Immortal Divine Realm

Chapter 283 is fate

Especially these three magic weapons, although it can be seen that the quality is extraordinary. But in any case, its grade can't be seen for only two reasons. First, it is not in Yang Huang's cognition at all. Second, the quality is so high that even Yang Huang can't identify it.

However, from the current situation, this second situation is obviously more appropriate. I just don't know whether these magic weapons were obtained by accident or found in a certain relic. If it is a relic, there must be many similar things, but they have not been brought out.

If this is the case, it will be of great use to Yang Huang!

You should know that in the three-legged round furnace, even the master of Taishangjing can't use these magic weapons. Every control has to exhaust its power. So for them, getting these is just for exhibition. But it's different for people in reality. Zhou Pang Fengxiang can all use it.

However, a doubt immediately came to Yang Huang's heart and saw Yang Huang put away these magic weapons with a wave of his hand. Then he asked, "Xuna, have you seen these things before? Otherwise, how would you know that they are treasures?

"I did see it!" Suna nodded: "These are all brought from the ruins of a piece of water. At that time, the city alone suffered countless deaths and injuries, and its vitality was greatly damaged. More than 20 people died in Taishangjing alone.

In the end, only these things that can't be used are brought out. In order to appease people's hearts, these things were given to the ministers by the city owner. Although they don't know what the specific use is, their significance is extraordinary, so they are called treasures!"

"Water? Relics?" Hearing these words, Yang Huang's heart was moved. The giant eyes under the water mentioned by Huang Ge immediately appeared in his mind, and he vaguely felt that what they were talking about was the same place.

But now Huang Ge is directly scared and is still in the process of cultivation. There is no way to let him and Su Na prove it.

At this moment, Yang Huang suddenly felt a shock in the sky. Then a voice called down, and it turned out to be Xuanying, who had not been masked for a long time.

"Is there something wrong in reality?" Thinking of this, Yang Huang turned around and explained a few words to the eldest prince and told him to wait for Long Qitian to follow the plan after they came out. Then he hurriedly left the three-legged stove.

As soon as I left the three-legged round furnace, I only heard Xuanying's voice sounded: "Good news, boss!"

"Hmm?" Yang Huang arranged Xuanying to stay in the real world. Although nearly two years have passed in the three-legged furnace, it is only two months in the real world.

At first, Yang Huang thought that the agreed time had arrived at the designated position of the caravan and was ready to start attacking the bandits' dens, but unexpectedly, it turned out that Xuanying had something to reveal to him.

"What the hell happened?" Seeing Xuanying's happy look, Yang Huang really didn't know what made him so happy.

"The materials are complete!" Xuanying took out the two jade bottles in her arms and said, " boss, the materials of the empty elixir are complete!"

"So fast?" Yang Huang was stunned and immediately showed a look of joy: "Didn't you tell me that diamond can only be found in the chaotic boundary, and there is no way to collect it except you?"

"That's right!" Xuanying quickly said, "But I didn't expect that the vicinity of the transmission array was stained with the power of chaos, and there happened to be the emery we needed in this chaotic power. As for Gui Yuanlu, it was given to me by Wang. Coupled with Ouyang's white fiery crow mouth, the materials of Void Dan are completely complete!"

"Okay, this void elixir came very timely. Now I'm stuck at the peak of the yin and yang realm, and it's difficult to break through. I can just use the power of the void in this void elixir to complete the final sprint!"

According to the previous calculation, Yang Huang must use the void elixir to find the thief treasure hidden in the void crack. However, several people did not expect that Yang Huang's cultivation had soared and progressed very rapidly.

Now it seems that it has touched the threshold of the cave, even simply from the accumulation of energy. Yang Huang has long been promoted to Dongtianjing, but his physique is unique, and it is ten times more difficult to master the power of space than ordinary people.

So you must rely on external forces to succeed. Void elixir is undoubtedly the best choice. However, Yang Huang thought that it was possible to arrive in the Western Regions to find the emery until the end of this business trip, but he didn't expect that he had found it here.

But immediately Yang Huang asked curiously, "You mean the teleport array, have we arrived?"

"That's right!" Xuanying nodded: "The journey was very smooth, a week earlier than expected. It's just that I told them that you are still practicing and it's inconvenient to disturb you. The king had no choice but to send Tang Ke and his party to find out the strength of the three bandits' dens. I was afraid that something would happen to them, so I followed them to have a look. I didn't expect me to find emery near the transmission array!"

"So that's it!" Yang Huang nodded: "Since there is no news yet, you can enter the three-legged furnace with me and use time to accelerate the refining of the empty elixir first!"

While talking, Yang Huang stretched out his hand and pulled Xuanying directly into the three-legged round furnace. Along the way, Yang Huang has told Xuan Ying about the changes that have taken place in the three-legged round furnace these days.

When I heard that he was not there, he missed so many good plays. It was a pity that he couldn't help but grabbing his ears and cheeks. However, when he thought that he would participate in the attack of two other cities later, he couldn't help looking forward to it.

