Immortal Divine Realm

Chapter 286 Mixed Conference

The memory of the shopkeeper was directly displayed by Yang Huang, and Wang Zaiye, who was beside him, was stunned.

Yang Huang's inference has finally become a reality. This jungle town is indeed a bandit nest, and it has existed for nearly a thousand years. It is a huge plan that began to be formulated and implemented thousands of years ago.

Yu Anhua, the current owner of this jungle town, is not the first city owner, but just ascended the throne 200 years ago.

However, now that a stain has been found because of something, it is now under quarantine review. Early tomorrow morning, a presbyterian will declare him guilty, and it is said that the strictest family law may be enforced.

That is to abolish cultivation, still go out of the jungle, and let him come out by his own means. If success has nothing to do with here from now on, and if it fails, it will naturally be a tragic death.

With such a family method, almost no one can survive. You know, the jungle here is full of spirit beasts. The higher the spirit beast, the more important it is to see its territory. Once it is broken into by outsiders, it will immediately be an endless situation.

A true practicer who has just been abolished is not as good as an ordinary person. Attacked by spirit beasts, there is no possibility of escape at all.

"It's a pity that I don't know what Yu Anhua did and was found to be stained!" Wang Zaiye rubbed his hands uneasily.

Looking at his expression, Yang Huang understood what he meant. The accident in his family is too close to Yu Anhua. Maybe the two are one thing. If Yu Anhua is really censored for helping him, it means that this friend is not in vain.

"You don't have to be too nervous!" Yang Huang comforted two words: "If the result of tomorrow's public trial is censored because Yu Anhua helped you. Then we will naturally save him. Even if it's not because of you, we can save him after his cultivation is abandoned and get everything we want to know from him!"

After all, the level of this store is too low to have access to the core content of the city. But Yu Anhua is different. Even if his cultivation is abandoned, his memory is still there, that's enough.

And Yang Huang learned from the memory of the second child of the store that this time it was the second child of the store who was greedy and acted alone. Now the jungle town has entered the stage of comprehensive preparation to welcome Wang Zaiye's caravan.

That is to say, at this stage, all the small fish are released to avoid branches.

Originally, according to the rules of the city, he would not take action against Yang Huang. Unfortunately, this man was obsessed with money and secretly attacked Yang Huang while others did not know. He wanted to do it unconsciously, but he was captured by Yang Huang.

Thinking of this, Yang Huang's mind moved. A wisp of the divine power of the five emperors penetrated into the memory of the bandit and controlled his mind. The power of the five emperors is the power of the source. If you integrate into it, no matter what everyone inspects, it is impossible to check it out. The source can illusion and simulate all energy, and it is even easier to simulate the spiritual fluctuations of the second child in this store.

I'm afraid that if Yang Huang doesn't attack, even the shopkeeper himself will not realize that his body has actually been invaded.

" hiss!" As Yang Huang put his memory into the body of the shopkeeper, the shopkeeper's body twitched violently. He breathed a cold breath in his throat and suddenly woke up.

The second child in that store is worthy of being born as a bandit and has just woken up. With a bounce, he immediately withdrew backwards. At the same time, his finger touched his body and immediately took out a summoning prop and held it in his hand, but it did not immediately ring.

"Who the hell are you!" The robber held the summoning tool in his hand and looked solemn: "What's your purpose!"

"The purpose?" Yang Huang laughed dumbly: "Is it appropriate for me to ask you this question? What's the purpose of you breaking into my room in the middle of the night?"

Xiao Er was stunned and immediately glanced around and found that he had arrived at a strange place. Moreover, it was obviously late at night when he attacked Yang Huang just now, and now it is already sunny. Has he been in a coma for a day?

"It's over!" The shop's second child sat on the ground, and there was no sign of resistance: "We're over. Do you know where this is? Oh, my God, there must be people chasing us outside now. I actually missed the public trial meeting!"

"Don't worry!" Yang Huang walked over and squatted in front of the second child in the store: "They absolutely can't find it here!"

"Who the hell are you!" The shopkeeper was almost crazy: "If they find out what I stole, they will definitely kill me. You are not much better. They will think that you have known my secret and will definitely kill you together!"

"Don't worry!" Yang Huang patted the shopkeeper on the shoulder: "No one will know that you will secretly attack me in violation of the ban. I will help you hide this secret. But in the same way, you have to do something for me!"

"Ban?" The shopkeeper was not stupid, and he suddenly heard the meaning of the words: "How did you know that I violated the ban? Who the hell are you?"

Yang Huang smiled and said, "I also know that if someone violates the ban of the city owner, he will be dragged to the public trial. The final result will be that you will be supported by everyone's attack until you walk out of the door. If you succeed, there is still hope to live. If you die, you will die in vain!"

"What do you want me to do!" The shopkeeper knew that he had been completely caught and had a painful foot at this time, so he had to look like an appointment.

"Well, don't pretend to be pitiful!" Yang Huang waved his hand: "You are a captain, and you manage ten ordinary bandits, and your mind will never be so fragile."

