Immortal Divine Realm

Chapter 315 Tears

And this is exactly what makes Yang Huang happy, these things proved by He Jiang. It's not fabricated out of thin air, but it's true.

is an amulet that they have secretly collected a long ago to save their lives. Even if they are afraid that one day the elders will suddenly be in trouble, they will have the capital to fight for their lives.

This is not the information held by one or two people, but the sum of the information held by the seven elders who rely on Yang Huang.

A text, a couple of picture scrolls. The bandits under the audience were sweaty and their eyes were red.

The results of my hard work with study and sweat were taken by the elders to enrich themselves. And the amount is so large that they can't imagine it.

Almost half of the property in the city's treasure house was emptied by the elders, but they still thought that the reason why they had been poor in the past two hundred years was due to the inaction of the city owner.

Now they have figured it out that the jungle town has been established for thousands of years. The first and second city owners are the sons of heaven. Leading them to fight, I don't know how much wealth they have accumulated.

And when the city owner soared, it was impossible to bring the treasure to the upper world. This shows that the treasure house in the city is not only rich, but even the city owner's own property.

Needless to say, all of these must have been swallowed by the elders.

Seeing this situation, the elder has been motionless as a mountain. His eyelids finally couldn't stop ** twice, but he didn't expect it. He Jiang was able to collect so many materials alone.

And you don't have to suspect that these materials are fake. You just need to take the list and compare them with the treasure house in the city. Which goods originally existed but are now missing can be found out immediately.

No matter how stupid He Jiang is, he will not lie about this point. Naturally, those bandits also know this. That's why I'm even more angry. Because the list issued by He Jiang is likely to be all true.

In this way, in the end, the loss is still those who are the younger brothers.

The display of documents and images took a long time to completely end. The atmosphere in the field has been suppressed to the extreme. If the elder can't refute it, then there is no need to say.

Even if he can stay here with power today, he must have completely lost his heart. It is even possible that because of this change, the whole jungle city will collapse and completely go to the verge of destruction.

"What do you have to say about these evidences!" Reaching out and grabbing the jade charm in his hand, He Jiang sneered and saw the elder: "I really want to hear your opinion!"

The elder sat on his throne, motioning, and the surprised expression on his face had already been hidden. Hearing He Jiang's inquiry, he smiled faintly and then said, "It's really difficult for the criminal elder to take so much effort to steal my accounts and secretly record them when I trade!"

"Accounts?" He Jiang's face changed: "Liu Dele, what are you talking about, what accounts!"

"Hmm!" The elder brushed his sleeves and stood up: "I said that your documents are just my transaction records. But what can it explain? Buying and selling treasures in the city is my duty and right. Is it because I bought and sold treasures that I should be impeached? Are you kidding?"

The elder asked one after another, but people have stepped to the front of the high platform, raising their hands and showing their majesty: "I know what everyone is wondering about in their hearts. Treasures have been sold. But your regular money has never been small, and it is distributed to everyone in full. Can I fake this?"

The people under the stage shook their heads, but the elder's sentence did not lie. It's just that everyone doesn't like it in their hearts. It's good to send money, but it didn't grow at all two hundred years ago.

Not to mention the true practitioners, who will not complain about the 20 years of not long wages in the secular world?

"Hmm!" The elder snorted coldly, "I know what you think. You think this money has been greedy by me, so I haven't raised the money for you?"

Seeing that the bandits under the stage did not make a sound, the elder said loudly, "What I have done is clear, and the mediocrity of the former city owner is obvious to all. The reason why I sell treasures in large quantities. It is also to meet the sudden situation. After all, the spiritual stone is the foundation of everything. If there is a sudden change in the city, those treasures are garbage and have no effect. Only a large number of spiritual stones can reverse the universe!"

As soon as the elder opened his mouth, he said righteous words. He shaped himself into a leader who planned everything silently for the jungle town.

This vivid performance is indeed worthy of applaud. Because at this time, many bandits nodded thoughtfully, and the anger on their faces also faded.

However, such a performance only won He Jiang's sneer: "It's really wonderful! Elder Liu, since you said so well. Then I also have a question, where is the spiritual stone you got from selling treasures? If you really want to be good for the city, those spiritual stones should be in the treasury. Don't tell me that you deliberately carry those spiritual stones with you for their safety?

"Hmm!" The elder glanced at He Jiang and asked, "Penal Elder, please pay attention to your identity. I am the elder. Since I followed the first city owner, I have been assigned power to be responsible for the entry and exit of all the precious stones in the city. No one can interfere. What do you mean by these now? Do you want to exceed your authority? Or do you want to ask about the location of the spiritual stone, and there is another plan?

"We naturally respect your rights!" He Jiang was not fooled, but waved his hand at the bandits under the stage: "But we also have our rights. All the precious spirit stones are brought back by us with blood and sweat. Although they are now under unified control, they still belong to everyone. If everyone mobilizes the right to ask the Presbytery to identify whether the treasure house is intact, there is no problem!"

