaming asked curiously.

"Of course, I knew it when you first came to the mainland, and then watched you grow step by step until you came back from the mainland. I already knew the blood of your body, even earlier than the Emperor of Heaven!" The burly giant smiled slightly at Li Jiaming.

"How did you know that? And who the hell are you?" Li Jiaming asked.

"I know it's very simple. Your left arm used to be my own. Of course, I will feel something about him. As for who I am? Can't you guess that Nandou is a blood clan? The mysterious smile of the burly giant.

"Cain! Are you really Cain? Why are you here!" Dealing with his own ideas, although he had expected it for a long time, he still surprised Li Jiaming. Cain, the ancestor of the blood clan, actually guarded the seventh floor of hell!

"There is no need to make such a fuss. A man in my divine world has been here since his left arm was cut off after the battle of God. In those years, he broke my left arm of the world, but if it hadn't been for him, I wouldn't have been able to break through the previous realm. Now the channel of gods and demons is about to reopen. I'm looking forward to fighting with him!" There was a faint excitement in Cain's eyes.

"God? I thought it was the God of the West!" Li Jiaming said.

"Hey, although they are both called God, the gap between the two is big, but you don't seem to know much about your left arm, right? Look, your current strength must not give full play to the effect of your left arm, otherwise you should be stronger!" Cain took a deep look at Li Jiaming and said.

"Is there any other use for the left arm? Can I be stronger?" Cain's words widened Li Jiaming's eyes. He always thought that his left arm was just extremely hard, and then he could consume his soul in exchange for power. Li Jiaming didn't know that there were other functions.

"Stretch out your left arm and let me have a look!" Cain said, Li Jiaming stretched out his left arm as he said. Cain closed his eyes and put a finger on Li Jiaming's left arm. Soon after, he suddenly opened his eyes and showed a shocked expression!