Step by step

Chapter 72 Beast Tide Attack

[Don't tear your eyes and sigh that it's not your daughter. Wood, how can you be called brother? Xie's domineering screen reward, hey---]

None of the truly great people (whether ancient or modern, as long as their fame is forever engraved in human memory) are crazy about love: because great undertakings have suppressed this weak feelings, and Zhong Li happens to be this type of person.

--Oriental Master's Machine Record


The divine religion made Nana the first person Zhong Li met when he came to the Qingxi divine world to cast a spell, although this spell was too chicken.

What controls the giant dragon is a rather low-level spell - stagnation, whose control time is relatively short, which is not as horrible as those Yuanying Jindan masters who can trap a strong man in the foundation period for three hours. This stagnation can be said to be one of the basic spells of shape control spells.

After contacting the divine mark in the giant dragonfly's brain, Zhong Li immediately sensed all the information on the giant dragonfly's body and forcibly operated the thousand-year-old true qi in the giant dragonfly's body to seal the wound on its eyes and neck. Zhong Li raised his hand to cover the two faint girls with a blocked prohibition, because the time of small hidden surgery will soon come. Come on, he doesn't want to be seen this amazing scene.

The breath in the giant dragonfly's body is very strange. This is a chaotic qi that Zhong Li has never seen before. Under the influence of stagnation, it has basically stopped flowing. Now it is suddenly urged by Zhong Li to block those wounds, immediately destroying the balance of the white light covering the giant dragonfly's body, similar to this The magic of imprisoning chicken ribs is an extremely tough cracking method.

The white light covered by the giant dragonfly dissipated in an instant. It gained control of its body again. It wanted to look up to the sky and roar, but after its head and eyes were shot by a golden arrow, the golden arrow seemed to contain some extremely destructive element of power. In these short seconds, it had almost penetrated under its neck. Set. For example, there are countless small thorns that keep shuttling through his chaotic true spirit and flesh and blood. Everywhere those thorns go, the giant dragonfly will feel that the flesh and blood, bones and even the scales there will immediately become weak. Originally as strong as steel, but now they are as fragile as a thin piece of paper. With a light poke, they will be on the verge of breaking.

The giant dragonfly was extremely shocked. Although it regained its freedom, it could not move freely at all, and the growing body under its neck did not dare to move, because it found that the thorns would swim faster. What's going on?

This great change that occurred in the body of the giant dragonfly was immediately known by Zhong Li.

Speat and chase the soul!

Xiao Wu actually added this forbidden drug to the arrow!

Seeing the spread of blood, the whole body of the middle-in-body is weak and loses the most basic resistance. It is a forbidden drug in weak agents. Zhong Li almost immediately diagnosed that the root of the abnormal situation in the body of the giant dragonfly is the bone erosion and chasing the soul. Fortunately, it met Zhong Li, the master of life today.

You have to treat this big guy quickly, otherwise, in less than a minute, it will be turned into a soft shrimp that can be slaughtered by people at will by the strong corrosive weak powder attached to the little hardware arrow. Zhong Li can't care about anything else. Seeing that the young man Xiaowu jumped up again, the short sword in his hand was dazzling, and quickly The fingers plucked rapidly as if flipping on the keys, and a colorless spiritual power fell on the sudden giant dragonfly like lightning.

Great Hermit!

You can walk for 20 minutes. This is the most powerful hidden spell that Zhong Li can perform at present. Although Zhong Li has been very cautious, the strange energy fluctuations are still detected by Nana, the divine religion that walks step by step towards Shazui Shuangjie.

She turned her head in awe and looked at the place where the energy fluctuated, only to find that her stagnation had disappeared!

Disappear strangely in advance!

Then, to her even more frustling, the giant dragon completely disappeared in front of her eyes again, without any trace to be found, and she did not find any clue at all.


Can't this giant dragonfly actually cultivate its divine power??

Is the vision of that day the work of this evil beast?

It seems that only the divine power can escape the imprisonment of her divine power and avoid the tracking of her divine power!

What should I do?

For a moment, the four people standing on the shore of the Hundred Difficult Swamp suddenly opened their mouths and were all surprised and lost their mind!

At this moment, the smell of rotten and poisonous smell in the air suddenly became very strong, and the strange sound from all directions made several people's faces very embarrassed!

What's going on???

How can those fierce beasts and poisonous insects dare to enter the scope of the perilous swamp?

Why did they flock here desperately?

After the little five's face changed repeatedly, he looked at the direction of the disappearance of the giant dragonfly in the hundred-difficult swamp, flew to the goddess Nana, looked at the beautiful woman with all the sacred light, and asked a soft voice: "Let's go?——————"

However, she saw the beauty Xiaona gently shaking her head, and an extremely fierce light suddenly flashed in her eyes. She walked straight to the two old monsters who were still naked and exposed their ribs. At this moment, she noticed that the two monsters of the red-dressed beauty finally woke up from the regret of the disappearance of the giant dragonfly again, and unexpectedly had an old face at the first time. Hot, after all, the two of them felt embarrassed for the first time in front of a woman who was especially obviously a great beauty. However, soon a very playful and ambiguous smile appeared on their faces, and the little five beside them was full of doubts.

