Step by step

Chapter 71 Injury

[Weiyang Continent, an continent where the soul of life dominates life, what kind of soul you have has determined the fate of your life until his birth. What I want to do is to change all this, change the rules of this continent, and have the strength to transcend everything...

[Wiyang Continent Author: Ming Che - Beixu's Evil Friend]

(Recommend another good book to everyone: Tao Sanqian's "The Most Beautiful Years of Rebirth")


Zhong Li was at a loss by the two dizzy beauties, Chunyu and Yu, and suddenly neglected his first pet that he used as a tool to attract the two gods - the thousand-year-old dragonfly that reappeared on the shore of the swamp. He just had an extremely short trance, and it was these few seconds that he almost lost his mind. It became a huge heart demon for Zhong Li, leaving him with deep regret and regret!

As soon as this huge flying dragonfly shocked the four men, it was hit by the white light ejected by the goddess Nana's finger. Suddenly, its huge body trembled violently like a sudden lightning strike. In an instant, all the blue and black scales of its body seemed to be rendered with a white luster, which was as white light like ripples. Generally, after swinging, it quickly covers its whole body. The giant dragonfly in the white light seems to be fixed. Even though its power is infinite, it is firmly controlled by the white light.

The giant dragonfly had no time to give back the message of great danger to its owner Zhong Li. He was horrified to see a golden light and shadow coming to its head with a powerful momentum that could destroy the world!

It's that human arrow! Damn, will it be possible to die at the hands of these shameless human beings today?

No, no, never! The flying dragon's heart roared like a volcanic eruption, but the white light seemed to be strong enough to bind it, making it a luxury to even shake its tail!

As a dragonfly that has practiced for 1,300 years, its bones and blood already have the stubbornness of the dragon clan, which is the unique pride of the dragon clan. How can a giant dragon that can soon become a real dragon die at the hands of a few humble human beings!

Roar!——————Ju Jiao's neck could no longer suppress the strong roar that could tear all obstacles, but unfortunately he was disappointed.

This roar, which should have been earth-shaking, failed to break through the confinement of the white light, and fell into the ears of the giant dragonfly and sounded as low as the sound of mosquitoes and flies. In anger, it tried its best to mobilize the powerful forces that had no longer listened to it for more than a thousand years. Perhaps the absolute unwillingness and anger in its heart stimulated it to rush to its head desperately and protect the unicorn. At this moment, it could only turn its head gently with all its strength and wanted to hide. Open the golden light's fatal attack on the head corner.

To achieve this slight dodge, the giant dragonfly is almost extremely weak. Why does this despicable human know that its weakest part is the one-horn? It opened its eyes angrily, but saw a golden lightning coming, and it clearly heard the powerful hiss of the light.

It can't close its two big eyes, so it can only watch the golden light come straight to its face!

Suddenly, the golden light suddenly split into two a meter away from its door, and mysteriously penetrated into its two big eyes that were frightened but could not close their eyelids!

The struggle to avoid the key just now seemed to empty the force that the giant dragonfly's body could still use. The two golden lights that seemed to come out of thin air suddenly became extremely huge in its eyes. Then it felt the severe pain in its eyes as if they were burned by fire, and when it brought heartbreaking pain. , it suddenly fell into boundless darkness!

It is completely possible to melt its muscles and bones, spreading fiercely from the wound of its eyes to all sides...

"What a good move, the little fifth brother is really good archery! Xiao Na is dying of admiration..."

The peach blossom eyes under Nana's mask were fatally thrown at Xiaowu, who shot the giant dragonfly's eyes blindly, and praised her in her mouth.

Xiaowu straightened his waist, and the golden bow in his hand disappeared in a flash. However, he rushed to the charming eyes sent by the beautiful woman next to him and gave him a smile that he thought was the most cool, but he rarely said modestly, "Without the help of the beauty's magic power, how can Xiaowu hit this evil beast so easily? I will remember it for you today. The first achievement!" The eyes of this mysterious and arrogant man are full of tenderness at this moment, full of hot desire for the woman around him!

Nana twisted the waist of the water snake, but a slender hand pinched out an orchid finger shyly, and there was a fascinating sound in her mouth: "Brave little fifth son, you'd better clean up this evil beast quickly. Xiaona's magic power can't trap this angry thing. Don't let it escape again... ....”

After the white light popped up to control the giant dragonfly, the sacred milky white halo on Nana's body immediately became slightly invisible, but the faint luster added some deadly charm to her. In particular, the graceful curves under her dazzling red skirt attracted the little fivefold swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and her eyes were a little bigger than when she aimed at the giant dragonfly just now. If it hadn't been for the reminder of the woman in front of him, he absolutely believed that he would immediately throw this beauty to the ground desperately!

In the coquettish white eyes of the goddess Nana, the little five was full of unprecedented pride and satisfaction. She shouted and strode to the eye wound, which was growing, and there was a thousand-year-old flying dragonfly gushing out of the brown-red blood spring in her two eyes.

As he ran, a cold dagger suddenly appeared in his hand. The afterglow of his eyes suddenly saw the four still struggling on the ground, while his frightened and doubtful eyes kept wandering between the dragon and the goddess and him. Suddenly, a dark red fog enveloped his eyes, and no one could see him. The kind of indifference and disdain in his eyes at this moment, the kind of cruelty and ferocity!

If the four short men noticed, they might be more careful. Unfortunately, under the continuous shock and violent blows of the giant dragonfly, these people completely lost their ingenuity and care.

They never dreamed that at such a time, they also dreamed of performing well to climb the high branches, and would attack them without warning, regardless of the injured and frozen on the edge of the swamp!

