Invincible Valkyrie

Chapter 79 Night Raid, Parachute

Four people looked at the narrow valley road again, looking unclear.

After a long silence, Qingfeng Ao suddenly came to a game, "Don't you think this valley road is very similar..."

His voice dragged on for a long time, which was infinitely reverie.

Indeed, the valley road is very narrow and deep. There is almost a black hole in it, as if there is a black grass that can't be seen.

After listening to Qingfeng Ao's words, Yunxiu was stunned and then understood that he lowered his head with an embarrassed face and did not dare to say anything.

A pure little virgin.

The mid-mountain moon smiled and didn't avoid it at all. She said, "That's right, it's really like a woman..."

Just as the indecent words in the back were about to be exported, Xiao Chen coughed twice in time, interrupted the obscene thoughts of Banshanyue, and looked up and said, "Can't you go up?"

Obviously, Qingfeng Ao and Banshanyue thought crookedly. Looking along the narrow valley road, it was like looking at a woman who had already laid down. Xiao Chen's words immediately changed their meaning.

The two immediately said with bright eyes, "Come on, of course, go hard!"

Xiao Chen looked at the * appearance of the two people, couldn't help but put his hand on their foreheads and said helplessly, "Don't say you know me when you meet someone in the future. I can't afford to lose that person."

After saying that, Xiao Chen strode to the side of the valley road.

Yunxiu behind him hurriedly followed, watched Xiao Chen stand down on the edge of the cliff, looked at the steep cliff in a daze, and couldn't help asking, "Have you paid any attention?"

Xiao Chen nodded and said, "It's true that there is attention, but it's also a little risky."

"Tpeak and listen." Qingfeng Ao followed, and his expression immediately became very serious, as if the obscene person just now was not him at all.

Since mixing with the mid-mountain moon, the once handsome Qingfeng ao has become a little like a bad child.

"Since they rely on the terrain and think that they can't be attacked, we will use the terrain to attack." Xiao Chen pointed to the top of the mountain, which means self-evident.

"You mean we climbed up? Then jump into the valley?" Yunxiu's incredible way.

You know, this cliff is a hundred feet high and extremely steep. If this person jumps directly from above, I'm afraid he will fall directly into meat sauce, not to mention a sneak attack.

Xiao Chen smiled at the corners of his mouth and was full of confidence and said, "Don't worry, since we go to the top of the mountain and jump down, I have a way not to die."

Seeing that he smiled mysteriously, the three people couldn't help asking with their eyes, "What's the way?"




Ten minutes later, at the foot of the mountain, Yunxiu and Qingfeng stood leisurely below, looking at the mid-mountain moon and Xiao Chen who were constantly climbing up. Yunxiu said worriedly, "What do you think Xiao Chen can do to make people fall from such a high place?"

Qing Fengao thought for a long time and couldn't think of Xiao Chen's method, but he learned from Xiao Chen's appearance and said mysteriously, "Do you guess?"

"Do you guess?" Yunxiu gave him a white look and counterattacked.

Qingfeng was stunned. Can you fight back like this?!

On the mountainside, the moon held the rock with her hands and feet, and couldn't help looking back. Her face turned a little pale, and she hurriedly turned around and faced the stone wall.

Xiao Chen looked at his ugly face and suddenly asked, "You are not afraid of heights, are you?"

Banshanyue is a master. The master wants face. How can he admit that he is afraid of heights, so he resolutely said, "No, will I be afraid of heights? It's a joke."

But his heart is constantly pounding.

Xiao Chen continued to take the lead and climb up.

As for letting Qingfeng Ao and Yunxiu stay at the foot of the mountain, Xiao Chen has already thought about it. Their cultivation is not high. Even if they go in and attack together, their combat effectiveness is likely to help them, but will implicate them.

Banshanyue is already the ninth level of the martial arts division, and Xiao Chen's combat effectiveness will not be worse than the ninth level of the martial arts division. The two of them go to sneak attack. Even if they are found, they have a better chance of getting out.

Moreover, it is not completely useless for Qing Fengao and Yunxiu to stay outside. The two of them are also likely to be the key to whether Xiao Chen can get out or not.

The mountain wall is very steep and the stone surface is also very cold. Half of the mountain moon hangs in mid-air, and his legs are shaking. Now he begins to regret that he encouraged Xiao Chen to come to the base camp of Tianlong Hall.

Fear of heights is a joke, but people who are not afraid of heights never know what kind of fear is for those who are afraid of heights.

For good, the heart of the moon in the middle of the mountain is strong enough not to fall down before climbing the mountain.

An hour and a half later, Xiao Chen and Banshanyue finally appeared on the top of the mountain. At this time, it was already late at night, which could well cover up their figure.

The top of the mountain is very cold and the wind is blowing. As the saying goes, the height is extremely cold. Now Xiao Chen and Mid-mountain Yue have deeply realized this truth.

"Master, what should we do next? Isn't it really going to jump down?" Mid-mountain Yue thought of this, and her calf began to tremble again.

