Immortal Divine Realm

Chapter 282 Issue Order

Crazy singles, like scholars, are forcibly burning souls. This blow, if he is in the peak state of his body, if it is used, it will naturally be understated.

But now, they are burning the power of the soul and forcibly urging them. Just like people in reality use the mind method to forcibly burn spiritual power, which will inevitably lead to a period of weakness.

This is also why Yang Huang will say that if they are in the pseudo-divine realm now, there is no reason why they have no chance of winning. Forcibly giving birth to a pseudo-divine realm and itself is a world of pseudo-divine.

It's like the difference between an ordinary person and a long-distance runner. You may not be far behind him within one or two hundred meters, but for a long time, you will definitely lose. Even if you work hard, the result will not change much, because the gap between the two is there, and you can't catch it as soon as you grit your teeth and stamp your feet.

However, the effect achieved by crazy singles and scholars nowadays is obvious.

At this time, Guangfang City has completely calmed down, and even the children of these nine ministers are standing there stunned and don't know what to do.

They can't even get the idea of revenge, because they don't know what just happened.

The cultivation of Taishangjing, the existence of power and power, was actually extinguished by the ashes blown in one breath, and even the soul could not escape, which is simply incredible.

Now the citizens of Guangfang City suddenly came to their senses. Why can a hairy boy with yin and yang cultivation take over the position of city lord from Wang Guangfang's hands?

Is it just because of the relationship between the two? Or Wang Guangfang was beaten alive at all. No wonder the eldest prince is arrogant but obedient to Yang Huang's group of people. It seems that there are indeed many unknown secrets!

After a long silence, it was greeted by the cheers of the whole city. They have no reason not to cheer. In this ice field of the jungle, it is an extremely glorious thing for them to have such a well-cultived city owner.

"Go!" Hearing the cheers of the crowd, Yang Huang patted Long Qitian on the shoulder: "There is no need to hide our intentions. According to the plan we have made, we will start to implement it. First, we will shock people's hearts and build a law. After a break, we will begin to conquer the other two main cities!"

"Good!" Long Qitian nodded heavily and jumped out of the floating platform to the sky stage.

Suddenly, under the sky stage, the scrolls on all sides showed the appearance of the dragon Qitian, and at the same time, the momentum of the king of beasts emanated on him, making all those who looked up at him suffocate.

This sense of oppression is too strong, not from power, but from blood and origin!

Animals are different from human beings. Human beings are born equal, and it is acquired conditions that determine human status. For example, a person's cultivation, the power of his parents or the money his family has, etc.

But beasts are different. Beasts determine their status by birth. Long Qitian is a dragon clan, and they are born higher than all other beasts, which is also doomed.

So at this time, he exuded the majesty of the dragon clan, which immediately made the spirit beasts all over the city tremble and couldn't help kneel down to worship.

"Get up!" Watching all the spirit beasts in the city kneel down, Long Qitian just raised his hand slightly to show the emperor's posture.

"Thank you, Lord!" Suddenly, all the spirit beasts shouted in unison, and then stood up to accept Long Qitian's instruction.

Long Qitian glanced at everyone and said slowly, "I know that today's regime change is very hasty, so many people have doubts in their hearts, but it doesn't matter if they have doubts. You just need to remember who is your future city owner is enough.

Long Qitian's words are rude. There was no sign of an enlightened monarch, but looking at the spirit beasts in the city, not only did they not have a trace of resentment, but all showed excitement, and some of them roared in a low voice to express their happiness.

This is the difference between the kingdom of spiritual beasts and the human kingdom. Human beings hope that their monarchs can be close to the people, think about what the people think, and investigate the shortcomings of the people.

But in the orcs, everything is respected by strength. The most important thing for the city owner to get everyone's support is that he must be powerful.

And Long Qitian has obviously done it, so everyone believes that Long Qitian is the real city owner. As for how Long Qitian became the city owner. Whether it is a political conspiracy or seizing power by force, it has no meaning for them.

Long Qitian spoke, and there was no more nonsense. With a wave of his hand, the picture scroll was immediately closed. Then he took everyone back to the hall of the city lord's mansion again.

At this time, when everyone looked at Yang Huang again, the feeling was different. Especially the eldest prince, his eyes are complicated, and he doesn't know what he is thinking.

However, Yang Huang didn't care about her and rearranged positions for several people, so that they could be equal and become the same as elders. And all the departments in charge of the former nine ministers were spread over them, and then orders were issued one by one. Several people are busy and have no time to think about it.

Now Long Qitian has announced several things to deal with in the first step.

The first point is naturally to confisce all the industries owned by the previous top ten street bullies, and then be controlled by Yang Huang. Secondly, the death of nine ministers paralyzed the entire power agency of Guangfang City, which was up by the eldest prince to choose virtuous people to stabilize the whole Guangfang City. The third is to establish a sect in the city, take Yang Huang as the master, and teach all the spiritual beasts to practice. Like Hengjiang City, as long as you want to learn, you can learn without paying any fees.