When the little five body passed by them, some people were still amazed by the prince's unparalleled archery just now, which was a quasi-platinum-level double wave, one of the nine archery skills in the world.

Unfortunately, the little five prince, the object they regarded as a towering tree, flashed by them with a slightly raging wind. At that moment, a sudden cold light flashed in front of their eyes, and they felt that the struggle strength they had accumulated suddenly disappeared and lost consciousness in an instant.

Kill the heads of four people with one sword!

No sign!

Nana saw the four big men's heads flying high, and the blood spewing out of the short neck. Instead, there was a trace of appreciation and relief in her eyes. The towering chest trembled sharply a few times, and obviously her heart fluctuated a little.

What a bold man, a man who regards human life like grass. Is this for me? Will he be my lost man who was willing to paint armor for me?

Will it?

Even if Xiaowu doesn't take action in person at this moment, she doesn't intend to let these people leave alive at all. Looking at the extremely handsome and durable man, she rushed to the immovable under her control with a sword

The giant, she turned her eyes to the two old guys who seemed to have just finished their work! Her eyes were full of incomparable disgust and hatred, and then she saw who the two old monsters were!

Nana's eyes showed an extremely crazy light, three points of hatred, three points of excitement, three points of deercism, and one point of sadness!

Sha Tsui double monster, Ponzi brothers, platinum two-star old monster, Governor Edwards. There are two low-key old dogs around Chen Jun. How could she forget everything these two people put on her? How could she forget it!

Her silver teeth are about to break, and her heart is full of anger. She really want to thank that virtual vision, otherwise she doesn't know when she will encounter such a God-given opportunity to give her enough strength to face the two old monsters that have brought her endless pain. She has dreamed of killing her to the death countless times. The two enemies, the sky opens its eyes or the Lord God manifests?

Nana has no time to care about these and is too lazy to distinguish. All she knows is that Nana is no longer the weak woman who can be trampled on and played at will!

She is the secret envoy of the divine religion who has been given divine power. In her eyes, the two great enemies with divine power are just two ants at this moment. In a flash, she can achieve her revenge wishes for many years, and it seems that she has regained the pure feeling that has been lost for many years, and will later become the beloved woman of that extraordinary man, all kinds of emotions. In addition, why don't you make her short of breath and her heart surge at this moment?

The Ponzi brothers, who recovered 20% of their vitality, did not notice that a woman in red skirt behind them walked towards them step by step, with hot anger in their eyes. The moment they stood up, their attention attracted all their minds by the drastic changes by the swamp.

The giant dragonfly that reappeared was wrapped in a thin white halo, and two golden arrowheads were clearly pierced in its two eyes that kept flowing out of brown blood. Strangely, it was motionless, as if it had been petrified.

The four silver men's headless bodies were tilted on the shore, and their short necks were still bleeding. As soon as they fell to the ground, they were immediately sucked clean by the black soil. They didn't know where the four heads flew to!

The majestic man who galloped with his sword has reached the tall body of the giant dragonfly and is jumping two or three meters high, and the cold shining short sword in his hand is fiercely pierced into the neck of the motionless flying dragonfly!

With a sneer, a black scale flew into the air, and a brown-red column of blood splashed down from the place where the dagger was stabbed!

The prince ignored it and flashed seven lusters on his body in a row. Unexpectedly, he stayed in the air and stabbed the same position where the giant dragon was injured one after another!

After stabbing the nine-you powerful eight swords one after another, his body fell back to the shore. Looking at the position of the giant dragonfly's neck of his sword stabbing, because the armor scales were abruptly broken and were attacked eight times in a row, the blood column unexpectedly became a small bowl of thickness. Not to mention how deep the damage of the violent Jiuyou power was, it was so big. The wound keeps bleeding out. Even a huge thing like a giant dragon may not be able to withstand such a strong loss for a long time!

The little five grabbed the void with his right hand at the giant dragonfly's blind eyes and roared, "Go back!"

Two golden lights flew from the orbit of the giant dragonfly to his hand, and two blood arrows the size of a baby's fist fiercely ejected from the giant dragon's wound. However, the color turned a little black, no longer the original brown and red color!

From the divine religion secretly made Nana emit the white light to control the giant dragonfly, the prince Xiaowu seized the opportunity with the magical archery of double waves, shot through the giant dragonfly's eyes in one fell swoop, and then the prince Xiaowu's short sword once again hit the weakest neck of the giant dragonfly defense, and pulled out the two extremely destructive super-heavy gold arrows, just It's just five or six seconds!

However, in these five or six seconds, Zhong Li, as the owner of the thousand-year-old flying dragonfly, was distracted. What was fatal was that after he took the giant dragonfly hidden in the depths of the swamp as a pawn to attract the attention of the two people, Zhong Li was distracted for five or six seconds, that is, these five or six seconds. His first pet was already in danger, which made him always protect Why isn't Zhong Li, who is short-protected, angry?

However, he could calm down immediately when he got angry and quickly did one of the most important things to do at this moment.

A clear lesson has always been in his heart: whenever and wherever, the Jedi should not exaggerate his anger.

Zhong Li is no longer sad about the serious injury of the flying dragonfly, and he must stay awake enough.

Suddenly, when Zhong Li just made the most correct response, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be countless fierce beasts and poisonous insects coming towards this side like a tide! It's getting closer and closer, absolutely no more than half a miles!

His face changed a lot. It's terrible! The bloody smell of the flying dragon must have attracted the fierce beasts who have never dared to approach the flying dragonfly's territory!

All of a moment, his eyes lit up.