bi tian jie

Chapter 75 Follow Me

A fairy like Bixi, who abides by fairy rules and is busy with official duties every day, is naturally not as familiar as Ziyao. She just let go of the black and white impermanence and their escape. In a blink of an eye, she wanted to find them, but they were nowhere to be found.

Bixi did not want to alarm the king of death for the time being, so he had to find the bridge waiting by the bridge, wait for other black and white impermanence to come, and then quietly follow the judge's place.

Of course, there is more than one judge in hell, with a long row leading to the end of darkness, all of which are the court for judging the soul. Bixi passed by and heard someone shouting injustice from time to time, especially the souls of monks in Taoist robes, but they could also feel the resentment.

What's more, this monk is not as ignorant as ordinary mortals. As soon as you pinch your fingers and calculate the gossip, you will know how your destiny will live, and there will be more and more injustice, and you dare to face the judge for justice.

No wonder General Guangmu specially sent thousands of people to help. As far as Bixi saw, there were many old Taoist priests who could almost ascend to become immortals, but they were innocently killed and became immortals in hell.

Shaking his head, Bixi thought that such a personality, not to mention impetuous, dares to compete with heaven, even if he really went to heaven, he could only be a scattered fairy forever.

In the only quiet public hall, Bixi saw King Ning at a glance. Just after the trial, I don't know what King Ning heard. He lowered his head and sighed softly, quickly raised his head, smiled politely at the judge, and walked out of the court with his head held high. The two fierce bull-headed horses behind him were stunned and hurriedly chased out.

The tourmaline just stood not far away, so he heard King Ning ask indifferently, "What's the point of going to the 18th floor of hell? Can you go now?"

Every time I have seen such an active person going to hell, he said slowly, "It's not particular. Just follow us and go down layers of hell, and you can taste all kinds of torture."

"Eighteen layers of hell?" Tourmaline couldn't help asking, "What crime has he committed and what evil he has done to go to the 18th floor of hell?"

The bull-headed horse face is just a little guy in hell. He has never been out of hell. Naturally, he is not like the haunted black and white impermanence. When he saw the immortal of the blue seal, he still regarded it as a lonely ghost, and his tone was extremely casual: "Don't you see that there are ghosts everywhere in hell? It's all his sins. This man is carrying thousands of lives. Who will go to hell if he doesn't go to hell?

Bixi asked King Ning again in surprise: "Does the judge really want to sentence you to hell?"

On the battlefield, there are naturally many people killed by King Ning, but this is not a sin. Generally speaking, the lives of those who died in the war will be burdened by everyone who defeated one side, and it is easy to overcome. Many generals and marshals have become heavenly soldiers after death and have never been to hell.

Ning Wangfang was really surprised to see Bixi. He nodded calmly and self-retained, and could hardly believe his eyes and ears. Strongly suppressing his inner excitement, he arched his hand slightly to Bixi: "I have seen the immortal."

The tourmaline looked extremely un calm and waved his hand and said, "It's not when you say this, you... come with me."

With that, he led King Ning into the court again and stared at the judge who blew his beard, but released the majesty of the god a little. The judge immediately came forward and smiled and said, "I don't know that the immortals coming. It's really rude and rude."

bixi was too lazy to be polite and pointed to King Ning and said, "You sentenced him to hell for 18 kinds of torture?"

The judge quickly turned over his previous life and nodded cautiously and said, "Yes. Although Emperor Zhao Zheng of Nanyan contributed to the benefit of the people of the society, he listened to the slander and ordered to kill all the monks in the country, killing a total of 13,74 people, burned more than 1,000 Taoist temples, and injured more than 200 innocent people. In fact, he was a heinous crime, so he was sentenced to 18 floors of hell and tortured for ten thousand years.

"Isn't that a demon chaos?" Bixi asked back, but he was not confident. He turned his head and asked Wang Ning, "Isn't that your order?"

Unexpectedly, King Ning looked at the tourmaline gratefully, but nodded and said, "Thank you for your concern. Zhao Zheng remembers this kindness, but these murders are indeed done by me."

"Why are you...?" Bixi was powerless in an instant. Looking at Ning Wang's unrepentant and calm appearance, she was more worried about nosy things.

"Since Kong Li became a national teacher, the number of people practicing Taoism in Nanyan has increased significantly. However, many people do not want to kill demons and eliminate demons to work for the society, and only want to fly to become immortals. These people don't want to give birth and can't get married. After a long time, they will definitely damage Nanyan. Kong Li mentioned this matter to me, which was also sad and worried about Nan Yan's future. I think I am in the remnants of my life. I have been blessed by immortals to enjoy more years of life, and I am not afraid of losing my life and morality. Therefore, for the sake of my descendants in Nanyan, I am willing to enter these 18 layers of hell for the sake of these descendants.

"Absurd!" Bixi coldly interrupted Ning Wang's fearless sacrifice and sighed, "What do you know about the monks? Did you think these words, or did Kong Li say them to you?

"Kong Li mentioned it a little, and it was my own decision." Seeing Bixi's face, King Ning said again, "I can't blame him. What are the consequences? He has made it clear to me that I insist on doing so."

Bixi shook his head and sneered, "No wonder he had to call me before you die. He is calculating not only you, but also me. I'm sure that you will be so stubborn, and I can't bear to look for it. Instead, I have always underestimated him.

After saying that, he looked at King Ning with a smile and didn't know whether to be angry: "I didn't know that you were so easily persuaded to be used."

Nowadays, most of the king Ning also understood that he was calculated. He smiled helplessly and pointed out, "I also learned later that if you want to protect important people, you can't take risks. Any time you are uncertain, you may lose her.

"For the sake of Nanyan Qianqiu Foundation and for future generations, I am willing to."

Although Bixi has lived for a long time, he has not tasted the taste of old age and powerlessness, and has not been hindered by his children and descendants. He is very incomprehensible about King Ning's practice. She can only stand in the position of immortals and said angrily and helplessly, "You mortals really think of heaven too compassionately and the immortals too tolerantly. Your order not only makes you suffer, but also your descendants can't escape implicated. Look at the resentment of this hell. Every descendant of the Zhao family will not be born after death. If you go to hell to calm down this resentment, Nanyan's national fortune will also be affected, and it is not impossible to destroy the country overnight. You are really..."

said a few more words in a moment of anger, and then realized that he seemed to have also said something disrespectful to God. The tourmaline stopped abruptly, paused, and calmly said to the judge, "I think there is a deep inside story in this. Let this trial go for the time being. Recently, demons have been in turmoil, and there is a shortage of heavenly soldiers in heaven. I think Zhao Zheng's great achievements in life are quite suitable to be heavenly soldiers. Go and report to the Lord of Hell that the Nine Heavenly Blue Sky God took him away. If anything happens, just come to the sky to find me.

Hearing the word "God King", the judge's eyes were straight. No matter what Bixi said, he just nodded and said it.

It's really convenient to oppress people's identity occasionally. Bixi passed the king of Ning's life and erased the evidence, and took King Ning out.

"Shangxian, where are you going?"

King Ning knows nothing about the heavenly world. He doesn't know why he is still a sinner who is about to enter the 18th floor of hell. In a blink of an eye, he can be regarded as a fairy in heaven. So in the future, can he stay in the heavenly court for a long time and occasionally see the tourmaline?

"Find the opposite of Kong Li." Bixi looked at him angrily. For this king Ning, I broke all the usual principles, which is really depressing. "There must always be someone to go to hell to calm down the resentment. If you don't go, find Kong and leave. I also want to see what he is thinking.