"Yes, we need to see if the treasures we exchanged with our lives are still there and whether the number of spiritual stones sold by the treasures is correct!" A man immediately answered and saw that he belonged to He Jiang's camp. It is an existence arranged in advance. Otherwise, unless any thief thinks his life is too long, he will want to fight against the elders.

However, He Jiang's arrangement is obviously of great significance. The first person became the first bird, and the matching sound immediately sounded from all directions.

No one wants to be a fool and be fooled again. It's better to see what they see. If they see with their own eyes the correct number of spiritual stones, they will be placed in the warehouse. Then all the questions are naturally Yan Xiao Yunshan, and He Jiang's impeachment of the elders has become a joke.

Hearing the call of the people under the stage, He Jiang showed a meaningful smile: "Big Elder, how about it? You may be old and weak, but we can ask the elders!" After saying that, He Jiangxin walked to the elder of the trial: "Judge, please tell me. Is there such a law in our city? When the eight-layer bandits in the city choose to jointly enforce a certain right, that right will be implemented regardless of size!"

Kong Ying was silent for a moment, looked at the excited crowd under the stage, and then looked at the uncertain elder, and then nodded: "Yes, there is indeed this right. Nowadays, people on the eighth floor of the field have to check the treasury and determine the number of spiritual stones. At this time, the rights should be proudly implemented!"

He Jiang immediately laughed and said, "Have you heard Elder Liu? This is our right. It's not like you said that you want to seize power and rebel! Now everyone unanimously requests to check the number of crystal stones in the treasury. I think Elder Liu, why don't you do it convenient for you!"

"What did you say?" Liu Dele glanced at Kong Ying, and his mind sent another message. Relying on his only supreme cultivation here, he is not afraid that others will be able to give him a glimpse of his thoughts.

But I don't know how much perseverance Su Mei and He Jiang need to endure without laughing.

That message was naturally easily intercepted by Taoism and taught directly to Yang Huang. Yang Huang glanced slightly and immediately smiled.

The elder said in the message that he asked Kong Ying to help delay the time. He gave Kong Ying 16,000 spiritual stones as a reward. Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and the old fox finally panicked.

However, 16,000 Lingshi easily took out his hand, and it is enough to imagine how much he has been greedy over the years. You know, there were only 100,000 of the six spiritual stones passed to Yang Huang on the street.

16,000 spiritual stones were placed in the burning cave, and Changyun wanted to take them out and give them to others. I'm afraid it's like digging his meat, but the big elder can take it out quietly. This made Yang Huang more and more curious. He didn't know what the background of this elder was.

"I got it!" Finally, Yang Huang gave the order faintly. No matter how small the fly is, it is still meat. There is still a long time, and there is plenty of time for the elder to spit out his family. Moreover, the requirements of the elder are not high, but just let Kong Ying delay the time. In this way, the elder will inevitably return all the spiritual stones to the treasury, which is equivalent to handing them to Yang Huang in disguise.

Kong Ying got the order and immediately smiled and pressed her hand: "Yes, elder, since everyone is excited to let go of your power, you must also implement it. What do you have to say now?"

"Liu has nothing to say!" The elder shook his head: "Since the elders of the judge said that there is this law in the city, we should obey it. However, it is not a joke to check the treasury. Do I think we should take some protective measures?

Kong Ying nodded thoughtfully: "What the elder said is also reasonable. Since I am the host of this conference, then take the courage to make the decision. Give the elder half an hour to let you come to the array protection, and then you can take us there yourself. Everyone can only witness from afar, and the real exploration is completed by the elders. What do you think?

"You..." Hearing Kong Ying's words, He Jiang's face flashed with murder, and he said hatefully, "You are favoritism. For half an hour, who knows what he is going to do? I'm not convinced!"

"Do you not accept it?" Kong Ying raised her eyebrows and said, "Then let the elders raise their watches!" After saying that, Kong Ying was the first to raise her hand and said, "To be on the safe hand, let the elder prepare for half an hour. Raise your hand!"

After Kong Ying finished speaking, the three elders who supported the elder immediately smiled and raised their hands. Orchid mother-in-law and Su Mei also immediately supported. Suddenly, the number of votes prevailed and won.

The elder finally showed a rare smile, as he thought. Kong Ying is still relatively normal. He is not afraid of Kong Ying's greed. In fact, as long as he is given a chance to breathe, he will continue to sit in the position of the elder. Soon, he was able to gather the spiritual stones and rise again. So what can he do if he gives all his family money to Kong Ying?

Now it's just a formality, and the real drama is still in the final voting stage. As long as Kong Ying can support him at that time, everything is fine.

"Then Liu said goodbye first!" Liu Dele raised his hand to Kong Ying with satisfaction, but he stuffed a purse into Kong Ying's hand.