Xiao Wu clearly saw her murderous intentions against these two old monsters in the eyes of the beauty, and she couldn't help showing a gloating expression on her face.

No matter if you are an awesome platinum strongman, you still have to be obedient in front of the divine religion?

What kind of expression is this?

The hidden girl Xiaona brought a new feeling to Xiaowu. This woman has a kind of half holiness and half**. The natural charm is almost the kind of fox charm that is coquettish to the bone. When did he see it on other women?

Relying on his fearless special identity, his bold blasphemy behavior, which seemed absolutely shocking to others, actually had a miraculous effect and unexpectedly won the heart of this hidden beauty. Of course, in Xiaowu's heart, this hidden woman has become his forbidden, completely With his mark, who dares to touch his things all over the world?

At this moment, the behavior of the two monsters in Shazui has violated his taboo, and Xiaowu's heart is actually equivalent to declaring the death penalty for the two people. Poor two bare old monsters do not know that they are in great trouble.

Just as Pang Deyuan was about to speak, suddenly the woman in red gently brushed her hands on her chest, and a white light fell on their heads in an instant. Years of experience in walking around the world saved them at this dangerous moment!

The two secretly said that they were not good. At this moment of lightning, they actually moved a few feet to the right, but how fast did the white light come? Pang Defang, who fell behind, still couldn't escape the attack of the light.

All of a sudden, Pang Deyuan shouted: "Revert the universe!" A dark light passed to Pang Defang in an instant. At the moment when the black light suddenly met the white light that fell on Pang Defang, the two old monsters trembled violently several times like electric shocks. However, it was surprising that the white light suddenly melted. For the invisible!

Obviously, a move that secretly made the female Nana full of divine power was resolved by the two, which made her anger even more intense! How dare you fight against divine power!! It seems that you have to increase your strength to deal with these two old and treacherous things.

Suddenly, the white light on Nana's body suddenly lit up! In an instant, she turned into a saint in divine light!

The woman who had been overwhelmed by hatred completely lost her mind at this moment and scolded: "Two shameless old pers, go to hell!..." Her hands drew fiercely several times in front of her again, and several more dazzling white rays suddenly rose on her body!

At this time, the angry woman has completely changed into a person. Against the backdrop of these lights, she looks extremely holy, like a fairy who was provoked by shameless mortals for no reason. At least in the small five eyes, the darkness at this moment made the beauty Nana close to perfection, which made it more determined that he must accept this woman. The determination to go into the bag.

Before waiting for the secret girl Nana to take action, the Pang brothers, who narrowly escaped the blow just now, suddenly pulled their hands straight. The two actually rotated like a windmill on the ground. In the blink of an eye, they could no longer see their bodies clearly. The rotating shadow actually made a strange sound, and more and more The thicker blue and black fog gradually enveloped the strange circle formed by the two people!


More fing strange sounds than those that are getting closer and closer around come out of the fog, and you can faintly see the tall and abnormal shadow inside!

What is this?

Nana's pupils contracted, her hands were tight, and three white lights involuntarily flew to the strange shadow.

The white light collided with the aerosol and burst into a violent hiss, as if it had been swallowed up. It disappeared without a trace in an instant. Nana's eyes were shocked and her heart was shocked.


How could this happen!

This is transformed by 50% of her divine power. How can it be resolved by this blue fog? How come???

This is the first time. She saw that the unfavorable divine power could not exert the divine effect of controlling everything but was eliminated, which was unbearable for Nana!

The black fog suddenly dissipated, and a tall and ugly humanoid monster appeared there, and even the little five next to Nana was shocked.

At this time, a group of fiery red pliers and scorpions waved huge tentacles and surrounded them like a tide.

At this time, Nana sacrificed the flying sword, reached out and took Xiaowu standing beside her, stepped on the flying sword, and rose slowly. She saw a fiery sea of scorpions, which engulfed the ugly monster in an instant.

The two couldn't help feeling cold sweating. Xiao Wu took the opportunity to reach out and hold the hot woman around him and slipped. It was greasy and soft, and a faint fragrance came, which made him feel more comfortable.

When the flying sword was about ten meters away from the ground, Xiao Wu was still distressed by the failure to capture the flying dragon but lost a mysterious arrow. A warm breath blew into his ear, but he heard the woman's soft words: "Xiao Wu, let's leave..."

Surrounded by a hot and soft beauty, Xiao Wu has long been eager to leave this broken place. For him, the millennium flying dragonfly is just a strange goal. He doesn't want to lose the east corner, but gets a secret beauty's embrace. Is there anything more exciting in life?

The flying sword took the two people in the air, went straight through the poisonous fog area, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

In the red sea of scorpions, there was a terrible roar, but unfortunately they could never hear it again.

What is Zhong Li, who has been neglected for a long time, doing at this moment?