Sky Robbery

Chapter 140 Strong Arrival

Under the order of the leader, all the men of the Daxing tribe held machetes and ropes and entered the mountain forest in the back mountain. In just half a day, they cut down all the huge trees in the mountain forest and made a coffin and put them under the Hui League.

Looking at a rushed coffin, the leaders of more than 100 ethnic groups were shocked and secretly glad that they were not late. Their expressions showed a wise choice. Except for the leader, no leader has seen Zhang Yuan, and they don't know anything about Zhang Yuan's temperament.

Looking at the coffin, the leader Bai Qi said happily, "Those late leaders are really idiots. Let's see how tragic they will end tomorrow." Speaking of this, Bai Qi's leader smiled schemingly, and he secretly made up his mind that if Zhang Yuan killed those leaders, maybe he would get any benefits.

Other leaders secretly discussed, "If the gods of the big star clan really want me to sign a peace agreement and swear never to start a war, will we never obey?"

Another leader said, "We will look at the situation before making plans." Signing a peace agreement is a good thing for those small tribes, but it is unacceptable for those big tribes.

Tuobaya looked at the leaders of all ethnic groups who were talking about it with a sneer. At this time, he felt more noble than any of these leaders.

Graxiang walked to the leader and said respectfully, "The gods called you," the two hurried to Zhang Yuan's residence and saw Zhang Yuan standing in the tent, while Xu Min took care of playing with an antique made of jade, as if the alliance had nothing to do with her.

Although Xu Min never asked about the League, the leader was still very respectful to her. The strength shown by Xu Min half a month ago was beyond the reach of his leader.

Even Tuobadan, the so-called first warrior of their clan from ancient times to the present, is not the enemy of this woman in front of him. A few days ago, Tuobadan wanted to try to support a few rounds under Xu Min, but before Xu Min took action, Tuobadan fell down.

After the two came in, Zhang Yuan said, "After thinking about it again, I decided to increase the original territory of your Daxing tribe by thousands of miles. From then on, your Daxing tribe will be the first tribe on the green grassland. In the future, you will maintain today's peace agreement and regulate the struggle between all ethnic groups. But you should always remember that you can't invade the territory of other people when you are strong.

Tuoba Yalianlian said, "Please rest assured, I will do my best to explain to me. Zhang Yuan took out a piece of jade and handed it to the leader and said, "There is my soul mark in this jade. If there is any special change, you can break it. Naturally, someone will come to help you, but this thing can't be used at will. You have to keep it well."

Under Glaxiang's translation, the leader was so excited that even his hand holding the jade trembled. He never dreamed that his tribe could become the first tribe on the green grassland. The wishes of his ancestors for generations have finally come true in his lifetime. Excited, he kowtowed repeatedly in the direction of Tuoba's ancestral temple, as if to comfort his ancestors, and his tribe finally waited for this day.

At noon the next day, the leaders of more than 100 ethnic groups gathered on the platform of the alliance. In addition to more than 2,000 warriors of all ethnic groups, there were also hundreds of coffins. The sound of the horn sounded, the sound of drumming the sky, and the flags of all ethnic groups swayed in the wind. The sound of drums and horns has been spreading hundreds of miles away.

A burst of dust rolled, and the hiss of horses appeared under the meeting platform with the shrill of the big star tribal warriors. Hundreds of knights ran around the meeting platform for a few times before stopping quietly. The whole meeting situation of the meeting seemed very serious, and no one laughed at all. Dozens of birds hovered in the sky of the Union platform.

After a period of turmoil on the earth, a hundred-foot-long golden sword spirit suddenly appeared from a distance. The source of the sword spirit seemed to be a place of communication between heaven and earth. The golden sword spirit that broke through the air hit dozens of birds in high school. After a dazzling brilliance disappeared, dozens of feet long fell to the ground one after another.

"bang bang"

After dozens of loud noises, all the birds fell to death. In the sky, these birds and feathers are also scattered. Hundreds of warriors of star tribes rode on horses and screamed, as if they were dancing for their gods. Looking at the corpses of the birds and countless coffins on the ground, more than a hundred leaders shared the same heart. They wanted to look at the situation before, and then negotiate with the messenger of the Nine Swords Palace, but at this time, the messenger did not seem to be a good person.

"The fairy arrived, and you will kneel down to greet him," a warrior of the big star tribe shouted: Tuobaya hurriedly walked down to his seat and knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing. The other leaders looked at me, and I looked at you again. Obviously, they didn't want to kneel down this so-called fairy.

The space changed, surrounded by dust and sand without wind, grass within kilometers, soft leaves stood up, and two men and women in white suddenly fell from the air. Their clothes, like drifting clouds, danced slowly in the wind.

Zhang Yuan slowly descended to the platform with Xu Min like a god. Those leaders who had stood couldn't help kneeling down, and even the countless warriors below couldn't help kneeling down.

The warriors of the Big Star Tribe are kneeling respectfully one by one, while the warriors of other tribes clearly show signs of struggle. Zhang Yuanwei's pressure suddenly increased a little. After a crackling sound, several warriors of other tribes knelt down weakly.

"Welcome the gods and fairies," the people of the Daxing tribe said in unison: Under the pressure of Zhang Yuan, those who were forced to kneel also said: "Welcome the gods and fairies," as soon as he appeared, Zhang Yuan was like reigning the world and all sentient beings submit. His powerful pressure does not allow everyone to resist at all.

After landing on the platform of the League, Zhang Yuan sat on the head seat of the League, while Xu Min stood beside him. Sitting behind, Zhang Yuan didn't say a word, and his deep eyes kept looking at the countless coffins below.

Seeing that everyone was still kneeling, Xu Min said, "Get up, you all."

"Thank you, fairy," everyone said in unison: the leaders of the Daxing tribe sat at the bottom right of Zhang Yuan as the master, and the other leaders sat down according to the size of the tribe.

More than a dozen positions in the front and middle are empty, each representing a leader, and nearly 20 of the 135 positions are empty.