Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 78 Attack the Camp

Lost Heights.

Xiao Chen and Qing Fengao have discussed to move towards the sphere of influence of Tianlongtang, and the four people acted like this.

After walking forward for two days, I met some teams of Tianlongtang exploring the terrain outside, all of which were prepared for the unconscious destruction of Xiao Chen and others.


A stream of blood splashed and bloomed in the air. The mid-mountain moon wiped her hands and said, "Master, this is the third wave of teams we met today, and there are more and more people. I think the people of Tianlongtang have noticed our movement and will definitely let people surround us and kill us."

In three days, Xiao Chen and others have eliminated six teams, but they are all ordinary league members. Looking at their appearance, they are just responsible for guarding nearby.

Xiao Chen nodded and said, "Well, maybe we are getting closer and closer to the base camp of Tianlongtang. It is precisely because of this that everyone should be more careful and we will move later."

Qingfeng Ao and Yunxiu, who have been following him, have been more and more frightened recently. Looking around, they always wonder when the Wuzong master who wants to kill Xiao Chen will come out.

Although Xiao Chen and Banshanyue are there, they are not sure that they can escape after facing the masters of Wuzong.

"Xiao Chen, why don't we go back first? Since we are so close to Tianlongtang, it will be too late if we are found and we want to run." Yunxiu said with some lingering palpitations.

The mid-mountain moon doesn't care at all. Since the breakthrough, his self-confidence has been highly expanded. He said, "What are you afraid of? How far can we go back? Anyway, didn't Jialantang want to use us as bait? Then we will give them a chance. Now I'm afraid that those people will know when we go back, and they think we are afraid to go back. I went there. When was I afraid of the mid-mountain moon?

Yunxiu and Qingfeng looked at each other silently and saw each other's meaning. You are not afraid, we are afraid.

"If you want me to say, why don't we go into the camp of Tianlongtang, test how many of them there are, and kill them with two fires by the way. They never thought that the people they had been trying to kill dared to break into their base camp. The moon continued in the middle of the mountain.

This sentence shocked Yunxiu and Qingfengao and hurriedly said, "Are you kidding? Go to Tianlongtang Camp?" Do you know how many people there are and how many masters there are? Even if you want to die, you won't have such a self-abuse way to die.

Joke, how many masters there are there in Jialantang? They have seen clearly this trip. Although they don't know whether Jialan has hidden strength, the senators and legislators alone add up to nearly 20 of these masters. Tianlongtang is one higher than Jialantang, and their strength is no worse than Jialantang. Now it's just looking for death to break into someone's base camp.

Xiao Chen's eyes lit up when he heard Banshanyue's words and said, "Half Yue's plan is not bad."

Hearing Xiao Chen's heartbeat, Yunxiu and Qingfeng's eyes widened in an instant. The two said together, "Two crazy people, there is really no way to save."

Banshanyue giggled and looked very proud that her bold plan was approved by Xiao Chen.

"But we can't go like this."

Xiao Chen hesitated for a moment, and then seemed to have made up his mind and said, "We are going to disguise ourselves. Since we have gone to the base camp of Tianlong Hall, we are not going to die, but we will lose access to the enemy, find out the strength of the other party, and see how many elite soldiers and strong generals they have."

"No, are you serious?" Yunxiu has a bitter face.

Xiao Chen's expression didn't seem to be joking. In fact, he didn't finish his words. This time, he couldn't help but inquire about the enemy's situation and check the elder Qingyun, wanting to find out the strength and weaknesses of his opponent.

It is an indisputable fact that Qingyun wants to kill him. With Xiao Chen's current strength against the master of Wuzong, he has never fought with him. He does not know what the strength of the strong man of Wuzong is.

But he must first understand and be prepared.

Seeing that Xiao Chen had thought about something and knew that it was irreparable, Yunxiu and Qingfeng Ao could only accept it with a bitter face.

Four people took off the clothes of the disciples of Tianlongtang on the ground and changed them. If they didn't know them, they might not have been recognized.

After all, there are hundreds of people in a legion, and no one can remember the members of the legion so well.

Xiao Chen changed into Tianlongtang's group uniform, and then put two beards on his mouth, which was also convenient as a cover.

The four people redressed, and each of them made some slight adjustments, which was a little different from the previous appearance. Even they couldn't help themselves at first glance.

"Hey, I didn't expect that no matter how I changed, I couldn't hide my handsome and charming light." Qingfeng loosened his belt and wore a yellow uniform, which did add some different momentum to him.