Finally, let all the citizens of Guangfang City enter a state of readiness and prepare for possible attacks at any time.

According to Yang Huang's estimation, the owners of the other two main cities should have received the news of what happened here. But I don't know what they will do and deal with?

"Master, I have got the information about the two cities of Xuan Ao and Han Guang!" While Yang Huang was thinking, the eldest prince came in and offered a jade charm with both hands.

Yang Huang stretched out his hand and pinched it, and suddenly a huge amount of information poured into his mind.

It seems that Wang Guang did not do nothing during his tenure. At least the exploration of these two cities is quite detailed.

"Because my father has always liked war, he is particularly concerned about the defense of these two cities. Many of our resources have been used to penetrate into these two big cities!" Seeing Yang Huang's expression, the eldest prince had already thought of what Yang Huang wanted to say and quickly explained.

"Not bad!" Yang Huang nodded: "It saved me a lot of trouble!"

After reading these materials, Yang Huang has learned a lot about Xuan'ao and Hanguang cities. First of all, the owners of these two cities are not mediocre, and their cities are obviously much stronger than Guangfang City.

Hanguang City, in particular, is the strongest of the three major cities. There are two powerful people in his city, and there are more than 100 masters in Taishang. He deserves to be the best among the three main cities.

If you want to crush the city, it is extremely easy. But don't forget that there is also the existence of Xuan'ao City. Xuan'ao City will never allow Hanguang City to destroy the city.

Because once the Guangfang City is annexed, Hanguang City will definitely advance in strength. At that time, I was afraid that Xuan'ao City, which was in the middle, could not save its own city.

The existence of Xuan'ao City is like golden oil. His strength, located in the middle of the two cities, has more than 50 Taishangjing, and the city owner himself is also Taixuanjing.

If Hanguang City dares to attack Guangfang City, Xuanao City will send troops to help fight. Similarly, if Hanguang City attacks Xuan'ao, Guangfang City will also send troops.

Of course, Guangfang City will not unite with Xuan'ao City, because even if it wins, Guangfang City will definitely be annexed by Xuan'ao.

It is also because of these reasons and scruples that the three main cities are at peace and even trade with each other later. But now, Yang Huang's strong insertion has completely changed the situation.

Blowing nine Taishangjing ministers to death in one breath, such strength. It will definitely make Xuanao City and Hanguang City form an alliance under high pressure.

Once the alliance is formed, it is an alliance composed of nearly 200 Taishangjing and three Taixuanjing masters. Such an alliance is undoubtedly a piece of iron.

If you want to break through, unless Long Qitian and others burn the power of the soul together, but in this way, the two big cities will also be completely disabled. Yang Huang's capture is just an empty shell. Everything has to be rebuilt from scratch.

This is not Yang Huang's original intention. At this stage, the strength of the whole ice field is obviously higher than that of Hengjiang City. Yang Huang also needs the army of spirit beasts here to add to his army, so he can never have too much loss.

"I want to hear your opinion!" At this time, Yang Huang suddenly looked up at the eldest prince beside him: "As the eldest prince of Guangfang City, you must have had a lot of combat plans with your father. You might as well choose a few that you think are most suitable for the current situation. Let's talk about it!"

Wang Fengyue was stunned when she heard the words, but she didn't expect it. This kind of confidential matter can even be discussed by her.

But the next moment, there was a wry smile: "Master, tell me the truth. My father and the ministers and I have indeed made a lot of ideas. But no matter what assumption it is based on, there has never been a state where we will take the initiative to force the other two big cities to form an alliance.

"If it doesn't work, just use a strong attack!" He clapped his hands: "There will be sacrifice and damage, and it's better to let them hoard there. You know, time is not waiting for people. We still have big things to do. How can we waste time in such a small place?"

Crazy single just said casually, only to find that everyone suddenly calmed down and turned their eyes to him.

This move made Kuang Shan a little confused, but after half a sound, he scratched his head with some embarrasment: "Well, I didn't say that, otherwise if we think about the rest of the methods, there should always be loopholes. For example, the two cities have just formed an alliance, and it is impossible for many places to cooperate in place!"

But Yang Huang suddenly clapped his hands: "It seems that we have been in a strange circle and don't know how to use many resources. Who says that time waits for no one? Don't forget that we have not curled up in Hengjiang City for a long time. Now we have a lot of time crystals!"

Why are the soldiers in Hengjiang City worse than the spirit beasts on this ice field? Regardless of their subjective physique, the soldiers in Hengjiang City have been carrying out regular training. On the contrary, which spirit beast in the light city has not used time crystals to accelerate?