The two came to the city master's mansion, and Long Qitian and others had already woken up.

At this time, their momentum has been raised to the peak. Yang Huang has also felt this breath on Wang Guangfang's body, which is the breath of Taixuanjing.

The air shakes with hands and feet. It gives people a feeling that they want to tear up the world and break through the sky.

But it is a space for a three-legged round furnace here, which will completely isolate the power of the introduction. If they want, they can even impact a higher realm of creation, and they don't have to worry about the power of heaven.

This is also a great benefit of the three-legged stove.

"That's good!" Feeling the cultivation of the three people, Xuanying couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth, showing a trace of frustration: "Now you are all truly the power of Taixuanjing. Poor me, I'm still in the yin and yang realm!"

Without waiting for everyone to speak, Xuan Ying said again: "What's more pitiful is that the boss will enter the cave in a while, but my promotion is far away!"

"How can it be so exaggerated!" Yang Huang smiled and said, "But your boy's promotion style is really strange. There is nothing we can do about it until now. But I didn't forget you. I kept this library for you. And it also issued an order for all people to contribute their own books, purchased by Guangfang City, then bound into a book, and then spread it down to learn for everyone!"

After hearing this, Xuanying's eyes suddenly lit up and quickly rubbed her hands: "That's a good feeling. Take me there!"

"Beauty of thought!" Madly put his arms around Xuanying's neck: "We are going out now to flatten those three bandits' nests first. As for you, it's the right thing to be responsible for refining the empty elixir before we come back and sending the boss into the cave!"

"I knew it!" Xuanying immediately showed a sad face and pretended to cry, "Why is my life so bitter!"

As soon as the words fell, it immediately made the brothers beside him laugh. Even the eldest prince and Suna, who were waiting beside them, couldn't help but smile.

After getting along with each other these days, the two women have found that this group of people is actually not difficult to get along with. They have rules and bottom lines in their actions, and there has never been a random situation.

This makes the two women easily grasp the rhythm of several people, but don't ask too much about what they are ordered, but leave no effort to do it well. As long as the business is done, everything else will be done. Usually, jokes and amusing will not make them angry.

Even on some key issues, Yang Huang will ask their opinions and will never pretend to understand, causing unnecessary losses and waste.

In comparison, serving them is much more comfortable than serving Wanguang. I really don't know if those dead ministers will regret crying after knowing the current situation.

Honor, status and respect were not obtained by Wang Guangfang before, but now they all have them.

Up to now, they finally feel that they have the right to speak and can participate in the development and construction of the city. They are real ministers. It's not just a slave with the name of a minister.

We agreed on everything, and Yu Haoran and Qingqi stayed to suppress the array. Long Qitian, Kuangdan and the Taoist evil spirits far away in Hengjiang City, together with the four people of Yang Huang, were responsible for reunmingling with Wang's family, which seemed to wipe out three bandits.

As for Xuanying, naturally she has nothing to do. The eldest prince took him to the secret room where the city owner practiced, arranged the time box, and began to sacrifice the void elixir.

Seeing several people reappear, Wang Dang's excitement was beyond words. Almost without saying a word, he took out a map directly from the drawer.

This map shows the location and composition of the three bandit dens. Next to it, there is also a dense marking of the location of the whistle, and even their shift time.

"I didn't expect it to be so detailed!" Yang Huang couldn't help but be curious when he saw this map: "Who made this map?"

"Who else!" Wang Dangjia said proudly, "Of course, it's Tang Ke. Although this boy is just a yin and yang, he has a talent that is lurking but beyond ordinary people. Preliminary understanding that there are two practitioners in these three bandits, and it will be up to you at that time. In addition, for the sake of safety, I will ask Tang Ke to take two teams, more than 30 good men from Kaiguangjing to assist you to clean up the remaining bandits.

"I didn't expect Wang's calculations to be quite thorough!" Taoist evil took a glance at the battle map carelessly: "But there is probably one thing we didn't tell you. Our time is only two hours in total. In these two hours, we will eliminate all the scattered bandits and bandits, and we will inevitably use large-scale spells. So your people had better stay away from there, otherwise it will cost us a lot of time to avoid accidental injury!"

"Two hours?" Wang's face changed: "Why is it only two hours? It's also Dongtianjing. There are three of you, and there are six of you. According to my estimation, the battle will take at least a week to end, and it is still based on the different faith of the three gangs. Otherwise, it is likely that after eliminating the first bandit nest, you will face a four-on-three situation, and I am even ready to take action, but is there any possibility of victory in this battle now?

The more Wang said, the more excited he became, and his whole body even trembled, which was a reaction caused by extreme anger.

Wang's family has paid too much for this battle, and even sacrificed the lives of his children and his wife. In the end, he found that he was fooled, and the feeling was more uncomfortable than death.