The image of Banshanyue is not easy to change. He has a big bald head and a scar on his face. This image is too eye-catching. Xiao Chen asked him to make some changes.

However, Mid-mountain Moon is usually careless and never hides his identity, which really worries him a little.

Finally, Yunxiu helped him get a wig, surrounded by a circle of black hair on the top of his bare head, which was glued by the chimpanzee's hair, which made the mid-mountain moon look nondescript, and the image of the villain also changed slightly.

"Well, well, even if the people who know us see us for the first time, they may not be able to recognize us, hahaha..." Qingfeng is arrogant.

Four people began to set out and walk towards the valley not far in front of the plateau.

Not long after they left the same place, a figure suddenly fell from the sky, and the breath was horrible.

An old man in a gray shirt had a murder in his eyes and stayed on the ground for a moment. Then he found traces of loose soil behind a hillside. He took a look and saw seven or eight warriors who had been stripped of their clothes lying inside.

The old man's murderous intention surged, looked up at the way he came, and smiled gloomly at the corners of his mouth. "Well, Xiao Chen actually dares to go to the base camp of Tianlong Hall. Let me see how you run this time?"

As he spoke, the old man's body lightened, and his whole body flew up into the air, quickly swept towards the base camp of Tianlongtang.

If Xiao Chen and others see this scene, they will definitely turn back immediately. And exclaimed, "Wu Zong's strong man!"

Unsurprisingly, Xiao Chen and the four of them quickly approached the base camp of Tianlongtang.

This is an extremely long canyon. The dodge on both sides of the valley road is very steep, winding like a sheep's intestine and winding forward. It is hard to believe that Tianlong Hall will put the base camp here.

But it is undeniable that it is very safe here, because the terrain is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

When they came to Gukou, Xiao Chen and others stopped on the periphery, because there was someone guarding Gukou, and two martial arts level 8 strong men guarded there.

Two martial artists guard the door, which is as safe as anyone wants to sneak attack. However, if they want to kill these two martial artists first. However, it is difficult to stop the two martial artists at level 8 as soon as they take action.

Even if they can be seriously injured, they can send a message for help in an instant, which is not a surprise attack.

"Well, shall we go in?"

The four of them hid behind a big stone and observed the situation outside. Qing Fengao couldn't help asking.

Looking at the terrain inside, Xiao Chen gave up his plan to sneak into it in an instant. Once he entered, in case he was found, with the canyon-like terrain of sheep intestines, they may not have a chance to run out at all.

"Let's not say whether we can get in, even if we go in, as long as there is a little accident and someone recognizes, it may be difficult for us to get out. So we can't take risks for the time being. Let's observe the situation first.

Xiao Chen hesitated for a moment and gave up his original plan.

The four people hid around in this way for two days. Fortunately, their storage rings were filled with dried meat, but they were not afraid of time.

On the fourth day of their squatting, the mid-mountain moon is almost unable to hold on. It is boring and painful to guard a person or a thing like this for a long time. He has never been a person who can calm down.

"Master, what are we going to do here? I'm almost crazy." Banshanyue grabbed the wig above her head and said impatiently.

Xiao Chen looked at Gukou and kept remembering something on a piece of cloth with a pen in his hand. After listening to Midan Yue's words, he raised his head and smiled. After waiting for a few days, his face was also a little haggard, but his eyes were still very bright.

"Well, after a few days of observation, we have understood the general deployment of Tianlongtang."

Xiao Chen smiled and continued, "Gukou's sentry is changed every five hours, and the change time is about five minutes. There are 12 teams that go out every day to be responsible for exploration and reconnaissance, and each team is followed by three martial arts level 8. In this way, the number of martial arts level 8 is at least 36, not in the valley. In addition, five elders have appeared, all of whom are level 9 of martial arts. According to the current observation, there are at least nine levels of martial arts, including their legion commanders.

At first, Qingfeng Ao didn't care, but now they found that the strength of Tianlongtang was so horrible.

This is just what they have seen so far, and no one knows how many masters are hidden in the valley.

There are nine martial arts at level 9, and the nine martial arts on the surface of Jialantang are only about seven or eight. No wonder Tianlongtang can always beat Jialantang.

"So what should we do now? Shall we send this news back to the legion now?" Yunxiu was worried.

The two armies are fighting, as it is said that they know each other and know each other.

But if Jialantang doesn't know the strength of Tianlongtang, he will start a war in a muddle, and he is likely to suffer a big loss.