It is these time crystals that give the people in the city the ability to accelerate time. Every time a new perception comes, you can use time crystals to erase the time difference.

The world in the three-legged furnace has only passed a day. However, the spirit beasts in Guangfang City can enter the time box made of time crystals and spend a year or even ten years in the time box.

In the past, Yang Huang naturally did not have the ability to let the people of Hengjiang City enjoy all this, but now it is different. The more than one million time crystals that were escorted back by the Taoist evil this time can play a significant role.

"Report the door owner, Suna, please see me!" At this time, Suna's voice sounded outside the hall.

"Come in!" Yang Huang looked at Suna who came in, but found that there were still several soldiers behind her, each of which was carrying a heavy box.

Suna saluted Yang Huang and said, "Report the doorpost, nine ministers, and eight street bullies have all been checked. A total of 50 million crystals have been obtained, and the value of some rare treasures is incalculable, so they are all brought for the door owner to check in person!" While talking, Su Na presented a kit in her hands. Yang Huang opened it and saw that there were two giant dragons composed of time crystals neatly placed in it.

Two giant dragons, one big and one small, are exactly 50 million time crystals!

Seeing so many time crystals, even Long Qitian couldn't help but be excited. Their realm is higher than everyone else, so it takes more time to recover.

especially the time they were put on by a vegetarian girl, which made all their cultivations start all over again. Although at that time, everyone found that the power of their soul was replenished by the thunder one by one, and the benefits were immeasurable.

But the power of loss is really gone, and it must be cultivated from scratch. Otherwise, I'm afraid they have already entered the Taishang realm or even the mysterious realm.

But in the past, there was nothing we could do, but now with time crystals, all problems are naturally solved.

Yang Huang put the kit of time crystals directly in Long Qitian's hand: "You guys, use these time crystals to decorate the time box now. Don't care about the loss, and upgrade your cultivation to a critical point first!"

"Good!" Several people nodded and did not shirk. I know that next to this ice field is a country of beast gods. Among the beast gods, there are even masters of gods and pseudo-divine realms, which makes them finally nervous.

I will never see the hee laughing look again, if I really meet the pseudo-god. Unless they all enter the realm of creation, it is possible to join hands to resist, otherwise there is absolutely no possibility of reversal.

As soon as several people left, Yang Huang turned his curious eyes to the big box carried by several people. You should know that the three-legged round furnace itself is a magic weapon, and all the people living in it are the people of Hengjiang City or the spirit beast country in front of them.

Among them, people can't use magic weapons. Even if they can occasionally see one or two, they must be condensed with pure energy, which is intangible.

But now, Suna has found out rare treasures from several people's homes, which is beyond Yang Huang's imagination.

"Is it possible that they found the treasure on the ice field? Or what is left by the people who were difficult to enter here before?

Yang Huang thought and motioned the soldiers on both sides to open the box. Suddenly, a pure energy was projected, and Yang Huang couldn't help but feel the usual.

Looking down, it was a jade mirror the size of a palm. I don't know how this jade has been dealt with. Although it is jade, its surface is smooth and can completely illuminate the influence of people, which is better than the ordinary bronze mirror.

And the appearance is simple, with a faint glow in it, which makes people know at a glance that it must not be ordinary.

Looking at the box, there is nothing but Yujing. Looking back, the two soldiers who worked hard when they lifted the jade mirror just now did not look like pretending. Is there any mystery in this jade mirror?

He stretched out his hand to hold the jade realm in his hand, but Yang Huang found that the jade realm was not heavy at all. Suddenly, he cast his doubtful eyes on the two lifting soldiers.

The two soldiers looked at Yang Huang's eyes and immediately shouted badly, and quickly knelt down: "Master Mingjian, we are absolutely not lazy. It must be the doormaster who has unrivaled magical skills that makes you feel that the jade mirror is light, but it is very heavy for us, absolutely not a thousand pounds!"

Suna also nodded: "Master, I can testify that even I have to use the energy of the Jade Realm to be able to sprinkle freely, but I don't know why the city owner can easily pick it up. Is this treasure predestined with the city owner?"

Hearing this, Yang Huang can't understand what happened. This jade realm is indeed a magic weapon. They are just a soul state. It is naturally difficult to control the magic weapon, but Yang Huang is different. Yang Huang is in a physical state, so it is natural to pick up this jade mirror.

"Okay!" Yang Huang waved his hand: "I didn't mean to blame you. It's just a different constitution!" While talking, Yang Huang put away the jade mirror close to him and prepared to do research when he had time in the future. Two more eyes turned to the remaining two boxes and opened them, but they were a set of silver armor and a golden sword.

Needless to say, both of them are magic weapons. But I don't know where the former owner got it from. You should know that Yang Huang has entered the world of the three-legged round furnace, but it is the first time he has seen a real magic weapon. There must be something strange about this.