Immortal Divine Realm

Chapter 314 Beginning of impeachment

Naturally, the news was deliberately released by Yang Huang, and what he wanted was the wind and rain all over the city. Otherwise, more than half of the people will not attend the small trial meeting.

Even if the elder is successfully impeached, it will lose its original meaning. What's more, Yang Huang is not afraid that others will know about this plan.

Kong Ying, He Jiang and others add up to a total of seven elders. Get together and have an absolute advantage. And they are all monitored by Yang Huang, and there can't be any rebellious behavior.

Even if the elder knows in advance that he can't get a helper at all.

You can only come here obediently and accompany Yang Huang to perform this scene.

"Boom!" At this time, the middle gate had been pushed open. But the elder and his three supporters came in.

However, a bright man can find that the elder's face is haggard. It seems that he was 100 years old in a few days, and the original elder's white hair was as snow, neat and shining silver. At a glance, people can feel the vigorous vitality.

No one will doubt that this great elder still has countless life spans.

But now, the elder's hair is loose. Although there is also a smell of old man talking crazy about teenagers, it makes people feel the sadness of the end of heroes.

"Come on!" As soon as the elder appeared, his arms shook: "I have received a notice to tell me that today's trial brigade is specially opened for me. Those who want to impeach me, why don't they appear!"

"E elder Liu, you are so majestic. It is the rule that the trial meeting will be held on time. Is it because the impeached person is you, so you have to start early? He Jiang's voice came from behind another door.

With a bang, the door was pushed open by him. Behind him were also the three and the supporters of the elders who were evenly matched. As soon as He Jiang appeared, he was always arrogant and laughed.

With a strong contempt on his face, it seems that he is fully sure to completely prove the elder today.

The elder's name is Liu Dele, and the first city owner always praised his name for being festive and comfortable. But now his look has nothing to do with joy.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at He Jiang, and the murderous spirit leaked undisguised in his eyes. The anger that appeared at the beginning also disappeared cleanly at this time. It seems that He Jiang has become a dead person in his eyes. There is no need to be angry with him anymore, and his eyes become indifferent.

It's like Liu Dele never knew He Jiang, but everyone knows that this is just a show. If possible, Liu Dele certainly doesn't mind to torture He Jiang to death in a thousand ways now.

But he can't or even be angry. Because he is the elder and the executor of the law, he has to abide by the law more than ordinary people!

As soon as the two met, the smell of gunpowder immediately permeated the whole judgment hall. After the city owner was impeached three days ago, the elder has finally been pushed to the wind.

Now the whole jungle town is panicked. As we all know, jungle cities may usher in an unprecedented change.

But this change is not something they can intervene in at all. They are all soldiers and ants. I can only quietly watch the big one fight first, and in the end, whichever big man is still standing, he will continue to follow.

Otherwise, they will participate in it. If you are casually rubbed by those big men, you will immediately disappear. At that time, you can't even leave your name, which can't be more miserable.

"Okay!" Seeing that the two sides were tense and did not give in to each other. Kong Ying stood up and waved her hand at this time: "Anyway, you are all elders, so don't do anything irregular here. Let the people below see the joke!"

"What Elder Kong Ying said!" He Jiang immediately said with a smile, "Let's take our seats and start a debate according to the rules. Since it is impeachment, everything should be done according to the rules!"

"Hmm!" The elder also glanced at Kong Ying with a cold hum, and some information seemed to reveal in his eyes. However, it was fleeting and was not found by anyone.

Kong Ying received the message and immediately passed it quietly to Yang Huang. Yang Huang looked at it slightly and immediately showed a smile.

The information is very simple, just for Kong Ying to choose to support him. Now he is evenly matched with He Jiang. Each side is three supportive elders.

Kong Ying was originally the weakest of the three groups, with only three people. Now that he has changed, he has absolute power and can even stay as an absolute elder, which has to be paid attention to by the elders.

These days, Kong Ying has been quietly waiting at home for the elder's side to contact her according to Yang Huang's instructions, begging for her support, and then taking this opportunity to blackmail the elder.

But it backfired. Not only did the elder not come, but also the three elders who supported him did not appear. As if they were not afraid of He Jiang's impeachment at all, there was no movement.

He Jiang did not receive threats and warnings or provocations from the elders. Everything is so plain that there is no wave.

It seems that this matter has not reached the ears of the elders at all.

If Yang Huang's order hadn't been there, I'm afraid Kong Ying and He Jiang would have been able to take the initiative to inquire.

After Yang Huang appeared, the two immediately reported the news to Yang Huang. Yang Huang's order is still waiting. Unexpectedly, it was only until now that the big elder finally opened his mouth.

