mutation killing

Chapter 231 · Magic Channel Open

Three days have passed, and the purple ball of light floating above the Holy Women's Mountain still has no response, and the silver-white beam of light falling from the sky has not been broken, but the pressure emitted from this purple ball of light makes the people of Saints Mountain feel like a stone.

Under the lock tower, a flash of lightning suddenly appeared in the passage connecting the nine hells, and the lightning that should have flashed was still in the air like a painting.

Then the space around the lightning was silently annihilated, and the black hole appeared from the surroundings. At this time, a man wearing a purple gold jacket and holding a golden scepter appeared near the lightning. A pair of eyes looked at the abrupt lightning crack. If someone stared at the man's eyes, it could be clear. I saw that the two seals in the man's eyes were constantly turning.

"Listen and tell the Heavenly Emperor that the magic world channel is about to open and prepare him!" The man said lightly. At this time, a unicorn was like a male lion, all white, but an ancient beast with a leopard print appeared from the man. After the ancient beast appeared, he bowed his head to the man and then disappeared in place.

There is only one person named Listening Beast, that is, Dizang Bodhisattva. At this time, Dizang sat in front of the lightning, and bursts of Sanskrit sound chanted out of his mouth. With the recitation of Dizang, golden ten thousand words flowed out of Dizang's mouth to fill the cracks of lightning, and as ten thousand words were filled into the cracks around the lightning. The speed generated begins to weaken, but weakening does not mean stopping. According to the speed of the crack, the crack of lightning will completely crack.

"Buddha!" Dizang suddenly recited, and the desolate Buddha's sound suddenly spread to the whole lock demon tower, and the guards on the 18th floor heard that the Buddha seal changed unevenly.

The encounter of a layer of hell suddenly shattered all the giant tripods in hell, and all the giant tripods converged to form nine simple giant tripods, and the fixed halo flow is rare and magical.

The eighteen bronze men of the First Emperor of Qin in the second-story hell were ready to go, and countless terracotta warriors and horses formed another formation in hell.

The three layers of Baqi were originally free. After hearing the Buddha's sound, he hurried back. There was even a little greasy at the corners of his mouth. Obviously, he was just enjoying delicious food.

Four layers of nine tails suddenly released bursts of pink gas all over the body. The concentration of the fog made it almost impossible to open their eyes, strong emotion. The pink fog will stimulate all people who enter the four layers, and their will not be determined to return to the explosive body and die.

Five-layer Xingtian woke up from his sleep, ate the shield in his left hand and held the axe in his right hand, and let out a roar in his mouth.

Hearing this Sanskrit sound, Chiyou looked up at the sky and immediately walked out of his big tent. All the demons in the six-layer hell immediately put down their work and stared at their king. As Chiyou waved his hand, the demons began to arrange strange traps on the sixth floor.

On the seventh floor, Cain in the coffin suddenly opened his eyes when he heard the Buddha's voice, and then slowly closed again.

The eighth layer appeared in a strange creature with pink skin and a fat head with a backward angle. Li Jiaming went back on the seventh floor. He didn't know what the eighth and ninth layers were, but he looked familiar with the eight layers of creatures.

On the ninth floor, the guard here's legendary victory over the Buddha and Sun Wukong. He was wearing feathers and sitting in golden armor. With the sound of the Buddha's voice, his eyes suddenly opened and shot a golden light.

The nine channels originally listed under the lock demon tower suddenly began to move. It was no longer like Li Jiaming was still when he came in, but formed a round rotation centered on this lightning, which made people unable to distinguish which one was hell.

When the emperor saw the listening in the heavenly court, his eyes showed a little surprise.

"I thought there were at least three months left, but I didn't expect it to be so fast! Go back, and I will go to see the Jiuxiao Tiangong!" The Heavenly Emperor disappeared from the Heavenly Palace and reappeared in a mysterious place.

The sky is a haze, and black lightning keeps flowing in the sky. There is a rock wall in front of it. Strangely, there is a model of a woman on the rock wall. There are two giant snakes stretched around the woman's side.

