Sky Robbery

Chapter 5 Party

Looking at Zhang Yuan, who was kneeling down, the palace owner Jinghong said, "Since you are willing to change the past, the sect will no longer pursue this matter. I hope you will remember your words."

Zhang Yuan kowtowed gratefully, and then stood up. The mountain main island owners looked dissatisfied one by one. Zhang Yuan made such a big mistake and at least had to punish him, but Jinghong finished it in a few words. Such a move made them very puzzled. Zhang Yuan also felt that the Jinghong palace owner intended to favor himself. The more the palace owner favored himself, the more his doubts about his life became more confusing.

Jinghong waved to the two, signaling that they could retreat. The two walked out of the hall respectfully, and Luo Xingfeng's first seat in the middle asked puzzledly, "Lord, Zhang Yuan made such a big mistake. Why didn't you punish him? Even if there is no heavy punishment, at least a few words have to be criticized. Other peak island owners also nodded and echoed.

Zing Hong sighed and said, "Some things, one day you will understand." After saying that, the figure of the palace master disappeared in front of everyone. Hearing Jinghong's words, everyone seemed to understand, as if they understood it, but they didn't seem to understand it.

After walking out of the hall, Lan Qier and seven people were still waiting outside. After seeing the two come out, the seven people hurriedly asked, "What did the palace master leave you for just now?" Yi Yun shook his head and said, "Because of the last time Zhang Yuan saved the female disciples of Jianhuang, the Haishen religion told the palace owner about this matter."

After hearing this, Dong Fei was so angry that he scolded the people of Haishen religion that they were not things. Yi Yun said, "Let's go to Jiujian City for a drink."

Dong Yuanqi was the first to express his willingness to go to Jiujian City. Huiyan scolded, "A foodie is so excited to hear drinking."

Zhang Yuan said, "I haven't met my eldest brother Pang Yu for a long time. I want to call him up with him." Yi Yun and others immediately nodded and agreed. Nine people strode down the Tianyi Peak. When they walked to the mountainside, Zhang Yuan asked Yi Yun and others to wait for a moment. He went to call Pang Yu and casually went to his room to have a look.

Zhang Yuan came to the door of the room and gently opened the door. This small room was given to him by the sect at the beginning. Now his cultivation is also a strong man in Yunxiao. The sect was originally intended to arrange a private courtyard, but Zhang Yuan refused. His requirements for accommodation are not high, as long as he can shelter from the wind and rain. The door of the room is gently pushed in, and the environment inside has not changed at all, which is still the same as before he left. On the bed, the quilts were folded neatly and the ground was clean and tidy.

Although Zhang Yuan has been away for more than a year, Pang Yu has been cleaning this room for him. On the wall, the painting is still there. The picture shows a mother walking on the green grassland with her child. The little boy pointed to the front of the grassland and seemed to be asking his mother something.

Looking at this painting that had accompanied him for many years, Zhang Yuan smiled melancholy. He slowly stretched out his hand and gently wiped away the invisible dust. After wiping away the dust, Zhang Yuan slowly tore off the painting. He was very slow for fear that he would accidentally damage the painting. After tearing off the painting, Zhang Yuan's consciousness moved and put the painting into the space storage ring. The palm of his hand seemed to touch something hard. Zhang Yuan took out the broken green vase fragments from his waist and looked at these small green vase fragments. He seemed to see Yu Li again. After a moment of hesitation, Zhang Yuan put the fragments into it again. In the ring.

After putting away all the memorable items, Zhang Yuan walked to Pang Yu's room. In the room, Pang Yu was sitting there drinking tea. His slow expression was extremely leisurely. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside. Pang Yu said, "Come in." Zhang Yuan pushed the door and entered. After seeing Pang Yu's leisurely look, Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "The eldest brother is the eldest brother. He will always be so leisurely. Since the day I came to the Jiujian Palace, you have been sitting in the room drinking tea every day. Now that three years have passed, you are still like this."

Pang Yu laughed and said, "Brother, you came just in time. We haven't seen each other for a long time. Today, I'll invite you to go to Jiujian City for a drink."

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "I'm here to buy you a drink. Brother Yi Yun are waiting for us outside. Brother, please go quickly." Pang Yu threw down the teacup in his hand. As Zhang Yuan walked out of the room, many disciples gave way to them. Looking at the familiar faces, Zhang Yuan smiled at them one by one.

Zhao Yan rode on a fire wolf and swaggered. When he saw Zhang Yuan, he hurriedly turned around. Once at Tianyifeng, many disciples were dissatisfied with Xu Min's good relationship with Zhang Yuan, so they sent a challenge to Zhang Yuan one after another. Zhao Yan was the first person to challenge Zhang Yuan at that time. At that time, Zhao Yan came to challenge Zhang Yuan with the fire wolf. Originally, he thought that with the help of the fire wolf, Zhang Yuan would undoubtedly be defeated, but in the end, he and the fire wolf were beaten by Zhang Yuan and ran away.

"Zhao Yan," Zhang Yuan suddenly opened his mouth and shouted: Hearing Zhang Yuan's voice, Zhao Yan shook his body with fear and almost fell down from the back of the fire wolf. He looked back at Zhang Yuan, and his pleading eyes looked pitiful and regretful. Your brother Fire Wolf seems to be much stronger than before. Zhang Yuan went on to say: Seeing that Zhang Yuan had no intention of bothering him, Zhao Yan finally showed a simple smile. At this moment, his irritable temperament became very good.

"Brother Zhang Yuan, Zhao Yan, apologize again for what happened in the past." After laughing, Zhao Yan said:

After smiling and nodding, Zhang Yuan and Pang Yu quickly walked forward. At the stone ladder, the eight people of Yi Yun had been standing there waiting for the two.

In Jiujian City, pedestrians come and go. This is the best and most prosperous town that Zhang Yuan has ever seen. Even if it is the Lingshan City, it is much different from Jiujian City. Walking on the lively streets, you can't see who dares to commit murder here. In the inn gathered in all directions, Zhang Yuan's ten people stepped in. When they went outside the wilderness, they also gathered here. Now a year later, everyone came here again and looked at the four big characters gathered in all directions. Yi Yun sighed, "Time is really fast. Everything is like yesterday."

Lan Qier said sadly, "Don't mention the past. It's rare for everyone to come out and have a happy meal together." After a wry smile, Yi Yun stopped talking.

Seeing the arrival of Jiujian Palace, the shopkeeper hurriedly came out to greet him and arranged a good seat for Zhang Yuan's ten people. As soon as ten people sat down, they heard those drinking people talking about the war outside the wilderness. Zhang Yuan and others don't know how many times they have heard this kind of discussion. At this time, they all feel bored when they listen to other people's comments.

After a while, the shopkeeper went to the table of Zhang Yuan with wine and vegetables. After putting down the wine and vegetables, the shopkeeper said respectfully, "There are still many dishes that have been ordered by guest officials that have not been stir-fried, but you are from Jiujian Palace, so our inn will prepare for you first."