"This old fox!" Kong Ying couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "I'm so mysterious that I'm afraid to die, but I have to pretend to be confident. Let's see what else he has to do this time!"

How can Kong Ying not know what kind of wish the elder was? If the elder knew that he was going to be impeached by He Jiang and his group, he would come to Kong Ying.

Kong Ying will definitely take this opportunity to blackmail the elder. At that time, even if the elder narrowly avoids impeachment, he will lose a large piece of meat.

So he held back his eagerness and sent out the message of asking for help until now. The purpose is to make Kong Ying feel his calmness. Let Kong Ying think that he is confident and has his own cards in hand. Then come to blackmail and let Kong Ying stand in line and don't make a regretful decision.

In this way, Liu Dele does not need to spend a spiritual stone at all and can get the help of Kong Ying. At best, it just owes Kong Ying a verbal favor.

The reason why Liu Dele dares to do so comes from his confidence in his cultivation. He has always been the only power in the jungle city. The jungle town still needs his protection. This time, he didn't know where He Jiang hit his brain and wanted to hit him.

But it doesn't matter. Kong Ying, who is smart and capable, will never stand in the wrong line!

The orchid mother-in-law also laughed twice, and now they are all the cultivation of the heavenly realm. There is no fear of the elder.

This elder is still thinking about changing something with his cultivation, which is simply a delusion.

If it were before, He Jiang wanted to expel the elders. Kong Ying will not agree first. It is too dangerous for a city to guard without too much territory.

But today is different from the past, but not only has she herself become too superior. There is also the existence of Taoism, a mysterious place, not to mention a jungle town. Even if it is impossible to fight a lower sect.

If you are not afraid of the punishment of the upper world, it is very easy to capture the intermediate sect. Now dealing with a big elder is like killing chickens with a cow knife.

It's ridiculous to see the performance of the elder. It's really boring.

"It's okay. Let him toss around!" The orchid mother-in-law's voice is dry and seems to be older than before. However, Kong Ying knew that although all of them had been promoted to Taishang this time, the orchid mother-in-law still occupied the position of the first master.

Her accumulation is not a joke. Not a few people can surpass it casually. Under the same conditions, they have all been promoted, and the orchid mother-in-law will naturally be promoted, and the degree of improvement is also the greatest.

"They are all old friends for thousands of years. Let him finish this last scene. With us to end his curtain call, he won't have gone on it in vain!"

"That's right!" Su Mei smiled and said, "In the past, we dared not say anything, but today we are watching a play. With different moods, we naturally feel different! We don't want to take a stand, just wait until he plays to the end and take out all the killers!"

Yang Huang nodded and acquiesced in their statement. There is no doubt that the elders will lose this trial meeting. But how many treasures can he leave before he retreats is another matter!

The elder has been in an important position since the first city owner reigned. How much treasure has been secretly accumulated today? I'm afraid it's definitely a surprising number.

Especially in the past two hundred years, the former city owner has not asked about the world at all, and the elder is responsible for everything. The situation in the city is getting worse. Where did those properties go? There is only one aspect of entering but not receiving, and on the other hand, I'm afraid that I have been greedy a lot by the elders.

All the elders know, but they dare not say anything. Because in the past, he was the only one in the jungle town. What's the use if you can really prove that you can sue him?

It's better. Liu Dele patted his buttocks and left. In the future, the jungle town lost a superpowerful shelter. If it's a little worse, then Liu Dele was so angry that he started to kill him. May I ask who in the city can stop him?

But now it's different. Each of them has the strength to surpass Liu Dele. Even if you don't say anything, it is not difficult to directly kill Liu Dele. Not to mention that it is even easier to kill him step by step now.

"Oh!" At this moment, a crisp bell rang, but it was time for the trial meeting to begin. The original whispering sound in the field immediately disappeared, and everyone held their breath and kept their breaths to a minimum. I'm afraid of making a noise, so that I can't clearly witness the next moment.

Hearing the bell, Kong Ying stood up first, walked to the stage and said, "The trial meeting is presided over by the elders, but today's situation is special. The elder was impeached by the elder, so I will rule on his behalf!"

"Cax!" There was immediately a sound of discussion under the stage. It was one thing to hear the rumor, and now Kong Ying confirmed it directly at the trial meeting that it was another thing.

"The punishment elder really impeached the elder. Is he crazy?" One immediately expressed his opinion to the people around him: "The elder has three hardcore supporters, and the punishment elder also has three supporters. The ticket in the hands of Elder Kong Ying has become the key, but it is no wonder that the relationship between Elder Kong Ying and the penal elder will support him!"

"That's right!" Another thief also lowered his voice and said, "The elder of punishment is perverse and the most unpopular. Every time I see him, I feel trembling all over and I can't wait to run away. It's strange that such an elder has someone to support him!"

