Sky Robbery

Chapter 62 Loss of Fighting spirit

Gu Jin's surroundings are full of fierce beasts. He doesn't even have a chance to stand up. Many fierce beasts have only a few inches away from him. If there is no one to rescue him, he can only be trampled to death.

At this critical moment, Zhang Yuan held a golden light spiritual sword and suddenly appeared beside him. Zhang Yuan's sword was like a rainbow and strong. He split it with a sword and suddenly felt like heaven. The sound of wind and thunder is leisurely, and the strong and invincible sword spirit is like a rolling thunderstone. Several fierce beasts were bloody and separated on the spot.

After killing the fierce beast, Zhang Yuan reached out and helped Gu Jin up. Gu Jin stood up with a gray face, looking very embarrassed and funny.

"Be careful behind you!"

Gu Jin hurriedly reminded that a claw dragon stretched out its sharp claws and quickly drew it back to Zhang Yuan. Gu Jin knew that he would repay his kindness, and Zhang Yuan saved him once. Therefore, he pulled away behind Zhang Yuan and wanted to repay his kindness. In the flash of lightning, a strong and invincible spiritual power quickly bombarded the ground claw dragon dozens of meters.

It turned out that Yi Yun saved the two. As early as Gu Jin's crisis, Yi Yun came to help, but Zhang Yuan arrived one step earlier, so there was this shocking scene.

Yi Yun's spiritual power was much stronger than that of Lan Qier. The ground claw dragon, which was bombarded by him, lay on the ground and struggled several times. He barely stood up behind him. The ground claw dragon made a rustle sound all over his body, and then his huge body fell down weakly again.

You two pay attention to safety," Yi Yun said;

"Thank you for your help," Zhang Yuan said gratefully.

After saving the two, Yi Yun flew into the crowd. Several fierce beasts that ran into the crowd were killed by Yi Yun's sword. All the fierce beasts that met Yi Yun, without exception, were killed in one move. Even if the ground claw dragon meets Yi Yun, it is not a combination enemy. With one move, even if it can't kill the ground claw dragon, it will make it impossible to get up.

Gu Jin said with admiration, "Brother is really awesome. A ground claw dragon, several of us attacked repeatedly and did not kill it, but the senior brother killed it with only one move.

Gu Jin just sacrificed himself to protect himself from the disaster, so Zhang Yuan now treats him as a brother. Zhang Yuan said gratefully, "Thank you, Brother Gu, for sacrifing his life to protect me just now."

Gu Jin said, "You saved me once, so I should also save you once."

In the sky, I saw a black cloud floating, flowing black clouds, making a lot of noise. Wherever the clouds pass, the light below becomes dim.

"The bird is coming!"

Zhang Lu shouted; because she wanted to watch Xiao Wu, Zhang Lu did not participate in the battle. She has been at high altitude,

Hearing Zhang Lu's shout, Zhang Yuan looked up and saw that the tide-like birds were flying here.

Gu Jin opened his mouth and said, "Oh, my God! Before the fierce beast was driven away, the birds came again. How do we deal with this? How do these people live?"

Countless people were even more panicked when they saw birds coming all over the sky. Some people even lay in the grass and wanted to lie down. But as soon as they lay in the grass, they were trampled or bitten to death by the fierce beasts in the rear. The scene was chaotic and beyond everyone's ability.

"Yi Ya"

Several birds fell down from the sky, grabbed several people and disappeared into the clouds. People were frightened. Hundreds of birds fell down from the sky at the same time, and countless people shouted from below. Some people were stunned by this situation on the spot.

Yi Yun roared, and several ten-foot-long air waves beat out like an air wall. In the air, after a fierce turbulence, layers of space ruptured. Hundreds of birds died on the spot, some were swallowed up by space cracks, some were killed by sword gas, and some were gas. The waves shook to death.

Lan Qier was fighting against the fierce beast. After she suddenly saw countless birds appear, she gave up the fierce beast to kill the birds. Because compared with the two, birds cause more casualties.

The ice sword shocked the flying snow all over the sky, and countless snowflakes, just like thousands of small swords. After a burst of snowflakes floated, countless birds fell like raindrops. In a short time, the bones of countless birds piled up on the ground.

Although Yi Yun and Lan Qier did their best, because there were too many birds, many people were still caught by the birds and flew away.

Zhang Yuan looked at the scene in front of him and saw some people fall and stand up again, and some people fell down and could no longer stand up. Some birds grabbed people and went away, and some birds grabbed people and threw them down from the high sky. Seeing this, his heart was angry and cold.

It snowed, and the snowflakes in the sky slowly floated down, and there was the sound of the wind and tsunami. Is it really snowing? Is it June snow or cold snow?

With only a sigh of forgiveness, a woman shouted, "Yue Xue." Lan Qier slowly rose into the sky, her eyes were slightly closed, and the ice sword slowly fell from her hand to the ground. After a soft sound, the ice was deep in the earth.

At the moment when the sword went deep into the earth, several high snow peaks rose out of thin air, and there was a roaring wind on each snow peak. Countless blizzards rolled out of the peaks.

Lan Qier's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened. When she opened her eyes, countless snow gathered towards her, and Lan Qi flicked with ten fingers, and thousands of snowflakes formed thousands of swords. Thousands of swords circled back and forth in the air as if they were controlled. Such a huge killing array is rare for Zhang Yuan.

After thousands of swords circled and flew several times, there were countless bird corpses piled up on the ground. At Zhang Yuan's feet, a few bird corpses were also one foot deep. The sky and the earth were clear, and the blue sky and white clouds reappeared again. In the air, only a few hovering birds could be seen occasionally. After a burst of mourning, these birds spread their wings and flew to the distance.

Lan Qier spit out a mouthful of bright blood, and several snow peaks that were originally snow-white had become red. Lan Qier is like a dead leaf in autumn. Her lonely body slowly falls from the air. As she lands, the snow peaks around her burst for no reason. Countless ice cubes fell from the high peak.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still. At this moment, everyone forgot to breathe.

A shout broke the still time. After shouting, Yi Yun ran madly to the place where Lan Qier fell.

The originally clear sky passed by in a short time. After Zhang Lu shouted, countless birds flew to the sky.

Although the number of these birds is not as large as the previous batch, their fierce strength is far more than that of the previous fierce birds.

I only heard Zhang Lu shouting; "The tiger bird is coming, and there are many tiger birds in front of me."

"Tiger bird" is a very ferocious bird. Any bird is dozens of times stronger than most birds. More importantly, this bird likes to live in groups, both in and out.

At this time, Yi Yun put all his thoughts on Lan Qier. He did not hear Zhang Lu's shout at all. Seeing that Yi Yun had lost his fighting spirit, everyone's morale suddenly fell.