There are two men sitting in front of the rock wall. The breath of these two men is not weaker than that of the Emperor of Heaven. One of them is dressed in white. If Li Jiaming is, he should be able to recognize that this is Bai Ze who guided him, while the other is dressed in red clothes. The hot breath around him has raised the temperature around him. Many.

"Nvwa!" The Emperor of Heaven saluted the rock wall very respectfully. The statue of the woman on the rock wall turned out to be the Empress Nuwa. Was this the place for Nuwa to make up for the sky at the beginning? If this woman is the two snake shadows tested by Nuwa, it is not difficult to guess her identity. It should be the white snake that followed Nuwa to make up the sky for a day among the four spiritual beasts.

"What's wrong with the Heavenly Emperor?" Although Nuwa was sealed on the stone wall, her consciousness was unimpeded.

"There have been cracks in the magic channel, and the King of Dizang has been trying to repair it, but it should be completely cracked in less than a month. This time, the magic channel opened earlier! Don't you know how the heavenly passage is?"

"It should be able to persist for more than three months. My people reported that there are people with 80% of my blood concentration in the clan, and I can fill this channel when I can quickly recover to the end with his strength!"

"So good! Don't you know who this person is?" Hearing that Nuwa can quickly recover, the emperor's eyes lit up.

"You also know this person is Li Jiaming! It's just a pity that his talented bloodline is rare in heaven and earth. If there is no matter of gods and demons, he will have time to practice. If he may grow to the height of the god and demon king in time, there will be no fear of gods and demons in the human world. It's just a pity that at this time, we have to kill and take eggs!"

"We admire Nuwa for the benefit of the people. Li Jiaming will also have some awareness for the sake of the world. If necessary, the Emperor of Heaven should also take risks at any time!!"

"Get ready for the troops! The people in the demon world are more ferocious and useless. If the channel of the demon world is opened, there will inevitably be a fierce battle!"

Yes! The Heavenly Emperor retreated!" The emperor of heaven arched his hand and disappeared in this mysterious place. Soon Nuwa sighed and circled in the sky for a long time.

With the emergence of the magic channel, everything on the earth is progressing intensively, and at this time, Li Jiaming is still sleeping in this purple light sphere.

Now it is not only a silver light column in the sky shining on this light ball, but also a trace of fog between the earth's mountains also converge towards this purple light ball. The fog is very thin in the distance, but as it approaches the light ball, the fog forms a white practice, which is like Clouds are generally injected into this purple photosphere.

Another month later, the lightning traces under the lock demon tower have expanded to more than one person, and the spell of the King of Dizang can no longer continue to slow down the expansion of this channel.

After a thousand words floated into the crack, the king of Dizang stopped singing with Sanskrit but stood quietly. Without ten thousand words to stop it, the lightning channel expanded crazily and soon formed a channel the size of the Arc de Triomphe. At this time, a terrible energy fluctuation came from this channel, and the energy fluctuation has reached the ninth level of world power. With a dark red palm stretching out the channel, an extremely ugly head protruded out of the triumphal arch. I don't know how big the monster's body is. With the width of the Arc de Triomphe, it has just been put into his one. A head and a hand.

The monster's head poked out of the channel and saw the king standing in front of him. His huge mouth was full of tusks, and a breath that could kill people gushed out, and then a violent roar sounded.

"Evil beast!" The king of Tibet slowly said these two words, and the golden Zen stick in his hand was gently placed on the monster's head, and then a strong golden light burst out from the Zen stick. Suddenly, the monster's head turned into powder in the golden light, and his body was stuck in this channel.

The channel continues to expand, and the monster's body is still stuck in it, but the width of the channel has exceeded the Arc de Triomphe, but still does not reveal the monster's body.

At this time, there were waves of monster roaring in the passage. The monster's body shook. It should be the monster inside pulling the body that blocked the passage.

"Buddha!" Another Buddha name resounded through the demon tower, and all the people heard the Buddha name and understood that the passage of the demon world had been opened.

The king looked at the monster corpse that blocked the passage, and then disappeared in place. This method can only be delayed for a while at most. Sooner or later, these monsters in the demon world will still enter hell. At that time, it depends on how long these guards in hell can last.