"You are all one-sided words!" When a thief heard the discussion between the two, he immediately made a disdainful laugh: "How long has the punishment elder He Jiang stood with our jungle town? Elder Kong Ying tried his best but couldn't bring him down. On the contrary, the punishment elder became more and more arrogant, so that he finally surpassed Elder Kong Ying. Do you think he will be dizzy and run to fight with the elder?

As soon as this person's words came out, it immediately attracted several people's conformity. The speaker just expressed his opinion, but did not expect to be endorsed by so many people. Suddenly, his face turned red and he was extremely excited.

casually said, "So I'm sure that Elder He Jiang must have got something amazing. This thing may be a magic weapon or an elixir. In short, this thing can definitely make Elder He Jiang overwhelm the big elder by force!"

"Oh? How did you think of it!" At this time, someone finally couldn't help asking.

The man was talking about expressing his opinions and was interrupted. Looking back, he found a bearded man looking at him with interest.

"Who are you and why are you so face-to-face?" Instead, the man stopped and asked the big man, "Is it the brother who traveled far away? Because of this matter, he also rushed back?"

"Almost!" The big man arched his hand to the people around him: "My name is Wang Zaiye. It's indeed the first time I've been here today. I just heard this brother talk extraordinary, which is really admirable, so I can't help asking!"

"Good to say!" When the man heard that someone admired him, he immediately smiled and said, "My name is Wang Gui, and I work as a clerk in the pawnshop in the east of the city. There are more guests every day, so naturally there are more things to hear. Now combined with my own point of view, don't laugh. How can it be called a high opinion!"

After Wang Gui finished speaking, he continued to say, "As for what I thought, it's actually just my guess. Everyone knows that the elder is greedy for money. Why didn't Elder He Jiang impeach early and wait until now?

"What does it mean?" Someone immediately asked.

"Actually, it's very simple!" Wang Gui's tone became more and more calm as he spoke. There is a faint demeanor: "As long as you calm down and think about why the rest of the elders dare not impeach the elders in the past, you can know why the punishment elders dare to impeach the elders now!"

"That's right!" Wang Zaiye clapped his hands: "Because of cultivation, the cultivation of the great elder is the supreme realm. Although the rest of the elders have the same official position as him, their power is very different. Because he dares to be angry and dare not say anything to the elder. Since he dares to move the earth on Taisui now, it is naturally because He Jiang has a way to subdue Wang Zaiye!"

Wang Gui nodded and turned his eyes to the high platform: "I think we'd better retreat a little before it's safe. Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be a full martial arts performance in a while. If we want to run, we won't have a chance!"

In the noisy sound, the position of Wang Gui and Wang Zaiye did not attract anyone's attention. Because most people still turn their eyes to the high platform and want to see the changes of the elders on the high platform.

Only at this time did the elder stand up. As soon as he raised his hand, he immediately became silent under the originally noisy platform: "Yes, the judge is right. Today, the old man is no longer suitable to preside over the meeting, and the meeting will be carried out by the trial elders. After saying that, the elder looked at Kong Ying: "Judge, please announce the process of the meeting!"

"Good!" Kong Ying nodded: "The meeting is expected to be divided into three parts, and the first part will be identified by the criminal elder. The second part was refuted by the elders. The third part is voted by the elders to pass the impeachment. Do you have any opinions?"

"Everything is arranged by the elders!" He Jiang immediately got up and said that he had no opinion.

"I have no problem with it!" When He Jiang looked at Kong Ying, his meaningful eyes made the elder's heart thump inexplicably. There is a vague feeling of a bad feeling. However, the elder did not have any panicked look.

The meeting is still long, and there is a free time after each process. This is also the rule, so if something really happens at that time, a ray of incense will be enough for him to solve it!

"Oh!" As Kong Ying rang the bell in person, Elder He Jiang stood up. The magic in his hand was pinched, and a spiritual charm was sacrificed by him. This spiritual charm is the most common record spiritual charm in the world of cultivation.

As the spiritual charm was crushed by He Jiang, pieces of images and words flew out. These images record the experience of the elders selling treasures. And those words are lost treasures in the library. As soon as the two were compared, sharp-eyed people saw that the treasures that disappeared in many of the warehouses appeared in the list of treasures sold by the elders.

Suddenly, there was an uproar in the field, and everyone's faces showed anger. Jungle Town has always been a collective. Everyone does business together, and the money earned is sold by the city owner, and the spiritual stones obtained are distributed according to their work.

In the past hundred years, they have been getting less and less money. However, there are more and more goods on the list of items sold by the elders. Where is the extra money? At this time, even a fool can guess!