"Well, Wang is in charge!" Yang Huang couldn't help shaking his head and said that if he let the Taoist evil negotiate with others, he would only be a ghost if he could succeed. The Taoist evil clearly wanted to tell the Wang Master that they wanted to use a destructive spell because they didn't have much time.

At that time, no matter what kind of construction the bandit's nest is, the whole will be attacked and destroyed, and there will be no remnant bandits.

So let Wang's family never send people in to mess up, otherwise, those people will die, and they can't take care of it at all.

But now through the evil saying, it seems to tell Wang Dangjia. They are only responsible for fighting for two hours, and they don't care about what will happen two hours later.

How can this be accepted by the Wang Dang, who relies on Yang Huang and others?

"Get out of here. I don't want to see you!" It's okay for Yang Huang not to open his mouth. As soon as he opened his mouth, Wang's head suddenly lost his temper. With a pat of his hands, the table in front of him was suddenly patted into powder.

"Okay!" Long Qitian was afraid that Wang's head would make any extreme move, so he stepped forward and pressed it on Wang's shoulder. He directly pressed the defenseless Wang's home back into the chair.

Wang Dangjia thought that Yang Huang and others wanted to do it, so he immediately resisted. But the next moment, he was surprised to find that no matter how hard he tried, he could not move.

You should know that he is the same level as Long Qitian's cultivation, but now he is pressed on the chair with one hand by Long Qitian, which is too strange!

"How can this be!" The king suffoed for a long time and finally came out a few words.

Yang Huang shrugged his shoulders: "This is exactly what I want to say. My brother just wants your people to stay in place and not move, so as not to cause unnecessary casualties, but he doesn't mean to give up this operation. Maybe you still doubted my brother's ability to solve everything in two hours, so how about now?

"Yes, I'm sorry!" This time, Wang's family finally understood that the group of people in front of him could not be inferred by common sense from the beginning. Two hours, it may be impossible to fight in a normal cave, but it may not be impossible for them.

He can put him of the same level on the chair with one hand. This power is no longer understandable to him.

"Then what should we do!" After thinking about it, Wang continued to ask, "Is it really okay to just stay here and wait without helping?"

"Of course not!" Yang Huang touched his chin and said, "You wait here for half an hour to explain the future itinerary of the caravan, and then you and I can leave!"

"Where are you going?" Wang Dangjia felt that he had never been so obedient since he was a child. He could no longer resist Yang Huang. He just wanted to cooperate with him as much as possible!

"Naturally to save your wife and children!" Yang Huang flicked his finger: "I will bring two more helpers together. Even if the other party is a bandit group, there is absolutely no problem. Now you should be completely relieved, Wang Dangjia!"

"Are you going to help me save my family?" When Wang Dangjia heard this, he only felt that his head was buzzing. I can't believe that everything in front of me is true, just like a terminally ill patient who suddenly found out that he had been misdiagnosed by the doctor.

Not everyone can experience the feeling of desperate life.

"That's right!" Yang Huang smiled and said, "Even if it may fail, it's better than letting your family meet in the underworld!"

"But it is completely unnecessary in our agreement. There is no need for you to do anything else for me. After destroying the three bandits later, we will be able to reach the Western Regions. At that time, our cooperation should also be terminated. There is no need for you to get into this trouble!" Wang's family still had some disbelief and quickly expressed his doubts.

"Don't worry, it's not in vain!" Yang Huang glanced at Wang Dangjia: "Naturally, there is a new deal to do with you. I remember you said before that you are tired of your career as a businessman and ready to retire from the mountains and forests, right?"

Although Wang Dangjia was puzzled, he also nodded honestly.

"That's better. I'll pay for it. Let's develop in a black market for you. You are responsible for being the president. How about helping me build a chamber of commerce!" Yang Huang finally said his purpose: "I need a prestigious person to come forward to help me build a chamber of commerce. Let the Chamber of Commerce survive the most unfavorable situation in the early stage and let it go on. And you are the object I chose in exchange for the lives of your child and wife.

"Are you kidding!" Wang was stunned: "You mean to not only help me save my child and wife, but also pay to open a business association and let me be the president? Although I don't doubt whether you have the funds to build the Chamber of Commerce, how can I make you value it so much?

"Is this it?" Yang Huang touched his nose and said, "Let's say it's fate. It's fate that you and I meet. Since it's fate, why should I spare no ready-made people and try my best to find them?

"Fate?" Wang Dangjia suddenly laughed twice: "Okay, it's fate. Now that my king is in a desperate situation in the wild, you have pulled me, which is a great kindness to me. Now there is a complete solution to the trouble for me, which is equivalent to pulling me back from the brink of death. I promise you today that my child and wife can be saved or not. I, Wang Zaiye, have worked for you for free for 100 years. A hundred years later, your chamber of commerce should have been stable. At that time, I will accompany my wife and children!"

After saying that, Wang's face showed a determined look: "Then please start implementing it according to our plan. I'm going to Tangke now, entrust everything to him, and let him take the caravan to the Western Regions!"