Sky Robbery

Chapter 139 Coffin

Under the translation of Glaxiang, the leader nodded repeatedly to express his understanding that the deadline of the alliance was getting closer, and the people of the Big Star tribe all showed excitement. This meeting alliance was held in the big star, which shows that the future reputation of the Big Star tribe will far exceed that of other tribes.

When the deadline was only two days away, the leaders of the Eastern Emperor tribe of the Baiqi tribe and the Chuanli tribe came first. The Baiqi tribe was originally close to the Daxing tribe, but the other two tribes were far away, and Tuobaya politely entertained the three of them.

Although the Baiqi tribe once had many deep feuds with the Daxing tribe, Tuobaya had to fulfill the responsibility of a master at this time. Strangely, Zhang Yuan suddenly disappeared three days before the League. The three leaders have been asking to see Zhang Yuan, but Tuobaya has been refusing on the grounds that the gods are practicing.

Only one day away from the League, hundreds of leaders came one after another, and each leader brought dozens of warriors. This has ruined the leaders of the Daxing tribe. It's really a big blood to entertain so many people.

In order not to make jokes in the future, Tuobaya had to endure the pain of slaughtering sheep and cattle. Although the loss was great and a lot of cattle and sheep were killed, none of the people of the Big Star tribe were unhappy.

A hundred miles away from the big star tribe, several leaders sat on the grass to rest. A leader cursed and said, "Bah, what is the Nine Sword Palace? He wants us to arrive in half a month. Will we arrive in half a month? It's really beautiful. We are sitting here, but we have to play for a day to see if he can get us. Well, I, the people of the Haya tribe, don't respect any gods.

Another leader said, "What is the Big Star Tribe? It is far less powerful than my Tom Tribe. Even if it is an alliance, it must be held in my Tom Tribe." These leaders sat motionless like this. They were determined to be late on purpose.

After several people rested for a long time, a leader stood up and said, "Leads, let's get up and go. I heard that this god is very terrible. If he has a bad temper, maybe we will be unlucky." After saying that, the leader is about to leave.

The leader of the Tom clan and the leader of the Haya tribe said, "Ta Na, you are a coward. If several of us are late at the same time, what can he do? Can he kill us all? Each of us can take dozens of warriors. At that time, as long as we raise our arms and shout, more than 100 tribal warriors will go together, I I don't believe that I can't kill him alone."

The leader of the Tom clan said, "I heard that the purpose of this alliance is to never start a war."

"Bah, idiot, what can he do if I want to start a war?" The leader of the Haya tribe said:

The leader of the Tom clan said, "Don't worry, I have contacted many tribal leaders. As soon as I take action, they will immediately kill the god first, then kill the warriors of the Big Star tribe, and finally grab all their girls." Speaking of this, several people laughed treacherously.

Tana wanted to leave, but was hindered by several other leaders. In desperation, he had to stay where he was. Far behind several people, a man in white stood in the wind, and the content of their conversation all came to the ears of the man in white. The man in white was Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan once said that anyone who is late for the date is dead, but he is not a person who likes to kill. In order to find out the situation of the people moving forward, Zhang Yuan has been flying on the green grassland for three days, observing various situations of the leaders who came.

Tuobaya walked around anxiously in a tent. Zhang Yuan did not come back for three days. He was very worried that if he didn't come tomorrow, he was afraid that countless leaders would lead people to attack his tribe, and then his big star tribe would really perish. Glaxiang stood behind him without saying a word, but Glaxiang's face did not look anxious at all.

Suddenly, a figure outside the tent flashed, and a man in white appeared out of thin air. Seeing Zhang Yuan's arrival, Tuobaya showed a very happy and relaxed expression. As long as Zhang Yuan is here, even if the alliance is not negotiated, there is no danger for the Daxing clan.

After seeing Zhang Yuan coming, Tuoba Ya said a lot in a row. Obviously, there is little anxiety in his words. Glaxiang translated, "The leader said that tomorrow is the date of the alliance, but many tribal leaders have not arrived. Do we need to extend the alliance time?"

Zhang Yuan stood in the tent with his hands on his back and said nothing. The leader and Glaxiang saw that he was thinking about something and didn't dare to disturb him. After thinking about it, Zhang Yuan said, "Tomorrow, call the men of your clan to cut down all the mountains and forests in the back mountains, and then put thousands of wooden coffins under the meeting platform. Casually told the leaders of all ethnic groups that the date of the alliance was postponed by one day due to the construction of the coffin.

After saying that, Zhang Yuan strode directly out of the tent. Graxiang stared with big eyes and said no words for a long time. The leader hurriedly asked him what he said. After Glaxiang told him what Zhang Yuan said, the leader suddenly stood unsteadily and shook his body several times.

Graxiang hurriedly held the leader and said, "It seems that the gods are going to kill. Thousands of coffins will kill thousands of warriors."

Under the night sky, Zhang Yuan sat alone on the lawn, and his mood was very chaotic. Xu Min came to his side and sat on his side. Are you going to kill a lot of people? Xu Min asked:

After sighing slightly, Zhang Yuan said, "You can't suppress those disobedient leaders without killing. Only by killing chickens and monkeys can you suppress them and force them to sign a peace treaty."

Xu Min smiled and said, "In this world, without strength, everything is empty talk. Only by showing decisive killing and domineering can you complete difficult tasks."

Zhang Yuan said, "I didn't want to kill, but in order to make the people on the green grassland live better, I had to do something as a last resort."

After dawn, hundreds of leaders came to ask Tuobaya when to hold the alliance? Tuobaya said apologetically, "Leads, I'm really sorry. Today, because we have to build thousands of coffins, the gods decided to postpone the alliance until tomorrow."

"What? You are going to make thousands of coffins. What's the use of so many coffins? The leaders of all ethnic groups were surprised: Tuobaya smiled and said, "The coffin is naturally used to pretend to be dead."

After saying that, Tuobaya sneered again. Countless leaders, look at me, I look at yours. Everyone thought it was a wise choice not to be late. Thinking of tomorrow's killing, they sweated coldly one by one. The leader of the Baiqi tribe said, "I don't know if it's those idiot leaders who dare to be late. It's really stupid and long-lived."

A tribal leader asked, "Lead leader Bai Qi, I heard that you have seen the gods of the Nine Sword Palace with your own eyes. Is he really that powerful?"

The leader Bai Qi said unhappily, "If you want to know whether it's true or not, there will be plenty of opportunities tomorrow, but I remind you not to provoke him, or you will die."