Kong Ying handed it to Yang Huang and opened it. Sure enough, there were 10,000 six-grade spiritual stones in it. She casually returned the spiritual stone to Kong Ying, indicating that she deserved it.

Suddenly excited Kong Ying almost knelt down on the spot, and the 16-pin spiritual stone was definitely a blushing and heart-pounding number. However, these are no longer attractive to Yang Huang.

100,000 time crystals can now be produced in a day in the three-legged round furnace. What is the value of 100,000 time crystals? Measuring it with six-grade spiritual stones is equivalent to at least 10 million six-grade spiritual stones. If you want to switch the time in the three-legged round furnace with the real time, that is to say, if Yang Huang spends a day in reality, he can get the equivalent of 100 million spiritual stones.

100 million spiritual stones poured into the world of cultivation, enough to flatten countless mountains. Even the people of the burning cave can't escape the fate of destruction.

So this 16-grade spiritual stone has lost its role for Yang Huang. The reason why Kong Ying was excited was just because she had just entered Taishang. When her state is stable, he can make 300 six-grade spiritual stones and 10,000 yuan a day, which is just a month's retreat.

The elder arrogantly took his men to "arrange the formation" and left only He Jiang and Kong Ying. He wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh, and he was extremely hard.

However, in the eyes of everyone under the stage, it seems that He Jiang and Kong Ying are killing each other with their eyes, and for a while, different versions have been circulated. I think Kong Ying will definitely stand on the side of the elder this time to maintain the balance of the city. Therefore, Elder He Jiang is likely to empty the bamboo basket. On the contrary, he will completely offend the elder and force the elder and Kong Ying to the same camp.

Aside from the trial hall, there was a lot of discussion among the crowd. However, after the elder left the judgment hall with three supporters, his face immediately became gloomy.

The three supporters around him were also shocked by his murderous spirit and did not dare to talk nonsense.

"It's been too long!" At this time, Liu Dele sighed leisurely: "I haven't taken action for so long that others will forget my nickname as a smiling ghost. I only remember that I am an unknown elder in a jungle town.

An elder next to him is also a crane-haired childlike face, named Cao Zhen, who is a hardcore supporter of the elder. As soon as the elder opened his mouth, he immediately understood the meaning and couldn't help saying coldly, "The elder is so kind that you have always regarded He Jiang and Kong Ying as their backs. For them, most of them are partners, and there is not much participation in the fight between them. It's just that when the two of them are children, they are playing mischievous. I didn't expect that He Jiang was so ignorant that he would pay attention to us!"

"Hmm!" Liu Dele waved his long sleeves and said, "If the child is not good, he will spank. You don't need to persuade him this time. After this matter is over, I will deal with him and teach him an unforgettable lesson. Now let's put back the spiritual stone we took out!"

"It's the elder!" The three nodded together, but there was inevitably a trace of physical pain on their faces.

As the saying goes, it is cool under the big tree, and the three of them follow the elders. Naturally, there are many benefits. The whole jungle town has not known how many goods have been robbed for thousands of years, and the number of selling them into spiritual stones is amazing.

Liu Dele eats meat, and naturally has soup for them to drink. Now everyone drinks a bulging belly and wants to spit it out again, which is naturally very uncomfortable.

Liu Dele's beard looked up: "You have lived for thousands of years, do you still need me to teach you how to do it? Don't you know the current situation? Later, the bandits from all over the city will come to watch. There are only many spiritual stones and treasures in it. More, that's how I govern. If one piece is missing, even if it's not me. It will also say that I have no way to manage and deprive me of the right to manage the treasure house alone!"

"He dares!" Cao Zhen's neck was blocked: "The right to take care of the treasury is the first city lord personally appointed to the elder. Who dares to deprive it?"

"It's just not through the past!" The elder shook his head: "Lao Cao, the glorious era that belongs to us is over. Now the stability we can seek is already booming. Naturally, they dare not deprive them of the management of the treasury. But there are countless ways to supervise us. For example, they require the other ten elders to have the right to supervise, and they can check the treasury at any time when in doubt. Do you think such a requirement is excessive?

Cao Zhen was stunned and thought for a while. He shook his head and said, "Now we don't even have the city owner. Naturally, it's up to the side with many people. Even if Kong Ying's little bitch will help us, she will never let us a lot. To put it bluntly, they are all enemies, and none of them is a trustworthy friend!"

"I never did!" The elder sighed leisurely: "This situation reminds me of the time when our jungle town was just established, which was really a hot-blooded age. Unfortunately, we are old. Even if we still have a life span of tens of thousands of years, our hearts are already early and we can no longer kill!"

The three elders who follow the elders are all old people who have grown up with the jungle town. Naturally, there is no doubt about the feelings for the jungle town. At this time, when I heard Liu Dele's words, I couldn't help but feel sad and burst into tears.