Immortal Divine Realm

Chapter 285 Jungle Town

"It's here!" At this time, Yang Huang only heard Wang Zaiye's whispering reminder. Sure enough, at the end of the sky, in the depths of the jungle, a city appeared.

And its scale is absolutely not small, at least a small city that can accommodate hundreds of thousands of floating people.

Only Wang Zaiye explained: "This transit station is a small jungle town. Built on the caravan, there are many real worlds living in it, providing necessities for the caravans, and then earning the difference from it.

If there is demand, there must be a market! The words of Dongmen Yue came to Yang Huang's mind.

In the depths of this jungle, there are also poisonous insects and spiritual beasts in the open light realm and even the yin and yang realm. For people with a slightly lower level of cultivation, it is definitely a nightmare.

Even if you are a highly cultivated person, you will never come here to find excitement when you have nothing to do.

But in such a place, there will be a city.

I only heard Wang Zaiye continue to say, "The owner of this city is one of my best friends. It is also the only helper I can find after encountering difficulties. However, those bandits took the lead and deliberately chose the city to ambush.

"I'm afraid that this jungle town has been taken down by them at this time, and my friend is also lucky!" Wang Zaiye's face showed a trace of guilt: "It's all because of me. I'm really ashamed!"

"There's nothing we can do!" Yang Huang said with relief: "But your friend will not necessarily die. He may just be imprisoned. You can hide it in my three-legged furnace for the time being. Wait for me to explore it and make plans!"

"That's right!" Wang Zaiye nodded: "After all, they are so powerful that we can't take action rashly. We must first find out the position of my wife and daughter. Mr. Yang is all up to you!"

Yang Huang nodded, reached out his hand, and recruited Wang Zaiye into the three-legged round furnace to let him rest.

He moved and fell from the sky and fell into the jungle town. The small jungle city was very lively, and Yang Huang's appearance did not attract anyone's attention. It seems that everyone is used to this situation.

When he entered the city, Yang Huang found out. This city is different from ordinary cities. The most obvious feature is that there are no private houses in the city, all of which are built by shops and restaurants.

In the middle of the city, there is a palace. Needless to say, it is undoubtedly the palace of the city owner.

At this time, on the towering walls on all sides, the bodyguards stood with knives one by one, closely watching the situation in and outside the city. Once they found something wrong, they immediately signaled the famous whistle and let the guards on the ground to deal with it.

Yang Huang glanced casually and found it. These guards are well trained and show excellent means and quality for city defense and control. They are not dressed up as bandits, but like real soldiers.

"Are Wang Zaiye's friends not controlled? Are these bandits just lost?" An idea flashed in Yang Huang's mind, but it was immediately denied by him.

If these bandits just lurk in, such a large number of people will definitely be closely watched by these soldiers. Even if Wang Zaiye's caravan came here, it may have brought these bandits to the pot in turn.

These bandits are not fools, and there must be something else in them.

You should know that soldiers from the real world have been hired for many times. They have their own ideas, unlike secular soldiers. Generals dare to do anything in a word.

There are many upright and kind soldiers in the cultivation world. If you hire them to help you kill and plunder goods, they will never do it, even temporary anti-water.

Yang Huang wandered carelessly and was inconspicuous on this crowded street. Unconsciously, he has come outside the palace of the city owner.

Here, Yang Huang finally saw several people who could walk, standing outside the gate of the city's main palace with a long knife.

It's loose and has an evil face. Sometimes when I see a passing female cultivator, a pair of eyes immediately shines with ** evil light. It is fundamentally different from the soldiers guarding the city wall.

However, the practitioners passing by here seem to be accustomed to what is happening in front of them. This makes Yang Huang feel even more strange.

Originally, Yang Huang wanted to sneak directly into the city master's mansion to see the situation. Now it seems that there are other changes, and he immediately bowed his head and passed in front of the city owner's mansion. Follow the crowd and walk towards the other side of the street.

Everything here is strange everywhere. It doesn't look like an ordinary town at all, if Yang Huang has to say it. Yang Huang felt that this place was more like an old bandit's nest with the name of a supply station.

"It seems that we have to stop first and then make plans!" Yang Huang looked around and immediately saw a restaurant. He immediately stepped into it, paid for the spiritual stone, and lived down.

Yang Huang's understanding of the city is completely through Wang Zaiye's description. I heard from Wang Zaiye that every time Wang Zaiye does business, he has to go through the supply from here.

For so many years, he has become a confidant friend with Yu Anhua, the city owner here. In his mouth, this supply station is very famous, and the city owner is even more decent.

Under his management, there has never been robbery in the city.

More and more caravans begin to know and choose to trust here, and even some small caravans have deliberately changed their routes and have to rest here. The picture is a peace of mind.

But in Yang Huang's view, this has nothing to do with the word decent.