Seeing the shop's second child's surprised look, Yang Huang continued to guess, "To tell you the truth, I need someone to bring me into your public trial hall to watch tomorrow's trial of the city owner. Don't think about running away. Your body has been forbidden by me. As long as I have an idea, your end will definitely be more miserable than being tried by the public.

"Forbidden!" The second child of the shop is also the role of yin and yang. How can Yang Huang be so shattering? His expression changed, and the spiritual power in his body was running crazily, but he did not find any sign of prohibition.

However, he doesn't think Yang Huang is teasing him. Everything that happens now proves that Yang Huang is absolutely capable of planting a prohibition in his body that he can't find out.

Seeing that his face was uncertain, Yang Huang didn't bother to talk nonsense with him. Immediately, he picked up his finger, and something happened that made the shop's second child afraid. Xiao Er's body in the shop stood up without any struggle and walked towards Yang Huang.

The shopkeeper wanted to struggle, but it didn't work at all. I wanted to question Yang Huang loudly, but as soon as I opened my mouth, it turned into a respectful salute: "I've seen the master!"

This time, the second child of the store wrote a thorough letter. I didn't expect that there was such a powerful prohibition in the world, and the sound from the body was completely controlled by Yang Huang.

"All right!" The shopkeeper finally appointed: "I will follow your arrangement and hope you can save my life afterwards!"

"It depends on your performance!" Yang Huang stretched out his hand and patted it, and the shopkeeper only felt a flower in front of him. When he opened his eyes again, he had already appeared in Yang Huang's room of the restaurant.

Looking out of the window, it is still dark, and time has hardly passed. Yang Huang must have brought him into a magic weapon just now. In normal times, the second child of this store will definitely have to delve into it, explore what kind of treasure is in the other party's hand, and then wait for the opportunity to get it and take it for himself.

But now, he doesn't even have his own life. How can he have this thought?

Although this jungle town is a bandit's nest, it has used law to counterbalance the whole city at the beginning of its establishment. Everyone must follow the arrangement of the city owner. If the city owner has an order in advance that killing and plunder are not allowed in a certain period of time, they must also abide by it.

Even if there is a big fat sheep without any *, he can only watch him leave swaggering.

Because no one can disobey the order of the city owner, once they violate it, they will be dragged to the public trial meeting and severely punished. Few people can survive after disobeying the order of the city lord.

It is also such a high-intensity method that makes the whole jungle town more peaceful than any supply station when it is peaceful, and also makes it more famous and attracts more people.

Today, the second child in this store was also fascinated by money. Seeing Yang Huang's gorgeous clothes and rich, he came to stay alone. He thought it was a fat sheep and wanted to take Yang Huang down in the dead of night, but he fell into Yang Huang's trap.

Yang Huang, who knew all this, actually sighed secretly. Fortunately, he was lucky enough to meet such a financial fan. Otherwise, no one will come to his mind tonight. At that time, his verification will be passive again, and he will even miss tomorrow's public trial.

"Tomorrow, the two of us will be your newly recruited younger brothers. You're going to take us to the world, remember?" Yang Huang looked at the shopkeeper: "My name is Yang Huang, and this is Wang...!"

"Wang Ye!" Wang Zaiye quickly added that he is the big head of the jungle town this time. It is likely that his appearance and name have been known to everyone for a long time. Now it's better not to expose it easily!

"Remember!" The second child of the shop said dejectedly, "My name is Zhenhao. Two adults, the public trial will start tomorrow morning, and I will ask my younger brother to pick up the two adults in advance!"

The three discussed again to determine what to say and what not to say tomorrow, as well as the rules of the public trial. By the time the three agreed, the sky had gradually turned bright. The shopkeeper hurried back to his house to avoid being noticed.

Yang Huang and Wang Zaiye also sat down and rested separately, quietly waiting for tomorrow's war to kick off.

The next day, a fat man with big ears and a greasy face knocked on Yang Huang's door. Yang Huang opened the door and saw that the man was wearing a white chef's robe and carrying a huge kitchen knife behind him. The knife body alone was more than one meter long and more than two feet wide. The streamer on it turned out to be a low-grade treasure.

"Big Zhenhao asked me to pick you two up. Don't talk nonsense and keep up!" The fat man waved his hand impatiently and went out first.

At this time, Wang Zaiye had simply put on makeup, put on a black cloak, and released a cold breath, like an assassin.

This kind of dress is not uncommon in this small town, so the fat man is not surprised. However, Yang Huang didn't know him, so he simply dressed normally. However, he collected the momentum. Otherwise, he walked on the road and said that Yang Huang was the new younger brother of the store. I'm afraid no one would believe it.

With the improvement of Yang Huang's status, especially in the three-legged furnace, he is an alliance leader admired by millions of people. This power of mind and faith deserves a special aura formed on the surface of Yang Huang's body.

