Sky Robbery

Chapter 61 Claw Dragon

After escaping for his life, Zhang Yuan looked at the fierce beast in astonishment. At this time, he looked a little embarrassed. He never thought that he could not defeat a fierce beast. Zhang Yuan even doubted, "Is his cultivation reduced?" Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan shook his head.

Lan Qier was fighting fiercely with the fierce beast. Seeing that Zhang Yuan almost died in the mouth of the fierce beast, she reminded him, "Little brother must be careful. The fierce beast is an ordinary fierce beast. It is a rare ground claw dragon in the cold and wilderness. The claw dragon has thick skin and strong bones. If you fight by brute force, it will be difficult for you to kill it.

After hearing Lan Qier's reminder, Zhang Yuan said secretly, "No wonder I tried my best to kill it several times." After learning that he was facing the ground claw dragon, Zhang Yuan not only did not panic at all, but showed a relaxed smile, because it showed that his cultivation had not declined.

The claw dragon was seriously injured by Zhang Yuan several times. At this time, it had already taken Zhang Yuan as the object of hatred.

After a short period of stagnation, the ground claw dragon attacked Zhang Yuan again. Knowing the power of the sweet potato dragon, Zhang Yuan did not want to resist it. He observed the claw dragon up and down, trying to find the opponent's weakness, and then kill it. After careful observation, there was a soft skin under his abdomen. The weakness of the abdomen must be its fatal point. Zhang Yuan thought to himself;

The distance of the ground claw dragon's rage attack is getting closer and closer, and after thinking about a good strategy. Zhang Yuan's back is facing the ground and his face is facing the sky. With a movement, the whole person stood up close to the ground claw dragon quickly. This attack method is called the ground mantis, and the ground mantis is most suitable for fighting under thousands of horses.

The claw dragon grabbed Zhang Yuan on the ground. In its attack, it used five attacks at the same time.

Zhang Yuan was as light as a swallow. He shook his body and dodged the deadly claws. After avoiding the attack, it has rolled under the belly of the claw dragon. His whole body's spiritual power was stimulated to the limit, and the spiritual sword accurately pierced the weak part of the ground claw dragon's abdomen. The claw dragon made a dull sound, shook its body a few times, and then fell to the ground feebly.

After killing the ground claw dragon, Zhang Yuan did not stop. He continued to kill countless fierce beasts with his sword. From time to time, the people who were far away looked back at several people who were fighting fiercely with the fierce beasts. Their lives at this time depend on the victory or defeat of these people.

After a fierce battle, the worst situation appeared. Some fierce beasts bypassed several people and went straight to the people in front of them. A fierce beast rushed into the crowd first, several people were trampled to death on the spot, and several people were knocked high into the sky.

"Ah, help!"

Countless people were scattered, and Yi Yun hurriedly rose into the air, dozens of feet away, and then sent out a sword to kill the fierce beast that rushed into the crowd. Zhang Yuan was fighting with the fierce beast and suddenly saw casualties among the people. He abandoned these fierce beasts and quickly rushed into the crowd. Kill the fierce beast that ran into the crowd.

A fierce beast is rushing to a child. The child was so scared that he covered his face with his hands and let out a heartbreaking scream. Zhang Yuan suddenly appeared in front of him and jumped to avoid the deadly attack of the fierce beast.

After the fierce beast fell into the air, it roared and attacked Zhang Yuan. The strength of this fierce beast can be said to be the lowest among all fierce beasts. Zhang Yuanling's sword shook and killed it easily.

The people were scattered, and many fierce beasts rushed into the crowd one after another. Looking at this chaotic scene, there was nothing they could do. In everyone's look, they look powerless.

No one dares to do their best to kill the fierce beasts in the crowd. If they try their best to kill the fierce beasts that run into the crowd, it will cause manslaughter. But if you don't do your best, it is difficult to kill the fierce beast, so everyone is in a dilemma.

Several ground claw dragons are besieging Lan Qier. Lan Qi's ice sword emits extreme coldness, and countless floating dusts are solidified by the cold air of the ice sword.

In the face of the powerful and ferocious ground claw dragon, Lan Qier was powerless for a moment. Every time she hit the ground claw dragon, she could only leave a deep injury.

The more injured the ground claw dragon was, the more crazy it became. Several ground claw dragons jumped more than ten meters at the same time, and Taishan pounced on Lan Qier like a top.

The ice sword and snow tsunami, and the mountains and rivers roared at a ground claw dragon. This claw dragon itself jumped high in the sky. Sometimes hit by the roaring ice sword of mountains and rivers, it suddenly became like a blown stone.

Rolling dozens of meters in the air, the earth trembled, and the bones on the ground claw dragon made a few cracks. After staggering and standing up, the ground claw dragon roared and attacked Lan Qier.

Seeing that the ground claw dragon was killed dozens of meters by herself, a trace of surprise flashed in Lan Qier's eyes. She also knew that the ground claw dragon was difficult to kill, but who would have thought it would be so difficult.

Flying a claw dragon, the remaining few bodies are still undiminished, and the huge body is still like the top of Mount Tai. Lan Qier flew back a few meters, far away from the pruning of the ground claw dragon. These ground claw dragons went crazy early and could not allow Lan Qier to escape easily. Lan Qier flew up in the air and saw the ice sword waved for a while, and several cold sword spirits went straight down in the air. These sword spirits in the air penetrated deeply into the back of the claw dragon.

Gu Jin and several disciples were fighting for a claw. Several of them cut fiercely at the claw dragon, but in any case, they could not hurt its key point. The ground claw dragon had a burst of forgiveness and bumped into Gu Jin's forgiving. Gu Jin turned over in a panic. When he stood fixed, a few fierce beasts rushed up behind him.

These fierce beasts were far less powerful than the ground claw dragon. Gu Jin's long sword stabbed out, and a fierce beast immediately fell down. Several other fierce beasts stepped on the bodies of their companions and attacked Gu Jin.

Gu Jin didn't have time to give in for a moment and was knocked out a few meters away by a fierce beast. Gu Jin only felt a burst of pain, and then his body couldn't help throwing a few meters away. Before he stood up, more than a dozen fierce beasts stepped on him again. If you are trampled by so many fierce beasts, it is a lie not to die.

Gu Jin rolled on the ground at high speed without thinking about it. Every time he rolled out half a meter, the hooves of these fierce beasts stepped half a meter away.

Seeing that his life was imminent, Gu Jin shouted, "Brother Zhang Yuan, come and help me."

Zhang Yuan was chasing and killing the fierce beast that ran into the crowd, and suddenly heard his brother calling for help. He looked back and saw Gu Jin rolling on the ground, and behind him, countless fierce beasts chased him and stepped on him.

Seeing Gu Jin's life on the eve, Zhang Yuan abandoned the fierce beasts in the crowd and went to rescue Gu Jin. The lives of the people are of course important, but compared with the people in his Nine Sword Palace, of course, they are important to the people of his sect.

Many people saw Zhang Yuan abandoning them, so they shouted one after another, "We still have fierce beasts here, and we also have fierce beasts here." After shouting several times, several people were immediately bitten to death by fierce beasts. Countless people shouted and rolled all over the ground. Unfortunately, no matter how dangerous their lives were, Zhang Yuan did not care much.