Imagine that even there are guards like bandits standing in front of the gate of the city owner's mansion. How good can such a city owner go? Moreover, Yang Huang concluded that this was not the reason why Yu Anhua was kidnapped and the city owner's mansion was occupied.

If that's the case, the pedestrians on the road will definitely look sideways because of the change in front of the city owner's house. However, according to Yang Huang's observation, those pedestrians are not surprised by this. It shows that this situation has definitely lasted for a long time, even a few years ago.

It's not that these bandits have held Yu Anhua hostage for several years, which is really too strange.

Thinking about it, Yang Huang arranged an isolated formation in the room. He immediately summoned Wang Zaiye out of the three-legged furnace.

Entering the three-legged round furnace, I saw the background of Yang Huang. Wang Zaiye even admired Yang Huang. Without waiting for Yang Huang to speak, he hurriedly took the initiative to say hello, "Mr. Yang, is there something wrong with calling me?"

Yang Huang was not talky. He told Wang Zaiye about everything he had encountered today.

When Wang Zaiye heard the words, he also showed a surprised look on his face. After thinking about it, he said, "Mr. Yang, in my opinion, this matter is definitely not as simple as it seems. The caravan I led gathered about 10,000 people according to their requirements. If they want to eat all of such a team, they must have at least 30,000 bandits to participate. These people can't get together casually!"

Yang Huang nodded and said, "As I thought, if they had been planning this a few years ago, it would be too high for you. You know, more than 30,000 practitioners gathered in this jungle town. The sum of daily expenses is also an astronomical figure. Even if your caravan is successfully robbed in the end, I'm afraid that what can be left is not enough for them to share equally.

Hearing this, Wang Zaiye looked gloomy. In fact, when Yang Huang began to talk about this matter, he already understood what Yang Huang meant.

If it is impossible to control Yu Anhua in the near future, there is only one possibility. From the beginning, Yu Anhua was the bandits.

But if you infer from this, this matter is too intriguing.

According to Yang Huang's speculation, the whole city is actually a huge bureau. Every merchant and resident in the city is a bandit.

They usually do legal business, making the whole city look exactly like ordinary supply points.

But once the city owner finds a valuable caravan, the residents of the whole city will tear off their disguise and devour the caravan.

Imagine that a caravan of tens of thousands of people came to the jungle town.

Then the first danger for this caravan to face in this jungle town is dispersion.

No restaurant can provide housing for tens of thousands of people at a time, so this 10,000 caravan must live separately in different restaurants.

Each restaurant can only be divided into about 100 people, that is to say, this 10,000 caravan has to live in 1,000 places.

Ten thousand hiking caravans like this are rarely targeted by bandits. The main reason is that because they are so many people that no bandit group can eat them.

Staying in this supply point is undoubtedly equivalent to breaking an arm.

Of course, no bandit group can eat the 10,000 caravan, but there is no problem for the 100 people living in the restaurant to come to a similar bandit group.

On the one hand, it is because the merchants who have moved into the supply point are completely relaxed, and on the other hand, they are well prepared for bandits. When the night was quiet, the whole city suddenly took action, and no one could escape.

And in the whole world of cultivation, the disappearance of a caravan will not cause much waves at all. Even familiar people will only push the reason to those ruins or Jedi. I think it is the result of these caravans that strayed into some Jedi.

Otherwise, none of the 10,000 people in the team can escape. Unless any sect comes out to do it, it is obviously impossible!

Hearing Yang Huang's analysis, Wang Zaiye's face was getting worse and worse. After a while, he gasped and said, "But Mr. Yang, this is just your guess. We have no evidence that Yu Anhua must have done this!"

"Of course there will be evidence!" Yang Huang smiled and said, "But now is not the time!"

said that Yang Huang took out a six-grade spiritual stone from the three-legged round furnace and played with it back and forth: "When I moved in, I deliberately lowered my cultivation by a level. And pretended to be rich, revealing what the people in the restaurant saw. If I am right, they will come at night and take my life, and then we will naturally know everything!"

"So that's it!" Wang Zaiye answered, but he was obviously not very interested in speaking. After that, he sat in the corner in a daze and didn't know what he was calculating.

However, Yang Huang can probably imagine this feeling.

On the way, Wang Zaiye was still feeling guilty because Yu Anhua might have been involved by himself. And told Yang Huang that Yu Anhua is the only person he can trust and a friend who can trust him for life and death.

But now, he suddenly found that all this was operated by his friend, and even kidnapped his wife and children to threaten him.

This feeling is no less than someone inserting a knife in his chest. I'm afraid he would rather be killed by a group of strange bandits than face the current situation.

The two rested separately, and in a blink of an eye, it was already night, and Yang Huang asked the shopkeeper to bring food.

The two secretly tested and found that there was no sign of poisoning in the wine and vegetables.

