bi tian jie

Chapter 74 The death of the emperor

"You're finally here."

Bi Xi was stunned and didn't see Kong Li. This tone was really not like what he would say. His eyes floated over the heads of several white-bearded imperial doctors in the corner and moved to the old eunuchs with wrinkled faces, but they all turned a blind eye to her.

Maybe I heard it wrong. I haven't appeared yet. How can ordinary people see her immortal with their naked eyes? Or maybe this sentence is said to others.

Thinking like this, Bixi glanced at the crowded outer hall and half floated in the air and slowly moved to the inner bedroom. There is no doubt that the person on the dragon bed should be Ning Wang, but she really dares not recognize her now - snow-white and half-bald hair, waxy skin full of age spots, thin face full of wrinkles, and only a pair of eyes can still reveal the elegant demeanor of those years from the half-dropped eyelids.

These eyes have been watching the tourmaline slowly approaching from outside the door, trembling and opening their mouths, but only making a cooing sound in the trachea. Only the tourmaline could hear it. He seemed to smile and said with satisfaction, "You haven't changed at all, exactly the same as you back then."

Looking around, the sad imperial doctor, the busy and panicked maid, and the strange state of King Ning, Bixi suddenly gave birth to a bad feeling. Naturally, the mortal body can't see her, but the soul of the body is okay. Could it be...

The corners of my eyes caught a glimpse of Kong Li standing by the bedside, with white hair and a wide-sleeved long shirt. Although his expression was slightly solemn, his eyes were bright, his face was ruddy, with fairy bones, and the posture of a generation of masters. Needless to say, this time it was naturally his own spell.

"What do you want now?" The tourmaline walked in front of Kong Li. Floating in the air, he asked him condescending. She couldn't bear to face such a king of Ning, so she had to question Kong Li. She has been compassionate to save King Ning once, and today her life is exhausted. Do you want her to tamper with her life?

Kong Li sighed gently, saluted the tourmaline slightly, lowered his head and continued to guard by the dragon bed.

"Don't get me wrong, it's me who asked him to try to invite you here. I dare not ask for the blessing of immortals anymore. I just want to see the immortal again. King Ning woke up from the trance of seeing the tourmaline for the first time. The man in front of him was not the fairy in his dream, but a real nine-fold fairy outside the sky.

Bixi really wants to sneer. The mortals are delusional and so ridiculous. If you want to see the immortals in heaven, you will try to call them. Are you too disrespecting the immortals? What is hateful is that he is still used to being recruited by the king of Ning.

I was indignant, but when I saw the appearance of the remnant candle in the old and haggard wind, the tourmaline could not seem that King Ning didn't have much time for her to get angry.

Almost in the blink of an eye, black and white slowly appeared from the ground. When they came up, they saw the tourmaline. The two were very surprised and quickly reacted to salute her: "Black and white impermanence worship the god. Nanyan and Zhao Zhengyang's life is over, and the two of us were ordered to come and take away this person's soul. Dare to ask the Lord here, er, what's the matter?"

Bixi subconsciously blocked between black and white impermanence and King Ning. After hearing this, he reacted, took a step away and coughed softly, "I heard that the human world is abnormal, I just stopped by the lower world to have a look. You are busy with your business. Don't worry about me."

Black and white impermanence thanked Bixi and surrounded King Ning one after the other. Bai Wuchang took out the birth and death book and said, "Nanyan Zhao Zheng died of illness at the age of 88. Is there any mistake?"

Ning Wang shook his head and looked at the direction of the tourmaline as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he was silent.

"Now take your soul back to hell to be judged by the judge. Your whole life is public, and you have your own judge to judge. If you still have any injustice, just tell the judge." Bai Wuchang closed the life and death and put it back in his arms and nodded to the black impermanence.

The thick chain made of black non-common black iron is put behind King Ning's neck, and when he pulls his soul away from his body. I don't know whether it's because Bixi is watching, or because of the reputation of the generation of emperors of King Ning, the black and white impermanence office this time is particularly serious and meticulous, and the movements are relatively gentle, because the time is a little longer, and Kong Li beside him can't help but look sideways.

Leaving the sick body, Ning Wang suddenly felt relaxed and seemed to return to those years. Even the heavy chain hanging did not feel any weight. He followed the impermanence of blackness and white slowly and quickly adapted to the form of the soul. Seeing that black and white impermanence seemed to bring him directly underground, he suddenly turned around and bowed to Bixi: "Haven't you asked the immortal name?"

The blue seal was stunned, and then replied, "The blue seal, the blue sky, the jade seal."

A long time ago, her newlywed husband lifted the lid and asked her first sentence, which was also her name. She lowered her head with a red face and told him the name.

"Bier, I'll call you Bier in the future."


"Bixi" saw King Ning silently reciting the name, and Bixi suddenly had expectations and wanted to hear him call "Bier" again. However, the "blue seal" in the mouth of King Ning is completely different from the hypocritical "Bier" of Feng Qingming in those years.

The memory was pulled open by Xiaoxiao, and the tourmaline unconsciously fell into it, but it didn't go too deep. In an instant, the imperial doctor announced the death of the emperor. From the civil and military officials to the eunuchs, they all bent down and knelt down, and the overwhelming crying echoed in diplomacy in the hall, which was deafening.

Recall that not long ago, Tourmaline also experienced the death of the previous emperor, but it was a completely opposite scene. It seems that King Ning is really a wise king for thousands of years and a good emperor, just like the Qingming Dynasty thousands of years ago.

Suddenly remembered the purpose of coming here, the tourmaline settled down and his eyes became clearer. In fact, from the reaction of these palace people, you can see that King Ning will never be a murderer.

Turning his head, you can see Kong Li, the national master kneeling in front of him, standing up first, then preside over the overall situation and directing the following events. He is a monk. Now that he is in such a position, how can he watch the monk be killed?

The incident reported by the lower world of the wanton killing of monks is most likely that the demon turned into a human, falsely passed the holy order, and deceived the immortals.

General Guangmu made it clear as soon as he checked these, which was how much she bothered. In Bixi's mind, he still thought about the eyes of King Ning when he just left. After all, the three words Feng Qingming could not be lingering.

When Feng Qingming died, she probably still devoted herself to Taoism and didn't care about the world. Even if he once read it, it was far from the point that he could reach thousands of miles away from the nine heavens.

suddenly felt that something was wrong. According to Ziyao, Feng Qingming was not reincarnated. After staying in hell for a short time, he called the people of the heavenly court. At that time, at most, she was a Taoist girl with small achievements and some fairy spirit, and she was still a mortal who had not yet soared. How could the heavenly court be so far-sighted to know that she would have such an opportunity in the future and take away the soul of Feng Qingming in advance?

If it's not for her, what's the relationship between Qingming and the heavenly court? Is it true that the heavenly court wants his soul to feed the fairy beast?

If it's really for her, then probably the reason is something special that he doesn't know. The reason why Ziyao is called the Demon Clan and even the Jade Emperor pays attention to him is the same.

Since he has violated the fairy rules and privately from the lower world, Bixi decided to be presumptuous and chased to the hell to find out about this Qingming.


I will never be able to catch up with the right time... Even if there is more time, the result is that the code time is longer, hey...