This aura is invisible andzhi, which is condensed by the power of faith. Although Yang Huang can't use it before becoming a true god, it doesn't mean that these auras have no effect. The power of these beliefs is washing Yang Huang's temperament all the time, making Yang Huang's temperament rise steadily and becoming more and more majestic.

Ordinary people can feel Yang Huang's extraordinary temperament when they take a look at Yang Huang. Just like those princes and ministers in the secular world, they are high-ranking, rich and walk with wind. Ordinary people can feel pressure when they talk to each other.

Before, Yang Huang did not feel it. It was not until he was reminded by Long Qitian that he knew that his body had changed. He learned the hidden method from them, which made Yang Huang no different from ordinary people. Otherwise, he would be watched sideways wherever he went.

Of course, if it is in the world of the three-legged furnace, Yang Huang absolutely does not need to hide it. Yang Huang is the spiritual leader of his subordinates in the three-legged furnace. The more mysterious and powerful Yang Huang is, the more he can gather more beliefs and be recited like a myth.

Yang Huang and Wang Zaiye followed the fat chef to the woodshed in the backyard, only to find that Zhenhao had already waited there with several other people.

When he saw Yang Huang and the two came, Zhenhao's face changed significantly. But it hid well and immediately showed a trace of impatience: "Why is it so slow to let me wait for you?"

The fat chef shrank his neck and glanced at Yang Huang: "Isn't these two people grinding and delaying the business!"

"Hmm!" Zhenhao snorted coldly and glanced at Yang Huang: "You two just followed me. Let me write this down for you. If you do it again, let you taste the family law!"

After saying that, Zhenhao waved his hand very generously, and immediately two younger brothers walked out and opened the door of the firewood house and moved away the big jar inside.

A one-meter square board was exposed under the outline. The board was lifted, but a teleport array was highlighted.

This transmission array is carved on a bluestone plate two or three meters in size. There is blood stains on the stone slab, and I don't know what I have experienced.

Zhenhao and others were used to it. They only saw Zhenhao pinching the array, and the transmission array started immediately. A light curtain gate was formed on the ground.

There is endless void behind the door, and I don't know where it leads.

"Oi, let's go. Don't waste time. The public trial is not a child's play!" After saying that, he looked at Yang Huang: "You two will follow me closely later. You two should not be qualified to participate when you just joined the group. But I am optimistic about you and want you to learn more. Remember not to talk nonsense later.

"Yes!" Yang Huang and Wang saluted in the wild. Zhenhao's life was completely in the hands of Yang Huang, but the two were not afraid of him playing any tricks. So Zhenhao suddenly said this sentence at this time, mostly because someone may really ask about it later.

But I think it's right. This public trial meeting is equivalent to a bandit gathering meeting in the whole jungle town. It is impossible for everyone to be eligible to participate. Only those bandits who are guaranteed can enter it. Like Yang Huang and Wang Zaiye, his new younger brother, are absolutely not qualified to enter it.

Now it's forced to be brought in, and no one asks about it, that's strange!

After Zhenhao finished explaining, he turned his head and stopped talking and entered the portal under the leadership of his younger brother. The boss's feeling is very strong and unsightly.

Maybe this is also related to their environment, and bandits fight fiercely. Whoever is tough enough and who is the boss is useless.

Yang Huang and Wang Zaiye have just joined the partnership, and they are naturally the lowest qualified and go to the end.

Through the portal, I only felt a huge sound wave coming. After a calm look, several people have appeared in a wide venue.

The venue was full of ten thousand square meters, and by this time, it was already full of people.

Around the venue, it is isolated by another circle of arrays, which are very powerfully stacked, with thousands of layers. Unless the master of Taixuanjing appears, even if the practitioners of Taishangjing come and want to completely break it, it is impossible to break through in for a moment or three.

Around those formations, deliberately leave small gaps. Two or three people attacked, all of whom had masters at the peak of the yin and yang realm and checked the people who came and went.

"Oh, isn't this Brother Zhen? Let's see that the team has grown again?" Zhenhao took Yang Huang and a group of people to an entrance. An obscene man who looked at the door immediately greeted him and flattered him with a smile.

"It's just so-so!" Zhenhao thanked Yang Huang and Wang Zaiye: "The two rookies I just received are repairing one. I haven't seen any market in the valley. Let's have a look today!"

"Tut!" The man looked up and down at Yang Huang and Wang Zaiye and then pouted and said, "It's good. It's a good seedling. The more scattered the repair, the more ruthless it is, and there is no ambiguity in ruining people's lives. Today's scene is good. Since the founding of the city, we have been the first city owner to betray the city. If we don't take them to have a look, I'm afraid the next game will wait for another millennium!"

"You have a lot of fucking nonsense!" Zhenhao gently pounded the man's shoulder, a piece of five-grade crystal into his pocket, and then said impatiently, "Ok, all right, get out, get out of here!"

"Good!" The obscene man, when he saw the benefits, immediately said with a smile, "Brother Zhen, please!" After saying that, he led Zhenhao and his party into it without any more nonsense.