However, Yang Huang still found differences in wine, which is a kind of medicinal wine that has never been seen on the market. According to the introduction of the shopkeeper, this kind of wine is unique to their jungle town. It's impossible to buy it anywhere else.

In addition to being slightly higher than ordinary wine, it also adds several medicinal herbs that can calm people's mind. After drinking, it can relax people, fall asleep safely, and eliminate travel fatigue.

If ordinary people listen to it, they will definitely feel that the service of this store is thoughtful. After all, following the caravan, running around for a long time, coupled with fear, will definitely make people highly nervous. Now it's definitely a beautiful thing to drink some medicinal wine and have a good sleep.

But I'm afraid they can't imagine that this pot of wine will go down. I'm afraid my life will end in this beautiful dream.

After 40 minutes, with a click, the door of Yang Huang's room was forced to open from the outside.

"It's coming!" Wang Zaiye, who was hiding aside, twitched violently, and his face showed an indescribable look of pain or death. As soon as he moved, he was about to jump out.

Yang Huang shook his head slightly, signaling him not to act rashly. I don't know how many people came in and what their strength is. If Yang Huang may face the bandits of the whole city, it's not a joke.

Sure enough, the door was opened. But no one came in, as if waiting for the people in the room to give a reaction. After a long time of incense, it was confirmed that there was still no movement in the house.

A walnut-sized ball was put in along the door.

Yang Huang sat on **, glanced through the curtain, and immediately saw that this was a small prop to detect whether there was any spiritual fluctuation around him.

If Yang Huang arranges a defensive formation in this room, he will be detected immediately.

"Aha!" At this time, I only heard the voice of a weak mosquito fly: "Today, I met a fat sheep, and I don't know which prince it is. I didn't have any precautions when I went out, and I picked up the leak!"

With the sound coming in, a figure slipped along the crack of the door. After coming in, he didn't stop, and the props in his hand were thrown out one after another. Some are blocking sounds, some are blocking spiritual fluctuations, and some are poisonous gases.

As the man who sneaked in kept throwing, 20 or 30 kinds of props were thrown out between one or two breaths. If Yang Huang hadn't been prepared, he would have been given such a thing in his sleep. I'm afraid he would have only half his life left if he didn't die.

I glanced at the person and found that this person was not someone else, but the second child of the store that attracted Yang Huang in today.

"Haha!" Seeing the poison gas in his props, he has drifted to Yang Huang's bed. The second child of the shop couldn't help rubbing his hands: "Little fat sheep, I'm coming!"

While talking, the treasure dagger in his hand immediately appeared in his hand, slightly around, and rushed to Yang Huang.

However, he was in high spirits and was about to open the curtain to kill Yang Huang. The scene in front of him almost bit his tongue in horror.

In the curtain, Yang Huang just sat there and looked at him with a smile. There is no sign of being fascinated by him.

"It's not good!" The shopkeeper was shocked and knew that he had been tricked. He turned his head and wanted to run away. But I don't know when there was a shadow behind him.

Before he could scream to attract the attention of others, the shadow had slapped him on the head. The shopkeeper only felt black in front of him and was knocked unconscious by live shooting.

"Ball-ball, really bold!" Now, Wang Zaiye finally has to accept this fact. Knowing that Yang Huang's speculation may have become a fact, I didn't expect that this highly respected jungle town turned out to be an old nest of bandits.

"Don't get excited!" Yang Huang grabbed Xiao Er of the fainted shop: "The specific situation, let's wait for me to check the early Qing Dynasty. Maybe he still knows some news about this plan. After all, your caravan is a 10,000-person caravan. They must have been fully prepared to ambush you in advance. These people must have got the news a long time ago.

"That's right!" Wang Zaiye took a deep breath and returned to Tomb-sweeping Day: "It's not too late. We must find out as soon as possible, otherwise our identities will be exposed when his accomplices come here!"

While talking, Yang Huang stretched out his hand and directly pulled Wang Zaiye and the shop's second child into the Hengjiang City in the three-legged round furnace. Now Yang Huang has completely mastered the Guangfang City and become the hearts of the people in the Guangfang City.

At this time, the divine power of the five emperors actually penetrated the barrier of the ice source and wrapped it towards the light city. Although such changes have made the divine power of the five emperors much thinner again, the benefits and conveniences brought to Yang Huang are obvious.

No need to rely on flying. With the power of the five emperors alone, he can complete the shuttle between the two main cities.

Now in order to check the memory of Xiao Er in this store, he naturally brought Wang Zaiye to Hengjiang City. There is no need to wait for the second child of the store to wake up. The next moment, Yang Huang stretched out his hand. The divine power of the five emperors in the sky swarmed and squeezed out the soul of the shop.

With the operation of the magic power of the five emperors, the memory of Xiao Er's life in this store gradually emerged.