Xiao Chen smiled and comforted him, "Don't worry, I won't jump today. Even if I jump, I promise you won't fall to death!"

Yes, they didn't jump that night, which made the mid-mountain moon feel much more at ease.

The next day, the morning sun rose and the glow was shining. The mid-mountain moon climbed up from the hard stone surface, moved his stiff body, and saw Xiao Chen beside him closing his eyes and practicing in the direction of sunrise.

"The master is really a diligent person." Mid-mountain moon couldn't help sighing.

He has always thought that a character like Xiang Xiao Chen can have the combat effectiveness of level 9 in the fifth level of the martial arts division, and his talent must be good, so he will not be so hardworking.

But I didn't expect that Xiao Chen was still so diligent.

Therefore, he understands that a person's strength is not enough by talent, but more importantly, diligence.

"Master, we came to the top of the mountain without sneaking up, so why did we come up?" The moon asked in the middle of the mountain.

Xiao Chen didn't open his eyes and said, "Don't you think the sunrise is beautiful?"

After listening to this, the moon looked up at the east. The morning sun rose and the glowed. The scene was indeed beautiful, but he didn't believe that Xiao Chen asked him to come up just to watch the sunrise.

Xiao Chen then opened his eyes, looked at a trace of figure flashing in Chaoyang's eyes, and then came to the edge of the cliff. Looking down the valley, he could see the scenery of the whole valley.

"Because it stands high here, you can see it clearly."

The mid-mountain moon followed to the edge of the cliff, looked down and quickly stepped back a few steps. He was lingering and said, "It turns out that the master is to observe the deployment in Tianlongtang Valley."

"Yes, watch it today and jump tomorrow night." Xiao Chen still has no intention of giving up the plan to attack.


At the foot of the mountain, Gukou.

Qingfeng Ao and Yunxiu hid behind the stone and looked at the two eight-level warrior guards at Gukou, frowning.

"What on earth can you do to kill the two of them at once?" Qingfeng touched his chin and thought about it.

Yunxiu thought for a moment, looked at the top of the mountain and said, "Let Xiao Chen stone them to death on the top of the mountain!"

"Well, that's a good idea." Qingfeng nodded and then said, "But Xiao Chen and others want to attack the base camp of Tianlong Hall, who will smash it?"

The two were silent again. Obviously, this method did not work.

In the valley, Tianlongtang base camp.

Qingyun has returned to the valley and told Zhan Jingtian his conjecture.

"You mean... Xiao Chen may have mixed into our base camp? Zhan Jingtian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't see the depth.

Qingyun nodded and said, "Yes, I went out to check the places where several ordinary League members died and found that their regimental uniforms had been stolen. Obviously, Xiao Chen was planning to sneak in. And few of us know them. If they change their appearance, they are indeed likely to sneak in, or even... Maybe they are somewhere in the base camp at this moment.

The strong man of Wuzong who fell after Xiao Chen and others left that day was Qingyun.

He originally went out to find Xiao Chen's whereabouts, but he didn't find any trace of Xiao Chen for a few days. Later, the legion told him that several waves of disciples had died unusually. He might find Xiao Chen along this direction, and he found from those corpses that the murderer was likely to have mixed in.

"Are you so sure it's Xiao Chen, not other people who killed them?" Zhan Tian asked casually.

In fact, he has believed this judgment.

Qingyun continued, "Yes, I must be Xiao Chen. Because... I already feel the murderous atmosphere!"


At the top of the mountain, Xiao Chen, who had recorded the deployment in the valley, put away the map, then began to take out a lot of cloth from the storage ring, found sticks, and began to be busy.

Hanshanyue was retreating. Looking at Xiao Chen's busyness, he asked, "Master, are you making torches?"

Xiao Chen smiled and replied, "Yes, not only the torch, but also what we need to use when we go down."

Watching Xiao Chen put up a few wooden sticks and make them into a triangle, then tore all the clothes into a piece of cloth, and then tied them on them. Midanshanyue looked confusedly and asked, "With this, can we go down?"

"That's right!" Xiao Chen said confidently.

"What's the name of this thing?"



In the evening, the cold wind blows again, and the dark clouds cover the moon. It is a good weather for a surprise.

Looking at the sky, Xiao Chen smiled, "It seems that even God is helping us."

The moon, who has carried the so-called 'parachute' on her back, couldn't help swallowing her saliva, rolled her throat knot with difficulty, and carefully came to the edge of the cliff. She was a little frightened and said, "Master, does your 'parachute' really work? Won't you suddenly break your head when you fell down halfway down?"

Xiao Chen seemed to think of this problem and said, "Well, your consideration is very thorough. This is also my first time to do it, and what you said is not impossible. But it's okay. If there is always a first time, someone has to experiment, right?

"Ah..." Mid-mountain Moon was stunned, and then felt that someone behind him pushed him. His frightened face turned white in an instant, and then fell down...